The adventure was epic. *
High stakes, engaging and captivating.
Adam's DMing was epic. *
Maps, animated overlays, use of mood-setting music, beautifully and smart formatted posts - you name it. The ol' bloke did it all and then some.
My fellow players were epic. *
Don't get me started on those dudes' RPing. Being the least experienced of the bunch, I was never left out of the loop.
Their tolerance while I was struggling to keep up exceeded my expectations.
Same goes for my gif/meme addiction over the discord.
@Edmund_Balworth , @KoldikSteelskin , @SJoyner72 , Wings fly together.
I've had some good experiences around, but this has been EPIC! There were times we were simultaneously biting our nails over on discord.
@Adam , I'm
SOOOO glad I nagged myself into the campaign. You're bloody great mate.