The Arwich Grinder

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Sep 15, 2022 3:54 am
Duri making his way to the top of the stairs takes a moment to take in the ensuing combat before rushing Wilbur from the side with his sword.


Duri - Attack - (1d16)

(14) = 14

Duri - Damage (assumed hit) - (1d8)

(8) = 8

Sep 15, 2022 9:57 am
Seeing the attacking dwarf, Wilbur Curwen clenches his teeth and braces for another fight. Dedicated to finish what he started down in the tunnels, he raises his staff high, ready to pummel his foe.
@Redwhippet The rolls lead to Duri killing Wilbur, I will let you go for the description! Do you want your other characters to act as well?
Sep 16, 2022 3:43 am
The other characters missed their attacks, it was in the post before. For some reason it double posted and I got two sets of rolls by accident.
Duri seeing Wilbur raise his staff takes his chances ducking low and running the man through with his sword. Curwen gurgles as his lungs fill with blood before he and Riffen bundle him off the ledge into the mud below.
Sep 16, 2022 8:57 am
The Grinder BelowOrobu: Slim, Victoria, Lorna, Beladil
Esidrix: Dewane, Wyna, Jasen, Josen
Redwhippet: Duri, Odric, Riffin
Dsquid: Kari, Mother Breadwife, Cynwe, Walt

As Wilbur Curwen falls to the the depths below, Wade's determination falters. There is panic in his eyes as the young man prepared to flee.
Meanwhile, the Sending keeps thrashing around.
Ahh, I managed to miss both of the previous posts, thanks for the notice Redwhippet! That puts Wilbur out of action!

Initiative order
Sending of Sliggeth

@Esidrix - You're up!
Wade Curwen
[ +- ] Status tracker
[ +- ] Positioning
Sep 16, 2022 12:29 pm
Seeing the Sending start to thrash about gives hope to those in the mud. Dewane and Wyna push towards it in hopes of ending this. Jasen and Josen do their best to add some arrows to the situation.

Dewane makes the move and attacks.
Last edited September 16, 2022 12:30 pm


Jasen bow - (d16)

(16) = 16

Josen bow - (d16)

(12) = 12

Dewane Str to move - (d16)

(10) = 10

Wyna Str to move - (d20)

(7) = 7

Dewane Club-1 - (d16-1)

(3) - 1 = 2

Sep 16, 2022 2:23 pm
@Esidrix Jasen hits, killing the Sending who had only 1 HP left! How shall he end the abomination?

After that, Dsquid is up! What shall be the fate of Wade Curwen?
Sep 16, 2022 4:02 pm
Arrows fly at the column of thrashing Mud, again, both seem to disappear into the monstrosity. Then, a sharp shriek emanates from the Sending, it freezes for a second before collapsing back into the mud pit. Everyone on the ground is coated in muddy spray and for just a moment, all is silent.
Sep 17, 2022 2:05 am
Coming to the realization that he was panting with the exertion, the relative silence of the chambers was a sudden and welcome experience. Cautiously lowering his sword, Slim looks around to see who was left and if they had lost anyone. That was insane, but the world had gone mad. The sooner they got out of here the better. "Is everyone okay?"

Still stuck in the mud, Victoria uses Slim's hand when offered and they work back toward Lorna. The bookish woman shoved away her weapon and embraced Victoria, trying to reassure her friend. "We are getting out of here. Don't worry."

The elf uses his staff to move closer to the monster and inspect it with a few prods.
Sep 19, 2022 6:03 am
Walt has the highest str. If he is close enough to get there, I would like him to try and grab Wade and hold him so he can't run. Not quite sure what the roll should be, though he is rolling 16s still
Kari is still stunned after seeing Tiny fall beside her. She has given up trying to help the barber, but was still shocked from the carnage. Mother Breadwife leaned against the rail, catching her breath as Cynwe takes in the scene on the floor below the stairs.

Walt, who had so far been taking his gamblers approach of playing the odds and sticking with the crowd, finally separates himself from the pack as he approaches Wade. "Now hold on right there. You don't get to take the easy way out. As the last surviving Curwen, you owe us some answers." As he gets close to Wade, he lunges out grabbing at the man in an attempt to subdue him and prevent him from fleeing.
Last edited September 19, 2022 6:04 am


STR - (1d16+1)

(10) + 1 = 11

Sep 19, 2022 9:55 am
@Dsquid all right, give me that 1d16 roll!
Sep 22, 2022 8:07 am
@seifi updated my post with the roll
Sep 23, 2022 10:03 pm
Victoria tried to snap herself out of her shock, after hearing the proclamation above. "Not the last." Seeing no value in the corpse the group helps each other to the stairs as Slim calls up. "Is there any way forward from here?" They still had the rest of the house to secure. Who knows how many more of them there could be. Picking herself out of the mud, Lorna climbs the stairs when she can, eager to check the old man.
Sep 25, 2022 9:40 pm
The Grinder BelowOrobu: Slim, Victoria, Lorna, Beladil
Esidrix: Dewane, Wyna, Jasen, Josen
Redwhippet: Duri, Odric, Riffin
Dsquid: Kari, Mother Breadwife, Cynwe, Walt

The column of mud falls back onto the ground, its tentacles being sucked inside before the monstrosity fell. As the brave townsfolk go ahead and explore, they find no sign of tentacles nor poor Vyncent - only mud.
Meanwhile on ledge, brave Walt jumps at Wade Curwen and both come clashing to the ground. Before Wade manages to break free, others join and soon the man lies on his stomach, each of his limbs pinned by one of the villagers.
"Urgh, let go of me!!!"
That concludes the fight for now, well done everyone!
Sep 27, 2022 2:04 pm
Riffen rushes over to Bessie. "Bessie dear! Why are they doing this to you? I'll get you down and get you out of here I promise!" Riffen looks at the chains, trying to work out how to lower her safely.
Sep 28, 2022 9:28 am
The Grinder BelowOrobu: Slim, Victoria, Lorna, Beladil
Esidrix: Dewane, Wyna, Jasen, Josen
Redwhippet: Duri, Odric, Riffin
Dsquid: Kari, Mother Breadwife, Cynwe, Walt

Riffen manages to get hold of one of the chains and pulls Bessie up to safety. The beautiful lass crumbles into his arms, crying words of thanks and gratitude.
Oct 2, 2022 9:47 am
Riffen looks around to the others for what to do next. When no answer comes he shouts "Back out the way we came in! Quick!"

Odric rushes over to Riffen and between the two of them they begin to pull Bessie towards the stairs and down into the mud.

Duri following closely behind with sword at the ready.
Oct 2, 2022 3:21 pm
Slim nods, sheathing his sword and taking back his torch in order to lead the group back. There were more dangers, likely more monsters, yet he was hopeful. Considering the insanity they have seen, he was sure they would not be safe until this place was emptied. "What are we going to do about the... cattle-things?"

Victoria lingers behind, ascending the stairs to check the area there and to inspect the Old Man or the others, searching for "salts".
Oct 2, 2022 5:32 pm
The Grinder BelowOrobu: Slim, Victoria, Lorna, Beladil
Esidrix: Dewane, Wyna, Jasen, Josen
Redwhippet: Duri, Odric, Riffin
Dsquid: Kari, Mother Breadwife, Cynwe, Walt
Grandpa Ike's "salts" were located in the same room as his diaries - there are a few chests and shelves containing them and other alchemical ingredients.
The townsfolk regroup on the ledge, gathered above the pinned Wade Curwen. Bessie's cries are slowly fading as Riffin comforts her.
Now that things are a little bit calmer, another passage is noticed, leading from the ledge somewhere north.

What shall be the group's next steps? Wade Curwen needs to be bound if he is to be moved along, and what about poor Bessie?
Slim correctly pointed out the unresolved question of the human cattle (not to mention the poor wretches in their tiny cells). And is the group going to escape after encountering the recent horrors or are they going to try and clean the whole complex?

So many questions, who shall bring the answers?
Oct 2, 2022 6:03 pm
Slim offers his rope to tie up Wade, and will stand by with a group to interogate Wade, and see what he will say.

Victoria and Lorna will check on Bessie along with whoever, and ask what her story is, try to see if she was just a victim or is wigged out like the other 'mother'.
Oct 3, 2022 11:31 am
Dewane and Wyna scrape off what mud they can and join the others. Jasen and Josen peer down the passage to the north, on guard for whatever else these caverns may spew at them.
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