The Arwich Grinder

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Damned Thing


Aug 20, 2022 8:45 am
Damned Thing
"No lord, Wretch is to stay within his cell! Only when Grand Pa wishes to test his salts, he makes Wretch sleep and brings him to his magic table!"
There indeed is a rope on a table on the side of the room and soon the poor soul is offered to be dragged out. The pale humanoid widens his eyes, touching the rope as if testing if it is real.
"The lords are offering Wretch mercy? Oh glorious day, what a glorious day!"
Wretch ties the rope around himself, ready to get lifted out.

He is quite loud in his appreciation and the room suddenly fills with crying for help from every single tile - 14 total. It would seem that there are much more than a single Wretch.
Aug 22, 2022 7:27 pm
Dewane and Wyna take the rope Victoria dropped and begin pulling the wretch up. They've no interest in helping the others until they figure this one out.
Aug 22, 2022 7:45 pm
"Can you tell us anything more... where is the Master? What manner of monsters are these Curwens?" Victoria was trying to hold back her tone for threat or frenzy, while inside she felt the stirring of the most primal of fears. She did not like the sound of any of these wretched creatures' answers, let alone his speech. It seems to only get worse.

Lorna meanwhile keeping silent, tried to gather these breadcrumbs as best they could. Salts, magic tables, cattlemen, and fantastical aberrations. It was sickening in its intrigue.

Ever the observer, Beladil, watches with interest but has nothing to say. Leaning upon their staff as they contemplate.

Slim Jim was starting out into the continuing tunnel, listening for movement, each second wasted allowing their foes more time to prepare. "Just haul him out already, we need to move. Flee if you must, but if you have the mind tell us where we can find you Master." Unlike Victoria, Jim's voice drips with threat, as much as he was a doomed man ready to kill to stop a terrible future.
Last edited Aug 22, 2022 7:51 pm
Aug 23, 2022 4:03 am
Duri follows closely behind Slim sword at the ready.

Vyncent, Odric and Riffin look to the rest of the party for some decision. "We can come back for the rest when the works done.... this one i'd keep wiv us for now....." Vyncent proposes.

Odric looking solemn and Riffin visibly shaken.

Damned Thing


Aug 23, 2022 12:26 pm
Damned Thing
Once the pale figure emerges from its cell, it falls down on its knees and starts kissing Dewane's and Wyna's boots.
"Oh glorious! Wretch thanks his lords, he is most thankful indeed!"

Once Victoria asks her question, Wretch purses his lips and thinks for a while.
"It did not befit Wretch to question Grand Pa, but he always talked about how he is so close and how he will use the Wretches to feed everyone and never die. He said that the salts must be finished soon!"

The sound of other Wretches and their begging intensifies as Vyncent proposes keeping them in their cell.
Aug 25, 2022 3:15 am
Tiny nods to Vyncent, "I agree. IF we let them all out it could be chaos in here and we may lose the trail. Who knows how far these tunnels reach." Kari and Mother Breadwife look at one another, tehy can't help but feel for the wretches still in cells. "We'll come back for them," Tiny reassures them.
Aug 25, 2022 4:09 am
"Look there's no time to lose, into the tunnel we must go, bring the wretch with us, he might be of some use..." Vyncent smiles at the end looking at the creature they'd pulled from the cell.
Aug 25, 2022 1:57 pm
Slim nods and pushes forward, torch in one hand and sword at the ready. Having grabbed an ax to wield and put the small dagger away, Victoria kept Lorna near the middle, who recovered her bullets and was keeping an eye out for anything better to use. The bookish woman was thinking upon the words of the Wretched, discussing them softly with those who were interested. Pa Curwen seemed to be using some process to alter people. Some into cattle for meat, but some to breed what can only be described as monsters. Inbreeding alone can't explain what they have seen, and while she was not a superstition sort if he is truly wielding dark magicks these 'salts' may be the key. Beladil concurs with the reasoning, silently.
Last edited Aug 25, 2022 1:59 pm
Aug 25, 2022 5:14 pm
Dewane looks at the damned thing, "What lies down that corridor there, good sir."

Wyna, Jasen and Josen gather up, ready to follow the group onward.
Aug 26, 2022 10:39 am
The screaming of others in the holes grows unbearable.
"Mercy lord! Please have MERCYYYY!!!!"

Wretch is visibly disturbed by pleadings of his comrades and covers his ears in an expression pain.
"Wretch does not know, Wretch only slept in his cell or woke up on Grand Pa's table! Please do not send Wretch back, he really tries to know!"
The damned humanoid keeps lying at Dewane's feet, before he is grabbed onto his feet and taken with the group.

The group continues through the only corridor leading from the room and finds itself in a sort of a workshop.
"This is Grand Pa's table - here he would cut Wretch and give him his salts," Wretch shudders and hides behind Dewane, whom he seems to have appointed his personal protector.
There is a massive wooden table with leather straps for holding the victim in all four corners of it. The walls are lined with benches and boxes containing alchemical equipment and ingredients and a notebook lies on a writing desk next to the "operating" table.

There is a single exit from the room, leading further west.
Aug 26, 2022 1:23 pm
Slim heads to the door to cover and listens, letting the other handle any investigation. With a smile, he urges the Duri to stay close, but out of angle for Jasen and Josen to cover each door, with Beladil and whoever was left covering the archers. Trying his best to keep the scared villagers ready and with whatever tactics they could muster.

Victoria looked over the equipment and table, while Lorna was drawn to the notebook to read its cover or otherwise seek the first page.
Last edited Aug 26, 2022 1:23 pm
Aug 26, 2022 9:17 pm
The simple leatherbound notebook serves as a diary of sorts, used by grandpa Ike Curwen for his alchemical and arcane research. As Lorna quickly skims through the pages, it is clear that the man has been looking into how to achieve immortality. The last passage is especially disturbing.

"Adding the sacrificial ritual before extracting the salts from the herdsmen has proven to greatly increase their effectiveness. The Wretches I have administered the new salts upon show unending regeneration capabilities, to the point of them being indestructible by anything but fire.
Their vitality plummeted - perhaps try countering it next time with a Red bower? If all else fails, a soulstone or two should do the trick. KEEP THE FORMULA FOR THE SALTS - YOU ARE CLOSE."

Inside a compartment within the desk, there are two additional notebooks. One describes Sliggeth, an ancient god of Chaos and Cannibalism, whose relic the Curwens kept inheriting for generations. His great onyx cup is apparently in the Onyx room of the Grinder - his ancient shrine, upon which the Curwen family built its homestead.

The other notebook is a collection of notes from the days of Ike's youth, when he travelled the world in search of it's secrets.
Feel free to ask for clarification on anything - should the characters spend more time reading the journals, I am happy to answer. Know however that the time is ticking and there are Curwens on the loose.

With enough time to study, magically inclined characters could use the notebooks to learn the following spells:
Notes on achieving immortality - Chill touch (core rulebook, pg. 133)
Notes on Sliggeth - Find familiar (core rulebook, pg. 141)
Notes from Ike's travels - Comprehend languages (core rulebook, pg. 136)
Aug 27, 2022 1:39 pm
Victoria takes her dagger out and makes a few cuts into the leather straps, while Lorna reads. "Fascinating..." Lorna gasps the word, absorbing what she could. She would take these with her, for surely they were proof of the righteousness of their deeds. Victoria comes back to check with Lorna and they nod to one another after pointing out a passage, and they gather the notebooks together.

"We'd better go..." Ready at the door, he motions Duri to open the door, and with the others covering they would continue forward with care.
Aug 28, 2022 3:10 am
Tiny presses forward with the others, "Yes we must find them." Kari and Mother Breadwife continue on as well with Tiny's urging. Walt, ever the gambler still takes his chances with the crowd and follows with them. Cynwe, however, is attracted to the journals. She hangs back and joins Lorna. "Sliggeth, huh?" She says as she picks up the book, "In my time telling fortunes I have heard of many dieties but this is firs ttime I have heard mention of Sliggeth, even when I have channeled for the Curwins" Cynwe begins leafing through the book.
Cynwe will follow along with the others as she wont' want to be left alone, or be in the room with all the screaming wreches. Not sure how long it takes to laern the spell but she will keep the book if it requires some time.
Aug 28, 2022 7:33 am
Learning a new spell generally takes about a week per spell level - we are thus to assume that the characters would have to study after the adventure ends.

The books are reusable, so they can be shared between the characters - mercurial magic then makes every spell unique!
I will wait for everyone to confirm they wish to move on as we are slowly approaching the final part.
Aug 28, 2022 3:05 pm
Dewane, Wyna, Jasen and Josen are weapons up, ready to move.
Aug 29, 2022 8:32 pm
Seeing @Redwhippet has been offline for the last few days, I'm gonna move things forward and we can retcon if he wishes to add anything.
The Grinder BelowOrobu: Slim, Victoria, Lorna, Beladil
Esidrix: Dewane, Wyna, Jasen, Josen
Redwhippet: Duri, Vyncent, Odric, Riffin
Dsquid: Tiny, Kari, Mother Breadwife, Cynwe, Walt

The group enters a large cavern lit by phosphorescent worms lining the ceiling, creating a sort of a fairyland sky. Shadows move in the dim light, creating fantasque imagery on the walls. A moment of peace and wonder passes over everyone and townsfolk have a moment to breathe and calm their nerves.
Wretch, still hidden behind Dewane, watches the ceiling in awe, finally having a nice moment in far too long a time.
Sooner or later, the group has to continue. The cave leads down south, through a gentle slope, and is covered in the stink of unwashed bodies. As the group proceeds, they start hearing sounds that cut deep into their souls.

Wordless gibbering and cries of pain, accompanied by moans of hunger. This is where the Very Large Men came from, this is their Hell on Earth.
There are tens of them here, they would in fact easily outnumber the group 2 to 1. They huddle in the dark, trying to get away from the light's cruel touch, almost as if they knew its arrival meant pain and suffering. Walls and floor is covered in slops - waste from both vegetable and their brethren.

The townsfolk now realize that the escaped man was one of the more normal ones - centuries of inbreeding have created microcephalic creatures with almost swinish features.

There are two exits from here - one on the western end of the cave and another one leading down and to the south. A faint light is coming from the second one.
I would like a Will save throw for every single character present in order not to break up from accumulated stress. This means a roll of 1D20+Will. In case of failure, all rolls are going to be 1 dice lower on the dice chain (e.g. characters will roll 1d16 instead of 1d20) for the next hour.

The DC for this roll is set for 15, good luck!

Also if anyone wants to switch up their marching order from the one described above, this is your last chance to do so.


Wretch - Resisting Hell on Earth - (1d20+6)

(6) + 6 = 12

Aug 30, 2022 1:24 am
Dewane, Wyna, Jasen, Josen


Dewane -Resisting Hell on Earth - (1d20) - (d20)

(2) = 2

Wyna -Resisting Hell on Earth - (1d20) - (d20)

(17) = 17

Jasen -Resisting Hell on Earth - (1d20) - (d20)

(3) = 3

Josen -Resisting Hell on Earth - (1d20) - (d20)

(11) = 11

Aug 30, 2022 4:53 am

Marching order looks good to me. Thanks for info on spell learning!


Tiny Resisting Hell on Earth - (1d20)

(8) = 8

Kari Resisting Hell on Earth - (1d20)

(16) = 16

Mother Breadwife Resisting Hell on Earth - (1d20)

(20) = 20

Walt Resisting Hell on Earth - (1d20)

(6) = 6

Cynwe Resisting Hell on Earth - (1d20)

(8) = 8

Aug 30, 2022 5:39 pm
Sorry swept up in work but I am back.
Will saves....
What are the consequences for Vyncent rolling a 1? I think maybe he's ready to show his true colours and bolt.....
Last edited Aug 30, 2022 5:40 pm


Duri - Resisting Hell on Earth - (1d20)

(6) = 6

Vyncent - Resisting Hell on Earth - (1d20)

(1) = 1

Odric - Resisting Hell on Earth - (1d20)

(11) = 11

Riffin - Resisting Hell on Earth - (1d20)

(18) = 18

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