Fading flasks

May 17, 2022 8:06 pm
It is a typical day in Waterdeep. It is springtime and the sun has just started to get a hold of the weather outside. It finally feels warm standing outside, but head into a shadow and you feel the chill.

Dean has just received a crate of new potion bottles directly from the glassblower. Now he and his father have to fill them. Once he returns to the store there is a nervous-looking human man. Cuse'me do you have one of those healing potions? My wife is about to give birth and last time she broke... down there. Without the potion, she would have been in really bad shape.

You take out the box of healing potions. As you do a Watchman burst into the shop. Potion of healing! Now, I have an injured watchman bleeding out!

You open the box with the 3 potions you normally have ready at hand. Two your father made, and one you did some weeks ago. To your amazement and horror, two of the potions have faded and contain some dark murky water. Only one of the potions has the red hue of vitality. What is going on? Once the healing potions magic has set it is good for decades, why did your father's potion fail and yours did not?
Who should have this one good potion?
May 17, 2022 9:02 pm
Without thinking twice Dean hands the good potion to the man whose wife is about to give birth, then he turns to the other one. Quickly, show me to the watchman, i know a bit of medicine and healing magic. hesitant to share one of his many aspirations out-loud he grabs his trusty set of thieves tools and follows the watchman, after dragging the both men out and quickly closing the shop before leaving.

Throughout the whole event hawk makes sure to stay next to Dean. Quietly accessing the situation.
Dean has both healing word and cure wounds prepped on the spell list.
May 18, 2022 7:39 pm
Dean is led to an ally where a guardsman is clutching his wounded belly.
Did you bring a potion? Croaks the wounded guard to his parther
This is the potion brewer, he can help
What ever just help me
How does Dean's artificer healing manifest? How do you heal him?
May 18, 2022 8:10 pm
Not wasting time lad kneels next to the man and begins to go through his tools...

Dean quickly finds the right tool for the job, if exactly the small mirror, he concentrates on it as he positions the mirror close to the body, in a position where it reflects the wound he begins to murmur a healing spell, drawing the power from within himself and concentrating on the mirror as Dean casts cure wounds.

The wound begins to visibly fade away, as if getting sucked into the mirror. With the fading wound the lad becomes visibly paler...
[ +- ] 1 Cure Wounds (Int)


Cure wounds - (1d8+5)

(3) + 5 = 8

May 19, 2022 3:32 pm
Mirror magic? I thought it was only the clergy who could close wounds. Says the guard that fetched you

The previously wounded guard gets to his feet.
Thank you young man. How do I repay the favour? Last time the cleric asked for church attendance and a small donation to the roof restoration. Bloody dull sermon. The
May 19, 2022 5:29 pm
Yes... Recently the new generations of crafters have started to study the basics of magic that would assist us in our craft. Even though most attempts are successful, the magic potential is still very limited if compared to the clergy... while explaining Lad holds his head, he hasn't used magic in a while, hence his body wasn't ready for the sudden pressure causing a headache. He thinks...Do i have enough materials to replace the potions at the shop?... Or any coin meant for them... What were the ingredients prices? before giving the guards an answer about his reward.
i as a player would like to know about these details.

Potion master Leopol


May 22, 2022 6:27 am
The wounded guard opens his coin purse and after rummaging around in it, he just hands it to you. It contains 14gp, 38sp and 12cp. This is what I have on me. I will surely come by later to purchase your stock of healing potions
Once again both of them thank you and they return to the watch garrison
The guard is not up to full health, but you took him from 1 hp to 9 out of 15
As you return to the shop, your father is sending customers away. Sorry folks, we are out of healing potions, we will begin brewing eminently.
Dean! Good you are here. Heat up the coldron, we have several orderes on healing potions and our stock is empty
Once you can have a quiet word together he asks you. What happened to two other potions? They look like mud water now
I don't think I have your fathers name
Potion master Leopol
May 22, 2022 8:55 am
I didn't give him a name, you can freely do so,like i did to Wilhelms mom and sister, usually the blanks are filled out by the GM... If the player doesn't do that trough roleplay.
Dean is taken aback by the sudden money-giving action from the guard, he does accept it tho with a confused Yes .... Thank you. he definitely wasn't expecting a reward.

He hurriedly returns to the shop and is startled by his father. Father, what do going on? Why are there so many people here? Is there another civil dispute?.... usually at moments like those the potions become quite sought after...

Dean probably gets dragged into the back-room where the workshop is located after father asks the question he scratches his head, disturbing the dark locks, and thinks out loud Honestly, i don't know, potions once completed are supposed to last for centuries....by the looks of it they have gone bad, been like that since the morning. I sold the last good one and then took off to help out the other client personally. Couldn't leave a man to die on the street now, could i? by the end of his explanation Dean is already at the caldron, pouring in the water and starting the fire. To begin the brewing process. Father, do we have enough materials for them? Do you know how many batches we have left? he asks with a serious manner Because of the whole morning event i didn't get to check the inventory.... If i will get sent to the market, i should look around with other brewers, maybe we even will be forced to raise the prices... he thinks while reaching for the needed ingredients... How are we doing on the rest of the potions?
May 22, 2022 11:00 am
While the base liquid of the potion gets to the proper temperature, you go through your inventory. You have 5 healing roots in stock. Both of you start the process of producing a healing potion.
I'm going with the house rule from the video
You have it all, both of you. Recipe, crafting space, the cure wounds spell and spellslot, kit, 5 healing roots, and brand new bottles. And 8 hours to work in.
Do you want to do anything during the 8 hours of potion production?


number of healing roots - (1d6+1)

(4) + 1 = 5

May 22, 2022 11:27 am
While brewing the potions, in the meantime Dean variates between tending to a rare customer, doing small repair work, people often brought their favorite or inherited piecies to the shop to be polished up or repaired, some even brought dull kitchen knives to be sharpened, or, if time allows, study a book, borrowed from the library, about the local useful wild-plantlife. After all, he believes that he should know about the plants he's working with.

While he's doing that Hawk stays at the shop area, alerting the owners about potential customers, despite the fact that they do have a bell attached to the doorframe.
May 22, 2022 12:30 pm
It is evening time and one of the last customers in asks for a healing potion. When he hears that you are out of stock, he mentions that this was the third shop he has visited that was out of healing potions.
You close up and it is finally time to fill the potion bottles. Each of you takes an empty bottle and pours the potion into it and cork it

You both look satisfied, but after a few moments, one of the potions loses its red lustre.

May 22, 2022 1:49 pm
Dean takes the bad potion and looks at it with bevilderment Interesting, what do you think Could be the cause of the phenomenon... Did you add anything extra to the brew?

Potion master Leopol


May 22, 2022 4:09 pm
You spend the rest of the evening going through the process

Recipe: The same, step by step your methods was identical
Crafting space: The same
The cure wounds spell. Also identical
Spellslot. You cast your spell, and your father casted his.
Herbalism kit, minor differences, but ultimately the same
5 healing roots, Same batch
Bottles. Your father used the last of the old bottles, and you used a new
8 hours of work. Nothing really
Potion master Leopol
May 23, 2022 1:37 pm
Come morning the two men exit the workroom sleepy... This is not the first time Dean had to pull an all-nighter, so he's doing alright, better than his father in many cases, it seems like the age of the old man is slowly getting the better of him, he leads the tired man to the second floor of their shop, the living area, and tucks him into his bed.

Then heads back down, makes himself some strong tea, puts the good potions away, before grabbing 200 gp out of the store savings to buy more healing root. I need more materials to find the cause of this... spoiling phenomenon... he looks at the time, the old mechanical watch he made for his father's birthday, out of scrap parts the shabby old thing holds many warm memories, hanging proud over the register.

It's 6 in the morning, he still has a couple of hours on his hands, so the lad packs his experimental brew, he didn't have the chance to test it yesterday, and one of the bad potions in his bag and heads to the Crafters guild. An issue like this should be reported... but i better keep silent about the specifics... after that he plans to head to the market to grab some more healing root, after all they only have 1 left ...
the experimental brew- resilience - +1AC for 10 min


Constitution save (exaution lvl1) - (1d20+5)

(16) + 5 = 21

Experimental brew - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Shady character


May 23, 2022 6:54 pm
You have 3 healing roots left
Shady character

Not long after you open a man comes in asking for a healing potion, but by his tone, he is not expecting to find one.
Your father explains that they have this one freshly brewed and the man is delighted and gladly pays the 75gp for it. Your father just raised the price by 50% and the man didn't blink an eye.

You head towards the guild. There is a large crowd outside, and the guild master is trying (and failing) to appease the masses. You gather at people have bought healing potions and now they have lost their power. Everythere in the city, healing potions have turned to bog water. Adventures, military, law enforces everyone have lost their healing potions. And a 50gp a bottle, there is a lot of angry people.
May 23, 2022 9:45 pm
Well running a shop with only a single extra batch of materials is risky business. there should be at least 2 more extra...(I take that 3 potions are a batch...)
Dean goes to the side of the building and enters to the back door, one of the Old crafters, his senior and teacher should be inside.... he goes looking for the old man. This may be way more serious than just a batch of bad roots....no joke the man didn't complain, he thought it was cheap.... though I am glad that father is not losing his skill...

The mechanical bird flies around Dean surveying the area from the above. Looking out so that nothing gets stolen from its owner.
May 24, 2022 8:55 pm
As soon as Dean enters the guildhall, he is directed to the basement. They need all the arms and legs they can get. They are doing inventory of the potions. How many have gone bad?
This could easily take most of the day.
Does he comply with the instructions or does he try to avoid the task. Persuation DC14 to dodge the responsibility without people getting annoid.
May 24, 2022 11:38 pm
The lad tries his best at wiggling his way out of the extra work, he has a shop and loads of projects of his own to dabble in...
I'm really sorry, but father has been feeling under the weather lately, i have no one else to look after him... knowing that staying longer won't answer any questions Dean scurries out, on the way back he buys 3 more healing roots reminding himself that people that don't solve problems get nowhere and heads back to the shop...


Persuasion - (1d20+2)

(16) + 2 = 18

May 25, 2022 6:17 am
In the guild
Whatever boy. All the healing potions have stopped working, and we need to know why. Says one artisan
And if any other potions are affected. We had a fortune down here Adds another.

At the herbalist
In the herbalist shop things are abnormally busy as well. People are wanting healing roots to make healing potions or looking for alternatives. But you are early and you can buy 21 at 15gp a piece. They normally cost 5gp


number of healing roots - (3d6+5)

(565) + 5 = 21

May 25, 2022 11:07 am
Dean sighs at the sight of the inflation...If this continues I better start learning herbalism myself.. he buys 6 roots for 90 gp, still having 110 from the store's founds left he returns to his store.

He greets his father at the entrance, return the 110 gp and puts the roots in the workshop. During a moment when the shop is empty Dean turns to his father. Theres quite an uproar in the guild, it looks like the problem is way bigger than a batch of bad roots. They're turning over the whole inventory...Then the market price of the roots rose 3 times, I bought 6, in case they get higher so I have enough to conduct some experiments together with you, I think I have a clue about the part that went wrong.... he thinks for a moment...Was his father able to cast spells? if yes what spells did he know?

From the side one could say that the problem has gotten the lad quite excited.
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