The Grinder BelowOOC:
Very well then! I assume there shall be no desertion this time, so I believe we can proceed!
The group hesitantly moves forward, amidst the moans of the human cattle. As they proceed to the other side of the cave, the light coming from the passage in the south grows stronger and faint chants can be heard. Hearing this, the townsfolk make their way down a steeping passage to end up inside a large chamber.
The floor is covered in thick, boiling mud in which human blood has been spilled for centuries. The walls are covered in torches giving off less light than they should and on a ledge far above the characters the Curwen family is finally seen.
Bessie Curwen hangs in the air, held only by chains fastened into the ramp. Above her, the Curwen grandfather Ike stands tall, his hands outstretched, chanting loudly in a vile, unknown tongue.
Shadows move behind Ike as the rest of the Curwen family prepares to stop anyone who would go and try to stop the ongoing ritual.
Battle informationCharacters present on the Ledge
Grandfather Ike Curwen - Standing on a ledge high above the characters, chanting the words of his ritual
Bessie Curwen - Hanging in the air, held by chains fastened into the ledge
Hershel, Wade and Balmer Curwen - A group of young men not well known in Hillkant, they share the Curwen facial features though. They are currently stationed at the entrance to the ledge, armed with staves
Wilbur Curwen - Stands behind the three Curwens, his legs covered in mud. Armed with a staff as well
Eliza Merritt - The fresh widow is currently nowhere to be seen
Characters present on the stairs
None for know.
If combat happens on the stairs, it will prevent anyone from advancing further as the stairs are quite narrow.
Characters present in the mud
Orobu: Slim, Victoria, Lorna, Beladil
Esidrix: Dewane, Wyna, Jasen, Josen
Redwhippet: Duri, Vyncent, Odric, Riffin
Dsquid: Tiny, Kari, Mother Breadwife, Cynwe, WaltOOC:
Any character wishing to move through the mud to the stairs leading to the ledge must pass a DC10 Strength check or get stuck in the mud for a round. Please remember the characters in
red only roll 1d16+Strength, while others roll 1d20+Strength.
Shooting ranged weapons at characters on the ledge or stairs is possible and would be considered shooting at Medium range (-2 penalty to attack rolls).
Moving from the mud to the stairs would take one turn.
[ +- ] Layout for better understanding