Scene 1: Welcome to Averndale

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Jul 10, 2022 7:11 pm
The Bouncer ushers you in and points over behind the bar in order to answer Leon and Xarakas. There, a rotund human man with a magnificent mustache stands behind the bar, idly cleaning the bar as he listens intently to a group of patrons. This building was made by artists, with the interior decor matched exquisitely to the grand exterior. At the far end of the large central room was an unused stage, with extra chairs stacked upon it. It has not been in use for some time. Currently, the music is being made somewhere else, which is not obvious from here.

At the bar, the workers gathered around telling a tale about their scariest moment in the mines, finishing just as the adventurers' approached. "... an' we swear. We ain't never go back down into that Tunnel 3, ever again! Them spirits are ghosts of everyone who got killed, what when my Pappy was young." The miners nod in agreement, as the Bartender eyes them with a friendly but skeptical look. "I swear! Some of the boys are leaving gifts to appease their souls. Hopefully, the weirdness will stop if they ain't disturbed..." For the Bartender's part, he wasn't sure what to say back to the half-drunk men, but with someone else approaching he takes the opportunity to 'leave it at that', and turns to inspect the newcomers.

"Oh new faces? Welcome! Welcome to the Heart-of-Hearth. " His voice booming with Pride as he motions around them to the room. "What can Marconi do for you?"

Elsewhere in the room, Jasper and Sadur have taken a seat and a teenage boy arrives to take their order just as soon as they had settled. Jasper might know this as one-of-the-two Macroni boys, a pair of young rapscallions and scoundrels who were always getting into mischief around town when they were younger. The twins, Jacob and Jayton, were about fourteen now, and the fact that the second brother is not visible means you should keep your purse hidden away. "Hey are you Adventurers? That is super cool! You two want ale or mead, maybe try some 'Shine?" With an excited smile, the boy stops talking and waits to see what the Mage and Half-orc wanted.
Jul 10, 2022 9:13 pm
"Aye, brand new to the city," Says Leon, "Need a place to rest my head for a few days and get a decent meal, at least until I have a chance to get my practice set up. Nice place you got here by the way. Better than most. My name is Barcharvi, Leon Barchavi, pleased to meet you good sir."
Jul 11, 2022 10:36 am
Sadur is waiting for Jasper to order something and he would just say "same for me", but surprised by by he wondering aloud: What's Shine ? How much?
Jul 11, 2022 4:00 pm
Soup and shine is fine for me. I will be getting a room for the night. as Jasper is settle in and keeps an eye out for what is about. This palace like any has its troubles.
Jul 11, 2022 5:45 pm
That's right. Soup and shine room for me too! Sadur says immediately after Jasper. No ale yet... last one sound more like a question than a statement, but Sadur looks at Leon and Xarakas and cries in his harsh and grating voice Xarakas , Leon, We've got table here! Do you mind to join?
Jul 11, 2022 6:40 pm
"Don’t mind if I do," Says Leon while taking a seat with a view, "For a town that’s supposedly seen better days this place is surprisingly lively, any idea what to expect tomorrow?"
Last edited July 11, 2022 6:41 pm
Jul 11, 2022 11:58 pm
Wonder if for a few gold coins we can get a minstrel tp play in here. Tomorrow is tomorrow and that is the mayor's place.
Last edited July 11, 2022 11:59 pm
Jul 12, 2022 3:29 am
"A pleasure Mister Barcharvi, the name is Rudolf Marconi" The bartender flourishes with a hand to add flair to his introduction. "... Rooms? It’s good that you came when you did! We’re running a deal! You will receive an upgraded room when you pay for a week in advance, what do ya say?" Marconi reaches back and taps a sign behind him on the wall above an arraignment of fancy liquor bottles and wooden casks.

The sign reads:
[ +- ] Menu
"Market day is Tomorrow, but most would be here for the Harvest festival at the end of the week. Should be a grand time. Please! Take off your cloaks off and relax, and tell me or 'the boys' if you should need a thing."

"Oh 'Shine? Only the best, Mister! Big feller like you is going to love it." The boy winks to Sadur, and nods to the men confirming their order. "A minstrel? Naw mister, my little sister is playing her usual up on the second floor, but we haven't had a proper entertainer in a year or so."The teen steps off to see about those drinks, leaving the party to recollect back at the table together as they wished.

In the crowd, there were mostly humans and a couple of halflings as well as a dwarf who is sitting with the group of miners at the bar. They all seem to be laborers or farmers, as well as a few of the caravan drivers who were having a drink before they would head off to a bunkhouse. Soon enough drinks and food are brought to the table.
tell me what you're ordering for the night! Check the Menu
and then you are free to ask questions from locals and make you plans.
Jul 12, 2022 11:53 am
I still have no idea what's the Shine Sadur ordered and how much would it cost
[ +- ] Expenses so far not including Shine

Sadur don't seem to be bothered by his dripping shirt - it will soon dry, he believes. He is not making any plans, just suggest to meet Mayor together. I'm not the best at talking... he would be happy if 4 of them are hired as a team and "I will take the most labour/dangerous tasks, but not the talking"
As for "ask questions from locals - this half-orc is shy to approach local humans, but
Sadur seek opportunity to talk to bouncer and - if possible even buy him a mug.
Sadur would be able to laugh about some dumb trouble-makers and learn about locals with authority who are to not be insulted, wouldn't he?
Probably he would be fortunate learn a hint how to make friends with local smith if there is one.
Jul 12, 2022 3:06 pm
You know I’ve been on the road for a while now, and I’m ready for a good meal and a soft bed. Innkeeper, Ill have the Veal and Morels and some of your local wine, and please do upgrade me to the best room in the house.
[ +- ] Leons Expenses
Jul 12, 2022 3:41 pm
May Japer pay 7gp for his modest lifestyle. That would before 7 days actually to cover his food & room and board.
Jul 12, 2022 7:43 pm
Orobu sent a note to GreyWord
Orobu sent a note to Basil
Orobu sent a note to GeneCortess
Jul 12, 2022 7:53 pm
Hot bath and soap please! I' done for the night unless something happens.
Jul 12, 2022 9:05 pm
GreyWord sent a note to Orobu
Sadur drinks "Shine". What a choice Jasper!
And I am also done for tonight


Constitution save - (1d20+5)

(3) + 5 = 8

Jul 12, 2022 10:15 pm
Jasper does some Shine too. -7cp on top of 7gp. Jasper spends another 2cp for soap.
I will be at the Bunks at the Artisans' Guild tonight. We can all meet up at the mayor's in the morning.

He enjoys the evening even if it lacks really a good minstrel and went rather light on the drinking. Just a little shine to take the weather off. That and he has to march over to the Artisan's Guild later to get a bunk. By the end of the evening, Jasper should know everyone's name.

Xarakas, Sadur, and Leon "Stitch" Barchavi
Last edited July 12, 2022 10:27 pm


CON Check for Drinking - (1d20+2)

(8) + 2 = 10

Jul 13, 2022 1:58 am
Xarakas introduces himself to Marconi smiling that there hasn't been proper entertainment here in a while. If he played his card right he might be able to strike a good deal here.

"Sir it seems you are in dire need of diversity in the entertainment domain. Your sister is quite talented without a doubt but what you need is a stage presence"

He whispers a inintelligible word and he quickly brings forth a rose from behind his then in a very theatrical way he moves his hands in front of him until... no more rose.

"My hands are kind of numb from the cold but I would gladely give your patrons the most exquisite entertainment in the upcoming days... In exchange for a place to stay and a meal"
The rose was a prestigitation
Jul 13, 2022 12:02 pm
Marconi's eyes lit up as he watched Xarakas perform his magick, and lowers his voice to regain the Bard's attention. "Easy with the magick, friend. Folks are superstitious 'round here." He looks to the miners who had gone back to their table by now. Marconi shifts back to the topic. "Your name... I have heard it before... "
Orobu sent a note to GeneralET
Orobu sent a note to GeneCortess
Orobu sent a note to GreyWord
Jul 13, 2022 12:33 pm
GreyWord sent a note to Orobu
Jul 13, 2022 3:11 pm
GeneralET sent a note to Orobu
Jul 13, 2022 3:26 pm
Orobu sent a note to GeneCortess
Orobu sent a note to GreyWord
Orobu sent a note to Basil
Orobu sent a note to GeneralET
Anything else for anyone? You may still talk to each other if you want, and otherwise I'll set up the next scene.
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