Jun 26, 2022 1:27 am
Kari cautiously steps forward along with the others in the vanguard. After the scare from the charing pig she is on alert but nothing can prepare her for what she sees rising from the pig pen. "What the..." she says as the form rises above the pigs, dripping mud and who knows what else. She grips her shovel, the closest thing to a weapon she could find before heading out, in a two handed grip in front of her.
Walt bumps into Cynwe as he is back peddles once he catches a glimpse of the man emerging from the pigs. The two glance at each other and grip their weapons more tightly.
Tiny, in the rear of the group, gets a sense of something happening up ahead, but keeps his eyes towards the dark tree line bordering the farm to make sure nothing advances on them from behind.
Walt bumps into Cynwe as he is back peddles once he catches a glimpse of the man emerging from the pigs. The two glance at each other and grip their weapons more tightly.
Tiny, in the rear of the group, gets a sense of something happening up ahead, but keeps his eyes towards the dark tree line bordering the farm to make sure nothing advances on them from behind.
Kari has infravision, does it reveal anything more about the larger man?Last edited June 26, 2022 1:29 am
Initiative - (1d20)
(10) = 10