TrailHead says:
... END is what I meant but EDU is what I typed ...
What? You typed the wrong thing wrong? What are you? Some sort of overachiever? :)
TrailHead says:
... looked at the skill check rules and thought I had to add a characteristic ...
Sometimes. Sometimes you only add a Characteristic, and sometimes you only add a Skill, but I think those situations where you don't add both will be so few and far between that we can forget about it. Maybe there will be situations where no Characteristic makes any sense, but I don't see it happening often, and it will be clear when it does.
Things like Athletics are a problem, there are athletic situations where logic would say the Skill should apply, but not being 'trained' should not apply a -3 penalty to most of them (surely STR, DEX, and END already cover 'fitness'). Either we might just ignore it where it would be bad, but allow those with training the benefit (meaning a +0 is pointless?), or maybe we should set it to a default 0 so anyone getting increases will benefit from them? Maybe we can find a sweet-spot where specific training applies, and only use it then? It looks like a rules oversight. We will work something out.
TrailHead says:
... I did not realize there was an exception in character generation
It's a pain and causes confusion. But then I am not a fan of 'tutorial levels' that try to 'simplify the rules', in the longrun it makes it
harder to learn, which should not be tutorials purpose.