The Arwich Grinder

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Jul 19, 2022 10:44 pm
Kari, Tiny, Beladil, Mother Breadwife

As Kari opens the door and hears Lorna calling, another sound pierces the stillness of the house.
A black-haired woman lunges from the room, jumping at Kari's throat!
@Dsquid please roll for initiative! Since we are using Group initiative in the funnel and only Kari and Tiny are present, that would be a simple roll of 1d20.

The Grinder Below
To'mas, Jasen, Josen, Duri

Wyna nods and clutches her dagger, visibly nervous.
"I will keep watch and scream if I see anything."
The group then proceeds to the north.

The floor here is damp and slimy from rain coming down through a well far above the heads of the townsfolk. A large iron sausage grinder with a wooden hopper occupies the northeastern corner, with bags of salt and various herbs piled neatly at hand.
Barrels full of salted meat and cleaned intestines for sausage casings occupy the majority of the room and many remember the Curwens coming to the village with these very barrels of salted meat and sausage, saving the town from famine.

There are two doors leading from here - one to the east and another one to the west.


Initiative - Lurlene Curwen - (1d20+2)

(11) + 2 = 13

Initiative - Beladil + Mother Breadwife - (1d20)

(16) = 16

Jul 20, 2022 8:25 am
Is Riffin and others at the entrance able to here the screaming and fighting upstairs?
Vyncent turns to Victoria and motions to head back to the others. "Boys I think we can leave Mr Curwen here for now, he's not going anywhere fast."

They then proceed to return to the main entrance hall and share what they've seen.
Jul 20, 2022 9:59 am
Redwhippet says:
Is Riffin and others at the entrance able to here the screaming and fighting upstairs?
@Redwhippet They definitely are! If you want to join, feel free to roll for initiative (1d20+highest agility modifier of the fighting characters), it would however take a turn to move upstairs.
Jul 20, 2022 5:00 pm
Hekem walked inside to meet Lorna, ready to follow and find out what's happening, along with Slim, hearing the fearful tone of her voice.

Lorna tries to smile but fails, giving her true feeling to any present that there was something terribly wrong. She was about to explain on their way toward the trapdoor, when she turns her head sharply to the scream.

Vyncent was correct and the fair skinned brunette nodded in agreement to the man. She was heading back to the main room to meet up with Lorna when she heard the scream from upstairs. "Slim... that's your cue!" Pointing him in the proper direction.

Poor boy wasn't sure which direction to even go until Victoria points him, but Slim then moved to assist those in danger, if possible.
Jul 21, 2022 7:06 am
Intiative for Kari & Tiny
Last edited Jul 21, 2022 7:07 am


Initiative - (1d20)

(18) = 18

Jul 21, 2022 7:54 am
Kari, Tiny, Beladil, Mother Breadwife
Nice roll @Dsquid! Since you were opening the door prepared, no surprise round will be had and instead we will go by Initiative order!
This is not the case as with Very large men - Lurlene may be unarmed, but she is also clearly crazy and out for blood!

Kari + Tiny
Beladil + Mother Breadwife
Lurlene Curwen

Assuming Kari and Tiny decide to attack, that would be a 1d20 roll for Kari and another 1d20 for Tiny.

Redwhippet and Orobu can join at the beginning of the next turn with their respective initiative rolls (feel free to roll now and I will add you at the end of the turn).
Jul 21, 2022 12:15 pm
Slim's initiative, for next round.


Initiative - (1d20)

(10) = 10

Jul 22, 2022 1:18 am
"Woah!" Kari shouts as she opens the door and something lunges out at her. She jumps back in time to avoid the attack and takes a swing with her shovel. She connects with nothing however, the shovel rebounding off the door frame and almost striking Kair herself.

Tiny, who had been standing right behind Kari, almost stumbles as he tries to back out of her way. He regains his footing and, looking for anything to use as a weapon, he finds his barber's razor in his pocket. With a 'snnnnick' he whips the handle and the blade comes out of its sheeth. "Looks like you need a haircut" he says as slices at the woman.
Looks like I wasted the good roll on initiative, and Tiny had such a great start too...
Last edited Jul 22, 2022 1:20 am


Kari (to hit) - (1d20)

(1) = 1

Tiny (to hit) - (1d20)

(8) = 8

Jul 22, 2022 7:25 am
Kari, Tiny, Beladil, Mother Breadwife
@Dsquid that would be a fumble for Kari and a close hit for Tiny!
Please roll:
1d4+1 for Kari's fumble
1d4+1 for Tiny's damage
Jul 22, 2022 11:10 am
To'mas cringes at the barrels of salt and implications...

He and his crew approach, examine and, at last, pass through the West door.
Jul 22, 2022 11:47 am
The Grinder Below
To'mas, Jasen, Josen, Duri

The room to the west is stained with blood, while crates of finished sausages and smoked meat are piled neatly near the southeast corner. The group hurries forward through the room to a corridor leading to the north.
After a few steps the group arrives at a crossroads, with one road leading to a dim-lit room to the north and another one to the east. While the townsfolk consider their options, a tiny person sticks his head out of the passage to the north.
Everybody can hear the scream of Wilbur Curwen, a 12-year-old boy, who just spotted the group.
"What is it?" replies another voice, in which some recognize Allen Merritt, a man who recently married into the Curwen family.
Jul 22, 2022 10:04 pm
"Hello boy, are you all right? What strangeness has fallen on this house?" To'mas inquires of the lad.
Jul 22, 2022 10:41 pm
The Grinder Below
To'mas, Jasen, Josen, Duri

Before Wilbur can reply, another silhoutte appears behind him. Allen Merritt, dressed in a bloodied butcher's apron and still wearing a recently used meat cleaver, gasps upon seeing the group.
The fuck you doin' here?!

He then pushes Wilbur back into the room, raising his cleaver in case anybody tries to attack him. The boy seems to move willingly.
Jul 23, 2022 1:47 am
fumble and damage rolls


Kari Fumble roll - (1d4+1)

(4) + 1 = 5

Tiny Damage - (1d4+1)

(2) + 1 = 3

Jul 23, 2022 11:04 am
Kari, Tiny, Beladil, Mother Breadwife, Slim

As Kari opens the door, the crazed woman jumps on her, knocking the dwarf down and pinning her.
Fists are raised, ready to pummel Kari. Tiny jumps forward, his razor slashing at the woman and finding target with surprising precision... or was it pure luck?

A splash of blood covers everybody present as Lurlene Curwen rolls to her side in shock, grabbing a fatal wound in her neck.
"My baby... " she sobs, before blood loss makes her loose consciousness. Slim arrives to the room at this exact moment.

The elephantine stomping upstairs gains on frequency, now accompanied by low squeals, almost as if belonging to a child.
Jul 23, 2022 6:00 pm
Tiny helps Kari up, "Are you ok?" Kari dusts herself off, "I think so...what the heck is going on here." Tiny looks from the woman to Slim, "She attacked us...I just reacted."
Jul 23, 2022 6:12 pm
To'mas does his best to look confused...

"We came to see if you were in trouble. Some overly large man stumbled into the town clutching Bessie's bonnet and died. When we got here to the farm, there was another one of them in with the pigs, eating..."
Jul 23, 2022 8:13 pm
The Grinder Below
To'mas, Jasen, Josen, Duri

Allen lowers his hand and backs off further into the room. He stays silent for what seems like an eternity before replying.
"I believe all of that can be explained. Come here into the light so that we can see you proper."
[ +- ] The Grinder Below - The group has entered in the lowest room and slowly moved north
Jul 23, 2022 10:41 pm
Slim looked quite skeptically at Tiny and his razor. He believed what the man said, but was not comforted by the instinct to kill the unarmed woman. Choosing not to press the issue, Slim nods to Tiny, then looks to Dwarven woman. "Is there a baby here too? I think we have stumbled upon a bad place on a bad night. Lorna wants to show us something, and doubt it is any better than this."

Lorna takes the time and attention of anyone in the main room or in ear-shot, that there is a Butchering room for those large man-beasts, and that that is what the CUrwens are really ranching up here. She continues that there is a trap door into some sort of tunnels below the house and that some of their search party have already gone down.

"Oi! So the feck we do'in here then girly? We should be running right out of here before they put us next on the slab."

"What about Bessie? And what would we even tell the magistrate? ... and I doubt seriously that whoever was screaming upstair, stopped because they were happy to see us. We are in the shit now."
Last edited Jul 23, 2022 10:41 pm
Jul 25, 2022 6:36 am
Kari responds to Slim, observing that Tiny is still in shock from his confrontation with the woman, "I didn't see any, but whatever those sounds are, if its a baby its a big one. We should see what it is before we go back down, could be someone who needs help." Kari cautiously pushes open the door the woman sprang from and looks inside, "Anyone there?"
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