The Arwich GrinderRedwhippet: Duri, Odric, Riffin
Orobu: Slim, Beladil, Lorna, Victoria
Esidrix: Dewane, Wyna, Jasen, Josen
Dsquid: Kari, Mother Breadwife, Cynwe, Walt
It doesn't take long to make Wade Curwen spill the secrets his family had held for generations.
Long time ago, in an age during which a horrible illness ravaged the land, the great grandfather of Ike's great grandfather pledged himself and his family to the service of the ancient god of chaos and cannibalism.
Sliggeth provided the clan with immunity to the pox for a simple method of worship - to cultivate and consume human cattle and to show superiority over those who were here only to provide strength to those chosen. The Curwens were diligent in their worship, each generation growing the herd and improving on the sermons. The Very Large Men were the Curwen herd - bred only to be culled and eaten by the family.
Time went on and the Curwens kept to themselves, satisfied with their lot, until famine hit on the land two winters ago. It was at this time that the Curwens decided to serve their god and spread the practice of cannibalism, bringing the folks salted meat in an act of hidden worship. Sliggeth was so pleased that he had blessed Lurlene Curwen with his offspring - a demonic baby that had been killed in the attic.
Gabrel Curwen, the "goatman", came up with the idea originally and for this he received a blessing of great strength and vitality.
It was earlier today that Sliggeth's protection seemingly ran out - during one of the recent earthquakes, the ceiling of a cave collapsed, creating a sinkhole through which some of the herdsmen escaped. The Curwens managed to round most of them, yet one overwhelmed Bessie and escaped, only to be found in Hillkant tavern later on.
As for the Wretches, these were the grand project of Grandfather Ike, who was an aspiring wizard. He was working on a way to achieve total regeneration, achieving infinite amounts of food for the family and the possibility to spread Sliggeth's word where ever there were hungry people.
While recounting the story, it was clear that Wade Curwen is proud of his heritage. Same as Bessie, who was willing to sacrifice herself to Sliggeth in return for safety from the townsfolk that had crashed into their homes. The man was happy that at least some of his relatives - Ward, Caroline and the pregnant Eliza - managed to escape the murderous villagers.
Wade's fate now lies in the arms of the townsfolk, along with the fates of the homestead, the Wretches and the Very Large Men. Bessie Curwen had died during her attempt to escape, killed by Lorna in an act of self defense.
I will leave others to confirm or dispute Redwhippet's plan. Is Wade Curwen going to be brought to the constable as was mentioned in the previous posts?