Dead Boarder

May 20, 2022 7:25 pm
The year is 1931. You live in Providence, Rhode Island in Ma Shanks’ Boarding House. Times are tough. The Great Depression means that immigrants and long-time residents, including you, are experiencing hard times.
You have all gathered outside the room of Mr. James Gardiner. He’s not been seen for at least two days and everyone is getting concerned for his well-being.
Ok, you all know each other, but can you describe yourself and any details the other tenants might know about you.
May 20, 2022 8:16 pm
Perry Greenwald is a "businessman;" what business he does never seems to come up. The times don't seem to have impeded his ability to dress well or feed himself, but he has been slightly more tense recently. You may know he has a reputation for being able to acquire just about anything, for the right price.
May 21, 2022 12:03 am
Lang's usual smile was tinged with uncertainty and concern as he nodded to the others, and he ran a brown hand over his wavy hair nervously as they all waited. His suit was a few years out of date but well kept, perhaps much like himself.

"When was the last time any of you saw James?" Lang asked tentatively.
May 21, 2022 1:19 am
Her heart was positively racing within her chest as she stood outside the door to Mr. Gardiner - James's - room. A young woman, fit and capable, graceful by most standards, her hand shouldn't be shaking as it was, her worry for James almost overwhelming her.

This felt wrong, didn't it? Entering his space without invitation. "Now," she says out loud to those gathered, a bunch of similarly-styled keys jangling in her hand, "We are not here to snoop. This is a well-fare check, that is all - out of concern for our dear friend, Mr. Gardiner." She takes a deep breath and reaches up nervously to ensure her long black hair was in order, tied up as she tends to have it.

"Not since two days ago, Mr. Du Bois," she answers the man pointedly, "I brought him coffee." Her lips, colored with smart-but-catchy makeup twinge with the hint of a smile at the memory. "Let's just agree, we aren't about to rummage through his things. You lot keep your hands to yourselves."
May 21, 2022 3:35 am
Lang looked visibly taken aback by Flo's admonition. He cleared his throat and said, "I just want to know if he's OK."
May 21, 2022 5:36 am
Florence scowls, "I-I know that. I'm not singling you out, Mr. Du Bois. It ought not need to be said, but someone had to say it." She lifts her chin in declaration, "We are only a like-minded group of friends and neighbors. I'm sure Mr. Gardiner is just beyond this entry waiting to shame us for our overabundance of worry."
May 21, 2022 6:00 am
Otto Schmidt looms behind the group as they talk at the door. A German immigrant and a widower, the tall man makes it his business to know what's going on in the boarding house. He works in a factory or warehouse on the waterfront, most of his neighbors think, and while he's not young Otto remains a physically imposing man with powerful, sloping shoulders and hands the size of small hams. There's some rumor he used to be a boxer, or a soldier.

"We should enter, ja," Schmidt offers in his accent to the group. "Find out what has happened with Gardiner. Find out what he's been doing in his flat."
May 21, 2022 2:39 pm
Sam is almost disappointed to see so many people when he approaches M. Gardiner's apartment. He feels even more disappointed noticing that Otto is here as well, even though it is not clear that it is because of his strong accent or his imposing stature. Sam himself is no joke as a fighter - at least he has this reputation. Even though it is not clear either exactly what he does for a living, he has been hanging around a long time with his sisters in the neighborhood.

"So, are we going in or not?" he asks, a little abruptly, while casting an awkward look at Florence, all the while trying not to betray his small eastern European accent.
May 21, 2022 3:35 pm
Mrs. Baker rattles some keys, finding the one for Gardiner’s room. Then, knocking once more just to be sure there is no response, the key is turned in the lock and the door is slowly opened.

From within comes the lingering smell of candles, long since burned out, and something sickly-sweet and copperlike. Looking in, you see it. Framed in the shafts of sunlight streaming through gaps in the curtains. A body!
The body is lying on a tarpaulin, stretched out on the floor. You can see blood. The man’s body and clothing are covered in blood. It looks as though he somehow fell over from a kneeling position. The body is wearing a green tweed coat and a brown sweater-vest—the clothes Mr. Gardiner usually wears. It must be Mr. Gardiner!

The scene is shocking. His head has been mutilated by knife cuts.
Time for Sanity checks! Sanity Roll (1/1d4 loss)
Roll 1d100. Get under your sanity and you succeed, only taking the first digit indicated, fail and you lose the higher amount.

Your investigator’s Sanity points can rise and fall. Sanity is used to determine whether your investigator can withstand witnessing various horrors, as well as stand up to fear-inducing situations, without turning tail and running away. The loss of Sanity points can lead to insanity.
May 21, 2022 5:14 pm
Perry's head snaps away, and his hand comes up to cover his eyes. "Good lord! What in the devil happened here?" He forces his eyes back to the scene, his fingers shaking. "Who could've done this? Did the building get any visitors...?" His eyes widen. "How was the door locked? Did they escape out the window?"

Last edited May 21, 2022 5:26 pm


Sanity (60) - (1d100)

(77) = 77

Sanity Loss - (1d4)

(3) = 3

Secret Roll

May 21, 2022 5:28 pm
An unpleasant scowl marks Otto's face as he enters the room. It looks like someone got tired of the man's chanting and praying... got tired of it and put a rather permanent end to it!

"Murdered," the man says simply, moving towards the body carefully. "You see? Cuts on the head. A terrible thing!" Checking around the room, careful not to step in blood or anything else unseemly, Schmidt looks for the murder weapon, or anyone who might still be hiding out...
Or anything else of interest. Otto's Sanity drops from 50 to 49.
Last edited May 21, 2022 5:34 pm


Sanity Check (50) - (1d100)

(32) = 32

May 21, 2022 6:14 pm
"Jim?!" Lang shouted, his eyes riveted on the ghastly scene. He'd seen dead bodies far worse than this during his childhood in the South, and hoped he'd never see any more apart from in his nightmares. Lang walked carefully beside the body to see if he could recognize Jim's face under all the slashes.
Baby's first SAN check!
Baby's first SAN loss! 50 => 49.
Last edited May 21, 2022 6:18 pm


Sanity Check (50) - (1d100)

(48) = 48

May 21, 2022 7:15 pm
OK, anyone that failed the check will be momentarily dazed, allowing others to push their way into the room. Although we're not in combat , we'll deal with this in Dex order, as we would with initiative.

Otto 80
Sam 55
Florence 50
Perry 50
Lang 40
May 21, 2022 7:16 pm
A kids voice comes from the top of the stairs, "Ma? What is it ma?" , it's Tommy, the landlady's son.
May 21, 2022 7:33 pm
"Oh, dear God," Florence says, a hand raising to cover her gaping mouth as tears begin to sting her eyes. "James-"

The sound of her son's voice steels her against the sight of the dead man, that lovely man. "Tommy! Honey, don't you dare come down here, you go on and play now!"

She resists the urge to move into the room and steps back, looking up the stairs to meet the boys eyes - to put the fear of God into him lest he come downstairs.
Florence takes 1 point of sanity damage.
Last edited May 21, 2022 7:45 pm


Sanity (60) - (1d100)

(20) = 20

May 22, 2022 8:37 am
Tommy looks down at his mom for a moment but when he realises she's serious he disappears back to his room.

Otto barrels past everyone and into the room first.
May 22, 2022 8:42 am
Everything is in order in the room, except for the body on the tarpaulin. There doesn’t appear to have been a fight in here. The furniture is upright and there are no bloody footprints. The only unusual trappings sit on the floor, in front of the corpse on the tarpaulin: a piece of blood-stained paper lies between two black candles, which have both burned down to their stubs.
Inside the room, going clockwise from the doorway, are: a wardrobe, bed, nightstand with lamp, an ornate bookcase that divides the room into two living areas, a window, a small table set in the corner (with two chairs and another lamp), a fancy upholstered chair, overhead
cabinets built into one of the walls, and another table along the wall to the left of the door.
The room is large enough for six people to move around, even as they step over the body; having more than two people in the sectioned-off bed area would make it crowded, since the bookcase is positioned to make this more of a sleeping alcove.
May 22, 2022 8:49 am
Otto takes a look at the body without getting too close. Gardiner appears to be dead. There is a deep cut, freshly made, around the head, as if a knife has traced a spiral from the crown to the neck. His clothes are blood-soaked. As his shirt is unbuttoned, strange marks on his chest are also visible. The blood is dry, suggesting this all took place some days ago.

Ottos scans around for the murder weapon.
Let's have a Spot Hidden roll Otto
A note on skill rolls
All skill rolls have Regular, Hard, and Extreme difficulties - indicated by the numbers on each skill on your sheet.

If a roll is failed, that player has a choice:

• They can push the roll (perhaps taking more time to undertake the task—justifying another attempt); although if they fail a pushed roll the outcome will be worse (e.g. they could end up getting covered in blood, and so on).
• They can use Luck points to adjust the die roll to make it a success but they cannot use Luck points to adjust a pushed roll.

With regards to luck, rather than rolling you spend points from it to get your score to where it needs to be. These points are not recovered during gameplay.
May 22, 2022 12:32 pm
Like everyone, Sam stops in his tracks when he sees the dead body. "Jeez... Who could have possibly done that?" he asks himself.

As soon as he recovers from the horrible sight, he tries to discreetly look at what other people are likely not searching at first: the wardrobe and the wall-mounted cabinets. He stays away from the corpse for the time being.


Sanity check (50) - (1d100)

(34) = 34

Sanity loss - (1d4)

(1) = 1

load next

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