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Jun 16, 2022 5:39 pm
HeroAmongMen says:
Hi Everyone, I am very excited to play in this game. The setting looks fun.

I wanted to try a human monk/fighter character. His name is going to be Lee Roose, and he hails from a small monastery devoted to the god of physical prowess. Lee started as a kid that fought to suppress the sadness he felt from losing his family. He focused and became a proficient pugilist. Eventually, he came to blows with a monk of the order, and he got his ass handed to him. This led him to want to train with this monk, and others like him, and eventually he took upon him their oath and credences.

I envision this god being similar in ideology to Irori from Golarion.
Hey DM, I submitted this character, but I wanted to see if there are adjustments you would like me to make before you accept the concept, or if I should create a new concept.
Jun 16, 2022 6:15 pm
seems good - proceed
Jun 16, 2022 6:34 pm
I added another Character "Shattered Handout" where I will add details for your quick reference. Maps of the area, NCP descriptions, the current job board (quests), etc. You should be able to access it form the Characters link at the bottom of the page as well as a popup character button under the rolls section. Let me know if you have any trouble or if there are things you would like added.
Jun 17, 2022 4:23 am
So we have
Sirocco Ranger/Wizard GeneCortess
Marwin Goldenriddle Artificer timplausible
Tyllin Clearwater Cleric LauraChiGio
Jax Fighter Ausmaster1000
Klim Wizard Ausmaster1000
Wilbar Wilbar Togglepot Fighter/Rogue tutu
Lee Roose Fighter/Monk HeroAmongMen

Looks like you guys will be ready to take on the hoard. Good Luck?!?!

I will be off the next couple of days but will try to catch up on Sunday and looks like we will get it really moving next week.
Please do take a look at the House Rules and vote on the mapping options poll.
Jun 19, 2022 9:01 pm
Poor boy! Shame my destroy water cannot dry him again 😂. Oh well, it is a sunny day.
Jun 21, 2022 12:52 am
My life will be busy for the next 3 weeks. I'll be posting, but maybe not every day. I'll do my best to keep up.
Jun 21, 2022 1:33 am
Thanks for the heads up.
Jun 24, 2022 6:06 pm
Is it possible to find out what type of beast or creature it might be from the plants?
Jun 24, 2022 9:05 pm
That is possible, a nature roll is how you try. The difficulty of the roll is set by familiar and evidence etc. You have heard the boat men talk a bit but the area is different from your native land so it will be a bit difficult. Jax, Klim, and the boatmen have been here a while so your can also ask them for more info
Jun 24, 2022 11:42 pm
As we are just getting going I going to give the weekend for any more reactions to this scene then move into its resolution Monday
Jun 28, 2022 1:26 pm
I added time and status, black bar on left, when you expand the Handout.
First letter of each players name is next to a check box. If it is checked they are done for that round.
Ex: currently waiting on LauraChiGio and tutu to resolve the surprise round
Jun 28, 2022 10:33 pm
Even if Sirocco is very kitty like Charm Animal doesn't work.
Last edited June 28, 2022 10:35 pm
Jun 29, 2022 12:52 am
Ok @tutu has been inactive for 11 days now. Rather than waiting I will do a DM push later today and hopefully they will be back in the game later.
Jun 29, 2022 2:54 am
Question: What do the beast attacking us look like. I can't seem to find it.. grrrr...
Jun 29, 2022 2:59 am
The first attack was in the main story thread here
Jun 29, 2022 4:25 am
Heads doesn't do much for me for understand what we are facing.



Jun 29, 2022 4:31 am

here ya go
Jun 29, 2022 6:08 am
Jun 30, 2022 3:12 am
Been out of touch for a few days. Looks like Marwin's turn hasn't rolled around yet though, so hopefully I haven't held anything up.
Jul 1, 2022 11:46 pm
just an FYI - I noticed the custom character sheet uses the first field of the line on roll table for the title and I had the skill table not set up for this. I revised it in Rev 4. If anyone need help with swapping this on their character sheet I can help.
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