The Grinder BelowOrobu: Slim, Beladil
Esidrix: Dewane, Wyna, Jasen, Josen
Redwhippet: Duri, Odric, Riffin
Dsquid: Kari, Mother Breadwife, Cynwe, Walt
Wade Curwen appears truly defeated, with a mix of fear and confusion clear in his face.
"No traps here... I mean, we used to live here."
The group heads off through a steeply rising tunnel, until they hit wooden doors. Upon entering through, the townsfolk find themselves in a square room with narrow holes - no more than a foot in diameter - drilled into the stone floor. The moaning of Very large men can be heard from below and the more spatially aware people realize they are above the cave where they saw tens of these poor souls before.
Three doors lead from the room, aside from the ones to the south which lead back to where the group left Bessie, Victoria and Lorna.
Upon being pressed for information, Wade would reveal the following:
"The right door leads back to the homestead. The front one to Gabrel's room... The left one leads to the shrine."
The Mask of InnocenceOrobu: Victoria, Lorna
It was good of Lorna and Victoria to stay with Bessie, the poor girl that was to be sacrificed by her own family in a terrifying ritual. As the group leaves and the three women stay alone, the girl keeps sobbing, comforted by the two women.
"You know," the girl cries quietly,
"I never understood why people do these things."
Upon being questioned what things, she raises her head and smiles at Lorna.
"Trust pretty faces."
With that, Bessie Curwen lunges at Lorna, trying to shove her from the ledge! Luckily, Lorna manages to gain her footing and catches her own balance in the very last moment. In the meantime, Bessie jumps to the side, grabbing a staff that was dropped by Wilbur before he died.
@Orobu since we have only 2 PCs in the fight, please roll for Initiative for Victoria and Lorna separately! That would be a 1d20+1 for Lorna and 1d16+1 for Victoria!