Kari, Tiny, Beladil, Mother Breadwife
As Kari opens the door and hears Lorna calling, another sound pierces the stillness of the house.
A black-haired woman lunges from the room, jumping at Kari's throat!
The Grinder Below
To'mas, Jasen, Josen, Duri
Wyna nods and clutches her dagger, visibly nervous.
"I will keep watch and scream if I see anything."
The group then proceeds to the north.
The floor here is damp and slimy from rain coming down through a well far above the heads of the townsfolk. A large iron sausage grinder with a wooden hopper occupies the northeastern corner, with bags of salt and various herbs piled neatly at hand.
Barrels full of salted meat and cleaned intestines for sausage casings occupy the majority of the room and many remember the Curwens coming to the village with these very barrels of salted meat and sausage, saving the town from famine.
There are two doors leading from here - one to the east and another one to the west.
Initiative - Lurlene Curwen - (1d20+2)
(11) + 2 = 13
Initiative - Beladil + Mother Breadwife - (1d20)
(16) = 16