May 19, 2022 4:58 am
Hey folks, just found out about this site tonight and I am intrigued.
my bio: played a few old Avalon Hill games and then around 1981, buddy introduced me to AD&D. We played obsessively, obnoxiously, relentlessly, for several years. DnD, Traveler, Champions, Top Secret, Warhammer, you name it.
Then, pretty much a 25 year break. Married with children. A few board games and some online FRPgs.
When the youngest kids hit their early teens, played some games with them. About six years ago (same buddy) invited me to a new PF game a friend of his was starting. Played that for a few years, even GM'd my own PF game. Ran a few CoC games on the side. Buddy ran some DCC games, return to gaming glory days!
Then covid hit. Since then I've done some 1 on 1 games but that's about it. Life/family/work considerations have to take priority so play-by-post seems like something I need to check out.
I am a firm believer in the Rule of Cool but more importantly Rule -0-. I think the greatest part of RPGs, for me, is communal story telling. *Everyone*, including the GM ought to be having fun, otherwise what's the point?
my bio: played a few old Avalon Hill games and then around 1981, buddy introduced me to AD&D. We played obsessively, obnoxiously, relentlessly, for several years. DnD, Traveler, Champions, Top Secret, Warhammer, you name it.
Then, pretty much a 25 year break. Married with children. A few board games and some online FRPgs.
When the youngest kids hit their early teens, played some games with them. About six years ago (same buddy) invited me to a new PF game a friend of his was starting. Played that for a few years, even GM'd my own PF game. Ran a few CoC games on the side. Buddy ran some DCC games, return to gaming glory days!
Then covid hit. Since then I've done some 1 on 1 games but that's about it. Life/family/work considerations have to take priority so play-by-post seems like something I need to check out.
I am a firm believer in the Rule of Cool but more importantly Rule -0-. I think the greatest part of RPGs, for me, is communal story telling. *Everyone*, including the GM ought to be having fun, otherwise what's the point?