The Arwich Grinder

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Jul 9, 2022 11:23 am
Entrance of the house & The Yard
Riffin, Tiny, Walt, Slim, Hekem, Victoria, Lorna, Cynwe, Kari

Nothing of importance happens in the dark. The pigs are slowly calming down and with that the night grows silent.
Travels Among the Savages is heavily destroyed as well, but some pages can still be read. It is heavily ilustrated by licentious and gruesome pictures, and the first thing that Kari sees is a plate depicting a man being butchered by a hairy northern wildman. The book seems to describe life of the northern wild tribes.
Uncle Charles's room
Odric, Adric

The drinking buddies move through the hallway and identify the source of the sound to be coming from the first door on the left. Upon entering the room, they finally see one of the Curwens.
This must be the room of uncle Charles Curwen, who, having lost leg at the knee a few winters ago, no longer wishes to climb the stairs. The man is ancient, with only a few wisps of white hair upon his bald pate. He lies in bed and looks at the two incomers with demented eyes.
"Ahh finally my boys. Where is that chamber pot?"
[ +- ] Homestead explored
Jul 10, 2022 11:00 pm
Slim and Hekem return the to yard and walk to the porch with the others, with nothing new to report

Victoria asks Slim and the halfling to wait outside, stepping passed Tiny and Riffin and into the house. She covers her nose in defense against the smells of the house. It was already a mess in here. Those... things. Were they hell's new magick? Were they the mutated Curwen family? Were they... livestock? She would rather hear it from someone who knows. Following the movement of bodies, she glances across the faces of those she passes, remembering them for later. Doing her best but probably creaking the floorboard the whole way, Victoria reaches Uncle Charles's room behind Odric and Adric, wrinkling her nose further. "Oh merciful lord." She muttered under her breath.

Lorna steps forward and asks to inspect the book with the other group, while Victoria moved on. If nothing else it will keep her mind busy, she thought. She had an overactive imagination you see. Nothing her fault, but not exactly something to praise. She awkwardly smiles at the dwarf, then babbles out in a poorly-accented Dwarven tongue, "You are Kari, are you not? Maybe I can help? I am good with Books." It was a stupid line. She definitely was looking for the excuse to speak dwarven to the dwarf, but considering she is probably to only human for miles who can, she hoped the woman would indulge her just a little.
Last edited July 10, 2022 11:00 pm
Jul 11, 2022 8:13 am
i had intended for Vyncent ti be with Adric and Odric. Hope that's ok
Adric and Odric begin to look around the room for the man's chamber pot.

Vyncent looks to Victoria, "I think he's seen better days but maybe he can tell us something. Uncle Curwen what's all this then in the yard? Men wiv no tongues and the like?" Vyncent waits for a response but doesn't lower the cleaver. Too much weirdness he thought.
Jul 11, 2022 11:34 am
Uncle Charles's room
Odric, Adric, Victoria, Vyncent

The clearly demented man smiles at Adric, who finds his chamber pot.
"How are the pigs doing? Have they been fed properly?"
Jul 12, 2022 5:35 am
Kari grimaces as she stares at the book. What kind of thing was this to keep around in the house, she wonders. She puts it aside for now and looks at the stairs. "I think I heard something coming from up there, maybe someone is hiding. Anyone want to join me and check it out?" She asks and cautiously begins heading up the stairs, peering into the darkness with her infravision tinged eyes for any movement or sign of life.

As Tiny and Walt keep their eyes on the treeline and perimeter of the yard outside the house, Tiny hears Kari mention exploring the upstairs. Having been watching their backs the entire time and not seeing anything, he decides to join her inside. "I'm going to go with Kari, anyone else who wants to come, lets go. Walt, make sure a few folks stay out here, just in case." Walt nods at Tiny and moves up onto the porch, continuing to keep his vigil on the yard and surroundings.
Last edited July 12, 2022 5:38 am
Jul 12, 2022 12:05 pm
To'mas, Jasen and Josen will begin checking the rooms along the right side of the hallway, Dewane will remain by the front door on watch.
Jul 12, 2022 7:08 pm
Victoria looks to Vyncent as Uncle Charles sputters as if to say, 'sure he does'. "Let me see if I can get through to him?"Victoria steps a little closer, bringing to light to her face, seeing if he could see her at all. "Mister Curwen. We are looking for Bessie.. have you seen her?"

Lorna stays behind, trying to gather more information from inside the house and listening to the chatter among the greater Search Party. The book's contents were a continuation of a theme.

Letting Tiny walk past to follow Kari, the little beggar smiles to the humans. "Hekem Bekem's the name boys." The halfling looks amongst those gathered by the Front Porch. "What'd ya think this is all 'bout, eh?" Trying to start up some conversation with Dewane, Walt and Slim.

Slim was interested in what the others might have to say, and just adds on his name. "Call me Slim."
Last edited July 12, 2022 7:10 pm
Jul 13, 2022 5:55 am
Adric bringing the chamber pot close says "The pigs are fine, tell us about Bessie."

Riffin standing in the doorway to the house with his pitchfork. Whispers to the others "Nothing good...."
Jul 13, 2022 5:03 pm
I will be taking over Laura's characters to keep the game balanced, as the funnel is designed for a certain number of PCs. Beladil the elven forester and Mother Breadwife the human wheat farmer will follow upstairs, while Duri the dwarf stonemason and Wyna the human locksmith join the folk downstairs.
Kari, Tiny, Beladil, Mother Breadwife

The hallway resembles the one below, with a number of doors leading to different rooms. As Kari and Tiny explore the dark hallway, they hear something enormous stomping above them. The folk below hear the stomping as well, albeit more quietly.
At the end of the hallway, there is a trapdoor in the ceiling with a pull rope.
Further inside of the house
To'mas, Jasen, Josen, Duri, Wyna

The group starts exploring downstairs room by room.
Can I get a 1d10+Intelligence modifier roll from the exploring characters? Rolling for Duri and Wyna.

Uncle Charles' room
Odric, Adric, Victoria, Vyncent

The old man stares at the townsfolk for a bit before replying...
@Orobu can I get a 1d20+Personality modifier from Victoria?
@Redwhippet can I get a 1d10+Personality modifier roll from Adric?


Secret Roll

Duri exploring - (1d10-2)

(5) - 2 = 3

Wyna exploring - (1d10)

(4) = 4

Jul 13, 2022 6:57 pm
Victoria Personality
Lorna Intelligence


Victoria's Personality roll with Uncle Charles - (1d20+1)

(13) + 1 = 14

Lorna's Intelligence roll Downstairs - (1d20+3)

(2) + 3 = 5

Jul 13, 2022 9:03 pm
Intelligence Incoming


Jasen - (d10)

(5) = 5

Josen - (d10)

(4) = 4

To'mas - (d10)

(9) = 9

Jul 13, 2022 9:19 pm
I'm sorry. I rolled d20s


Victoria's Personality roll with Uncle Charles - (1d10+1)

(8) + 1 = 9

Lorna's Intelligence roll Downstairs - (1d10+3)

(9) + 3 = 12

Jul 15, 2022 9:21 am
Adric - Personality roll - Uncle Curwen


Personality - (1d10+1)

(10) + 1 = 11

Jul 15, 2022 10:12 am
Uncle Charles' room
Odric, Adric, Victoria, Vyncent

Uncle Charles gives a toothless smile as he goes ahead and uses the chamberpot.
"Ahh don't worry about Bessie, she chose her fate same as Lurlene! She is going to be a good mother. She will make us proud."
While the name does sound familiar, you are pretty sure you never met somebody named Lurlene.
Downstairs - The secret room
To'mas, Jasen, Josen, Duri, Wyna, (Lorna?)
The group goes ahead and starts exploring the rooms one by one. Most of them are uninteresting - a kitchen, a room for the boys of the homestead, a storage room, a workshop, a pantry with... what is that?
A space in the wall catches the group's attention and it turns out there is a door leading from the pantry, hidden by having shelves with honey bolted on top of it.

A small room with a butcher's block, several iron knives and cleavers make it clear that this is some sort of a butcher's workshop. Iron hooks hang from the ceiling, some of them carrying cuts of cured meat, preparatory to making sausage.
It takes a while to process in the dim light, but soon everybody realizes that Lorna's fears were correct - these are not pigs, these were taken from enormous humans - the very large men.

There is a trapdoor on the floor in the corner of the room, leading somewhere down and lifted via a simple iron ring. It leads into a narrow tunnel with iron rungs leading somewhere into the darkness.
Kari, Tiny, Beladil, Mother Breadwife
As the group listens for a while, they realize that faint voice can be heard from one of the rooms - the last one next to the trapdoor leading from the ceiling.
The stomping above ceases for a while, then continues and moves to a different part of the area.
Jul 16, 2022 7:13 pm
"Oh gods... oh gods, oh gods." She was trying no to get sick, but she remembers how thankful she was, how tasty the meat was when the Curwens saved Hillkant. She covers her mouth, staring down at the trap door. With the other five villagers - To'mas, Jasen, Josen, Duri, and Wyna - Lorna looked to them for guidance. "Should... we look?"

Victoria was sure she did not like the sound of that. She backs away from the man. "I... think the situation is worse than we thought..." Glancing to Vyncent who seemed to have a decent head on his shoulders.
Jul 16, 2022 8:03 pm
"I fear we must peer into whatever hell awaits us. This night needs to start providing answers instead of more questions. Come lads, let's get this open."

He gestures to Jasen and Josen to assist with opening the door.
Jul 17, 2022 10:02 am
The Grinder Below
The tunnel leads downward 30 feet, then a wooden ladder takes the characters to the floor of a hidden chamber.
The walls of the room are carved from the solid stone of the hills and two doors - one to the north and another one to the east. A few bags of salt and some tables line the other two walls.
Can I get an update on precisely who is going down the tunnel? We have some people guarding the entrance and some others exploring upstairs - did the townsfolk call them or let them do their own business?

Since the rungs are iron, all elves going down the stairs would receive a 1d penalty on the dice chain from the contact with it for 1 hour.

For Laura's characters, the characters are joining in the following marching order: Duri, Wyna.
They will join the characters going in any direction, or if the heroes split, they will join the group with fewer members.
Jul 17, 2022 2:51 pm
To'mas, Jasen and Josen will form up in that order, weapons out and begin North. Dewane remains at the front door.
"We're going to have a look this way. Since that ladder is our only way out, I'd offer someone should stay near it, or check the other door. Either way, watch yourselves."
Jul 17, 2022 6:01 pm
Kari hears the noises behind the last door in the hallway upstairs. She looks back at the group behind her, "Ready?" seeing a few nervous nods she slowly opens the door and peers inside.
Jul 18, 2022 1:17 pm
Lorna is definitely not volunteering for the cellar. "I think this is important... I'm going to tell the others... please be careful and shout out if you find anything." Leaving the butchering room Lorna moves out to the main room of the house to call out to everyone, what they found. "Everyone! There is something, unfortunately, you all should see!"
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