Chapter 16 - X marks the Spot

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Jun 24, 2022 5:32 pm
They climb up the stairs to Monster HQ.
Jun 24, 2022 6:02 pm
Logan walks over and closes the curtains and then faces the others. Rolling up his sleeves Logan shows Al and Johnny the tattoos. I found a picture of Ramon at the nursing home. In it he had these tattoos on his arms. I had a drawing of them, but the birds attacked me and stole it. Logan shows the new scratches on his arms as proof.
Jun 24, 2022 6:05 pm
"Oh wow, so you think these are what kept the grim reaper away from Ramon?", Al asks. "Maybe you can draw them on our arms as well. But only after we made the new map and got the birds to steal it!"
Jun 24, 2022 6:37 pm
Pretty sweet set-up, Logan. Johnny liked around, admiring the space devoted to monster hunting. Your house is enormous! He picked through the things Logan had on display from earlier escapades.
Alana may be right. Did you have a copy of those "tattoos" on your arm when you were attacked? he asked. That guy that runs the weird store might know if it takes more than just the design to work.. Johnny put down the trinket he'd been looking at to face the others. I mean, like, back in the day my people used to use tattoos a lot but they had to be applied in a certain way, with certain kinds of ink, on special days and by certain people to mean anything. If it's a "magic tattoo" maybe that's the case, maybe not, but I'd feel better if we had a BB gun or a tennis racket to help ward off those birds.
He shrugged, Either way, it's worth finding out if Ramon's trick will work. I can draw the design on you two if one of you'll draw it on my arms. Now, we just need to figure out where to fake the location and draw it in our new "map"...
Jun 24, 2022 7:01 pm
No, the original drawing was on a scrap of paper. When the birds attacked they took the paper with them. So I figured to draw them on my arms this time. Logan says as he answers Johnny.

Looking at Johnny as he looks around, L9gan pointed to the folders on his desk. If you like that stuff, you'll like my file system. One set of folders details the cases we've done. The other set is filled with monster lore. I've been working on the Lore set for a while.
Jun 25, 2022 7:34 am
What the adversary knows:

-where you all live.
-location of Eddard's shop, and that he seems to be your ally.
-the last 2 clues, connecting the Emerald Creek Bridge to the Cemetery.
-that Ramon had tattoos (spied from the Logan-twins conversation).
-that there is a photograph of interest at Sunny Haven (spotted Logan copying from it)
-the tattoo lettering (from the note stolen to Logan)
Jun 25, 2022 8:12 am
Once Johnny is done inspecting the monster HQ, Al spreads out the map on the table. "We should cover the windows so the birds can't see us!" Then she draws the one sword that they know Solomon knows about. "Now, we need to come up with some point along that blade that we want to lure him to!"
She points to one point on the map. "Look, the line goes almost right through this house? What's in there? Maybe we can make him think that's where he has to go!"
[ +- ]
Jun 25, 2022 10:26 am
The other ends of the sword have to be somewhere believable. We don't know that he hasn't seen us before the bridge and the cemetery... Johnny traced the points on the map looking for interesting entries along the line. The Ferris wheel should be right here.and it should be the first point.since that's where we first found a map. Let's find the second point...

He stopped when Alan noticed the line running through Logan's house, We'd be on familiar ground but I'd hate for this guy to wreck Logan's house because we brought him here unnecessarily. I think another, unoccupied, public space would be better.
Jun 25, 2022 10:34 am
"This house" wasn't referring to Logan's house. Just to the house Al is pointing at
Jun 25, 2022 11:05 am
If one were to mark a new axis on the map so that it connected the [Ferris Wheel suggested by Johnny] to the [house that Al is pointing at], this new axis (in blue) would run like this:

Along this blue axis, there is a church landmark to the North of town that could act as a 'fake clue'. So the fake sword to triangulate to Alana's house of choice would connect [Ferris Wheel] to [North Church].
Jun 25, 2022 11:08 am
As they are discussing clues and map locations, they hear a knock at the Monster HQ door. His Mom's voice calls in.

Bethany, L's Mom
"You OK in there, Loey? Just wanted to check on you... People are reporting some... crazy birds attacks in town?"
Jun 25, 2022 11:10 am
"See, that works out perfectly! A church is totally a believable place for this clue!"
Jun 25, 2022 12:01 pm
That'd work. Johnny agreed. A church hits all the marks we'd need for a fake place to find a fake treasure.. The sudden appearance of Logan's mom startles Johnny for a second before he realizes who it was. He put his hand over his chest, feeling his heart thump, Oh? What kind of bird attacks? he asked, partly to cover his jumpiness and partly out of curiosity.
Jun 25, 2022 2:00 pm
to be clear, the church is a convenient landmark to use as the 'hilt' of the fake sword axis.
The actual building that sits where the two axis cross (i.e. where the treasure would be) is unknown. You can see where it is, but have no clue on what it is.
Jun 25, 2022 2:06 pm
Yes, that was my plan. Though it would be nice if we could figure out what the house is...
"Mrs. Logan's mom," Al says to the woman, ignoring her question. She points at the house on the map. "Do you know what this is?"

Bethany, L's Mom


Jun 25, 2022 2:24 pm
Bethany, L's Mom
Hearing Johnny and Al's voices, Bethany opens the door.
"Oh. Didn't know your friends were here too..." she enters.
" Are you all OK? Precinct called to warn there have been reports of some dangerous attacks by crazed birds... There is at least one very serious injury. Sheriff's going to make a TV announcement tonight."

She leans over the map Alana is showing her. " Let's see... Hmm. Just south of the railroads. I don't recognize what it could be... "
Jun 25, 2022 3:33 pm
Logan stands there with his friends as his mom walks in. Do you know who was injured...Will they be all right? We've noticed birds pretty much everywhere.
Does Logan'smom know about the bridge and Logan getting attacked there?
Jun 25, 2022 3:56 pm
Alana was the only one to inform her Mom, for fear of losing Ripper rights the day after. We can assume that both Logan and Johnny kept this secret from their families, managing to hide the cuts on arms and legs with clothing. The few facial cuts, they invented some excuse for.
Jun 25, 2022 4:00 pm
Just wondering, I didn't remember if he did or didn't.

Bethany, L's Mom


Jun 25, 2022 4:14 pm
Bethany, L's Mom
"Remember Josh Harris, the Tattoo guy? The poor man was attacked by... crows, or something. Right outside his shop. It was vicious... They think Josh has lost his sight..." she braces herself, shivering at the thought.
Logan knows Josh Harris as the one Tattoo artist in town, running a small Tattoo shop near the Strip
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