Call for Submissions

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Sep 15, 2022 12:24 am
Responses have been sent out. If you submitted a story but have not heard from us about it, please contact either of us and we'll look into it right away.
Sep 22, 2022 12:52 am
Anthology Update

We've responded to everyone who submitted, and asked for confirmation that your story is still available. If you haven't responded, please check your email (and possibly spam folder) and let us know.
Oct 10, 2022 11:21 pm
Anthology Update

We're slowly receiving the contracts back, and sending out suggested line edits to those stories. For the few of you who have not yet returned the contract, please let us know if you have any questions, and check your spam folder if you haven't seen it yet.

We're hoping to have the bulk of the edits done by the end of October, which gives us November to build the anthology and finalize the copy. Aiming for an early December publication date.
Oct 11, 2022 1:35 am
Woot! Looking forward to it.
Oct 28, 2022 2:35 am
Contracts have been signed by all the authors. Line edits of the stories have been sent to all the contributors (with grammar and other suggestions). We're hoping to receive the last of those stories back in the next couple weeks. Meanwhile, we're busy finalizing the stories that have already come back with those final edits, and preparing the book itself. We've even chosen an order for the table of contents! We've designed the cover, and am working with our artist to realize that vision.

The pieces are slowly arranging themselves into a reasonable facsimile of an actual book! We're still hoping to have it published for early December, in time for the gift-giving holiday season.
Jan 19, 2023 9:44 pm
It's alive!!

What's alive? The anthology of course. After working with the authors, receiving their stories, getting signed contracts, editing those stories, and discussing their stories with them, then obtaining biographies and inspirations, we managed to get the book into working shape in December. We set up a royalty sharing site for the contributors, and that took us into January to get all in place.

This week, we prepared the ebook versions, and have those published on: Apple Books, Kindle, Kobo, Nook, and Pubshare.

It took a little bit longer, but we also have the paperbook available, on Amazon storefronts around the world. Here's a link to the US store and the Canadian store.

If you buy our labour of love, we'd love for you to review it on your retailer choice. Reviews tell Amazon in particular to push their internal marketing efforts into overdrive, and so each review is more precious than you would otherwise believe.

We hope you enjoy, and thank you to all the wonderful authors who participated. A special thank you to my lovely wife @Thielindra who did the heavily lifting on the editing of these stories.

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