[Retired] TrailHead Character Generator

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Jul 8, 2022 10:39 pm
Okay, a 1 = no effect. Whew!
Jul 8, 2022 11:04 pm
Summary to date:

Background life on a space station, where he was homeschooled but picked up some basic mechanic skills and got used to wearing a Vacc suit. He was also social and partied with his friends (carouse skill).

Missed out on university due to a paperwork mixup, so signed up with the Scouts. Spent two terms as a Scout/Explorer. Made contact with an alien on the fringe of Charted Space in my first term. Near the end of my second term I was found in my ship, drifting on the fringes of friendly space, with no idea how I got there. Was it a setup? In any case I was discharged from the Scouts.

I found a home in the Army in a support role (mechanic). Worked hard for 8 years, gained skill in Recon and a Profession (TBD). Could not advance past Private, though. Even after doing well on a special assignment. Moved to a new world.

At age 34, still in good health, decided to leave the Army.
Jul 8, 2022 11:08 pm
Time to muster out of the Army. Due to an event I have a DM+1 to one benefit roll.

I’m going to roll twice on Benefits, the first time with a DM+1


Benefit roll DM+1 - (D6+1)

(5) + 1 = 6

Benefit roll - (D6)

(2) = 2

Jul 8, 2022 11:13 pm
So the first roll of 6 is END +1 or cybernetic implant. An implant would be cool but doesn’t fit the story so far. So I’ll take the bump to END.

The second roll was 2, which is +1 to INT. Very nice as that moves it from a 5 to a 6, erasing the DM-1.
Jul 8, 2022 11:21 pm
Since I got that sweet DM+2 to my next qualifying roll, might as well try for another career. The +2 bonus will zero out the -2 for my two prior careers.

Going for Citizen. Flat roll EDU 5+.


Qualify for Citizen -2 +2 - (2D6-2+2)

(63) = 9

Jul 8, 2022 11:25 pm
Made it into Citizen for term 5!

Basic training, I pick Streetwise. My previous event said I’d moved to a new world. The Worker assignment says "You are a blue collar worker on an industrial world." Streetwise makes sense.

Survival roll
Jul 8, 2022 11:29 pm
Accidentally hit Post on my last text before I was done.
Survival roll for Citizen - Worker is END 4+


Survival END 4+ - (2D6)

(12) = 3

Jul 8, 2022 11:29 pm
Did not survive! To the Mishap table!


Citizen mishap - (D6)

(5) = 5

Jul 8, 2022 11:35 pm
Wow 5 on the Mishap table is story gold!

"A revolution, attack or other unusual event throws your life into chaos, forcing you to leave the planet. Roll Streetwise 8+ If you succeed, increase any skill you have by one level."

It feels like I just got to this planet.LOL. I feel very lucky to have just picked up Streetwise!

Rolling Streetwise at level 0.


Streetwise DM+0, due to mishap - (2D6+0)

(43) = 7

Jul 8, 2022 11:38 pm
Missed it by that much!

So, this event is my inviting incident to become a Traveller.

Term 5 is my last term. No benefit. But I need to roll for Ageing at DM-5.


Ageing DM-5 - (2D6-5)

(53) - 5 = 3

Jul 8, 2022 11:40 pm
No Ageing effect! 38 years old and feeling healthy. No major injuries, no degradation of my stamina. That’s what good hard work will get you.
Jul 9, 2022 12:03 am
Need to figure out the details of my Profession skill and flesh out my events and mishaps a little more, especially the last one that pushed me to travelling.

Need to make connections.

Need to buy some equipment.
Jul 9, 2022 7:30 am
TrailHead says:
... None of the other specialties listed in the core book seem to fit. ...
Treat them as examples. Make up whatever you think is interesting.
TrailHead says:
... I was picturing him serving in the Army as a mechanic. ...
Then Mechanic makes perfect sense as a Profession. (page 70)
TrailHead says:
... since my character didn’t go to university ...
You didn't go to university as a Pre-Career Education, but you could still have done so on the GI Bill. I am not sure that fits your story so far, but if you want something that looks like it would need education, that means you got the education.
TrailHead says:
... I don’t know if we’re allowed to use Traveller Companion options ...
For this? The book only contains examples, so taking examples and inspiration from other books is fine.

I don't have that book, so I can not comment on anything more than just Example Profession ideas. If it is non-mechanical, use whatever you want.
TrailHead says:
... Interesting. I wasn’t planning on taking another career. Even if I don’t, there’s some backstory there ...
Yeah, the system did not agree with you about not taking another, the system knew it would be short. :)

Even just getting the Qualification Bonus is a story ("I coulda been a ...").
TrailHead says:
Okay, a 1 = no effect. Whew!
Close one, though. :)
TrailHead says:
... implant would be cool but doesn’t fit the story so far ...
No worries. It could change the story, of course. But END is good.
TrailHead says:
... second roll was 2, which is +1 to INT ...
Army has some really nice Benefits, and their Cash is not great. Good choice. :)
TrailHead says:
... the Mishap table is story gold! ...
Indeed. I have been fretting that no one has rolled any of those. All these Terms and no accidents or medical expenses? Something is up with this crew. :)
TrailHead says:
... It feels like I just got to this planet ...
Yes. What did you do?! Army vets come in and things go to hell!

Do they blame you? I think I blame you... but I can't find the paperwork. :)
Jul 10, 2022 6:12 am
TrailHead says:
Need to make connections.
Add your summary to the connections thread, and look for anything that looks interesting in Ronny's post.

Once we have all three characters in there at the top we can ask questions about specifics or about the mechanics of this part.
Jul 10, 2022 4:12 pm
vagueGM says:
TrailHead says:
... None of the other specialties listed in the core book seem to fit. ...
Treat them as examples. Make up whatever you think is interesting.
TrailHead says:
... I was picturing him serving in the Army as a mechanic. ...
Then Mechanic makes perfect sense as a Profession. (page 70)
My character already has the Mechanic skill (page 69) so I don’t want to make things confusing by taking Profession (Mechanic). What would be the difference between the two skills?
vagueGM says:
TrailHead says:
... I don’t know if we’re allowed to use Traveller Companion options ...
For this? The book only contains examples, so taking examples and inspiration from other books is fine.

I don't have that book, so I can not comment on anything more than just Example Profession ideas. If it is non-mechanical, use whatever you want.
The example of Worker/Armourer as a Profession in the Traveller Companion seems appropriate for a skill he’d have picked up in the Army. "Skill at maintaining armour and weapons, and making slight alterations to equipment." This seems to go along with being a mechanic while remaining distinct.
Jul 10, 2022 4:43 pm
TrailHead says:
... Mechanic skill (page 69) Profession (Mechanic). What would be the difference between the two skills?
A Profession allows you to make money using the skill? (page 70)
TrailHead says:
... Worker/Armourer as a Profession in the Traveller Companion seems appropriate ... along with being a mechanic while remaining distinct.
Sounds good, could be useful to the crew too.

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