TheGenerator says:
... don't really know enough about the game to know what makes a good ship ...
It will depend a lot on what sort of game we wanting to play. A Scout/Courier or Free Trader might be best unless we want more guns. I assume a Free Trader is the 'default'?
TheGenerator says:
... Which ones would fit our budget? ...
That depends on your 'budget'. You will need to make enough money to pay off whatever you get (unless you don't) so the more expensive they are the more you will need to work on getting money.
I can not comment on how much you can make, it does look like, if you play your cards right and get a bit lucky, you can make millions quite easily (possibly too easy (possibly so that players don't get frustrated)). Whatever the players decide to aim for we can make possible (I can always complicate your trade with adventures if you are making too much).
TheGenerator says:
... I did pick trade as my priority, but not so much for the trade aspect as the social interaction/factions aspect of it. ... trading seems like a good source of income and a great reason to go to new places. ...
Yes, the need to trade is often what leads to all the other things in the game. Trade is not the goal (once you earn enough to retire, why don't you retire?). Without the need for trade, it can get silly saying why you are travelling and getting into adventure. 'Exploration' only goes so far to explain such things, and is usually done for 'reasons of trade'. Military campaigns can get away from the trade dependence, but that does not seem interesting to any of us.
TheGenerator says:
... everyone creates 1 planet with a few aspects ...
Yes. We can decide where we start, define that world, then, when we are ready to move to the next world or star system, we can design that system together.
If someone wants to explore a particular type of system, society, or event, they can say so and we can make the appropriate place.
TheGenerator says:
... might be better to just get started with what we have and fill in the blanks as we go along. Is that an option? ...
We do need certain basics before I can make start, things like TL and if you have a ship.
TheGenerator says:
... any specific questions you're struggling with, please post them ...
i have TRIED. :)
TheGenerator says:
... Some questions we hadn't answered: ...
See? :)
TheGenerator says:
... - TL --> see dice roll ... 9 ...
TL 9 has me thinking that your having a ship with these newfangled Jump Drives makes you a valuable asset.
I can see you 'exploring' and making contact (again) with colonies that left 'earth' a long time ago on the older style of generation ships, bringing them news and valuable new technologies, finding how they have adapted (evolved some might call it) to suit their new circumstances.
TheGenerator says:
... Edit: Still rolling 1's :P
50/50 this time though. :)
TheGenerator says:
... all worked together on something in the past ...
That is simple. Unless there are objections we can just go with that.
TheGenerator says:
... Skill package --> I'm going to look at which fits us best. ... fill in some skill gaps ...
If we are recruiting more players they might fill some gaps already. So take a look, but we may wait till we have everyone before making a final decision. We can also hire people (NPCs) to fill gaps.
TheGenerator says:
... - Aliens --> ...
Let's leave this for now. Where we start can be all 'human' and we can see how things progress.
TheGenerator says:
... Can we do a sort of warm-up mission ...
Sure. Knowing whether or not we have a ship will make a difference. Maybe, if we don't 'buy' a ship, or as part of that purchase (for some discount) the first mission is to get/collect the ship?
If we pick up our ship mid-mission, maybe we don't know all the details about it. So we can discover later that is has things we had not thought to add. ("Oh, it has smuggler's hidden compartments?", or "We can make it refine fuel if we add a < whatsit > to the < thingymabob >... if only we had some Engineering...").