The Arwich Grinder

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Jun 19, 2022 2:57 pm
Autumn slowly approaches upon the small town of Hillkant. Situated on a trade route crossing the foothills of a low mountain range, this settlement sees its fair share of merchants and visitors, which grants both the town and its resident families grand prestige in the eyes of the villages nearby.

Hillkant has a single tavern, known locally as The Falling Men, and you are gathered there one evening, drinking and talking away the vexations of another day’s labor.
Shortly before dusk, a Very Large Man stumbles through the door to collapse on the floor. The strange humanoid is not tall, he barely tops five feet (1,5m), but he is of enormous girth, seemingly equal parts fat and muscle. His arms and legs are so short in comparison that is a wonder he could walk at all.

He is naked and with no obvious sign of a wound, yet he did not move an inch after crashing through the entrance. His skin is pasty white, like it never felt the touch of sun, yet something colorful resides in his arm.

The man is not moving, who shall be the first to respond?
Since this is DCC, introduction of the characters is purely voluntary, I recommend playing Hillkant citizens though. If the characters come from a different village or town, they should have a reason to go and risk putting themselves in danger for the Curwens.
Jun 19, 2022 5:29 pm
Being the skittish type, Jameson 'Slim Jim' Macky stood from his meal with a stifled gasp, recovering quickly to check his gear with an inspection of his hands about his own person, and placing a hand on the pommel of his longsword. It was more of habit and self-soothing than expectation of something worse to come, as his curiosity swiftly takes over and he approaches the body.

Jameson was new to Hillkant, a mercenary-type, slim as a bean-pole but with a wiry strength to his build. He is young, barely a grown man, but carries himself well, and though his gear is aging, it is well-carried for, and his kit is kept tidy.

He dare not yet speak but in the momentary stillness attempts to determine if the rotund person was truly deceased. In a hushed tone his voice crackles. "D-does anyone know this... individual?"
[ +- ] Slim Jim
Last edited June 19, 2022 5:47 pm
Jun 19, 2022 5:49 pm
A good few moments go by, before Aldwing the Innkeeper breaks the silence with a string of curses best not repeated.
"Hell, I don't even know if that thing's a human proper! Wake up you, what are you doin' here?"

The pale man does not respond.
Jun 19, 2022 6:28 pm
Hearing the barkeep's bark, the young man frowns further. He had a sinking feeling in the pits of his stomach, his left hand wring gently against the handle. After another moment of consideration, Slim Jim reaches out with the fork still grasped in his left hand and pokes the body. "I... I think he's done for!" This surely wasn't good. Whoever, and whatever this man was, he seemed solidly out of consciousness regardless. "Where is the Watch?" His fright was being controlled by a desire to keep himself together. He didn't see a wound, but squeamishness and modesty kept him from wanting to turn the body over.
Jun 19, 2022 8:15 pm
Mother Breadwife had seen much in her time. She had grown up in the village of Hellkant and even so this was an unusual spectacle to be sure. She had been quietly sipping her evening wine cup with the girls from the local farms and village but even they were not prepared to see this pale man toddle straight in and to the floor. Quickly she rose to her feet and grabbing a large table cloth rushed to wrap the man.

You there she barked at some men get this fellow to a fire side to warm up. Get some water! and with that began to rub down the man for warmth with the tablecloth.
[ +- ] Mother Breadwife
Jun 20, 2022 12:39 am
Placing the fork on someone elses table, Slim rounds the naked dwarf getting out of the way of the men attending to Mother Breadwife's command. He backs off and looks over to one of the few people he's met so far in this town. The one promising she'll find a big job soon. Her name is Victoria and she has a way with words. He follows behind to group to the side so he can see the door, his boyish features sinking into the shadows of those gathered around the fire.
[ +- ] Slim Jim
Jun 20, 2022 12:52 am
She didn't move when the man came in, but she paid close attention to who each managed themselves. Her new friend was a touch quick, but she was happy enough to let the young man stand between her and a commotion. Mother Breadwife was someone Victoria knew, and probably vice versa. Victoria was an incorrigible scamp and depending on the talk a bit more than a handful. This was not the moment to hash out idle talk, thankfully, but when the older woman spoke up she made sure to stay in the back and let the busybody handle it.
[ +- ] Victoria Verrelli
Last edited June 20, 2022 12:56 am
Jun 20, 2022 9:11 am
As Mother Breadwife rushes forward to check on the man, she soon realizes that all efforts to save him will come in vain - life has left the stranger in the moment he set foot in the tavern.
Still no wound can be found, however Mother notices deep marks around the man's neck, almost as if something was attached around it for a long time. Once his mouth slacks open, it can also be seen that the stranger's tongue has been cut out, probably a long time ago, since the wound has already healed.

"By the gods," Aldwing gasps and points at the colorful thing hidden in the man's grip, "that's Bessie Curwen's bonnet! She was wearing it when she came with her father for a bag of salt!"
Sure enough, the Very Large Man clutches a blue-white bonnet decorated with embroidered roses.
"He must have come from the Curwens. What in the name of Hell could be happening there?!"

In the meantime, the city watch, made of a few retired caravan guards, is nowhere to be found.
[ +- ] The Curwen Family
Jun 20, 2022 12:09 pm
To'Mas, squire to the land and in search of a chance to prove himself was sitting in the back watching the events play out. Upon hearing about young Bessie, his desire... for adventure, was stirred. He stood and moved towards the doorway.

"We must gather a company to travel to the Curwen's and check on their safety."
Jun 20, 2022 1:46 pm
Seifi, is there a preference? Should we be lumping all our characters into 1 post?[/i]
Lorna Handson, a quiet sort, was drawn to the The Falling Men for a drink with Victoria, an associate and friend of sorts. Seeing the itty-bitty glimmer in Vicky's eyes, Lorna knew that quick-off the evening would devolve into schemes. The two dark-haired, unmarried woman were different in nearly every other way. Upon hearing of the certainty of the Dwarf's death she stood from the table where Slim Jim, Victoria, and she had sat. Inspecting the wound around the man's neck and grimacing with the other over the missing tongue, Lorna stepped away.

Slim checks on Lorna first, have just met he but already feeling a sense that he should be protecting her. The young man looks to Victoria who was gathering her items to leave, and then to To'Mas and nods before looking around the room. "Who else will come? We should gather light first."

Victoria was packed, her dagger checked, and a quality cloak wrapped over her shoulders. "The Curwens saved Hillkant before, haven't they?" She had seen the Curwens plenty, but never really had a chance to check them out. "Least we could do, right?"
Last edited June 20, 2022 1:47 pm
Jun 20, 2022 5:50 pm
I'd say lumping them in one post makes the most sense, yes.
Jun 20, 2022 8:56 pm
Gauwalt, 'Walt' to his friends, looks up from his card game at the man who falls onto the tavern floor, "Not looking so good that one," he says to the table. The thin gambler looks at the man with his dark, calculating eyes, "A silver says he doesn't make it until Kari finishes her pint."

Kari knocks back the pint that Mother Breadwife has recently pulled for her. "Too late," she belches. "Besides, that's losing bet for anyone," Kari says as Mother Breadwife makes her proclamation about the state of the man and the bonnet. "The Curwens, aye, I know them. They have helped me a few times with growing a particularly tricky strain of mushrooms." Kari waits for the hub-bub to die down, wanting to order another pint as to not let her dwarven heritage go to waste.

Cynwe puts her cards down, more concern on her face than Walt or Kari have shown for the situation. "The poor thing, he looks to be in quite the state. I did a reading for the Curwens not too far back, and there was an ill omen. Perhaps this trouble is what it was predicting. " the astrologer says, flicking back a long braid of hair as she takes the chance to try to see the gambler's cards. "I can help, they tip well and have always treated me kindly."

Tiny, the fourth member of the card playing group, nods in agreement. "Indeed, I'm for helping the family if they are in trouble. I cut the lads hair when they come into town, and kind boys they are." He looks down at the dwindling pile of coins in front of hom, "Besides I think Walt has taken enough of my money for one night."
[ +- ] Spoiler
Last edited June 21, 2022 1:20 am
Jun 22, 2022 8:16 pm
Odric the woodcutter turns to his drinking buddy Adric. "Well you don't see that everyday. The town owes it to the Curwen's we should gather light and make haste."

Adric rises from his chair looks to the other villagers. I'll gather light with Odric, but we should act now! Whatever's happening up there doesn't look good at all. He takes Odric by the arm and pulls him to his feet. The two middle aged men make for the door.

Vyncent the town's butcher, a boorish man, bellows "Well let's get moving. Wouldn't want poor Bessie to be out there on her own." Rubbing his bald head. "I suppose I'll go fetch my cleaver."

Riffin the young turnip farmer looks nervous, his gangly frame hunched against the bar. He nods in agreement but his eyes tell a different story.
Jun 22, 2022 9:47 pm
It is about two hour’s brisk walk southward to the Curwen residence, up in the forested hills. Some of the trees lay fallen onto others, broken by a recent earthquake. The citizens of Hillkant learned to live with the earth trembling, as it did not happen often and their houses were built sturdy.

The song of the forest at night forms a sinister chorus as our brave mortals set out toward the Curwen homestead. The night is dark, shadows pool beneath the trees and occasional common spider webs strung along the trail offer startling moments to the unwary.
I would like everybody to write the marching order of their characters, for example:
1) Character A
2) Character B
3) Character C
4) Character D

The first character of each player (Character A in this case) becomes a member of the frontline, followed by Character B and so on.


Random Encounter - (1d10)

(10) = 10

Jun 22, 2022 10:11 pm
The dice gods smile upon thee! No random encounter and our mortals manage to get to the homestead unopposed. I would still like to ask you for the marching order, as it may come into play during next encounters.
The group moves forward fast, its path led by the pale light of the full moon. Knowing that the Very Large Man could not traverse such a long distance so quickly, the group hurries and after an eerie walk through the woods finally sees the dark silhouette of the Curwen residence.

When the expedition finally reaches the yard before the house, the members can hear pigs squealing somewhere in the dark to their left. Closer, between the pig pens and the heroes, there are two smaller buildings - an abattoir and a smokehouse, most likely.

Directly before the group is a well with a heavy winch; beyond it the Curwen Homestead - a large house shaped like an L, heavily shuttered and mostly dark, although candlelight can be seen through the seams of a few shuttered windows on the upper floors.

As the pigs squeal in the darkness, it becomes clear that something is disturbing them.

What shall our brave townsfolk do? Aside from the frantic screaming from the pig pen, the place is quiet, almost disturbingly so.
[ +- ] The Map
Jun 22, 2022 11:21 pm
Along the way, Jim introduces himself to everyone, "Please, call me Slim." Telling them he is from a nearby village, out trying to make a living for his sister and brothers, as a mercenary. He has not fought in any battles but is trained with his longsword. He also possesses a sense of obligation to check on this Curwen family, regardless of them being strangers to him. With his hide armor on, sword sheathed at his side, and his torch held high, Jim stood amid the front of the group if not leading it entirely. Stopping only a moment to take in the stillness of the view, he aims his light off in the direction of the pens, but cannot see them from here. He looks back to Victoria and then Lorna. "Should we check the pigs, they seem upset."

Victoria shrugs slightly to Jim. She was looking around too and with the lack of lights in the house, she thought better of just heading forward. Cupping a hand to project her voice, she calls out toward the house. "Hello! Curwen Family! ... We hope you don't mind us coming to check on you?! Hello?!" While she was standing tall, there was something eerie she felt about the quiet of the Curwens' place.

Lorna was already questioning why she came out here. The darkness was deep in the thick woods. She stood close behind to Victoria, as instructed, but spend the long seconds observing the place rather than taking action for herself.

trailing the group but not hiding his presence, a Halfling Begar has joined somewhere along the way. He wanders up to the group looking a bit dirty and disheveled, but with a calming charm about him, and looks between the humans and the dwarf among them before offering a short, "What's all this now?" in a fast-paced, heavy accent and with a naivety of the situation or at least a disregard of the overall mood. "Saw you all go a'shuffling out of town... Is this a party? I love parties, the name's Hekem Bekem."
A: Slim Jim, B: Victoria, C: Lorna, D: Hekem Bekem
Last edited June 22, 2022 11:26 pm
Jun 23, 2022 5:41 am
Kari heads out in front of the pack, looking towards the homestead. She has been out to the farm a few times to talk mushrooms with Curwen, the farming of which made her livelihood. "Seems awfully quiet," she says as pig squeal cuts through the silence. "Spoke too soon, pigs are over this way" she points, and begins heading that direction.

Cynwe shrugs "I've not got a better idea, and something seems to have riled those pigs." she says, as she follows along.

Walt, ever one to hedge his bets strays back a bit further from the group, following as more people make their way towards the front of the group. He picks his teeth, watching the farm for any signs of movement, and shrugs as he feels enough safety in numbers has passed him by and joins the crowd.

Tiny brings up the rear along with some of his fellow townsfolk, watching for anything in the dark woods that might try and sneak up behind them.
So the order is, Kari, Cynwe, Walt, Tiny
Jun 23, 2022 12:34 pm
Order = Jasen, Josen, To'Mas and Dewane
To'mas the squire, with his long sword drawn, addresses his crew. "Alright lads, let's see to those pigs"

The twin Hunters, Jasen and Josen, have their bows out and have been mostly quiet on the march out to the farm. When they do speak, it's some kind of verbal shorthand. With a look and a nod after To'mas speaks, they begin advancing on the pig pen.

Dewane follows the other's, with trusty club in hand. He's wonders, not for the first time, how being a squire to a squire was better than fixing wagons...
Jun 24, 2022 1:53 am
Marching Order: Vyncent, Odric, Adric, Riffin
Vyncent marches ahead of the villagers clutching his meat cleaver. "I don't trust these out of town folk much. Probably after something! Odric, Adric don't fall behind and hold the light up high. We're heading over to the pigs and we need to keep our wits about us."

Odric and Adric follow the rotund butcher. Odric holding the head of his axe and Adric brandishing the knife he uses to make rope. The two old friends look to each other uneasily as they keep the torches aloft.

Behind them a little further the young turnip farmer Riffin follows carrying his pitchfork nervously. His ginger hair and pale skin illuminated by the torches. The image of the man's tongue-less face plays over in his head. What have we gotten ourselves into......
Jun 25, 2022 2:18 pm
Nothing aside from more pig squeals answers to Victoria’s call. As the group progresses toward the pens, one of the pigs suddenly dashes through them!
The startled townsfolk prepare their homemade weapons, yet the threat turns out to be harmless and simply runs past the group, which is now free to continue.

The whole area for the animals is fenced off. It is muddy, foul and dark and it takes a few seconds before the group recognizes that one of the shapes is not what it seems to be.
There is a Very Large Man, similar to the one who crashed into the tavern. Once the group approaches, he stops feeding on the slops from the pig through and rises, turning to the newcomers. Blood and gore can be seen dripping from his chin and in one hand he clutches what appears to be a human rib.

As of now, the Very Large Man does not advance, he only stands next to the pig through, watching the group warily, then letting out a long moan.
We will use the Group Initiative in the funnel as described in the core rulebook on pg. 76. This means that if you wish to engage the Very Large Man, I will ask you to roll a single 1d20 and add the highest Agility modifier from your group.
Jun 26, 2022 1:27 am
Kari cautiously steps forward along with the others in the vanguard. After the scare from the charing pig she is on alert but nothing can prepare her for what she sees rising from the pig pen. "What the..." she says as the form rises above the pigs, dripping mud and who knows what else. She grips her shovel, the closest thing to a weapon she could find before heading out, in a two handed grip in front of her.

Walt bumps into Cynwe as he is back peddles once he catches a glimpse of the man emerging from the pigs. The two glance at each other and grip their weapons more tightly.

Tiny, in the rear of the group, gets a sense of something happening up ahead, but keeps his eyes towards the dark tree line bordering the farm to make sure nothing advances on them from behind.
Kari has infravision, does it reveal anything more about the larger man?
Last edited June 26, 2022 1:29 am


Initiative - (1d20)

(10) = 10

Jun 26, 2022 8:20 am
Good call on the infravision! No more details about the Very Large Man, however Kari does notice, that the slops have already run cold - this would mean that whoever was the unfortunate owner of the rib, his demise came many hours ago.

The treeline does not contain any semblance of heat (not even the birds and other night animals, aside from the fleeing pig that is quickly vanishing into the pine forest).
Jun 26, 2022 10:22 am
Vyncent ahead of the other villagers exclaims loudly, "Nobody runs! or they'll pay for it later!".
His grip on the cleaver tightens.

Odric and Adric close ranks. "What's happened to you man? Speak up!" Adric calls

Riffin clutching his pitch folk stands behind the others, putting Odric and Adric between him and the bloated man. Visibly shaking he whispers "Does it have a tongue?"
Jun 26, 2022 10:37 am
Moooooaaaaa, the Very Large Man moans once again as a reply to Adric's question. Hunched, he then starts shambling toward the group.

As he gets closer, the ones in front of the group notice that there is something around the Man's neck - a leather collar with a torn strap, probably working as a leash.


Secret Roll

Jun 28, 2022 1:23 pm
Are these Dwarves or just large human men?
The young'ns in the group, headstrong and looking for answers, came right along with the others to check the Pens.

With only a little bit of a struggle, Slim finally draws his longsword from the scabbard, the clean but old blade bounced the light of the torches along its sharpened edge. His lips move but no words come out, while his breathing quickened psyching himself up, the boy's sword tip levels towards the red-smeared creature.

Hekem Bekem was a little drunk, but both incredibly bored and in need of a chance to find himself a way out of this life he was trapped in. He'd followed the group on a whim and didn't get an answer from the others gathered, but as a Halfling and a Beggar, he was used to being ignored as if he was not even there. So stepping through the crowd, while looking eye-level for coin pouches, Hekem came upon one person who was actually watching him. The bookish woman named Lorna, who he'd seen earlier that week on his way into town. She looked nervous, and it seemed to answer his question as she wrings her hands around her sling. The rest he picked up in context clues. He did at first think to simply leave as quietly as he came, but with the noises already begun the dirty little man thought better of it. He walked with the rest of them towards the Pens, stepping forward to stand just behind the young feller with the longsword, name Slim, and looked ahead. The heaviness in his empty stomach turned into a pit, and he was thankful he did not have any food to vomit out. From out of the folds of his shirt comes a dingy, cloth-wrapped club. his fast-paced speech and heavy accent are only heavier under the stress. "Shite man, d'hell ye got'n inte? Feck me, let us all te hell outa 'ere! Yeh?"

Victoria gasps, staring straight ahead, her eyes following the gore as it drips from the humanoid's lips. She managed to keep herself from screaming, feeling Loran grasping her right arm, she pulls her dagger with her left hand but is not sure what she is going to do. "You there! Don't come any closer!" She warns the 'large man', while taking a step back letting Slim and Hekam take the front.

Upon seeing the gore, Lorna had screamed aloud in fear and grabs ahold of her friend, Victoria while taking a step back. Under the muffled groan the poor wretch makes, she whimpers, "Why?! What!? ... What is happening?", but she knew. She saw it plainly and from the scene, and had already let the understanding permeate. She had an immediately perverse thought, 'The Curwens are trappers and cattle farmers...'
Last edited June 28, 2022 1:23 pm


Initiative - (1d20+1)

(10) + 1 = 11

Jun 28, 2022 4:10 pm
These are definitely not dwarves, you would instead say it is some cursed form of humanity - all the key features are there, but the Very Large Men are incredibly fat and small in height, making you wonder how one of them could even shamble such a great distance to the town. Their skin is way too pale for a human proper and their facial features are hideous, especially drenched in the slops.
Seeing all the shouting and menacing weaponry, the Very Large Man makes a fearful moan and instead jumps backwards. Tripping over the pig through, he then crashes down into the slops with a loud moaaaaah!
The pigs squeal even louder as the poor soul unsuccessfully tries to stand up, resembling some sort of a twisted insect turned on his back.
Jun 30, 2022 4:51 am
Kari will engage along with the others in the vanguard, but not sure if anyone else has other ideas, or if we should just start going in initiative order.
Jun 30, 2022 1:48 pm
The "threat" just fell over backward.
That was unexpected, Jim thought, the blade's tip hovering toward the supine creature. Keeping his feet planted, he hazards a glance back to Victoria.

As the collective relief settles among the worried villagers, Hekem blurts out a burst of nervous laughter. "Welp... that ain't no pig, folks!" The group was not really prepared for interrogating a mute and a dullard, and if there were fewer people perhaps they would have just run from the sight of it. The halfling looks to Lorna, then Victoria, shrugging slightly. "... maybe someone is in the House?"

Glancing about, and seeing nothing else about the scene, Victoria looks over the crowd, trying to judge their temperaments "Lorna, you got any ideas?"

"Nothing good..." Lorna shakes her head, finally letting go of her friend's arm. "Whatever this is... it is bad. We should check the house... but these things look more like cattle than monster. The other one escaped, perhaps. But what happened to Bessie and Family... are they in a similar state, or...?" Lorna shakes her head. "Let's check the houses."

With Slim Jim watching the 'fat-man', the hodgepodge group of scoundrels was ready to move, just waiting to decide what to do as a group.
Last edited June 30, 2022 1:49 pm
Jul 1, 2022 11:58 am
Order = Jasen, Josen, To'Mas and Dewane
To'mas cringes in disgust at the man/creature flailing in the muck. It's obvious that whatever the creature's story is, it's not one where it is some villain.

To the rest of his assemblage, "Come lads, let's see to the house."
Jul 1, 2022 12:35 pm
A long wooden porch wraps around the front of the house. It has a slanted roof, with a gutter designed to channel rainwater into the easternmost of the five barrels lined up along the eastern portion of the porch. The barrels have closed wooden lids. Upon inspection, all seem to be filled with rainwater. Aside from a rocking chair, not much can be seen from the porch.

As the group approaches the front door, they realize that it's locked from the inside, probably with a simple latch.
Any knocking or shouting will not yield a response.
Jul 2, 2022 4:59 pm
"Ow bout I just kick the door down?" Vyncent asks. "More than enough reason to." He looks to the others for agreement.
Jul 2, 2022 9:10 pm
There was not just the House, but the smokehouse to check as well. Lorna pushes Slim and Hekem to check things. They certainly did not have much more to go on, and she might have been tempted to slip in through a window if things were different, but Victoria was not going to be witnessed agreeing to unlawful entry. Slim and Hekem would check the smokehouse and the outhouse if need be, but are likewise unsure they should be breaking down a door.
Jul 3, 2022 4:06 pm
Slim and Hekem
As Slim and Hekem enter the smokehouse, they notice nothing particular about the place. It is a simple smokehouse used for ham and bacon, several of which are curing here.

After entering the abattoir, the pair notices that the house has a floor of blood-soaked earth. There are many iron hooks on the walls and the ceiling - some of them with pig carcasses attached.
An iron axe rests notched in a wooden block and iron butcher's knives hang from places on the wall.
Ceramic vats rest below each carcass to catch the blood, and there are several sealed ceramic urns containing pig's blood in the north east corner of the house. This is nothing unusual as pig blood is often used for many purposes, for example as a dye of for pig blood soup, quite popular in these parts.

The rest
It would seem that kicking the door out should not be so hard. If the group were to have thieves tools or something thin and narrow, perhaps they could try to lift the latch from the outside without breaking the door?
Jul 3, 2022 5:47 pm
"We could bust down the door, but alas, I have tools for just this occasion."

To'Mas produces his set of Thieves tools and proceeds to accost the door. The other keep a wary eye on the woods.
Jul 3, 2022 7:26 pm
The door is of simple making and To'Mas manages to remove the latch easily, earning himself many a concerned look from other townsmen.

The group then finds itself inside a modestly-furnished sitting room, with coals still burning in the fireplace. A small lamp (unlit, but still slightly warm to the touch) is placed on a table near a shelf containing a few books, which seem to be covered in weirdly colored mold.

A hallway leads to the south, with three doors on the right side, two on the left side and one on the end of the hallway. There are also stairs leading upstairs.

Aside from the noise made by the townsfolk, the house is silent.
[ +- ] The Homestead
Jul 4, 2022 1:22 am
"Hello Curwens! We are here from town to check on you, come on out if you are here!" Kari yells as loud as she can manage. While she waits to see if there is an answer, Kari, knowing a thing or two about fungus from her job as mushroom farmer, inspects the mold growing on the books. "Strange," she mutters to herself as as she attempts to scrape a sample off with edge of her shovel.
Last edited July 4, 2022 1:23 am


Int check (+0) to see if Kari notices anything interesting about the mold - (1d20)

(15) = 15

Jul 4, 2022 9:49 am
Once again, nobody answers the calls of the townsfolk. This time, the more perceptive ones notice a sound coming from upstairs - almost as if something heavy fell a few times. It is faint, almost muffled and none can be sure, whether they truly heard the sound.
Then, another sound. A weak voice, too weak to understand the words, comes from the south, saying a few words, then dissapearing.

As Kari examines the mold, she notices that it is deeply ingrained into the books and any attempt to remove it would probably destroy the book themselves. Upon further checking, it seems almost as if it grew from within the book itself?
All of the books are well covered by the mould, however one can still be read. The title says: Travels among the Savages by Sir John Greyingville. All of this should seem strange to the dwarven farmer, as the conditions in the house should not allow the books to be destroyed so much.
Jul 4, 2022 4:04 pm
"Riffin you stay here and guard the door. Odric and Adric follow me let's have a look what's down the end of that hallway. The rest of you maybe head upstairs?

Odric and Adric nod to each other uneasily and follow Vyncent's lead.

Riffin looks to the others and whispers. "Don't leave me here on my own."
Last edited July 4, 2022 4:04 pm
Jul 4, 2022 5:42 pm
Slim and Hekem glance over the implements and the blood stains, remarking quietly to one another about the large man-beasts on the pens. What was it? Should we have killed it? They should probably be informing the local lord at this point, but they still don't know where the Curwens were. If there is nothing else of interest, they would rejoin the group. Victoria and Lorna remained in the yard, watching the smokehouse and waiting for Slim and Hekem, and keeping an eye on the crowd of people on the porch. They wonder between each other aloud, where those beasts came from and Lorna whispers her gutfelt conspiracy.
Jul 4, 2022 10:02 pm
Tiny stands next to Riffin on the porch, "I've been watching for anything sneaking up behind us since we started, no sense to stop now. I'll keep an eye out here with you." he says. Walt also nods to the barber, "We can't all fit in there, I'll help keep watch in the yard."

Cynwe enters the house, and sees Kari still obsessed with the mold. Not having the dwarvene farmer's familiarity with fungus, she keeps her distance. Kari tells her, "Something strange here, this shouldn't be growing like this." She pulls the only book that isn't completely infested with the mold from the shelf. She pages through it, looking for anymore clues as to what might be the source of the odd growth and wondering if it might somehow be related to the Curwen's disappearance and the large man-beasts.
Jul 9, 2022 11:23 am
Entrance of the house & The Yard
Riffin, Tiny, Walt, Slim, Hekem, Victoria, Lorna, Cynwe, Kari

Nothing of importance happens in the dark. The pigs are slowly calming down and with that the night grows silent.
Travels Among the Savages is heavily destroyed as well, but some pages can still be read. It is heavily ilustrated by licentious and gruesome pictures, and the first thing that Kari sees is a plate depicting a man being butchered by a hairy northern wildman. The book seems to describe life of the northern wild tribes.
Uncle Charles's room
Odric, Adric

The drinking buddies move through the hallway and identify the source of the sound to be coming from the first door on the left. Upon entering the room, they finally see one of the Curwens.
This must be the room of uncle Charles Curwen, who, having lost leg at the knee a few winters ago, no longer wishes to climb the stairs. The man is ancient, with only a few wisps of white hair upon his bald pate. He lies in bed and looks at the two incomers with demented eyes.
"Ahh finally my boys. Where is that chamber pot?"
[ +- ] Homestead explored
Jul 10, 2022 11:00 pm
Slim and Hekem return the to yard and walk to the porch with the others, with nothing new to report

Victoria asks Slim and the halfling to wait outside, stepping passed Tiny and Riffin and into the house. She covers her nose in defense against the smells of the house. It was already a mess in here. Those... things. Were they hell's new magick? Were they the mutated Curwen family? Were they... livestock? She would rather hear it from someone who knows. Following the movement of bodies, she glances across the faces of those she passes, remembering them for later. Doing her best but probably creaking the floorboard the whole way, Victoria reaches Uncle Charles's room behind Odric and Adric, wrinkling her nose further. "Oh merciful lord." She muttered under her breath.

Lorna steps forward and asks to inspect the book with the other group, while Victoria moved on. If nothing else it will keep her mind busy, she thought. She had an overactive imagination you see. Nothing her fault, but not exactly something to praise. She awkwardly smiles at the dwarf, then babbles out in a poorly-accented Dwarven tongue, "You are Kari, are you not? Maybe I can help? I am good with Books." It was a stupid line. She definitely was looking for the excuse to speak dwarven to the dwarf, but considering she is probably to only human for miles who can, she hoped the woman would indulge her just a little.
Last edited July 10, 2022 11:00 pm
Jul 11, 2022 8:13 am
i had intended for Vyncent ti be with Adric and Odric. Hope that's ok
Adric and Odric begin to look around the room for the man's chamber pot.

Vyncent looks to Victoria, "I think he's seen better days but maybe he can tell us something. Uncle Curwen what's all this then in the yard? Men wiv no tongues and the like?" Vyncent waits for a response but doesn't lower the cleaver. Too much weirdness he thought.
Jul 11, 2022 11:34 am
Uncle Charles's room
Odric, Adric, Victoria, Vyncent

The clearly demented man smiles at Adric, who finds his chamber pot.
"How are the pigs doing? Have they been fed properly?"
Jul 12, 2022 5:35 am
Kari grimaces as she stares at the book. What kind of thing was this to keep around in the house, she wonders. She puts it aside for now and looks at the stairs. "I think I heard something coming from up there, maybe someone is hiding. Anyone want to join me and check it out?" She asks and cautiously begins heading up the stairs, peering into the darkness with her infravision tinged eyes for any movement or sign of life.

As Tiny and Walt keep their eyes on the treeline and perimeter of the yard outside the house, Tiny hears Kari mention exploring the upstairs. Having been watching their backs the entire time and not seeing anything, he decides to join her inside. "I'm going to go with Kari, anyone else who wants to come, lets go. Walt, make sure a few folks stay out here, just in case." Walt nods at Tiny and moves up onto the porch, continuing to keep his vigil on the yard and surroundings.
Last edited July 12, 2022 5:38 am
Jul 12, 2022 12:05 pm
To'mas, Jasen and Josen will begin checking the rooms along the right side of the hallway, Dewane will remain by the front door on watch.
Jul 12, 2022 7:08 pm
Victoria looks to Vyncent as Uncle Charles sputters as if to say, 'sure he does'. "Let me see if I can get through to him?"Victoria steps a little closer, bringing to light to her face, seeing if he could see her at all. "Mister Curwen. We are looking for Bessie.. have you seen her?"

Lorna stays behind, trying to gather more information from inside the house and listening to the chatter among the greater Search Party. The book's contents were a continuation of a theme.

Letting Tiny walk past to follow Kari, the little beggar smiles to the humans. "Hekem Bekem's the name boys." The halfling looks amongst those gathered by the Front Porch. "What'd ya think this is all 'bout, eh?" Trying to start up some conversation with Dewane, Walt and Slim.

Slim was interested in what the others might have to say, and just adds on his name. "Call me Slim."
Last edited July 12, 2022 7:10 pm
Jul 13, 2022 5:55 am
Adric bringing the chamber pot close says "The pigs are fine, tell us about Bessie."

Riffin standing in the doorway to the house with his pitchfork. Whispers to the others "Nothing good...."
Jul 13, 2022 5:03 pm
I will be taking over Laura's characters to keep the game balanced, as the funnel is designed for a certain number of PCs. Beladil the elven forester and Mother Breadwife the human wheat farmer will follow upstairs, while Duri the dwarf stonemason and Wyna the human locksmith join the folk downstairs.
Kari, Tiny, Beladil, Mother Breadwife

The hallway resembles the one below, with a number of doors leading to different rooms. As Kari and Tiny explore the dark hallway, they hear something enormous stomping above them. The folk below hear the stomping as well, albeit more quietly.
At the end of the hallway, there is a trapdoor in the ceiling with a pull rope.
Further inside of the house
To'mas, Jasen, Josen, Duri, Wyna

The group starts exploring downstairs room by room.
Can I get a 1d10+Intelligence modifier roll from the exploring characters? Rolling for Duri and Wyna.

Uncle Charles' room
Odric, Adric, Victoria, Vyncent

The old man stares at the townsfolk for a bit before replying...
@Orobu can I get a 1d20+Personality modifier from Victoria?
@Redwhippet can I get a 1d10+Personality modifier roll from Adric?


Secret Roll

Duri exploring - (1d10-2)

(5) - 2 = 3

Wyna exploring - (1d10)

(4) = 4

Jul 13, 2022 6:57 pm
Victoria Personality
Lorna Intelligence


Victoria's Personality roll with Uncle Charles - (1d20+1)

(13) + 1 = 14

Lorna's Intelligence roll Downstairs - (1d20+3)

(2) + 3 = 5

Jul 13, 2022 9:03 pm
Intelligence Incoming


Jasen - (d10)

(5) = 5

Josen - (d10)

(4) = 4

To'mas - (d10)

(9) = 9

Jul 13, 2022 9:19 pm
I'm sorry. I rolled d20s


Victoria's Personality roll with Uncle Charles - (1d10+1)

(8) + 1 = 9

Lorna's Intelligence roll Downstairs - (1d10+3)

(9) + 3 = 12

Jul 15, 2022 9:21 am
Adric - Personality roll - Uncle Curwen


Personality - (1d10+1)

(10) + 1 = 11

Jul 15, 2022 10:12 am
Uncle Charles' room
Odric, Adric, Victoria, Vyncent

Uncle Charles gives a toothless smile as he goes ahead and uses the chamberpot.
"Ahh don't worry about Bessie, she chose her fate same as Lurlene! She is going to be a good mother. She will make us proud."
While the name does sound familiar, you are pretty sure you never met somebody named Lurlene.
Downstairs - The secret room
To'mas, Jasen, Josen, Duri, Wyna, (Lorna?)
The group goes ahead and starts exploring the rooms one by one. Most of them are uninteresting - a kitchen, a room for the boys of the homestead, a storage room, a workshop, a pantry with... what is that?
A space in the wall catches the group's attention and it turns out there is a door leading from the pantry, hidden by having shelves with honey bolted on top of it.

A small room with a butcher's block, several iron knives and cleavers make it clear that this is some sort of a butcher's workshop. Iron hooks hang from the ceiling, some of them carrying cuts of cured meat, preparatory to making sausage.
It takes a while to process in the dim light, but soon everybody realizes that Lorna's fears were correct - these are not pigs, these were taken from enormous humans - the very large men.

There is a trapdoor on the floor in the corner of the room, leading somewhere down and lifted via a simple iron ring. It leads into a narrow tunnel with iron rungs leading somewhere into the darkness.
Kari, Tiny, Beladil, Mother Breadwife
As the group listens for a while, they realize that faint voice can be heard from one of the rooms - the last one next to the trapdoor leading from the ceiling.
The stomping above ceases for a while, then continues and moves to a different part of the area.
Jul 16, 2022 7:13 pm
"Oh gods... oh gods, oh gods." She was trying no to get sick, but she remembers how thankful she was, how tasty the meat was when the Curwens saved Hillkant. She covers her mouth, staring down at the trap door. With the other five villagers - To'mas, Jasen, Josen, Duri, and Wyna - Lorna looked to them for guidance. "Should... we look?"

Victoria was sure she did not like the sound of that. She backs away from the man. "I... think the situation is worse than we thought..." Glancing to Vyncent who seemed to have a decent head on his shoulders.
Jul 16, 2022 8:03 pm
"I fear we must peer into whatever hell awaits us. This night needs to start providing answers instead of more questions. Come lads, let's get this open."

He gestures to Jasen and Josen to assist with opening the door.
Jul 17, 2022 10:02 am
The Grinder Below
The tunnel leads downward 30 feet, then a wooden ladder takes the characters to the floor of a hidden chamber.
The walls of the room are carved from the solid stone of the hills and two doors - one to the north and another one to the east. A few bags of salt and some tables line the other two walls.
Can I get an update on precisely who is going down the tunnel? We have some people guarding the entrance and some others exploring upstairs - did the townsfolk call them or let them do their own business?

Since the rungs are iron, all elves going down the stairs would receive a 1d penalty on the dice chain from the contact with it for 1 hour.

For Laura's characters, the characters are joining in the following marching order: Duri, Wyna.
They will join the characters going in any direction, or if the heroes split, they will join the group with fewer members.
Jul 17, 2022 2:51 pm
To'mas, Jasen and Josen will form up in that order, weapons out and begin North. Dewane remains at the front door.
"We're going to have a look this way. Since that ladder is our only way out, I'd offer someone should stay near it, or check the other door. Either way, watch yourselves."
Jul 17, 2022 6:01 pm
Kari hears the noises behind the last door in the hallway upstairs. She looks back at the group behind her, "Ready?" seeing a few nervous nods she slowly opens the door and peers inside.
Jul 18, 2022 1:17 pm
Lorna is definitely not volunteering for the cellar. "I think this is important... I'm going to tell the others... please be careful and shout out if you find anything." Leaving the butchering room Lorna moves out to the main room of the house to call out to everyone, what they found. "Everyone! There is something, unfortunately, you all should see!"
Jul 19, 2022 10:44 pm
Kari, Tiny, Beladil, Mother Breadwife

As Kari opens the door and hears Lorna calling, another sound pierces the stillness of the house.
A black-haired woman lunges from the room, jumping at Kari's throat!
@Dsquid please roll for initiative! Since we are using Group initiative in the funnel and only Kari and Tiny are present, that would be a simple roll of 1d20.

The Grinder Below
To'mas, Jasen, Josen, Duri

Wyna nods and clutches her dagger, visibly nervous.
"I will keep watch and scream if I see anything."
The group then proceeds to the north.

The floor here is damp and slimy from rain coming down through a well far above the heads of the townsfolk. A large iron sausage grinder with a wooden hopper occupies the northeastern corner, with bags of salt and various herbs piled neatly at hand.
Barrels full of salted meat and cleaned intestines for sausage casings occupy the majority of the room and many remember the Curwens coming to the village with these very barrels of salted meat and sausage, saving the town from famine.

There are two doors leading from here - one to the east and another one to the west.


Initiative - Lurlene Curwen - (1d20+2)

(11) + 2 = 13

Initiative - Beladil + Mother Breadwife - (1d20)

(16) = 16

Jul 20, 2022 8:25 am
Is Riffin and others at the entrance able to here the screaming and fighting upstairs?
Vyncent turns to Victoria and motions to head back to the others. "Boys I think we can leave Mr Curwen here for now, he's not going anywhere fast."

They then proceed to return to the main entrance hall and share what they've seen.
Jul 20, 2022 9:59 am
Redwhippet says:
Is Riffin and others at the entrance able to here the screaming and fighting upstairs?
@Redwhippet They definitely are! If you want to join, feel free to roll for initiative (1d20+highest agility modifier of the fighting characters), it would however take a turn to move upstairs.
Jul 20, 2022 5:00 pm
Hekem walked inside to meet Lorna, ready to follow and find out what's happening, along with Slim, hearing the fearful tone of her voice.

Lorna tries to smile but fails, giving her true feeling to any present that there was something terribly wrong. She was about to explain on their way toward the trapdoor, when she turns her head sharply to the scream.

Vyncent was correct and the fair skinned brunette nodded in agreement to the man. She was heading back to the main room to meet up with Lorna when she heard the scream from upstairs. "Slim... that's your cue!" Pointing him in the proper direction.

Poor boy wasn't sure which direction to even go until Victoria points him, but Slim then moved to assist those in danger, if possible.
Jul 21, 2022 7:06 am
Intiative for Kari & Tiny
Last edited July 21, 2022 7:07 am


Initiative - (1d20)

(18) = 18

Jul 21, 2022 7:54 am
Kari, Tiny, Beladil, Mother Breadwife
Nice roll @Dsquid! Since you were opening the door prepared, no surprise round will be had and instead we will go by Initiative order!
This is not the case as with Very large men - Lurlene may be unarmed, but she is also clearly crazy and out for blood!

Kari + Tiny
Beladil + Mother Breadwife
Lurlene Curwen

Assuming Kari and Tiny decide to attack, that would be a 1d20 roll for Kari and another 1d20 for Tiny.

Redwhippet and Orobu can join at the beginning of the next turn with their respective initiative rolls (feel free to roll now and I will add you at the end of the turn).
Jul 21, 2022 12:15 pm
Slim's initiative, for next round.


Initiative - (1d20)

(10) = 10

Jul 22, 2022 1:18 am
"Woah!" Kari shouts as she opens the door and something lunges out at her. She jumps back in time to avoid the attack and takes a swing with her shovel. She connects with nothing however, the shovel rebounding off the door frame and almost striking Kair herself.

Tiny, who had been standing right behind Kari, almost stumbles as he tries to back out of her way. He regains his footing and, looking for anything to use as a weapon, he finds his barber's razor in his pocket. With a 'snnnnick' he whips the handle and the blade comes out of its sheeth. "Looks like you need a haircut" he says as slices at the woman.
Looks like I wasted the good roll on initiative, and Tiny had such a great start too...
Last edited July 22, 2022 1:20 am


Kari (to hit) - (1d20)

(1) = 1

Tiny (to hit) - (1d20)

(8) = 8

Jul 22, 2022 7:25 am
Kari, Tiny, Beladil, Mother Breadwife
@Dsquid that would be a fumble for Kari and a close hit for Tiny!
Please roll:
1d4+1 for Kari's fumble
1d4+1 for Tiny's damage
Jul 22, 2022 11:10 am
To'mas cringes at the barrels of salt and implications...

He and his crew approach, examine and, at last, pass through the West door.
Jul 22, 2022 11:47 am
The Grinder Below
To'mas, Jasen, Josen, Duri

The room to the west is stained with blood, while crates of finished sausages and smoked meat are piled neatly near the southeast corner. The group hurries forward through the room to a corridor leading to the north.
After a few steps the group arrives at a crossroads, with one road leading to a dim-lit room to the north and another one to the east. While the townsfolk consider their options, a tiny person sticks his head out of the passage to the north.
Everybody can hear the scream of Wilbur Curwen, a 12-year-old boy, who just spotted the group.
"What is it?" replies another voice, in which some recognize Allen Merritt, a man who recently married into the Curwen family.
Jul 22, 2022 10:04 pm
"Hello boy, are you all right? What strangeness has fallen on this house?" To'mas inquires of the lad.
Jul 22, 2022 10:41 pm
The Grinder Below
To'mas, Jasen, Josen, Duri

Before Wilbur can reply, another silhoutte appears behind him. Allen Merritt, dressed in a bloodied butcher's apron and still wearing a recently used meat cleaver, gasps upon seeing the group.
The fuck you doin' here?!

He then pushes Wilbur back into the room, raising his cleaver in case anybody tries to attack him. The boy seems to move willingly.
Jul 23, 2022 1:47 am
fumble and damage rolls


Kari Fumble roll - (1d4+1)

(4) + 1 = 5

Tiny Damage - (1d4+1)

(2) + 1 = 3

Jul 23, 2022 11:04 am
Kari, Tiny, Beladil, Mother Breadwife, Slim

As Kari opens the door, the crazed woman jumps on her, knocking the dwarf down and pinning her.
Fists are raised, ready to pummel Kari. Tiny jumps forward, his razor slashing at the woman and finding target with surprising precision... or was it pure luck?

A splash of blood covers everybody present as Lurlene Curwen rolls to her side in shock, grabbing a fatal wound in her neck.
"My baby... " she sobs, before blood loss makes her loose consciousness. Slim arrives to the room at this exact moment.

The elephantine stomping upstairs gains on frequency, now accompanied by low squeals, almost as if belonging to a child.
Jul 23, 2022 6:00 pm
Tiny helps Kari up, "Are you ok?" Kari dusts herself off, "I think so...what the heck is going on here." Tiny looks from the woman to Slim, "She attacked us...I just reacted."
Jul 23, 2022 6:12 pm
To'mas does his best to look confused...

"We came to see if you were in trouble. Some overly large man stumbled into the town clutching Bessie's bonnet and died. When we got here to the farm, there was another one of them in with the pigs, eating..."
Jul 23, 2022 8:13 pm
The Grinder Below
To'mas, Jasen, Josen, Duri

Allen lowers his hand and backs off further into the room. He stays silent for what seems like an eternity before replying.
"I believe all of that can be explained. Come here into the light so that we can see you proper."
[ +- ] The Grinder Below - The group has entered in the lowest room and slowly moved north
Jul 23, 2022 10:41 pm
Slim looked quite skeptically at Tiny and his razor. He believed what the man said, but was not comforted by the instinct to kill the unarmed woman. Choosing not to press the issue, Slim nods to Tiny, then looks to Dwarven woman. "Is there a baby here too? I think we have stumbled upon a bad place on a bad night. Lorna wants to show us something, and doubt it is any better than this."

Lorna takes the time and attention of anyone in the main room or in ear-shot, that there is a Butchering room for those large man-beasts, and that that is what the CUrwens are really ranching up here. She continues that there is a trap door into some sort of tunnels below the house and that some of their search party have already gone down.

"Oi! So the feck we do'in here then girly? We should be running right out of here before they put us next on the slab."

"What about Bessie? And what would we even tell the magistrate? ... and I doubt seriously that whoever was screaming upstair, stopped because they were happy to see us. We are in the shit now."
Last edited July 23, 2022 10:41 pm
Jul 25, 2022 6:36 am
Kari responds to Slim, observing that Tiny is still in shock from his confrontation with the woman, "I didn't see any, but whatever those sounds are, if its a baby its a big one. We should see what it is before we go back down, could be someone who needs help." Kari cautiously pushes open the door the woman sprang from and looks inside, "Anyone there?"
Jul 25, 2022 11:33 am
"An explanation would do about now. However, let's save everyone some breath and head back upstairs. That way, you can 'splain it just once. " To'mas and the other take a few steps back to encourage the man without appearing threatening.
Jul 25, 2022 10:36 pm
Kari, Tiny, Beladil, Mother Breadwife, Slim

The room is empty and from the first glance everybody should realize that it was occupied by the woman alone. Since there is no crib or any other clue of a baby living here, the group decides to check out the attic.
Going to assume that Kari is leading the way as she was until now.
When the trapdoor is opened, a loud, rushed stomping noise, as of some huge animal, rushes away from the trapdoor to the other side of the room. Once Kari climbs the ladder, everybody can hear a loud cry of alarm, like that of a frightened infant.

The attic space is nearly empty and the windows have been boarded over from within, covering the whole room in darkness. Kari's darkvision now comes into play, as she finally sees the baby that the woman was talking about.

There is a 10 feet (3 metres) tall... Toddler?... covering in the corner of the room. The baby has two pairs of arms and legs, large pointed ears and double pupils - like a goat's. Right now, the child remains in the corner, hiding behind a barrel too small to provide any real cover to the giant.
The Grinder Below
To'mas, Jasen, Josen, Duri

Allen tilts his head confused.
"What do you mean 'once'? There more of you?"
Just a heads up - should any form of combat start in the corridors themselves, all attack rolls would be at -1d on the dice chain due to the tunnels being too narrow to fight in comfortably.
This would also mean only one character can engage the enemy or be engaged, unless somebody wished to shoot into melee at -2 roll modifier.
Jul 25, 2022 10:58 pm
Slim draws his sword. The pigmen were one thing and then the crazy lady but this monstrous abomination had the hairs on his neck standing up. Attempting to put himself between the others and this creature the young man speaks softly, trying not to further startle the situation. "What... should I do?" He didn't know, but as long as the 'baby' was going to stay in the corner, Slim Jim wasn't planning to get closer.
Jul 26, 2022 10:28 pm
Sorry been away from the computer for a few days. The pace has picked up and it's got exciting suddenly.
Vyncent, Adric and Odric follow the main party upstairs. Vyncent looking from the trapdoor "Crikey you don't see that everyday, abomination.... what do we do? What the hells going on?

Adric and Odric follow Vyncent up through the trap door.

Riffin continues to guard the entrance, his nerves at this stage completely fried.
Is anyone else downstairs with Riffin or has he been left alone?
Jul 27, 2022 12:02 am
Victoria, Hekem and Lorna were downstairs still, awaiting the group to return or call down from above, but seeing Ruffin will the them, Lorna urges them to seek out the Door to the Tunnel beneath the house.

We should not leave our people split up for so long down there. Let’s call down to them and see if they found anything." Victoria starts to the hidden butcher’s room.
Last edited July 27, 2022 12:03 am
Jul 27, 2022 1:07 am
Kari slowly comes back down to the group, a dazed look in her eyes "Well Slim, you were right. There is a baby. Only its the biggest baby I ever saw. Its bigger than those man beasts that were outside in the pigpen!" Staring around, and being the only one with darkvision in the group, Kari decides to go back up, slowly. It was just a baby after all, right? She slowly coos to the baby, or at least as best she can to a 10 foot baby. "Hi there, its OK. Just...try to stay calm." She looks around, trying to see if there are any toys or something that might be used to pacify the baby.
Getting some Spirited Away vibes :)
Jul 27, 2022 9:34 am
Kari, Tiny, Beladil, Mother Breadwife, Slim, Vyncent, Adric, Odric

Seeing the sword, the demonic infant screeches and sends one of the barrels at Slim Jim's direction. The wood splinters as the barrel flies past the man and hits a wall behind him.

Torches and lanterns seem to dim in the attic, making the baby look like a giant mass of demonic arms and legs with two huge glowing eyes - Kari is the only one able to figure out the details. As she tries to get closer to the Thing, it appears as if she was closing to a demonic beast.
@Dsquid what is Kari's alignment? Lawful, Neutral, Chaotic?

Entrance to the Grinder Below
Victoria, Hekem, Lorna, Wyna
The group descends into the tunnels below, meeting with Wyna who stayed to keep watch. The woman is apparently on edge and regrets leaving the safety of Hillkant.
"Others went through that door and then to the right. It feels like an eternity," she points at the north exit, "I'm glad somebody finally came. How do things look up there?"
Riffin, Walt, Cynwe, Dewane, Gauwalt
These are the characters currently keeping watch at the entrance to the house. Nothing of interest happened here so far.
Jul 27, 2022 11:36 pm
@seifi Kari is lawful
Jul 28, 2022 1:36 pm
Kari, Tiny, Beladil, Mother Breadwife, Slim, Vyncent, Adric, Odric

The demonic infant screeches at Kari and sends another barrel flying, almost hitting his target. This time though, the barrel turned out to be full of what seems to be bits and slices of cured meat, drowned in congealed blood.

Some of the members of the group realize that the walls are lined with barrels such as this one - the "little one" probably has to eat a lot.
Jul 29, 2022 7:12 am
"That foul being is no baby, what the heck were the Curwen's doing up here." Kari brandishes her shovel in front of her as she shouts back to the rest of the group, "I can't take this alone and I'm not going to be able to pacify this beast, are you with me?"
Jul 29, 2022 6:57 pm
"Of course there's more of us. Bloody half the town came to check on your family."

To'mas starts to back up to and Jasen and Josen take the hint and they begin to move back towards the way up.
Jul 29, 2022 10:44 pm
Hearing Kari, Slim shakes himself free of his hesitation. She was right. No matter what this is, it should not be. He was there beside the dwarf in step, the clean blade ready to spill the blood of some abomination. [Slim is also Lawful - roll initiative?]

Victoria sighs. "This family is seriously messed up. We need to get our people back together." She wasn’t sure these were best people to take into the next group but they needed to establish communication. "Wyna, right? You stay here. Lorna I want you at the bottom of the ladder. Hekem and I will try to find the ones who went down."

Hekem cusses under his breath, but doesn’t rebuke her assumed command for now.
Last edited July 29, 2022 10:56 pm
Jul 30, 2022 5:28 am
Rolling initiative awhile for Kari and Tiny if required, else ignore


Initiative - (1d20)

(6) = 6

Jul 30, 2022 9:43 am
Edit: I don't understand how you guys do it, but aside from that one harmless fumble, the dice gods really seem to love you.

Kari, Tiny, Beladil, Mother Breadwife, Slim, Vyncent, Adric, Odric

Seeing unsheathed blades, or perhaps sensing malicious intent, the demonic mass starts screeching and screeching, showing two rows of sharp teeth in its mouth.
Everybody in the Attic roll for initiative! The alignment only mattered for Kari trying to calm the baby, it failed automatically.
Also if anyone doesn't want to fight the baby, this is the last chance to make a run for it without making a roll!
This is also your last chance to change the marching order - the first ones are considered to be "the first line" and would thus be hit first with whatever the demon attacks with.

The Grinder Below
To'mas, Jasen, Josen, Duri

A dark expression passes through Allen's face.
"Then we will have to deal with you one by one. Let's go boy!"
With that, Allen Merritt lunges forward, his meat cleaver flailing menacingly, running at the group! He is followed by Wilbur, who is holding a wooden staff and apparently waited just next to the entrance.
Roll for initiative! Since this would end up being a fight in a corridor, please only roll for To'Mas and any character that would try to do a ranged attack.

Entrance to the Grinder Below
Victoria, Hekem, Lorna, Wyna
I have probably miscommunicated - Wyna is already down, the group would meet her after going down the ladder. Would Lorna still keep watch up at the trapdoor?


Initiative - Curwen Demigod - (1d20)

(2) = 2

Initiative - Beladil + Mother Breadwife - (1d20)

(20) = 20

Initiative - Allen Merritt - (1d20)

(3) = 3

Jul 30, 2022 2:26 pm
To'mas has his Longsword and both Jasen and Josen have shortbows.


To'mas Init - (d20)

(20) = 20

Josen Init - (d20)

(12) = 12

Jasen Init - (d20)

(9) = 9

Aug 1, 2022 10:25 am
The Grinder BelowEsidrix: To'mas, Jasen, Josen
Untaken: Duri
Esidrix you are correct! That would mean all of your present characters can attack.
Since we are using group initiative, your characters can act in any order you see fit. Allen is currently running at the group with his cleaver ready to attack, so he could theoretically be hit by ranged attacks before engaging in melee.

Please remember that all attack rolls are gonna use a d16 instead of a d20 due to the tunnels being cramped - they are making it difficult to both slash and shoot!
Aug 1, 2022 12:03 pm
Arrows fly as To'mas steels himself to meet the oncoming charge.
Jasen and Josen will loose at Allen and To'mas will swing if anyone comes in range.


Jasen - (d16)

(4) = 4

Josen - (d16)

(4) = 4

To'mas - (d16)

(6) = 6

Aug 1, 2022 12:31 pm
The Grinder BelowEsidrix: To'mas, Jasen, Josen
Untaken: Duri

One of the arrows whizzes past Allen, while another one hits the wall next to him and ricochets harmlessly. The attacker swiftly dodges To'Mas' swing, replying with a hefty slash of his own.


Allen Merritt Attack roll - (1d16)

(12) = 12

Allen Merritt Damage roll - (1d4)

(4) = 4

Initiative - Duri - (1d20+1)

(15) + 1 = 16

Aug 1, 2022 12:44 pm
The Grinder BelowEsidrix: To'mas, Jasen, Josen
Untaken: Duri

The meat cleaver finds it target, burrowing deeply into To'Mas' clavicle. The sound of bones snapping is accompanied by the sight of blood splattering both men. What are the last moments of To'Mas like?
Well... That went south really quickly, those rolls could not have gone much worse for you. Sad to see To'Mas go, it seems that the Grinder has taken its first victim!
Aug 1, 2022 8:16 pm
Duri, watching the cleaver sinking into To'mas in horror, feels his stomach drop out from under him.
Duri having no ranged weapon and being at the back breaks and runs back to the ladder to call for help.
Aug 1, 2022 8:20 pm
Upstairs Initiative


Odric - (1d20)

(20) = 20

Adric - (1d20+2)

(9) + 2 = 11

Vyncent - (1d20-1)

(10) - 1 = 9

Aug 1, 2022 8:48 pm
@Redwhippet Duri would probably be just behind To'Mas as the only remaining melee character. This would mean that he needs to get past Jasen and Josen in order to run, which is certainly possible (and a nice way to let us know about his character), however he would leave two remaining ranged characters to deal with a melee character.

Do you still want to proceed with the escape? Otherwise the Initiative order would be as follows (I rolled for Duri in previous post):

Esidrix: Jasen, Josen
Redwhippet: Duri
Allen Merritt
Aug 1, 2022 9:44 pm
Jasen and Josen, being hunters have seen death before and To'mas was kind of a mouthy twit for a wanna be knight. Josen silently notes he lost the bet on whether To'mas would live long enough to kill anything. Ah well, wasn't the first copper he'd lost to Jasen.

With a knowing glance, the cousins put a dozen steps between them and Allen, knowing he'll need to step over the no more knight to get to them. With a practiced eye (that usually works with deer) the lads loose again at this villian.
I feel like one of those is a hit.
Last edited August 1, 2022 9:47 pm


Jasen - (d16)

(16) = 16

Josen - (d16)

(3) = 3

Damage - (d6)

(2) = 2

Aug 2, 2022 9:39 am
The Grinder BelowEsidrix: To'mas, Jasen, Josen
Untaken: Duri

One of the arrows strikes through, hitting Allen in the shoulder. The man screeches with pain, stumbling and giving the group time to create more distance.
It is indeed a hit!
Will wait to confirm Duri is creating more distance with the group - the hunters should now be in the previous room, still able to shoot into the passage.

Entrance to the Grinder Below@Orobu: Victoria, Hekem, Lorna
@Esidrix: Wyna

The group is interrupted mid-conversation by the sound of a man yelling in pain, coming from the direction in which To'mas, Jasen, Josen and Duri went!
Aug 2, 2022 4:15 pm
I understood Duri was at the back and would cause a mess trying to get to the front.
Duri seizing the moment rushes Allen "ARRRGH!" swinging his stonemasons hammer down towards the man's head.
Last edited August 2, 2022 4:20 pm


Duri - Attack - (1d16)

(9) = 9

Aug 2, 2022 4:59 pm
Sorry, starting the kids in school was rougher than I expected. I'm back
Upstairs with the Toddler
Slim was as ready as he could ever be.

Grinder Entrance
Hekem was first to react. "Feck that!" Victoria snaps back. "Wyna, stay here and don't let this door close. Hekem I will pay you." Hekem looks harsh at Victoria, then arches an eyebrow. "You'd better Lassy." Hekem starts down the ladder, followed by Victoria, and then Lorna. Hekem, with his Darkvision, and Victoria will try to figure out where the others went, hoping that some of the other groups are coming back soon.
Last edited August 2, 2022 5:01 pm


Slim Initiative - (1d20)

(16) = 16

Aug 3, 2022 2:26 pm
@Redwhippet so just to clarify - Duri is attacking in the end, even though the brothers retreated? I will rule on whether he hit or not after your decision :)

UpstairsOrobu: Slim Jim
Untaken: Beladil
Dsquid: Mother Breadwife, Kari, Tiny
Redwhippet: Vyncent, Adric, Odric
Initiative order:

Untaken - Beladil
Curwen Demigod

Everyone please roll your attack rolls for all of your attacking characters. If the roll is 8 or higher, also roll for damage!
Aug 3, 2022 6:04 pm
Attacks from Beladil and Slim


Beladil attack - (1d16)

(1) = 1

Beladil damage - (1d4)

(2) = 2

Slim's Attack - (1d16)

(8) = 8

Slim's Damage - (1d8)

(8) = 8

Aug 3, 2022 11:36 pm
reroll attacks, sorry.

yeah, that's better!

Beladil attack with their staff, while Slim attacks with his longsword.
Last edited August 3, 2022 11:41 pm


Beladil attack - (1d20)

(16) = 16

Slim's attack - (1d20)

(15) = 15

Aug 4, 2022 7:32 pm
Duri is attacking.
Vyncent charges in with cleaver raised, as Adric and Odric circle trying to find a good angle for their attacks.


Adric (Knife) - (1d20-1)

(1) - 1 = 0

Odric (Handaxe) - (1d20+1)

(11) + 1 = 12

Vyncent (Cleaver) - (1d20+1)

(16) + 1 = 17

Odric damage - (1d6+1)

(3) + 1 = 4

Vyncent damage - (1d6+1)

(4) + 1 = 5

Aug 4, 2022 9:38 pm
UpstairsOrobu: Slim Jim, Beladil
Dsquid: Mother Breadwife, Kari, Tiny
Redwhippet: Vyncent, Adric, Odric
That would be a fumble for Adric! I will write up the results after all rolls are made.

The Grinder BelowEsidrix: Jasen, Josen, Wyna
Redwhippet: Duri
Orobu: Victoria, Hekem, Lorna

As the hunters flee from Allen Merritt, Duri stands his ground. Striking over a fallen comrade, he hits his foe with a mighty blow!
Meanwhile, Victoria, Hekem, Lorna and Wyna dash into the first of the rooms. A quick look reveals Jasen and Josen in the room to the right, however doors creak from the left!
A mountain of a man stands in the door, holding a massive club. Two goat-like eyes stare from a tangled mess of hair and beard in a short moment of confusion, quickly replaced with aggression. The Tangled man then lunges forward at the group!
We will keep the current Initiative order for both fights in the Grinder to prevent confusion, which would mean the turns go as follows:

Esidrix: Jasen, Josen, Wyna
Redwhippet: Duri

Enemy NPCs (Allen Merritt, Wilbur Curwen, the Tangled man)

The new fight will start after the end of this round!
@Redwhippet please roll 1d4 damage for Duri's attack and a 1d4+1 for Adric's fumble
@Orobu please roll a 1d20+1 for Initiative for the fight in the Grinder
[ +- ] Map for better orientation
Aug 5, 2022 1:18 am
Oh this won't good... whee!


Grinder Init - (1d20+1)

(5) + 1 = 6

Aug 5, 2022 5:41 am
Attack rolls!


Kari Attack - (1d20)

(6) = 6

Tiny Attack - (1d20)

(5) = 5

Mother Breadwife - (1d20)

(14) = 14

Mother Breadwife Damage - (1d8-1)

(7) - 1 = 6

Aug 5, 2022 10:08 am
That map is incredibly helpful, I was getting a little lost....


Duri - Damage - (1d4)

(2) = 2

Adric - Fumble - (1d4+1)

(4) + 1 = 5

Aug 6, 2022 8:42 am
Rolls, yay!


Curwen Demigod - Attack roll - (1d20+4)

(16) + 4 = 20

Curwen Demigod - Damage - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Secret Roll

Wilbur Curwen - Attack roll - (1d16)

(7) = 7

Aug 6, 2022 9:02 am
UpstairsOrobu: Slim Jim, Beladil
Dsquid: Mother Breadwife, Kari, Tiny
Redwhippet: Vyncent, Adric, Odric

The townsfolk charge the dark mass of arms and legs and the demon responds with a blood-chilling screech. He meets the attackers with raised fists and manages to hit Adric, lifting the poor man of his feet and knocking him prone.
The others manage to get past the demon's defense and attack. Both Vincent and Odric burrow their weapons into the beast's flesh, awarded by another blood-chilling scream and splashes of dark blood.
Others follow soon. Beladil and Mother Breadwife both join the attackers, slashing and piercing.
Finally, Slim Jim manages to run past all and burrow his longsword into the back of the beast with a mighty swing. The hit gets the demon reeling and it stumbles onto Adric, crushing the poor man under its weight.

The demonic child now lays on the floor, bleeding profusely. It is clear that one good hit may very well end its life.
I believe there is no point in everyone rolling as you managed to deal whopping 25 points of damage in a single round. @Redwhippet you are first in Initiative, care to do the honors and roll the possibly final attack rolls?
The attack roll should be a simple 1d20 for 0-level characters.
[ +- ] Status tracker
Aug 6, 2022 9:31 am
The Grinder BelowEsidrix: Jasen, Josen, Wyna
Redwhippet: Duri
Orobu: Victoria, Hekem, Lorna

Duri lands his hammer directly into Allen's face, crushing the man's skull and killing him instantly. Wilbur screams with horror upon seeing his father-in-law crumble to the ground and tries to hit Duri with his staff!
The weapon hits the ceiling of the tunnel, loosing its momentum and missing the dwarf by a few inches.

Another person appears in the room from which Allen and Wilbur came - most would easily recognize pregnant Eliza Merritt, leaning on a staff and trying to get a sneak peek onto the fight.
Top of the round everyone! We will go one by one in this fight in order for some not to attack already dead characters, the Initiative order is as follows:

Esidrix: Jasen, Josen, Wyna
Redwhippet: Duri
Orobu: Victoria, Hekem, Lorna
Enemy NPCs (Wilbur Curwen, the Tangled man, Eliza Merritt)

Which would mean @Esidrix is up!

Please note that any ranged attack into the melee is at -2 modifier (so the roll would be a 1d20-2 for the attack). Any missed ranged attack would have a 50% chance to hit an ally!
Jasen and Josen should not be able to notice the Tangled Man yet.
[ +- ] Map
Aug 6, 2022 1:09 pm
Is it possible for my crew to hold action to give Duri a chance to fall back? And then fire when he's clear.
"Duri, fall back, we can surround him back here."
Aug 6, 2022 2:16 pm
Esidrix sure! I am moving you back in the Initiative, which means @Redwhippet is up!
Aug 6, 2022 5:38 pm
Lorna screams as she sees the Tangled man. Victoria trying to keep her wits best about her was about to spot Jasen and Josen, calling for her group of new arrivals to move. "Get to the others! Lorna, take Wyna... we will cover you." She had no idea how well this would work, but placing herself and Hekem between Lorna and Wyna, they would try to make their way to Jasen and Josen and use the smaller hallway.

[I'm not sure where is initiative, lmk]
Aug 8, 2022 6:26 am
Duri under attack from Wilbur ignores his comrades words and swings his hammer once again.


Duri - Attack - (1d16)

(2) = 2

Aug 8, 2022 6:29 am
Vyncent and Odric immediately set upon the child.....


Vyncent - Attack - (1d20)

(7) = 7

Odric - Attack - (1d20)

(13) = 13

Aug 8, 2022 7:09 am
The Grinder BelowEsidrix: Jasen, Josen, Wyna
Redwhippet: Duri
Orobu: Victoria, Hekem, Lorna

Wilbur manages to keep Duri out of range with the attack of his staff, preventing him from effectively hitting!
Initiative order:

Redwhippet: Duri
Esidrix: Jasen, Josen, Wyna
Orobu: Victoria, Hekem, Lorna
Enemy NPCs (Wilbur Curwen, the Tangled man, Eliza Merritt)

@Esidrix do you wish to withhold your actions after Orobu? It would seem he will try to contact the hunters on his turn.
Aug 8, 2022 7:12 am
UpstairsOrobu: Slim Jim, Beladil
Dsquid: Mother Breadwife, Kari, Tiny
Redwhippet: Vyncent, Odric
The demon had last 1 HP left, so that is a kill for Odric! @Redwhippet you can go ahead and fill us on how Odric avenges his drinking buddy!
Aug 8, 2022 10:42 am
Odric reigns down blow after blow with is axe long beyond what is necessary to fell the child-demon, finally he is dragged off the creature by Vyncent sobbing and exhausted. "Adric....." He whimpers
Aug 8, 2022 11:12 am
UpstairsOrobu: Slim Jim, Beladil
Dsquid: Mother Breadwife, Kari, Tiny
Redwhippet: Vyncent, Odric

The room now looks a little brighter, or perhaps the darkness retreated with the death of it's champion-to-be. Poor Adric lies beneath the remains, his neck broken by the demon's fall.

A moment of silence passes by, disrupted only by Odric's sobbing. Then, folk start to shuffle around. The night is nowhere near its end and there is a lot the Curwens will have to answer for.

The attic now seems empty, what are the group's next steps? Most of the rooms upstairs are still unexplored, yet it seems that there was some discovery downstairs.
[ +- ] Map - Upstairs.

The U symbol at the end of the corridor symbolizes the trapdoor used to get to the attic. The room at the very end is where the crazed woman was encountered.
Aug 8, 2022 12:01 pm
Odric rises from the ground clutching the bloodied axe in one hand. Collects himself and says "We should find the others and regroup, then we destroy whatever evil lives here room by room....."

Vyncent slowly nods his approval, unusually lost for words.
Aug 8, 2022 3:43 pm
Wiping off his blade and putting it away, Slim and Beladil agree with Odric. The young mercenary gives the grieving man, offering a silent solemn expression of support. Truthfully he was existing somewhat vicariously through the older man's anguish. It was preventing him for considering the horror of this place to their deeds. Yet, they did not have the time, and he would not insult Odric or the memory of his friend by asking if he would be alright. They had been through a lot already, but it seemed they were using it well. Make it Hatred. Take the fear, the pain, the sadness... turn it all to hatred for your Foe. His instructor's raspy bitter voice playing in his memories.
Aug 8, 2022 5:16 pm
Yes, Wyna takes up a position between the boys and they are holding for clear shots or advancing enemies.
Aug 8, 2022 7:11 pm
The Grinder BelowEsidrix: Jasen, Josen, Wyna
Redwhippet: Duri
Orobu: Victoria, Hekem, Lorna

Wyna retreats to the room with the hunters, as they wait to try and get a decent shot.
Initiative order:

Redwhippet: Duri
Esidrix: Jasen + Josen (holding action), Wyna
Orobu: Victoria, Hekem, Lorna
Enemy NPCs (Wilbur Curwen, the Tangled man, Eliza Merritt)

@Orobu you're up!
Aug 8, 2022 10:39 pm
Lorna was first, moving after Wyna, but stopping at the entrance to the hall to the others. Using her sling, Lorna hopes to scare the beast off, by attacking it. [rolling to hit]

As Lorna moves, she follows, calling Hekem after her, setting themselves between the Tangled Man and Lorna to protect the woman. "Are you ready?" She asked, wielding her dagger nervously. "Feck'n shite mum' you bet have somefing more than coin." He lifts his club ready to attack the beast if it comes for them. [are there readied attacks?]
Last edited August 8, 2022 10:41 pm


Lorna Sling +1 - (1d20+1)

(12) + 1 = 13

Sling (1d4) - (1d4)

(2) = 2

Aug 9, 2022 10:14 am
The Grinder BelowEsidrix: Jasen, Josen, Wyna
Redwhippet: Duri
Orobu: Victoria, Hekem, Lorna

The stone hits the charging man in the shoulder and while he growls at the pain, it is not enough to stop him. Clutching his massive club, he continues his attack!
@Orobu While there are no readied attacks in the system itself, it makes sense in the fiction, so if Hekem want to wait for the Tangled Man to close in and then attack, I would allow it.
There will be no mechanical advantage or disadvantage (if Hekem was a Warrior, he could use a Mighty deed of arms for this), so if he wants to attack the Tangled man after he closes in, you can roll a 1d20 attack roll and a 1d4 potential damage for him.
[ +- ] Status tracker
Aug 9, 2022 11:57 am
Hekem screams in a shrill voice as the Tangle man comes at him, swinging wildly and managing to connect.
Last edited August 9, 2022 11:57 am


Hekem club attack - (1d20)

(17) = 17

club damage - (1d4)

(2) = 2

Aug 9, 2022 12:17 pm
Rolls for the enemy!


Wilbur Curwen - Attack roll - (1d16)

(10) = 10

The Tangled Man - Attack roll - (1d20+2)

(8) + 2 = 10

The Tangled Man - Damage roll - (1d4+2)

(4) + 2 = 6

Aug 9, 2022 12:35 pm
The Grinder BelowEsidrix: Jasen, Josen, Wyna
Redwhippet: Duri
Orobu: Victoria, Hekem, Lorna

Hekem stands in the way valiantly, however his small size proved to be nothing compared to the towering muscles of the Tangled man. He charges like a demon and both hits connect at the same time.

A crunching sound accompanies two bodies hitting the floor.

Hekem falls to the ground, his head caved in from the side, the hit killing him instantly.
The Tangled Man falls as well, hit into his knee. He lets out a roar of pain, which can be heard by everyone in the grinder, chilling the blood and making the bones shiver. He then raises back onto one knee, prepared to dish out punishment to those who encroached into his domain!
Meanwhile, in the corridor to the north, Duri still fights the young Curwen. The boy's resolve is visibly shaken and he makes a poor attempt to hit the dwarf, which is easily repelled.
"Allen!!!" Eliza Curwen suddenly jumps between the two fighters, kneeling next to the dead body of her husband, "NOOOOOO!"
Let's say that Eliza broke the engagement between Wilbur and Duri - this would mean he can retreat safely.
He doesn't have to though and if he wishes to attack Eliza, he most certainly can (even though attacking a grieving pregnant woman may certainly have repercussions upon his soul!).

New round, @Redwhippet you're up!

Redwhippet: Duri
Esidrix: Jasen, Josen, Wyna
Orobu: Victoria, Hekem, Lorna
Enemy NPCs (Wilbur Curwen, the Tangled man, Eliza Merritt)
[ +- ] Status tracker
Aug 9, 2022 3:26 pm
As we're about to be next. Can Jasen/Josen/Wyna see the Tangled Man or is he back a room?
Aug 9, 2022 3:41 pm
Esidrix says:
As we're about to be next. Can Jasen/Josen/Wyna see the Tangled Man or is he back a room?
They definitely could have heard him (or get notified by Wyna). Seeing him would require to move to the room where the new arrivals are.

Since Jasen and Josen did not act last turn, I'd say it is fine for them to have the time to move there and then attack if that is your intention.
Aug 9, 2022 9:21 pm
Concerned by the shouts behind them, Jasen and Josen start for the previous room. Wyna follows behind them. Upon seeing the 'Tangled Man' and the, um... Was that Hekem? Either way, it takes no discussion for the boys to fire.


Jasen - (d16)

(2) = 2

Josen - (d16)

(1) = 1

Aug 11, 2022 11:37 pm
Duri retreats cautiously to the room where the others are. If he has the opportunity he will pick up the weapon of his fallen comrade.
it was a sword wasnt it that was dropped?
Aug 12, 2022 1:30 am
Lorna screams again. "Monsters!" She did not know what to do, just trying to survive as she loads another stone and tries to nailed the Tangled Man in the head. Victoria jumped, startled as the two metahumans fell, hearing the crunch, but as Lorna attacks, she realizes that if she does not do something now, that thing was going to kill them all... or worse.


Lorna Sling attack Tangle Man - (1d20+1)

(19) + 1 = 20

Victoria Dagger attack Tangle Man - (1d20)

(18) = 18

Aug 12, 2022 1:31 am
Is burning Luck for Damage a +6 as well?
Aug 12, 2022 12:03 pm
@Redwhippet - To'mas did have a sword.
Aug 14, 2022 8:32 am
The Grinder BelowEsidrix: Jasen, Josen, Wyna
Redwhippet: Duri
Orobu: Victoria, Hekem, Lorna

Seeing Duri retreat, Wilbur grabs wailing Eliza and starts dragging the newly widowed woman to the corridor to the left. He shouts something at her, but the words are lost in the woman's screams.

Meanwhile in the other room, Jasen and Josen are called to the fight against the Tangled Man and let their arrows at the beastly man.
@Esidrix the penalty for the attack rolls was just for the fights in the corridors, the rooms are spacious enough. Both Jasen and Josen can thus roll 1d20 instead of 1d16 - feel free to reroll!

If the rolls exceed AC 10, you can roll for damage too!

@Redwhippet To'mas had a sword and Duri should have no problem with grabbing it. He now has access to Longsword +0 (1d8 points of damage).

@Orobu Every point of burned Luck adds +1 modifier to the roll, so for example burning 3 points of Luck adds additional +3 to the roll result. Burning Luck for damage is ok.
Aug 14, 2022 4:58 pm
oh, okay gotcha... burning 1 Luck for Lorna and 1 for Victoria


Sling damage (1 luck burned) - (1d4+1)

(2) + 1 = 3

Dagger damage (1 luck burned) - (1d4+1)

(1) + 1 = 2

Aug 14, 2022 6:45 pm
Rerolls incoming.


Jasen - (d20)

(16) = 16

Josen - (d20)

(12) = 12

Jasen damage - (d6)

(1) = 1

Josen damage - (d6)

(5) = 5

Aug 14, 2022 7:17 pm
The Grinder BelowEsidrix: Jasen, Josen, Wyna
Redwhippet: Duri
Orobu: Victoria, Hekem, Lorna

The hunters send their arrows toward the Tangled man and both missiles hit their mark. The first projectile burrows itself into the shoulder of the enemy, while the other one bites right into his neck.
The Tangled man gurgles as he makes a few last steps toward Victoria, before crumbling down onto the floor.

The beastly humanoid is dead and Wilbur disappeared along with Eliza, giving our townsfolk a moment or two to recuperate. Hekem Bekem and To'mas both lie unmoving, their souls hopefully on their way to a better place.

After some time, the sound of footsteps and people moving can be heard. The group that explored the upstairs part of the mansion joins with the people in the Grinder.
All right everyone, well played! A few things:

@Orobu No Luck burn was needed for you, as Esidrix managed to finish the foe in time! Good thinking on your part though!

I believe this is a good time to regroup, please shortly describe who exactly went into the Grinder from Upstairs and whether someone stayed back at the entrance to the mansion - I know some of the characters kept watch there.

The room from which Allen Merritt came contains iron cleavers, flensing knives, axes and similar and apparently served as a slaughterhouse of sorts. Should any character wish to do so, they can equip themselves with one of the aforementioned items providing them with a melee weapon that deals 1d4 damage.

Below, you can see the map with 2 different directions displayed. Wilbur and Eliza disappeared into Direction A. Let me know where do you wish to head next!
The entry point into the Grinder is a U shaped icon in the most southern room.
[ +- ] The Map
Aug 15, 2022 4:44 am
Kari, Tiny and Mother Breadwife are setill a bit shaken after the encounter with the demon spawn. While they originally planned to exploer the upstairs further, the commotion from downstairs gets the better part of their curiousity. Cynwe and Walt joins the party as they travel downstairs and head into the basement.

They follow the sound of voices and meet up with the rest of the gropu in the bastement, their eyes falling on the tangled man's corpse.

"Looks like we weren't the only ones to find some affront to nature in this house," Kari said. "What on Earth have the Curwen's been up to. Where are the othe...." Kari stops short as her eyes fall on the bodies of Hekem and To'mas. She lets out a short sob.

Tiny shakes his head angrily, "We came up here to help the Curwens. And now, some of us won't return. We need to make this right somehow."

Once the others explain what happened and that the remaining Curwens headed down the tunnel, Tiny says, "I know which way I am going.". Kari still stunned takes a few seconds before she numbly follows after Tiny, and the rest of the group follows with murmurs of agreement.
Last edited August 15, 2022 6:15 am
Aug 15, 2022 5:02 am
Lorna shrank to her knees as the Goatman fell, trying to do something for Hekem, knowing full well that the strange little man was gone.

Victoria looked like she might have gone into shock but pulled herself out of it looking around at the other survivors. Thanking the archers and checking on Duri who looked to have been in a scuffle. "These are mad bastards." Moving back to Lorna wondering if the bookish woman was going to be okay, or if she could.

Beladil followed with the others down the ladder, it was too late now for more than to flow in the stream.

Slim was quick down to the ladder, hand to his sword as he covers the others coming down. He saw Hekem and frowns, trying to keep his count, but the living was his concern, and reaching for Lorna, he pulls the woman up to her feet. "Stay with us. We will need your wits." In this space and time which subterranean fighters had won, Slim offered a prayer before taking the rope from the halfling's corpse.

Lorna wipes the tears from her face and stands. "They must be stopped."

"Grab a real weapon if you don't have one. I will take the front." He notes the arrows in the goat-eyed manthing, and will attempt to help arrange the others in an order to cover the front and rear, so their ranged units were guarded. "Lets get together and cover each other. We will make these villains pay."
[ +- ] Hekem's Body
Last edited August 15, 2022 5:19 am
Aug 18, 2022 5:35 am
Duri having scooped up the sword positions himself at the front of the party next to Slim. Deferring to the more experienced man he lets him take the lead
If I understand correctly noone seems to be staying upstairs?
Vyncent and Odric coming down the stairs grab Riffin not to leave him alone and continue down to meet the others. Brandishing their weapons they follow Slim, sticking together as best they can.
Aug 18, 2022 2:03 pm
All right then, so it is my understanding that everyone is heading in the direction A? Does anyone grab an additional melee weapon?

@Esidrix I presume Dewane is coming down as well?
Aug 18, 2022 2:43 pm
Oh, yes, He's far from brave enough to stay by himself.
Aug 18, 2022 8:51 pm
The Grinder BelowOrobu: Slim, Victoria, Lorna, Beladil
Esidrix: Dewane, Wyna, Jasen, Josen
Redwhippet: Duri, Vyncent, Odric, Riffin
Dsquid: Tiny, Kari, Mother Breadwife, Cynwe, Walt
The characters are written as per my understanding of the marching order, if you wish to swap them, let me know.
The group sets out further into the dark tunnels. Passing the limp body of To'mas, some murmur prayers to send his soul to whatever deity that would be willing to accept him.

The group follows the tunnel taken by Wilbur and Eliza and after a short walk founds itself in a long, narrow room that has floor covered with hex-shaped stone tiles.
In the centre of each 5-foot section (1,5 metres), the tiles have holes and a quick glance into them reveals a pale humanoid form, lying about 15 feet (4,5 metres) deep. There are 14 tiles and each apparently works as a cell of sorts.

Two strong men could probably lift the tiles up, revealing the hole fully.
Aug 18, 2022 11:15 pm
I don't know what is left around, but Slim will hand additional weapons to better equip the others or other gear, but won't touch any money.
Slim nods to Duri, happy to have him. He might be the only 'trained' man here not that he felt it amounted to much with the terror presented. They were in one sense, committing a very stupid mistake. They should have left, but as the drive of curiosity and vengeance pushed them ahead, they soon discovered the prison cells. Slim passes the metal panel, standing guard over the area, and drops the large coil of Hempen rope he took from Hekem. "I'll cover... a couple of you men get those open, check on the people there." He was not actually sure about the last part.
Last edited August 18, 2022 11:15 pm
Aug 19, 2022 2:23 am
Dewane and Wyna move to one of the floor tiles and begin to lift. Jasen and Josen step back and cover with their bows.
Aug 19, 2022 7:33 am
"I say let's see what comes outta the first one first." Vyncent says holding an arm out to stop Odric and Riffin following orders to open the other cells.
Aug 19, 2022 9:54 am
The Grinder BelowOrobu: Slim, Victoria, Lorna, Beladil
Esidrix: Dewane, Wyna, Jasen, Josen
Redwhippet: Duri, Vyncent, Odric, Riffin
Dsquid: Tiny, Kari, Mother Breadwife, Cynwe, Walt
There are plenty of 1d4 weapons in the Slaughterhouse, so any ranged character can now have a side melee weapon. Otherwise most of the characters have better or similar weapons already.
The tile is heavy and it takes a decent amount of effort, but after a few tries Dewane and Wyna finally succeed in their task and remove the stone tile. The body below appears human, yet somehow seems not to be.
The pale form, twisted into fetus position in order to fit into its tiny cell, raises its head and arm in a begging gesture.

Damned Thing
"M-mercy lord! Please, mercy!"

It is thin, anorectic in its appearance and its voice is raspy, damaged by years of screaming.
Aug 19, 2022 1:34 pm
Victoria and Lorna both squirm as they are surprised somehow by the wafting of scent. "Poor wretches... who are you?" Lorna asks, with pity in her eyes. "How long have you been here?"

Damned Thing


Aug 19, 2022 2:01 pm
Damned Thing
"Just a filthy wretch, lord! Servin' the grand Pa for... For... For... Ahhh I don't know!!!"
The man starts hitting himself in the head and then digging his nails into the walls of his tiny cell.
"Please lord, mercy!"
Aug 20, 2022 2:48 am
"Barbaric. And to think we came to help these people," Tiny says with a note of disgust in his voice, "there must be a ladder or some apparatus to get him out of these holes." Tiny moves closer to the hole. He peers down, "Do they ever let you out? Is there a rope or something around here?"

On Tiny's cue, Kari starts searching the room for anything they could lower into the hole.
Last edited August 20, 2022 2:49 am
Aug 20, 2022 3:14 am
"Maybe haul them up by the ropes?" Victoria takes the open and ties a sturdy knot, suggesting they just pull them out.
Last edited August 20, 2022 3:14 am

Damned Thing


Aug 20, 2022 8:45 am
Damned Thing
"No lord, Wretch is to stay within his cell! Only when Grand Pa wishes to test his salts, he makes Wretch sleep and brings him to his magic table!"
There indeed is a rope on a table on the side of the room and soon the poor soul is offered to be dragged out. The pale humanoid widens his eyes, touching the rope as if testing if it is real.
"The lords are offering Wretch mercy? Oh glorious day, what a glorious day!"
Wretch ties the rope around himself, ready to get lifted out.

He is quite loud in his appreciation and the room suddenly fills with crying for help from every single tile - 14 total. It would seem that there are much more than a single Wretch.
Aug 22, 2022 7:27 pm
Dewane and Wyna take the rope Victoria dropped and begin pulling the wretch up. They've no interest in helping the others until they figure this one out.
Aug 22, 2022 7:45 pm
"Can you tell us anything more... where is the Master? What manner of monsters are these Curwens?" Victoria was trying to hold back her tone for threat or frenzy, while inside she felt the stirring of the most primal of fears. She did not like the sound of any of these wretched creatures' answers, let alone his speech. It seems to only get worse.

Lorna meanwhile keeping silent, tried to gather these breadcrumbs as best they could. Salts, magic tables, cattlemen, and fantastical aberrations. It was sickening in its intrigue.

Ever the observer, Beladil, watches with interest but has nothing to say. Leaning upon their staff as they contemplate.

Slim Jim was starting out into the continuing tunnel, listening for movement, each second wasted allowing their foes more time to prepare. "Just haul him out already, we need to move. Flee if you must, but if you have the mind tell us where we can find you Master." Unlike Victoria, Jim's voice drips with threat, as much as he was a doomed man ready to kill to stop a terrible future.
Last edited August 22, 2022 7:51 pm
Aug 23, 2022 4:03 am
Duri follows closely behind Slim sword at the ready.

Vyncent, Odric and Riffin look to the rest of the party for some decision. "We can come back for the rest when the works done.... this one i'd keep wiv us for now....." Vyncent proposes.

Odric looking solemn and Riffin visibly shaken.

Damned Thing


Aug 23, 2022 12:26 pm
Damned Thing
Once the pale figure emerges from its cell, it falls down on its knees and starts kissing Dewane's and Wyna's boots.
"Oh glorious! Wretch thanks his lords, he is most thankful indeed!"

Once Victoria asks her question, Wretch purses his lips and thinks for a while.
"It did not befit Wretch to question Grand Pa, but he always talked about how he is so close and how he will use the Wretches to feed everyone and never die. He said that the salts must be finished soon!"

The sound of other Wretches and their begging intensifies as Vyncent proposes keeping them in their cell.
Aug 25, 2022 3:15 am
Tiny nods to Vyncent, "I agree. IF we let them all out it could be chaos in here and we may lose the trail. Who knows how far these tunnels reach." Kari and Mother Breadwife look at one another, tehy can't help but feel for the wretches still in cells. "We'll come back for them," Tiny reassures them.
Aug 25, 2022 4:09 am
"Look there's no time to lose, into the tunnel we must go, bring the wretch with us, he might be of some use..." Vyncent smiles at the end looking at the creature they'd pulled from the cell.
Aug 25, 2022 1:57 pm
Slim nods and pushes forward, torch in one hand and sword at the ready. Having grabbed an ax to wield and put the small dagger away, Victoria kept Lorna near the middle, who recovered her bullets and was keeping an eye out for anything better to use. The bookish woman was thinking upon the words of the Wretched, discussing them softly with those who were interested. Pa Curwen seemed to be using some process to alter people. Some into cattle for meat, but some to breed what can only be described as monsters. Inbreeding alone can't explain what they have seen, and while she was not a superstition sort if he is truly wielding dark magicks these 'salts' may be the key. Beladil concurs with the reasoning, silently.
Last edited August 25, 2022 1:59 pm
Aug 25, 2022 5:14 pm
Dewane looks at the damned thing, "What lies down that corridor there, good sir."

Wyna, Jasen and Josen gather up, ready to follow the group onward.
Aug 26, 2022 10:39 am
The screaming of others in the holes grows unbearable.
"Mercy lord! Please have MERCYYYY!!!!"

Wretch is visibly disturbed by pleadings of his comrades and covers his ears in an expression pain.
"Wretch does not know, Wretch only slept in his cell or woke up on Grand Pa's table! Please do not send Wretch back, he really tries to know!"
The damned humanoid keeps lying at Dewane's feet, before he is grabbed onto his feet and taken with the group.

The group continues through the only corridor leading from the room and finds itself in a sort of a workshop.
"This is Grand Pa's table - here he would cut Wretch and give him his salts," Wretch shudders and hides behind Dewane, whom he seems to have appointed his personal protector.
There is a massive wooden table with leather straps for holding the victim in all four corners of it. The walls are lined with benches and boxes containing alchemical equipment and ingredients and a notebook lies on a writing desk next to the "operating" table.

There is a single exit from the room, leading further west.
Aug 26, 2022 1:23 pm
Slim heads to the door to cover and listens, letting the other handle any investigation. With a smile, he urges the Duri to stay close, but out of angle for Jasen and Josen to cover each door, with Beladil and whoever was left covering the archers. Trying his best to keep the scared villagers ready and with whatever tactics they could muster.

Victoria looked over the equipment and table, while Lorna was drawn to the notebook to read its cover or otherwise seek the first page.
Last edited August 26, 2022 1:23 pm
Aug 26, 2022 9:17 pm
The simple leatherbound notebook serves as a diary of sorts, used by grandpa Ike Curwen for his alchemical and arcane research. As Lorna quickly skims through the pages, it is clear that the man has been looking into how to achieve immortality. The last passage is especially disturbing.

"Adding the sacrificial ritual before extracting the salts from the herdsmen has proven to greatly increase their effectiveness. The Wretches I have administered the new salts upon show unending regeneration capabilities, to the point of them being indestructible by anything but fire.
Their vitality plummeted - perhaps try countering it next time with a Red bower? If all else fails, a soulstone or two should do the trick. KEEP THE FORMULA FOR THE SALTS - YOU ARE CLOSE."

Inside a compartment within the desk, there are two additional notebooks. One describes Sliggeth, an ancient god of Chaos and Cannibalism, whose relic the Curwens kept inheriting for generations. His great onyx cup is apparently in the Onyx room of the Grinder - his ancient shrine, upon which the Curwen family built its homestead.

The other notebook is a collection of notes from the days of Ike's youth, when he travelled the world in search of it's secrets.
Feel free to ask for clarification on anything - should the characters spend more time reading the journals, I am happy to answer. Know however that the time is ticking and there are Curwens on the loose.

With enough time to study, magically inclined characters could use the notebooks to learn the following spells:
Notes on achieving immortality - Chill touch (core rulebook, pg. 133)
Notes on Sliggeth - Find familiar (core rulebook, pg. 141)
Notes from Ike's travels - Comprehend languages (core rulebook, pg. 136)
Aug 27, 2022 1:39 pm
Victoria takes her dagger out and makes a few cuts into the leather straps, while Lorna reads. "Fascinating..." Lorna gasps the word, absorbing what she could. She would take these with her, for surely they were proof of the righteousness of their deeds. Victoria comes back to check with Lorna and they nod to one another after pointing out a passage, and they gather the notebooks together.

"We'd better go..." Ready at the door, he motions Duri to open the door, and with the others covering they would continue forward with care.
Aug 28, 2022 3:10 am
Tiny presses forward with the others, "Yes we must find them." Kari and Mother Breadwife continue on as well with Tiny's urging. Walt, ever the gambler still takes his chances with the crowd and follows with them. Cynwe, however, is attracted to the journals. She hangs back and joins Lorna. "Sliggeth, huh?" She says as she picks up the book, "In my time telling fortunes I have heard of many dieties but this is firs ttime I have heard mention of Sliggeth, even when I have channeled for the Curwins" Cynwe begins leafing through the book.
Cynwe will follow along with the others as she wont' want to be left alone, or be in the room with all the screaming wreches. Not sure how long it takes to laern the spell but she will keep the book if it requires some time.
Aug 28, 2022 7:33 am
Learning a new spell generally takes about a week per spell level - we are thus to assume that the characters would have to study after the adventure ends.

The books are reusable, so they can be shared between the characters - mercurial magic then makes every spell unique!
I will wait for everyone to confirm they wish to move on as we are slowly approaching the final part.
Aug 28, 2022 3:05 pm
Dewane, Wyna, Jasen and Josen are weapons up, ready to move.
Aug 29, 2022 8:32 pm
Seeing @Redwhippet has been offline for the last few days, I'm gonna move things forward and we can retcon if he wishes to add anything.
The Grinder BelowOrobu: Slim, Victoria, Lorna, Beladil
Esidrix: Dewane, Wyna, Jasen, Josen
Redwhippet: Duri, Vyncent, Odric, Riffin
Dsquid: Tiny, Kari, Mother Breadwife, Cynwe, Walt

The group enters a large cavern lit by phosphorescent worms lining the ceiling, creating a sort of a fairyland sky. Shadows move in the dim light, creating fantasque imagery on the walls. A moment of peace and wonder passes over everyone and townsfolk have a moment to breathe and calm their nerves.
Wretch, still hidden behind Dewane, watches the ceiling in awe, finally having a nice moment in far too long a time.
Sooner or later, the group has to continue. The cave leads down south, through a gentle slope, and is covered in the stink of unwashed bodies. As the group proceeds, they start hearing sounds that cut deep into their souls.

Wordless gibbering and cries of pain, accompanied by moans of hunger. This is where the Very Large Men came from, this is their Hell on Earth.
There are tens of them here, they would in fact easily outnumber the group 2 to 1. They huddle in the dark, trying to get away from the light's cruel touch, almost as if they knew its arrival meant pain and suffering. Walls and floor is covered in slops - waste from both vegetable and their brethren.

The townsfolk now realize that the escaped man was one of the more normal ones - centuries of inbreeding have created microcephalic creatures with almost swinish features.

There are two exits from here - one on the western end of the cave and another one leading down and to the south. A faint light is coming from the second one.
I would like a Will save throw for every single character present in order not to break up from accumulated stress. This means a roll of 1D20+Will. In case of failure, all rolls are going to be 1 dice lower on the dice chain (e.g. characters will roll 1d16 instead of 1d20) for the next hour.

The DC for this roll is set for 15, good luck!

Also if anyone wants to switch up their marching order from the one described above, this is your last chance to do so.


Wretch - Resisting Hell on Earth - (1d20+6)

(6) + 6 = 12

Aug 30, 2022 1:24 am
Dewane, Wyna, Jasen, Josen


Dewane -Resisting Hell on Earth - (1d20) - (d20)

(2) = 2

Wyna -Resisting Hell on Earth - (1d20) - (d20)

(17) = 17

Jasen -Resisting Hell on Earth - (1d20) - (d20)

(3) = 3

Josen -Resisting Hell on Earth - (1d20) - (d20)

(11) = 11

Aug 30, 2022 4:53 am

Marching order looks good to me. Thanks for info on spell learning!


Tiny Resisting Hell on Earth - (1d20)

(8) = 8

Kari Resisting Hell on Earth - (1d20)

(16) = 16

Mother Breadwife Resisting Hell on Earth - (1d20)

(20) = 20

Walt Resisting Hell on Earth - (1d20)

(6) = 6

Cynwe Resisting Hell on Earth - (1d20)

(8) = 8

Aug 30, 2022 5:39 pm
Sorry swept up in work but I am back.
Will saves....
What are the consequences for Vyncent rolling a 1? I think maybe he's ready to show his true colours and bolt.....
Last edited August 30, 2022 5:40 pm


Duri - Resisting Hell on Earth - (1d20)

(6) = 6

Vyncent - Resisting Hell on Earth - (1d20)

(1) = 1

Odric - Resisting Hell on Earth - (1d20)

(11) = 11

Riffin - Resisting Hell on Earth - (1d20)

(18) = 18

Aug 31, 2022 1:01 am


Slim Jim - (1d20+2)

(17) + 2 = 19

Lorna - (1d20+!)

(16) = 16

Victoria - (1d20+1)

(10) + 1 = 11

Beladil - (1d20)

(5) = 5

Aug 31, 2022 2:18 pm
The Grinder BelowOrobu: Slim, Victoria, Lorna, Beladil
Esidrix: Dewane, Wyna, Jasen, Josen
Redwhippet: Duri, Vyncent, Odric, Riffin
Dsquid: Tiny, Kari, Mother Breadwife, Cynwe, Walt
The characters that have failed the roll are marked in red. When rolling for these characters, roll 1 dice lower for all rolls (e.g. 1d16 instead of 1d20).

@Redwhippet feel free to roleplay the natural 1 in any way you feel like! Mechanically this should result in Vyncent's rolls going 2 dice steps down, so a 1d12 roll instead of a 1d20 for example. It is also completely fine if Vyncent tries to flee.
I am also willing to forgive the nat 1 if Mother Breadwife helps Vyncent overcome this - she rolled a nat 20, so we could hypothetically say these cancel out.

Gonna wait for you guys deal with this before we move forward!
Sep 1, 2022 7:39 pm
I sort of like the natrative that bolshy Vyncent loses his nerve and flees whilst young Riffin finds his courage and maybe turns out to be the hero....
Vyncent looking around at the horror below shudders in fear, his guts churn and he looks about for a way out. "Riffin Odric I'll guard the rear" he says as he tries to hang back and let others take the lead, looking for his chance to slip off unnoticed.
Sep 2, 2022 5:41 am
Mother Breadwife pulls Vyncent aside, "Look here, child," she says, her soft eyes like two calm pools of water draw in Vincent's panicked gaze. "There will be none of that now. We are all in this together, and if you go running off on your own, you're more likely to end up like this wretch here than not. Her words sink home, and Vyncent seems to calm down, though the wild look doesn't subside completely, "That's a little better. Now lets go hunt some Curwen filth, what do you say?"
Up to you if you still want him to flee, but happy to use the nat 20 to cancel it out!
Sep 2, 2022 7:46 am
Well lets see how it plays out then....
Vyncent feels the edge of fear lift of him as he looks into Mother Breadwife's eyes, if she could brave this hell then he must stay the course.

"Sorry, I don't know what came over me" He whispers to her. Clutching on to her arm, he lets her lead them.
Last edited September 2, 2022 7:46 am
Sep 2, 2022 3:20 pm
Slim was keeping his mind set on the task. He wants to take this mob right through, seeing no way he could return to his little sister with such evil on the loose. Lorna was in her thoughts, trying to be ready when the time was right.

Victoria was less so, her thoughts turn upon her in the knowledge she should not be her at all. The well-dressed female barely whispers. "We should go back..."

Beladil was feeling wedged and claustrophobic, trailing to the back to get some space. "Perhaps some of us should. Someone needs to get the Law."
Sep 2, 2022 10:10 pm
Jasen looks around at the others before speaking. "Don't be silly, the Constable would just deputize us all and we'd be right back here. Best we finish this without Legal concerns."
Sep 2, 2022 10:26 pm
"He's right, better to finish the job whilst we've caught them off guard." Odric says holding his position behind Duri.
Sep 3, 2022 4:21 pm
Slim agrees and adds. "It is too late... we cannot split up now... there is no telling how many of them there are. There could be more waiting upstairs. Steel yourselves. We stay together or we will all surely die." None of the others from their group had anything to counter that, and they merely shrink themselves and follow. Lorna stays with Victoria, for now, trying to ease her stress.
naw no runaways, just a chance to split the part in two, so the GM can quarter them. lol
Sep 4, 2022 2:23 pm
The Grinder Below
Very well then! I assume there shall be no desertion this time, so I believe we can proceed!
The group hesitantly moves forward, amidst the moans of the human cattle. As they proceed to the other side of the cave, the light coming from the passage in the south grows stronger and faint chants can be heard. Hearing this, the townsfolk make their way down a steeping passage to end up inside a large chamber.

The floor is covered in thick, boiling mud in which human blood has been spilled for centuries. The walls are covered in torches giving off less light than they should and on a ledge far above the characters the Curwen family is finally seen.

Bessie Curwen hangs in the air, held only by chains fastened into the ramp. Above her, the Curwen grandfather Ike stands tall, his hands outstretched, chanting loudly in a vile, unknown tongue.
Shadows move behind Ike as the rest of the Curwen family prepares to stop anyone who would go and try to stop the ongoing ritual.
Battle information
Characters present on the Ledge
Grandfather Ike Curwen - Standing on a ledge high above the characters, chanting the words of his ritual
Bessie Curwen - Hanging in the air, held by chains fastened into the ledge
Hershel, Wade and Balmer Curwen - A group of young men not well known in Hillkant, they share the Curwen facial features though. They are currently stationed at the entrance to the ledge, armed with staves
Wilbur Curwen - Stands behind the three Curwens, his legs covered in mud. Armed with a staff as well
Eliza Merritt - The fresh widow is currently nowhere to be seen

Characters present on the stairs
None for know.
If combat happens on the stairs, it will prevent anyone from advancing further as the stairs are quite narrow.
Characters present in the mud
Orobu: Slim, Victoria, Lorna, Beladil
Esidrix: Dewane, Wyna, Jasen, Josen
Redwhippet: Duri, Vyncent, Odric, Riffin
Dsquid: Tiny, Kari, Mother Breadwife, Cynwe, Walt
Any character wishing to move through the mud to the stairs leading to the ledge must pass a DC10 Strength check or get stuck in the mud for a round. Please remember the characters in red only roll 1d16+Strength, while others roll 1d20+Strength.

Shooting ranged weapons at characters on the ledge or stairs is possible and would be considered shooting at Medium range (-2 penalty to attack rolls).

Moving from the mud to the stairs would take one turn.
[ +- ] Layout for better understanding


Wretch - Loyalty save - (1d16+6)

(16) + 6 = 22

Grandfather Ike - Initiative - (1d20+2)

(5) + 2 = 7

Hershel, Wade and Balmer Curwen - Initiative - (1d20+1)

(3) + 1 = 4

Wilbur Curwen - Initiative - (1d20)

(16) = 16

Sep 4, 2022 9:25 pm
Is this still a group initiative? My best in the group is +1

... ugh. Good luck fellow fodder!
Last edited September 4, 2022 9:28 pm


Initiative - (1d20+1)

(2) + 1 = 3

Sep 5, 2022 2:44 am
Not sure how to do the initiative should they be rolling 1d16? I have Riffen who is still rolling d20s....


Initiative - (1d20)

(18) = 18

Sep 5, 2022 6:28 am
Rolled both just in case, and lol didn't make a lick of difference :)
Last edited September 5, 2022 6:29 am


Initiative d20 - (1d20)

(10) = 10

Initiative d16 - (1d16)

(10) = 10

Sep 5, 2022 10:03 am
I'm gonna say 1d20 as we still use the best character possible for group initiative. The Initiative bonus should thus be the highest of those characters who have resisted.


Wretch - Initiatie - (1d16+2)

(6) + 2 = 8

Sep 5, 2022 2:14 pm
Wyna, Initiative


Initiative - (D20)

(14) = 14

Sep 5, 2022 2:28 pm
The Grinder BelowOrobu: Slim, Victoria, Lorna, Beladil
Esidrix: Dewane, Wyna, Jasen, Josen
Redwhippet: Duri, Vyncent, Odric, Riffin
Dsquid: Tiny, Kari, Mother Breadwife, Cynwe, Walt

There is no ceremonial welcome, no long speech to explain the characters how they have come to their doom. Instead, grandfather Ike keeps chanting and the rest of the Curwens stay quiet, making their best not to interrupt. Their eyes however pierce the darkness and burrow into the villagers with a dark determination.
Initiative order
@Redwhippet - You're up!
Wilbur Curwen
Grandfather Ike
Hershel, Wade and Balmer Curwen
[ +- ] Positioning
[ +- ] Layout for better understanding
Sep 5, 2022 3:20 pm
Riffen finding his courage leads the charge to the bottom of the stairs. His pitchfork raised in the air he screams loudly although no audible words can be made out as he crosses the muddy chamber.

Odric takes off immediately after him his axe at the ready, "Follow Riff! Arrghhh!", as he makes his way into the mud.

Duri looks to Slim and stays close as they advance.

Vyncent squeezes Mother Breadwife's arm before silently entering the mud behind his friends.


Riffen - Mudwarrior! - (1d20+1)

(16) + 1 = 17

Odric - Mudwarrior! - (1d16+1)

(16) + 1 = 17

Duri - Mudwarrior! - (1d16)

(3) = 3

Vyncent - Mudwarrior! - (1d16+1)

(7) + 1 = 8

Sep 5, 2022 4:51 pm
The Grinder BelowOrobu: Slim, Victoria, Lorna, Beladil
Esidrix: Dewane, Wyna, Jasen, Josen
Redwhippet: Duri, Vyncent, Odric, Riffin
Dsquid: Tiny, Kari, Mother Breadwife, Cynwe, Walt

The mud bubbles, sloshes and splotches as the townsfolk do their best to go through it. Riffin and Odric manage to get to the stairs, but Duri and Vyncent find themselves stuck, sinking deeper into the boiling mixture.
On the top of the stairs, Wilbur Curwen quietly growls, seeing Duri. The dwarf can almost feel the hatred pouring out of the young boy.
Duri and Vyncent are now considered Stuck! This means that in order for them to move, they will now need to pass a DC 12 Strength check!

Initiative order
Wilbur Curwen

@Esidrix - You're up!
Grandfather Ike
Hershel, Wade and Balmer Curwen
[ +- ] Status tracker
[ +- ] Positioning
Sep 5, 2022 6:19 pm
Jason and Josen step to the side and fire arrows at Grandfather Ike. Dewayne and Wyna attempt to move to the bottom of the stairs.


Jason attack - (D16)

(2) = 2

Josen attack - (D16)

(13) = 13

Dewayne move - (D16)

(6) = 6

Wyna move - (D20)

(4) = 4

Sep 5, 2022 6:55 pm
The Grinder BelowOrobu: Slim, Victoria, Lorna, Beladil
Esidrix: Dewane, Wyna, Jasen, Josen
Redwhippet: Duri, Vyncent, Odric, Riffin
Dsquid: Tiny, Kari, Mother Breadwife, Cynwe, Walt

Dewane and Wyna get stuck in mud along their friends, while Jasen and Josen go ahead and send their arrows toward Ike. The sound of chanting is interrupted, as Ike roars in pain, an arrow burried inside his torso!
Since they are shooting at medium range, the rolls for Jasen and Josen would be at -2 modifier. That said, Josen still hits as he manages to get past Ike's 8 AC!
I will roll for damage for you, if you don't mind.

Initiative order
Wilbur Curwen

@Dsquid - You're up!
Grandfather Ike
Hershel, Wade and Balmer Curwen
[ +- ] Status tracker
[ +- ] Positioning


Josen - Damage to Ike - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Sep 6, 2022 1:21 am
thanks for rolling damage. Traveling today, I knew I missed something.
Sep 7, 2022 5:21 am
Everyone is going to attempt to move


Kari - (1d20-1)

(14) - 1 = 13

Tiny - (1d16+1)

(13) + 1 = 14

Cynwe - (1d16+1)

(12) + 1 = 13

Walt - (1d16+1)

(14) + 1 = 15

Mother Breadwife - (1d20)

(17) = 17

Sep 7, 2022 1:30 pm
The Grinder BelowOrobu: Slim, Victoria, Lorna, Beladil
Esidrix: Dewane, Wyna, Jasen, Josen
Redwhippet: Duri, Vyncent, Odric, Riffin
Dsquid: Tiny, Kari, Mother Breadwife, Cynwe, Walt

It is almost as if the mud itself tried to stop the villagers from advancing, yet more and more of them manage to get to the stairs and start climbing. Seeing their advance, Hershel Curwen steps to block the top of the stairs, making it impossible to get past him.
Meanwhile grandfather Ike roars and breaks the shaft of the arrow in half. He then steps back above Bessie and continues his chants once again.
Initiative order
Wilbur Curwen
Grandfather Ike
Hershel, Wade and Balmer Curwen

@Orobu - You're up!
[ +- ] Status tracker
[ +- ] Positioning
Sep 7, 2022 10:43 pm
Slim tried to take the lead, but was slow in starting through the mud. Calling back to the villager with ranged weapons, he cheers them on. "That's it! Focus on the old man." Handing the his torch off to Victoria, the Mercenary trudges forward as best he can to join the fray... but find his boots too heavy in this muck.

Victoria with the torch in one hand, does not start forward yet, attempt to survey the scene for more clue what might be happening. Beladil, neither, moves into the room, rather guarding the rear behind the archers.

Lorna had a weapon though, and was going to try her best to hit the Old Man... and hits!
Last edited September 7, 2022 10:44 pm


Slim moves in mud? (DC 10) - (1d20)

(3) = 3

Lorna uses Sling on old man Curwen - (1d20-1)

(15) - 1 = 14

Sling damage - (1d4)

(2) = 2

Sep 8, 2022 5:50 am
Oops, just realized Mother Breadwife had a -1 STR modifier. Doesn't matter for this roll anyway, but made note of this for future.
Last edited September 8, 2022 5:50 am
Sep 8, 2022 9:56 am
A quick roll to confirm Initiative order with new incomers and some other stuff.


Initiative - Sending of Sliggeth - (1d20+4)

(19) + 4 = 23

Stability of Sending - (1d5)

(3) = 3

Selecting a target - (1d3)

(2) = 2

Attack roll - (1d20+2)

(11) + 2 = 13

Damage - (1d3)

(2) = 2

Selecting a target - Correct roll - (1d10)

(10) = 10

Sep 8, 2022 10:37 am
The Grinder BelowOrobu: Slim, Victoria, Lorna, Beladil
Esidrix: Dewane, Wyna, Jasen, Josen
Redwhippet: Duri, Vyncent, Odric, Riffin
Dsquid: Tiny, Kari, Mother Breadwife, Cynwe, Walt

The stone hits true and burrows right into Ike's forehead. The wizard stops dead in his chantings, his mouth performing last few silent movements before the lifeless body crumbles forward, into the depths.
Flying over horrified Bessie Curwen, Ike's body falls into the mud of the cavern and burrows deep.

A moment of silence passes by - is this really the end?

It is not.

The boiling and bubbling of the mud gains on cadency, then the mixture starts to whirl. Something starts rising where Ike fell into the mud, an unknowing sacrifice fueling the summoning ritual.
"By Sliggeth..."
Wilbur Curwen drops his staff, as a huge, amorphous column of mud raises itself. It is 50 feet high (over 15 metres) and seven dark tentacles sprawl from within, searching for prey.
Vyncent should have escaped when he had the chance.
One of the tentacles, sensing him stuck in the mud, wraps around the poor butcher and plucks him into the air. Others watch in horror as the abomination smashes the screaming man into the column, devouring him completely.
It seems poor Vyncent sensed the doom awaiting him! Yet there is no time to grief, for there is still combat to be had!

Initiative order
Sending of Sliggeth
@Redwhippet - You're up!
Wilbur Curwen
Hershel, Wade and Balmer Curwen
[ +- ] Status tracker
[ +- ] Positioning
Sep 8, 2022 2:36 pm
Assuming they are not let through by the Curwen's Riffen and Odric will attack. Riffen has his heart set on rescuing Bessie, now he's seen too much.
Riffen charges up the stairs yelling at the men blocking the ledge to get out of the way. "Get out of the way ye pisspots!" If they refuse to let him pass he thrusts his pitchfork into the nearest one.

Odric following the brave young man reaches the top of the stairs with him and hacks viciously at those barring entrance to the ledge.

Duri desperate to free himself fights his way through the mud to the stairs.


Riffen - Attack - (1d20)

(6) = 6

Odric - Attack - (1d16)

(10) = 10

Duri - Stuck in the mud - (1d16)

(14) = 14

Sep 8, 2022 9:46 pm
That is a hit for Odric, rolling damage for you if you don't mind!


Odric - Damage - (1d6+1)

(3) + 1 = 4

Wilbur Curwen - Attack roll - (1d20)

(4) = 4

Sep 8, 2022 9:56 pm
The Grinder BelowOrobu: Slim, Victoria, Lorna, Beladil
Esidrix: Dewane, Wyna, Jasen, Josen
Redwhippet: Duri, Odric, Riffin
Dsquid: Tiny, Kari, Mother Breadwife, Cynwe, Walt

The men clash at the top of the stairs. Hershel does his best to stop them from advancing, yet Odric's axe passes through his defense and hits Curwen into his ribs. The man wheezes as he is pushed down from the stairs, falling into the mud below.
With Hershel dead, Odric and Riffin manage to push through and get onto the ledge proper, where they are met with heavy resistance. Wilbur engages Riffin and tries to hit the farmer with his staff, yet misses completely.

Meanwhile Duri manages to get to the stairs and starts climbing up!
Congratulation, you have managed to get onto the ledge proper! There are still enemies though, standing between the group and Bessie!

Initiative order
Sending of Sliggeth
Wilbur Curwen

@Esidrix - You're up!
Wade and Balmer Curwen
[ +- ] Status tracker
[ +- ] Positioning
Sep 9, 2022 5:10 am
Wey! Go on Odric you savage!
Sep 9, 2022 12:58 pm
Dewayne and Wyna will try and escape the mud.

Jasen and Josen will fire at the Sending.
I'm guessing since the Sending is between them and the ledge it's back to short range for those shots?


Dewane Move - (d16)

(9) = 9

Wyna Move - (d20)

(9) = 9

Jasen Bow - (d16)

(11) = 11

Josen Bow - (d16)

(9) = 9

Sep 11, 2022 4:13 am
Falling Down Citizens Brigade will engage Wade and Balmer at the top of the stairs - is there enough room for them to get on the ledge or will they be fighting on the stairs? Not sure if they all could engage or if there is only room for 1v1 or 2v1 etc. Will roll for Tiny and Kari awhile since they are in front of marching order.
Last edited September 11, 2022 4:15 am


Tiny to hit Wade - (1d16+1)

(1) + 1 = 2

Kari to hit Balmer - (1d20-1)

(16) - 1 = 15

Sep 13, 2022 9:01 am
Doing a few rolls!


Tiny - Fumble - (1d4)

(1) = 1

Kari - Damage - (1d4-1)

(4) - 1 = 3

Wade Attacking Tiny - (1d20)

(10) = 10

Wade Damage - (1d4)

(3) = 3

Sep 13, 2022 9:16 am
The Grinder BelowOrobu: Slim, Victoria, Lorna, Beladil
Esidrix: Dewane, Wyna, Jasen, Josen
Redwhippet: Duri, Odric, Riffin
Dsquid: Kari, Mother Breadwife, Cynwe, Walt

Still stuck into the mud, both Dewane and Wyna watch in horror as the bestial column swallows Vyncent. Meanwhile the hunters let their arrows loose at the monstrosity. Both projectiles get lost in the mud without any effect.

On the ledge, the fighting get more intense. Kari dodges below Balmer's blow and manages to smack the man on the head with her shovel, knocking the Curwen unconscious. Tiny however misses wildly, loosing his own balance. Seeing the opportunity, Wade Curwen makes a wide swing, hitting Tiny from the side and sending him into the depths below!
Jasen nor Josen managed to pass the Sending's AC!

As for the fight on the ledge, since you have managed to kill two Curwen's succesfully, all characters can engage on the ledge freely from Orobu's turn forward!

Tiny unfortunately paid for his bravery with his life.

Initiative order
Sending of Sliggeth
Wilbur Curwen
Wade Curwen

@Orobu - You're up!
[ +- ] Status tracker
[ +- ] Positioning
Sep 14, 2022 1:43 pm
I'm not 100% sure where the sending is. Is it in the mud or up on the landing?
With a monster rising from the twisted speech of the dying Curwen, Slim yells "Forward!". The others in his group, knowing there is no escape and even if they left the others to die, scream while trudging through the mud, with Lorna behind them using her sling.
Can Slim get to the Sending and attack with that Str roll?
Last edited September 14, 2022 1:49 pm


Lorna attacks The Sending - (1d20+1)

(20) + 1 = 21

Slim in the Mud - (1d20)

(20) = 20

Victoria in the Mud - (1d16)

(3) = 3

Beladil in the Mud - (1d16)

(9) = 9

Lorna Crit (Luck +2) - (1d4+2)

(3) + 2 = 5

Lorna Sling damage - (1d4, 1d6)

1d4 : (4) = 4

1d6 : (4) = 4

Sep 14, 2022 10:23 pm
Aye, Slim can definitely hit the Sending with that roll - we can say the nat 20 saved him from having to roll for the mud. I'm gonna roll damage if you don't mind.


Slim Jim - Damage - (1d8)

(7) = 7

Selecting a target - Sending - (1d8)

(5) = 5

Attack at Dewane - (1d20+2)

(5) + 2 = 7

Sending - Stability roll - (1d5)

(2) = 2

Sep 14, 2022 10:38 pm
The Grinder BelowOrobu: Slim, Victoria, Lorna, Beladil
Esidrix: Dewane, Wyna, Jasen, Josen
Redwhippet: Duri, Odric, Riffin
Dsquid: Kari, Mother Breadwife, Cynwe, Walt

The attack at the Sending is met with surprising success. As Slim sprints through the mud, almost too fast for it to be able to catch him, Lorna starts launching her stones at the amorphous monstrosity.
First shot.

Suddenly the monster shivers and leans to the side, almost as if the third shot hit something important! Seeing the opportunity, Slim Jim jumps in the air, burrowing his sword deep into the boiling mass!
The mud explodes, sending him back, yet it can be seen the monster has been hurt. Its tentacles flay about, almost crushing Dewane, who ducks at the very last moment.

It is now clear the monster can be hurt. It is hurt.

That is some heavy damage to the Sending, so far you guys are doing really well! Since Slim is now considered in melee with the Sending, he will not need a Move in the mud roll in order to attack it.

Initiative order
Sending of Sliggeth
@Redwhippet - You're up!
Wilbur Curwen
Wade Curwen
[ +- ] Status tracker
[ +- ] Positioning
Sep 15, 2022 3:53 am
Riffen jabs at Wilburs midriff trying to back him off the ledge while keeping his distance with the pitchfork.

Odric locks eyes with Wade Curwen begins circling to his right to get a better angle before leaping, swinging his axe down with malicious intent.


Riffen - Attack - (1d20)

(6) = 6

Odric - Attack - (1d16)

(1) = 1

Sep 15, 2022 3:53 am
Riffen jabs at Wilburs midriff trying to back him off the ledge while keeping his distance with the pitchfork.

Odric locks eyes with Wade Curwen begins circling to his right to get a better angle before leaping, swinging his axe down with malicious intent.


Riffen - Attack - (1d20)

(2) = 2

Odric - Attack - (1d16)

(4) = 4

Sep 15, 2022 3:54 am
Duri making his way to the top of the stairs takes a moment to take in the ensuing combat before rushing Wilbur from the side with his sword.


Duri - Attack - (1d16)

(14) = 14

Duri - Damage (assumed hit) - (1d8)

(8) = 8

Sep 15, 2022 9:57 am
Seeing the attacking dwarf, Wilbur Curwen clenches his teeth and braces for another fight. Dedicated to finish what he started down in the tunnels, he raises his staff high, ready to pummel his foe.
@Redwhippet The rolls lead to Duri killing Wilbur, I will let you go for the description! Do you want your other characters to act as well?
Sep 16, 2022 3:43 am
The other characters missed their attacks, it was in the post before. For some reason it double posted and I got two sets of rolls by accident.
Duri seeing Wilbur raise his staff takes his chances ducking low and running the man through with his sword. Curwen gurgles as his lungs fill with blood before he and Riffen bundle him off the ledge into the mud below.
Sep 16, 2022 8:57 am
The Grinder BelowOrobu: Slim, Victoria, Lorna, Beladil
Esidrix: Dewane, Wyna, Jasen, Josen
Redwhippet: Duri, Odric, Riffin
Dsquid: Kari, Mother Breadwife, Cynwe, Walt

As Wilbur Curwen falls to the the depths below, Wade's determination falters. There is panic in his eyes as the young man prepared to flee.
Meanwhile, the Sending keeps thrashing around.
Ahh, I managed to miss both of the previous posts, thanks for the notice Redwhippet! That puts Wilbur out of action!

Initiative order
Sending of Sliggeth

@Esidrix - You're up!
Wade Curwen
[ +- ] Status tracker
[ +- ] Positioning
Sep 16, 2022 12:29 pm
Seeing the Sending start to thrash about gives hope to those in the mud. Dewane and Wyna push towards it in hopes of ending this. Jasen and Josen do their best to add some arrows to the situation.

Dewane makes the move and attacks.
Last edited September 16, 2022 12:30 pm


Jasen bow - (d16)

(16) = 16

Josen bow - (d16)

(12) = 12

Dewane Str to move - (d16)

(10) = 10

Wyna Str to move - (d20)

(7) = 7

Dewane Club-1 - (d16-1)

(3) - 1 = 2

Sep 16, 2022 2:23 pm
@Esidrix Jasen hits, killing the Sending who had only 1 HP left! How shall he end the abomination?

After that, Dsquid is up! What shall be the fate of Wade Curwen?
Sep 16, 2022 4:02 pm
Arrows fly at the column of thrashing Mud, again, both seem to disappear into the monstrosity. Then, a sharp shriek emanates from the Sending, it freezes for a second before collapsing back into the mud pit. Everyone on the ground is coated in muddy spray and for just a moment, all is silent.
Sep 17, 2022 2:05 am
Coming to the realization that he was panting with the exertion, the relative silence of the chambers was a sudden and welcome experience. Cautiously lowering his sword, Slim looks around to see who was left and if they had lost anyone. That was insane, but the world had gone mad. The sooner they got out of here the better. "Is everyone okay?"

Still stuck in the mud, Victoria uses Slim's hand when offered and they work back toward Lorna. The bookish woman shoved away her weapon and embraced Victoria, trying to reassure her friend. "We are getting out of here. Don't worry."

The elf uses his staff to move closer to the monster and inspect it with a few prods.
Sep 19, 2022 6:03 am
Walt has the highest str. If he is close enough to get there, I would like him to try and grab Wade and hold him so he can't run. Not quite sure what the roll should be, though he is rolling 16s still
Kari is still stunned after seeing Tiny fall beside her. She has given up trying to help the barber, but was still shocked from the carnage. Mother Breadwife leaned against the rail, catching her breath as Cynwe takes in the scene on the floor below the stairs.

Walt, who had so far been taking his gamblers approach of playing the odds and sticking with the crowd, finally separates himself from the pack as he approaches Wade. "Now hold on right there. You don't get to take the easy way out. As the last surviving Curwen, you owe us some answers." As he gets close to Wade, he lunges out grabbing at the man in an attempt to subdue him and prevent him from fleeing.
Last edited September 19, 2022 6:04 am


STR - (1d16+1)

(10) + 1 = 11

Sep 19, 2022 9:55 am
@Dsquid all right, give me that 1d16 roll!
Sep 22, 2022 8:07 am
@seifi updated my post with the roll
Sep 23, 2022 10:03 pm
Victoria tried to snap herself out of her shock, after hearing the proclamation above. "Not the last." Seeing no value in the corpse the group helps each other to the stairs as Slim calls up. "Is there any way forward from here?" They still had the rest of the house to secure. Who knows how many more of them there could be. Picking herself out of the mud, Lorna climbs the stairs when she can, eager to check the old man.
Sep 25, 2022 9:40 pm
The Grinder BelowOrobu: Slim, Victoria, Lorna, Beladil
Esidrix: Dewane, Wyna, Jasen, Josen
Redwhippet: Duri, Odric, Riffin
Dsquid: Kari, Mother Breadwife, Cynwe, Walt

The column of mud falls back onto the ground, its tentacles being sucked inside before the monstrosity fell. As the brave townsfolk go ahead and explore, they find no sign of tentacles nor poor Vyncent - only mud.
Meanwhile on ledge, brave Walt jumps at Wade Curwen and both come clashing to the ground. Before Wade manages to break free, others join and soon the man lies on his stomach, each of his limbs pinned by one of the villagers.
"Urgh, let go of me!!!"
That concludes the fight for now, well done everyone!
Sep 27, 2022 2:04 pm
Riffen rushes over to Bessie. "Bessie dear! Why are they doing this to you? I'll get you down and get you out of here I promise!" Riffen looks at the chains, trying to work out how to lower her safely.
Sep 28, 2022 9:28 am
The Grinder BelowOrobu: Slim, Victoria, Lorna, Beladil
Esidrix: Dewane, Wyna, Jasen, Josen
Redwhippet: Duri, Odric, Riffin
Dsquid: Kari, Mother Breadwife, Cynwe, Walt

Riffen manages to get hold of one of the chains and pulls Bessie up to safety. The beautiful lass crumbles into his arms, crying words of thanks and gratitude.
Oct 2, 2022 9:47 am
Riffen looks around to the others for what to do next. When no answer comes he shouts "Back out the way we came in! Quick!"

Odric rushes over to Riffen and between the two of them they begin to pull Bessie towards the stairs and down into the mud.

Duri following closely behind with sword at the ready.
Oct 2, 2022 3:21 pm
Slim nods, sheathing his sword and taking back his torch in order to lead the group back. There were more dangers, likely more monsters, yet he was hopeful. Considering the insanity they have seen, he was sure they would not be safe until this place was emptied. "What are we going to do about the... cattle-things?"

Victoria lingers behind, ascending the stairs to check the area there and to inspect the Old Man or the others, searching for "salts".
Oct 2, 2022 5:32 pm
The Grinder BelowOrobu: Slim, Victoria, Lorna, Beladil
Esidrix: Dewane, Wyna, Jasen, Josen
Redwhippet: Duri, Odric, Riffin
Dsquid: Kari, Mother Breadwife, Cynwe, Walt
Grandpa Ike's "salts" were located in the same room as his diaries - there are a few chests and shelves containing them and other alchemical ingredients.
The townsfolk regroup on the ledge, gathered above the pinned Wade Curwen. Bessie's cries are slowly fading as Riffin comforts her.
Now that things are a little bit calmer, another passage is noticed, leading from the ledge somewhere north.

What shall be the group's next steps? Wade Curwen needs to be bound if he is to be moved along, and what about poor Bessie?
Slim correctly pointed out the unresolved question of the human cattle (not to mention the poor wretches in their tiny cells). And is the group going to escape after encountering the recent horrors or are they going to try and clean the whole complex?

So many questions, who shall bring the answers?
Oct 2, 2022 6:03 pm
Slim offers his rope to tie up Wade, and will stand by with a group to interogate Wade, and see what he will say.

Victoria and Lorna will check on Bessie along with whoever, and ask what her story is, try to see if she was just a victim or is wigged out like the other 'mother'.
Oct 3, 2022 11:31 am
Dewane and Wyna scrape off what mud they can and join the others. Jasen and Josen peer down the passage to the north, on guard for whatever else these caverns may spew at them.
Oct 5, 2022 4:36 am
Walt takes Slim's rope and with the help of the others binds Wade so they can let go of their hold on him.

"Wade, whatever you Curwen's have been up to down here, its over now. We can make this easy or hard for you. What other horrors lurk down here?"

Cynwe, Kari and Mother Breadwife all are recovering from the battle and join the group on the ledge around Wade. "If he doesn't answer, I say we toss him down one of the wretch holes and leave him" Kari says, the shock of Tiny's demise still fresh.
Oct 5, 2022 2:18 pm
Walt spits out a few drops of blood - a result of his lip being broken during his pacification.
"Pretty sure you've seen most of them by now."

Contrary to his words, Jasen and Josen notice light coming in from the passage, suggesting that someone is coming.
That was some pretty smart thinking with covering the north passage! I will ask @Esidrix to be the first one to act here!
Oct 6, 2022 12:10 pm
Spotting the light from the tunnel, Jasen and Josen back up a few feet, keeping bows at the ready. Jasen looks over his shoulder at the remaining group and in a hushed tone, "Psst, somethings coming. "
Oct 6, 2022 2:58 pm
Slim comes forward to take up the front with the best-armed men, drawing his sword and motioning them forward. Lorna and Victoria remain close to Bessie, with the Beladil hanging towards the back, ever observing.
Oct 6, 2022 7:12 pm
Odric and Duri following Slim's lead move up to the front line. Gritting teeth and readying their weapons.

Riffen clutches Bessie to him calming her if only to calm himself.
Oct 7, 2022 3:03 pm
The Grinder BelowOrobu: Slim, Victoria, Lorna, Beladil
Esidrix: Dewane, Wyna, Jasen, Josen
Redwhippet: Duri, Odric, Riffin
Dsquid: Kari, Mother Breadwife, Cynwe, Walt

Soon, the townsfolk hear the sounds of people running. Ward and Caroline Curwen, a husband and wife, dash into the tunnels holding staffs, followed by freshly widowed Eliza. Seeing the people waiting for them, the trio stops dead in their tracks.
This is the only greeting our heroes get, as they stand and stare at each other with the last known members of the Curwen family.
Oct 7, 2022 8:37 pm
"You three! Give yourself up now, or be cut down! By all that is decent, we judge you befouled!" Slim points his longsword at the trio, and backed by his motley crew of monster-slaying badasses the mercenary tries to intimidate them into submission.
Last edited October 7, 2022 8:37 pm
Oct 7, 2022 10:12 pm
Jasen and Josen take another step apart, widening the angle that covers the Curwens. Dewane and Wyna crowd up with the others, ready to surge forward.

Jasen begins to speak, "Ain't never killed people and Mud demons before, "

"but now that we're here, you'll need to give us a reason to stop.", Josen finishes.
Oct 9, 2022 10:39 am
Odric and Duri glare at them menacingly, backing Slim up.
Oct 10, 2022 5:13 pm
The Grinder BelowOrobu: Slim, Victoria, Lorna, Beladil
Esidrix: Dewane, Wyna, Jasen, Josen
Redwhippet: Duri, Odric, Riffin
Dsquid: Kari, Mother Breadwife, Cynwe, Walt

Ward Curwen looks at his two companions, lowering his staff for a bit. He whispers something to Caroline, she replies. Then the whole trio starts bolting off, back to where they came from.
I will leave it for you whether you wish to pursue or not. @Esidrix Jasen and Josen should be able to fire a reactionary shot each, since they were prepared for it.
Oct 10, 2022 10:11 pm

Arrows fly.


Jasen arrow - (D20)

(2) = 2

Josen arrow - (D20)

(4) = 4

Oct 11, 2022 12:15 am
"Careful forward everyone. This could be a trap." And Slim leads the way, keep eyes peeled for dangers. It was so small a tunnel that Victoria and Lorna, being near the rear, had time to whisper amongst each other. Victoria wants to just burn the farm down and tell everyone to forget about it, but Lorna wants everyone to come together to demand the Lord ensure the evil of this place does not spread.
Oct 11, 2022 8:20 am
The arrows let loose by the hunters fly a little too late and clink in the dark, hitting the wall harmlessly. Soon, the sound of steps dissapears along with the remaining Curwens.
Assuming that everybody follows along with Orobu, are you guys taking Wade and Bessie with you? If so, who is taking care of them?
Oct 11, 2022 3:46 pm
Also Wretch, right?
Lorna and Victoria can stay with Bessie!
Oct 11, 2022 5:34 pm
Walt pulls Wade along and as he follows the others down the hall, "You can be my ace in the hole. If there’s any traps ahead you will suffer the same fate as us, so it’s best to speak now"
Oct 11, 2022 6:27 pm
Riffen hands Bessie over to the women and follows the others down the passage way, Odric and Duri glance towards Slim. "I think thats got to be their last chance for mercy. I dont want to die down here trying to be the good guy"
Oct 12, 2022 12:25 pm
Alright, so everybody follows, aside from Lorna and Victoria staying with Bessie? I will wait for confirmation from @Esidrix before moving forward.

Wade is being led by Walt.

Also yes, Wretch follows suite!
Oct 13, 2022 2:10 pm
let's go get them.
Oct 14, 2022 11:16 am
Rolls for the next post

EDIT: Ahh, so lucky for you. Well, we'll see how things go further on!


Surprise attack - (1d20)

(16) = 16

Damage - (1d4-1)

(1) - 1 = 0

Initiative - (1d20+1)

(8) + 1 = 9

Oct 14, 2022 11:27 am
The Grinder BelowOrobu: Slim, Beladil
Esidrix: Dewane, Wyna, Jasen, Josen
Redwhippet: Duri, Odric, Riffin
Dsquid: Kari, Mother Breadwife, Cynwe, Walt

Wade Curwen appears truly defeated, with a mix of fear and confusion clear in his face.
"No traps here... I mean, we used to live here."

The group heads off through a steeply rising tunnel, until they hit wooden doors. Upon entering through, the townsfolk find themselves in a square room with narrow holes - no more than a foot in diameter - drilled into the stone floor. The moaning of Very large men can be heard from below and the more spatially aware people realize they are above the cave where they saw tens of these poor souls before.
Three doors lead from the room, aside from the ones to the south which lead back to where the group left Bessie, Victoria and Lorna.

Upon being pressed for information, Wade would reveal the following:
"The right door leads back to the homestead. The front one to Gabrel's room... The left one leads to the shrine."
The Mask of InnocenceOrobu: Victoria, Lorna

It was good of Lorna and Victoria to stay with Bessie, the poor girl that was to be sacrificed by her own family in a terrifying ritual. As the group leaves and the three women stay alone, the girl keeps sobbing, comforted by the two women.
"You know," the girl cries quietly, "I never understood why people do these things."

Upon being questioned what things, she raises her head and smiles at Lorna.
"Trust pretty faces."
With that, Bessie Curwen lunges at Lorna, trying to shove her from the ledge! Luckily, Lorna manages to gain her footing and catches her own balance in the very last moment. In the meantime, Bessie jumps to the side, grabbing a staff that was dropped by Wilbur before he died.
@Orobu since we have only 2 PCs in the fight, please roll for Initiative for Victoria and Lorna separately! That would be a 1d20+1 for Lorna and 1d16+1 for Victoria!
Oct 16, 2022 11:49 pm
"The Shrine?" Walt asks after Wade reveals what is behind the doors, shaking his head with disgust, "I don't think I want to know what that shrine is too. But, seems likely thats where they are headed, unless you want to check Gabriel's room first?" Walt pauses, waiting to hear from the others before heading onwards.
Oct 17, 2022 7:27 am
"No time to second guess let's check the shrine quickish. Let's not let them regroup." Odric exclaims making towards the shirne.
Oct 17, 2022 9:21 am
The Grinder BelowOrobu: Slim, Beladil
Esidrix: Dewane, Wyna, Jasen, Josen
Redwhippet: Duri, Odric, Riffin
Dsquid: Kari, Mother Breadwife, Cynwe, Walt

The shrine is a relatively small room that almost seems to absorb light, making torches and lanterns dim. In the centre of the wall opposite to the entrance, the group seen an altar - a black onyx cup before an amorphous image that seems like a vaguely toad-like cross between an octopus, a wolf, and a man.
This is Sliggeth, the primordial god of Chaos and cannibalism, Wade Curwen lowers his head in deference to the altar, "our patron in times both good and bad. It was thanks to him that Hillkant survived during famine. Yet here you are, killing his faithful as if they didn't save your lives in times of need."
Oct 20, 2022 4:17 am
"Shut up you old fart!" Riffen barks at the man. Storming over to the altar he takes his pitchfork and swings wildly at the altar ransacking it in disgust and shame. The young wiry farmer makes quick work of the deed.
We seem to be on a bit of a slow down, what next guys?
Oct 20, 2022 9:08 am
Wade Curwen tries to stop Riffen, yet his attempts go in vain as the farmer attacks the altar. As the pitchfork hits the strange obsidian cup, a pulse of energy sends Riffen back, tumbling into others. Miraculously he is not hurt and the strange darkness that was permeating the room is now gone.
The cup lies on the floor broken and somehow the image of Sliggeth seems angrier than it did before.
@Redwhippet what is Riffen's alignment? Lawful, Neutral or Chaotic?

Otherwise I would say that we can slowly start wrapping things up here - the rest of the rooms lead back to places already explored by the group (Gabrel was the strange goatman that attacked the group some time prior). See the map for the details, you are currently in the room 2-5.
The remaining Curwen trio escaped through the entrance in the room 2-1, chances are you will see them again!

What remains now is to:
- Decide whether you wish to roleplay interrogation of Wade Curwen (he will spill out everything, good job on capturing him!) or go straight for conclusion with the information that he will tell you. I feel that the interrogation may not be necessarily roleplayed so that we get the pacing moving a bit faster
- Finish things up with @Orobu and Bessie Curwen - if she manages to escape by any chance, it would be fun to have her as an antagonist in the future
- Decide on what do you want do to with the homestead (loot it/burn it to the ground/leave it and never come back...)
- What fate awaits the poor Wretches and the Very Large Men?

Let me know how do you feel about the points above!
[ +- ] The Map
Oct 20, 2022 10:55 am
Riffen is chaotic....
Riffen turns on Wade and snears viciously at him "Spill it all or I spill your guts allova mi new altar to the gods of don't test me!" proding the man's belly viciously with his pitchfork while the others hold him.
Lets have that story, no need for much more role-playing in my mind.

As for other things, Curwens must be killed; burn the manor to the ground; free the wretches but the cattle may not be worth our time the poor bustards.
Oct 20, 2022 12:21 pm
I'm good with saying we do whatever violence to Wade off screen and get the wrap up.
Oct 20, 2022 2:11 pm
No change then for Riffen! He is mildly shocked, but otherwise good to continue!

Since Orobu has been gone for quite some time, I will roll for the fight with Bessie in order to wrap things up.

Initiative order:
Bessie x Lorna

As Bessie and Lorna both have the same Hit Dice and Agility, they will attack at the same time.


Initiative - Lorna - (1d20+1)

(8) + 1 = 9

Initiative - Victoria - (1d16+1)

(1) + 1 = 2

Bessie attacking Lorna - (1d20)

(1) = 1

Lorna attacking Bessie - (1d20)

(11) = 11

Bessie - Fumble - (1d4)

(4) = 4

Lorna - Damage to Bessie - (1d4)

(3) = 3

Oct 20, 2022 2:49 pm
The Arwich GrinderRedwhippet: Duri, Odric, Riffin
Orobu: Slim, Beladil, Lorna, Victoria
Esidrix: Dewane, Wyna, Jasen, Josen
Dsquid: Kari, Mother Breadwife, Cynwe, Walt

It doesn't take long to make Wade Curwen spill the secrets his family had held for generations.

Long time ago, in an age during which a horrible illness ravaged the land, the great grandfather of Ike's great grandfather pledged himself and his family to the service of the ancient god of chaos and cannibalism.

Sliggeth provided the clan with immunity to the pox for a simple method of worship - to cultivate and consume human cattle and to show superiority over those who were here only to provide strength to those chosen. The Curwens were diligent in their worship, each generation growing the herd and improving on the sermons. The Very Large Men were the Curwen herd - bred only to be culled and eaten by the family.

Time went on and the Curwens kept to themselves, satisfied with their lot, until famine hit on the land two winters ago. It was at this time that the Curwens decided to serve their god and spread the practice of cannibalism, bringing the folks salted meat in an act of hidden worship. Sliggeth was so pleased that he had blessed Lurlene Curwen with his offspring - a demonic baby that had been killed in the attic.
Gabrel Curwen, the "goatman", came up with the idea originally and for this he received a blessing of great strength and vitality.
It was earlier today that Sliggeth's protection seemingly ran out - during one of the recent earthquakes, the ceiling of a cave collapsed, creating a sinkhole through which some of the herdsmen escaped. The Curwens managed to round most of them, yet one overwhelmed Bessie and escaped, only to be found in Hillkant tavern later on.

As for the Wretches, these were the grand project of Grandfather Ike, who was an aspiring wizard. He was working on a way to achieve total regeneration, achieving infinite amounts of food for the family and the possibility to spread Sliggeth's word where ever there were hungry people.
While recounting the story, it was clear that Wade Curwen is proud of his heritage. Same as Bessie, who was willing to sacrifice herself to Sliggeth in return for safety from the townsfolk that had crashed into their homes. The man was happy that at least some of his relatives - Ward, Caroline and the pregnant Eliza - managed to escape the murderous villagers.

Wade's fate now lies in the arms of the townsfolk, along with the fates of the homestead, the Wretches and the Very Large Men. Bessie Curwen had died during her attempt to escape, killed by Lorna in an act of self defense.
I will leave others to confirm or dispute Redwhippet's plan. Is Wade Curwen going to be brought to the constable as was mentioned in the previous posts?
Oct 21, 2022 3:28 am
I agree with the plan to burn it all and free the wretches. Wade can answer to justice!
Oct 21, 2022 11:14 am
Yeah, heck, I'll bet he'll be proud to tell the rest of the town that they are cannibals.
Oct 24, 2022 10:05 am
The Arwich Grinder - EpilogueRedwhippet: Duri, Odric, Riffin
Orobu: Slim, Beladil, Lorna, Victoria
Esidrix: Dewane, Wyna, Jasen, Josen
Dsquid: Kari, Mother Breadwife, Cynwe, Walt

The Wretches cheer and kiss the feet of the townsfolk as they are released from their cells. They follow along and later on explain that most of them were travellers passing through the region, which got kidnapped by the Curwens for Ike's experiments. None were able to guess how long they have been here, however there were those who got kidnapped during the reign of dukes who lived more than a hundred years ago...
Roll 1d100 per character! If any character rolls 10 or below, they can get a Wretch either as a Guardian familiar or as a loyal hireling.
Nothing could be done for the Very Large Men. They were left in their cave to face their fate, whatever it would be. They could leave through the cave-in and for the next following weeks, they could be seen wandering around the hills, moaning and searching for food.

The Curwen homestead was put to the torch. Wade Curwen cried as he watched his home burn, cursing at the villagers, wishing them painful deaths and justice for his family. He was soon silenced by a rag shoved into his mouth, yet even his muffles carried malice.
It was almost sunrise when the brave men and women of Hillkant finally returned to their little town in the mountains. Wade Curwen was given to the constable for interrogation, while our heroes got their own questioning done by unrelenting neighbours. Many have gasped at the horrifying stories of demonic babies and deaths of their friends. A small group went and retrieved bodies of the dead the next day, giving them a proper burial.

Months passed, and as autumn and winter gave into spring, the stories about the Curwen Grinders spread. A bounty was put on the heads of Ward, Caroline and Eliza, yet they were nowhere to be seen. Wade was put in prison until an inquisitor from the capital arrived to do his own interrogation. The screams could be heard across the town and after that, no one has seen the captured Curwen ever again.

Our brave townsfolk, now local heroes, were forever changed by their experience. Some found their calling in the spellbooks of grandfather Ike, others in shady promises of individuals passing through Hillkant, looking for Curwen legacy. Some might have even left with the inquisitor to join The Legion of the Scarf, his holy order.

No matter what paths you have decided to take, fate will bring you to Hillkant once more - and you will walk in the Wake of Zorkul.



Money received from selling Ike's stash - (1d150)

(126) = 126

Oct 24, 2022 11:48 am
Wretches, um, Hirelings!


Jasen - (d100)

(34) = 34

Josen - (d100)

(22) = 22

Dewane - (d100)

(29) = 29

Wyna - (d100)

(60) = 60

Oct 24, 2022 5:06 pm


Duri - (1d100)

(75) = 75

Odric - (1d100)

(5) = 5

Riffen - (1d100)

(3) = 3

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