The Arwich Grinder

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Oct 5, 2022 4:36 am
Walt takes Slim's rope and with the help of the others binds Wade so they can let go of their hold on him.

"Wade, whatever you Curwen's have been up to down here, its over now. We can make this easy or hard for you. What other horrors lurk down here?"

Cynwe, Kari and Mother Breadwife all are recovering from the battle and join the group on the ledge around Wade. "If he doesn't answer, I say we toss him down one of the wretch holes and leave him" Kari says, the shock of Tiny's demise still fresh.
Oct 5, 2022 2:18 pm
Walt spits out a few drops of blood - a result of his lip being broken during his pacification.
"Pretty sure you've seen most of them by now."

Contrary to his words, Jasen and Josen notice light coming in from the passage, suggesting that someone is coming.
That was some pretty smart thinking with covering the north passage! I will ask @Esidrix to be the first one to act here!
Oct 6, 2022 12:10 pm
Spotting the light from the tunnel, Jasen and Josen back up a few feet, keeping bows at the ready. Jasen looks over his shoulder at the remaining group and in a hushed tone, "Psst, somethings coming. "
Oct 6, 2022 2:58 pm
Slim comes forward to take up the front with the best-armed men, drawing his sword and motioning them forward. Lorna and Victoria remain close to Bessie, with the Beladil hanging towards the back, ever observing.
Oct 6, 2022 7:12 pm
Odric and Duri following Slim's lead move up to the front line. Gritting teeth and readying their weapons.

Riffen clutches Bessie to him calming her if only to calm himself.
Oct 7, 2022 3:03 pm
The Grinder BelowOrobu: Slim, Victoria, Lorna, Beladil
Esidrix: Dewane, Wyna, Jasen, Josen
Redwhippet: Duri, Odric, Riffin
Dsquid: Kari, Mother Breadwife, Cynwe, Walt

Soon, the townsfolk hear the sounds of people running. Ward and Caroline Curwen, a husband and wife, dash into the tunnels holding staffs, followed by freshly widowed Eliza. Seeing the people waiting for them, the trio stops dead in their tracks.
This is the only greeting our heroes get, as they stand and stare at each other with the last known members of the Curwen family.
Oct 7, 2022 8:37 pm
"You three! Give yourself up now, or be cut down! By all that is decent, we judge you befouled!" Slim points his longsword at the trio, and backed by his motley crew of monster-slaying badasses the mercenary tries to intimidate them into submission.
Last edited October 7, 2022 8:37 pm
Oct 7, 2022 10:12 pm
Jasen and Josen take another step apart, widening the angle that covers the Curwens. Dewane and Wyna crowd up with the others, ready to surge forward.

Jasen begins to speak, "Ain't never killed people and Mud demons before, "

"but now that we're here, you'll need to give us a reason to stop.", Josen finishes.
Oct 9, 2022 10:39 am
Odric and Duri glare at them menacingly, backing Slim up.
Oct 10, 2022 5:13 pm
The Grinder BelowOrobu: Slim, Victoria, Lorna, Beladil
Esidrix: Dewane, Wyna, Jasen, Josen
Redwhippet: Duri, Odric, Riffin
Dsquid: Kari, Mother Breadwife, Cynwe, Walt

Ward Curwen looks at his two companions, lowering his staff for a bit. He whispers something to Caroline, she replies. Then the whole trio starts bolting off, back to where they came from.
I will leave it for you whether you wish to pursue or not. @Esidrix Jasen and Josen should be able to fire a reactionary shot each, since they were prepared for it.
Oct 10, 2022 10:11 pm

Arrows fly.


Jasen arrow - (D20)

(2) = 2

Josen arrow - (D20)

(4) = 4

Oct 11, 2022 12:15 am
"Careful forward everyone. This could be a trap." And Slim leads the way, keep eyes peeled for dangers. It was so small a tunnel that Victoria and Lorna, being near the rear, had time to whisper amongst each other. Victoria wants to just burn the farm down and tell everyone to forget about it, but Lorna wants everyone to come together to demand the Lord ensure the evil of this place does not spread.
Oct 11, 2022 8:20 am
The arrows let loose by the hunters fly a little too late and clink in the dark, hitting the wall harmlessly. Soon, the sound of steps dissapears along with the remaining Curwens.
Assuming that everybody follows along with Orobu, are you guys taking Wade and Bessie with you? If so, who is taking care of them?
Oct 11, 2022 3:46 pm
Also Wretch, right?
Lorna and Victoria can stay with Bessie!
Oct 11, 2022 5:34 pm
Walt pulls Wade along and as he follows the others down the hall, "You can be my ace in the hole. If there’s any traps ahead you will suffer the same fate as us, so it’s best to speak now"
Oct 11, 2022 6:27 pm
Riffen hands Bessie over to the women and follows the others down the passage way, Odric and Duri glance towards Slim. "I think thats got to be their last chance for mercy. I dont want to die down here trying to be the good guy"
Oct 12, 2022 12:25 pm
Alright, so everybody follows, aside from Lorna and Victoria staying with Bessie? I will wait for confirmation from @Esidrix before moving forward.

Wade is being led by Walt.

Also yes, Wretch follows suite!
Oct 13, 2022 2:10 pm
let's go get them.
Oct 14, 2022 11:16 am
Rolls for the next post

EDIT: Ahh, so lucky for you. Well, we'll see how things go further on!


Surprise attack - (1d20)

(16) = 16

Damage - (1d4-1)

(1) - 1 = 0

Initiative - (1d20+1)

(8) + 1 = 9

Oct 14, 2022 11:27 am
The Grinder BelowOrobu: Slim, Beladil
Esidrix: Dewane, Wyna, Jasen, Josen
Redwhippet: Duri, Odric, Riffin
Dsquid: Kari, Mother Breadwife, Cynwe, Walt

Wade Curwen appears truly defeated, with a mix of fear and confusion clear in his face.
"No traps here... I mean, we used to live here."

The group heads off through a steeply rising tunnel, until they hit wooden doors. Upon entering through, the townsfolk find themselves in a square room with narrow holes - no more than a foot in diameter - drilled into the stone floor. The moaning of Very large men can be heard from below and the more spatially aware people realize they are above the cave where they saw tens of these poor souls before.
Three doors lead from the room, aside from the ones to the south which lead back to where the group left Bessie, Victoria and Lorna.

Upon being pressed for information, Wade would reveal the following:
"The right door leads back to the homestead. The front one to Gabrel's room... The left one leads to the shrine."
The Mask of InnocenceOrobu: Victoria, Lorna

It was good of Lorna and Victoria to stay with Bessie, the poor girl that was to be sacrificed by her own family in a terrifying ritual. As the group leaves and the three women stay alone, the girl keeps sobbing, comforted by the two women.
"You know," the girl cries quietly, "I never understood why people do these things."

Upon being questioned what things, she raises her head and smiles at Lorna.
"Trust pretty faces."
With that, Bessie Curwen lunges at Lorna, trying to shove her from the ledge! Luckily, Lorna manages to gain her footing and catches her own balance in the very last moment. In the meantime, Bessie jumps to the side, grabbing a staff that was dropped by Wilbur before he died.
@Orobu since we have only 2 PCs in the fight, please roll for Initiative for Victoria and Lorna separately! That would be a 1d20+1 for Lorna and 1d16+1 for Victoria!
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