The Grinder BelowEsidrix: Jasen, Josen, Wyna
Redwhippet: Duri
Orobu: Victoria, Hekem, Lorna
Hekem stands in the way valiantly, however his small size proved to be nothing compared to the towering muscles of the Tangled man. He charges like a demon and both hits connect at the same time.
A crunching sound accompanies two bodies hitting the floor.
Hekem falls to the ground, his head caved in from the side, the hit killing him instantly.
The Tangled Man falls as well, hit into his knee. He lets out a roar of pain, which can be heard by everyone in the grinder, chilling the blood and making the bones shiver. He then raises back onto one knee, prepared to dish out punishment to those who encroached into his domain!
Meanwhile, in the corridor to the north, Duri still fights the young Curwen. The boy's resolve is visibly shaken and he makes a poor attempt to hit the dwarf, which is easily repelled.
"Allen!!!" Eliza Curwen suddenly jumps between the two fighters, kneeling next to the dead body of her husband,
Let's say that Eliza broke the engagement between Wilbur and Duri - this would mean he can retreat safely.
He doesn't have to though and if he wishes to attack Eliza, he most certainly can (even though attacking a grieving pregnant woman may certainly have repercussions upon his soul!).
New round, @Redwhippet you're up!
Redwhippet: Duri
Esidrix: Jasen, Josen, Wyna
Orobu: Victoria,
Hekem, Lorna
Enemy NPCs (Wilbur Curwen, the Tangled man, Eliza Merritt)
[ +- ] Status tracker
The Tangled Man - 2 points of damage
Hekem Bekem - 6 points of damage - dead!