The Arwich Grinder

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Aug 12, 2022 1:31 am
Is burning Luck for Damage a +6 as well?
Aug 12, 2022 12:03 pm
@Redwhippet - To'mas did have a sword.
Aug 14, 2022 8:32 am
The Grinder BelowEsidrix: Jasen, Josen, Wyna
Redwhippet: Duri
Orobu: Victoria, Hekem, Lorna

Seeing Duri retreat, Wilbur grabs wailing Eliza and starts dragging the newly widowed woman to the corridor to the left. He shouts something at her, but the words are lost in the woman's screams.

Meanwhile in the other room, Jasen and Josen are called to the fight against the Tangled Man and let their arrows at the beastly man.
@Esidrix the penalty for the attack rolls was just for the fights in the corridors, the rooms are spacious enough. Both Jasen and Josen can thus roll 1d20 instead of 1d16 - feel free to reroll!

If the rolls exceed AC 10, you can roll for damage too!

@Redwhippet To'mas had a sword and Duri should have no problem with grabbing it. He now has access to Longsword +0 (1d8 points of damage).

@Orobu Every point of burned Luck adds +1 modifier to the roll, so for example burning 3 points of Luck adds additional +3 to the roll result. Burning Luck for damage is ok.
Aug 14, 2022 4:58 pm
oh, okay gotcha... burning 1 Luck for Lorna and 1 for Victoria


Sling damage (1 luck burned) - (1d4+1)

(2) + 1 = 3

Dagger damage (1 luck burned) - (1d4+1)

(1) + 1 = 2

Aug 14, 2022 6:45 pm
Rerolls incoming.


Jasen - (d20)

(16) = 16

Josen - (d20)

(12) = 12

Jasen damage - (d6)

(1) = 1

Josen damage - (d6)

(5) = 5

Aug 14, 2022 7:17 pm
The Grinder BelowEsidrix: Jasen, Josen, Wyna
Redwhippet: Duri
Orobu: Victoria, Hekem, Lorna

The hunters send their arrows toward the Tangled man and both missiles hit their mark. The first projectile burrows itself into the shoulder of the enemy, while the other one bites right into his neck.
The Tangled man gurgles as he makes a few last steps toward Victoria, before crumbling down onto the floor.

The beastly humanoid is dead and Wilbur disappeared along with Eliza, giving our townsfolk a moment or two to recuperate. Hekem Bekem and To'mas both lie unmoving, their souls hopefully on their way to a better place.

After some time, the sound of footsteps and people moving can be heard. The group that explored the upstairs part of the mansion joins with the people in the Grinder.
All right everyone, well played! A few things:

@Orobu No Luck burn was needed for you, as Esidrix managed to finish the foe in time! Good thinking on your part though!

I believe this is a good time to regroup, please shortly describe who exactly went into the Grinder from Upstairs and whether someone stayed back at the entrance to the mansion - I know some of the characters kept watch there.

The room from which Allen Merritt came contains iron cleavers, flensing knives, axes and similar and apparently served as a slaughterhouse of sorts. Should any character wish to do so, they can equip themselves with one of the aforementioned items providing them with a melee weapon that deals 1d4 damage.

Below, you can see the map with 2 different directions displayed. Wilbur and Eliza disappeared into Direction A. Let me know where do you wish to head next!
The entry point into the Grinder is a U shaped icon in the most southern room.
[ +- ] The Map
Aug 15, 2022 4:44 am
Kari, Tiny and Mother Breadwife are setill a bit shaken after the encounter with the demon spawn. While they originally planned to exploer the upstairs further, the commotion from downstairs gets the better part of their curiousity. Cynwe and Walt joins the party as they travel downstairs and head into the basement.

They follow the sound of voices and meet up with the rest of the gropu in the bastement, their eyes falling on the tangled man's corpse.

"Looks like we weren't the only ones to find some affront to nature in this house," Kari said. "What on Earth have the Curwen's been up to. Where are the othe...." Kari stops short as her eyes fall on the bodies of Hekem and To'mas. She lets out a short sob.

Tiny shakes his head angrily, "We came up here to help the Curwens. And now, some of us won't return. We need to make this right somehow."

Once the others explain what happened and that the remaining Curwens headed down the tunnel, Tiny says, "I know which way I am going.". Kari still stunned takes a few seconds before she numbly follows after Tiny, and the rest of the group follows with murmurs of agreement.
Last edited August 15, 2022 6:15 am
Aug 15, 2022 5:02 am
Lorna shrank to her knees as the Goatman fell, trying to do something for Hekem, knowing full well that the strange little man was gone.

Victoria looked like she might have gone into shock but pulled herself out of it looking around at the other survivors. Thanking the archers and checking on Duri who looked to have been in a scuffle. "These are mad bastards." Moving back to Lorna wondering if the bookish woman was going to be okay, or if she could.

Beladil followed with the others down the ladder, it was too late now for more than to flow in the stream.

Slim was quick down to the ladder, hand to his sword as he covers the others coming down. He saw Hekem and frowns, trying to keep his count, but the living was his concern, and reaching for Lorna, he pulls the woman up to her feet. "Stay with us. We will need your wits." In this space and time which subterranean fighters had won, Slim offered a prayer before taking the rope from the halfling's corpse.

Lorna wipes the tears from her face and stands. "They must be stopped."

"Grab a real weapon if you don't have one. I will take the front." He notes the arrows in the goat-eyed manthing, and will attempt to help arrange the others in an order to cover the front and rear, so their ranged units were guarded. "Lets get together and cover each other. We will make these villains pay."
[ +- ] Hekem's Body
Last edited August 15, 2022 5:19 am
Aug 18, 2022 5:35 am
Duri having scooped up the sword positions himself at the front of the party next to Slim. Deferring to the more experienced man he lets him take the lead
If I understand correctly noone seems to be staying upstairs?
Vyncent and Odric coming down the stairs grab Riffin not to leave him alone and continue down to meet the others. Brandishing their weapons they follow Slim, sticking together as best they can.
Aug 18, 2022 2:03 pm
All right then, so it is my understanding that everyone is heading in the direction A? Does anyone grab an additional melee weapon?

@Esidrix I presume Dewane is coming down as well?
Aug 18, 2022 2:43 pm
Oh, yes, He's far from brave enough to stay by himself.
Aug 18, 2022 8:51 pm
The Grinder BelowOrobu: Slim, Victoria, Lorna, Beladil
Esidrix: Dewane, Wyna, Jasen, Josen
Redwhippet: Duri, Vyncent, Odric, Riffin
Dsquid: Tiny, Kari, Mother Breadwife, Cynwe, Walt
The characters are written as per my understanding of the marching order, if you wish to swap them, let me know.
The group sets out further into the dark tunnels. Passing the limp body of To'mas, some murmur prayers to send his soul to whatever deity that would be willing to accept him.

The group follows the tunnel taken by Wilbur and Eliza and after a short walk founds itself in a long, narrow room that has floor covered with hex-shaped stone tiles.
In the centre of each 5-foot section (1,5 metres), the tiles have holes and a quick glance into them reveals a pale humanoid form, lying about 15 feet (4,5 metres) deep. There are 14 tiles and each apparently works as a cell of sorts.

Two strong men could probably lift the tiles up, revealing the hole fully.
Aug 18, 2022 11:15 pm
I don't know what is left around, but Slim will hand additional weapons to better equip the others or other gear, but won't touch any money.
Slim nods to Duri, happy to have him. He might be the only 'trained' man here not that he felt it amounted to much with the terror presented. They were in one sense, committing a very stupid mistake. They should have left, but as the drive of curiosity and vengeance pushed them ahead, they soon discovered the prison cells. Slim passes the metal panel, standing guard over the area, and drops the large coil of Hempen rope he took from Hekem. "I'll cover... a couple of you men get those open, check on the people there." He was not actually sure about the last part.
Last edited August 18, 2022 11:15 pm
Aug 19, 2022 2:23 am
Dewane and Wyna move to one of the floor tiles and begin to lift. Jasen and Josen step back and cover with their bows.
Aug 19, 2022 7:33 am
"I say let's see what comes outta the first one first." Vyncent says holding an arm out to stop Odric and Riffin following orders to open the other cells.
Aug 19, 2022 9:54 am
The Grinder BelowOrobu: Slim, Victoria, Lorna, Beladil
Esidrix: Dewane, Wyna, Jasen, Josen
Redwhippet: Duri, Vyncent, Odric, Riffin
Dsquid: Tiny, Kari, Mother Breadwife, Cynwe, Walt
There are plenty of 1d4 weapons in the Slaughterhouse, so any ranged character can now have a side melee weapon. Otherwise most of the characters have better or similar weapons already.
The tile is heavy and it takes a decent amount of effort, but after a few tries Dewane and Wyna finally succeed in their task and remove the stone tile. The body below appears human, yet somehow seems not to be.
The pale form, twisted into fetus position in order to fit into its tiny cell, raises its head and arm in a begging gesture.

Damned Thing
"M-mercy lord! Please, mercy!"

It is thin, anorectic in its appearance and its voice is raspy, damaged by years of screaming.
Aug 19, 2022 1:34 pm
Victoria and Lorna both squirm as they are surprised somehow by the wafting of scent. "Poor wretches... who are you?" Lorna asks, with pity in her eyes. "How long have you been here?"

Damned Thing


Aug 19, 2022 2:01 pm
Damned Thing
"Just a filthy wretch, lord! Servin' the grand Pa for... For... For... Ahhh I don't know!!!"
The man starts hitting himself in the head and then digging his nails into the walls of his tiny cell.
"Please lord, mercy!"
Aug 20, 2022 2:48 am
"Barbaric. And to think we came to help these people," Tiny says with a note of disgust in his voice, "there must be a ladder or some apparatus to get him out of these holes." Tiny moves closer to the hole. He peers down, "Do they ever let you out? Is there a rope or something around here?"

On Tiny's cue, Kari starts searching the room for anything they could lower into the hole.
Last edited August 20, 2022 2:49 am
Aug 20, 2022 3:14 am
"Maybe haul them up by the ropes?" Victoria takes the open and ties a sturdy knot, suggesting they just pull them out.
Last edited August 20, 2022 3:14 am
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