Lorna shrank to her knees as the Goatman fell, trying to do something for Hekem, knowing full well that the strange little man was gone.
Victoria looked like she might have gone into shock but pulled herself out of it looking around at the other survivors. Thanking the archers and checking on Duri who looked to have been in a scuffle.
"These are mad bastards." Moving back to Lorna wondering if the bookish woman was going to be okay, or if she could.
Beladil followed with the others down the ladder, it was too late now for more than to flow in the stream.
Slim was quick down to the ladder, hand to his sword as he covers the others coming down. He saw Hekem and frowns, trying to keep his count, but the living was his concern, and reaching for Lorna, he pulls the woman up to her feet.
"Stay with us. We will need your wits." In this space and time which subterranean fighters had won, Slim offered a prayer before taking the rope from the halfling's corpse.
Lorna wipes the tears from her face and stands.
"They must be stopped."
"Grab a real weapon if you don't have one. I will take the front." He notes the arrows in the goat-eyed manthing, and will attempt to help arrange the others in an order to cover the front and rear, so their ranged units were guarded.
"Lets get together and cover each other. We will make these villains pay."[ +- ] Hekem's Body
Weapons: Club +0 (1d4)
Armor: none
Equipment: Rope - 50' (25 cp)
Trade good: Begging bowl
Starting Funds: 23 cp
Last edited August 15, 2022 5:19 am