The librarian leads your floating gantry sideways, then
forward among the shelves. As you advance, you notice a steady and growing glow of pale greenish light. At first it appears to be about a hundred yards ahead of you. You approach it at a walking pace, and in a moment you are there.
In medieval parlance, a "moment" is one 40th of a solar hour, or the time it takes to walk one hundred strides.
"There" is a floating desk, ornate with scrollwork and raised carvings of people and other things perusing shelves and reading books. Behind the desk, a massive creature reclines in a tilted-back chair that rests on and against nothing visible. The creature's bare, clawed feet are on the desk. Two of its four web-fingered hands are folded across its bare paunch of stomach. The other two are wrapped behind its head. It has skin like a toad, the body of a gorilla, and the head of a bear. It is snoring.
Mag!" hisses the librarian urgently. "
Wake up!"