[Retired] TrailHead Character Generator

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Jul 6, 2022 3:59 am
Good to hear... um, not that it was rough, just that you are still with us. :)
Jul 6, 2022 4:04 am
Okay Term 2 - as mentioned above, my character must continue in the Scouts.

My stats are all low, so I’ll roll on Personal Development.


Personal development table - (D6)

(1) = 1

Jul 6, 2022 4:09 am
So add 1 to my STR, per the table. That moves my STR from a 5, which had a -1 mod DM up to a 6, which means a 0 DM!

Next up, term 2 survival roll! My target as an Explorer is END 7+ and my END has a +0 DM.


Survival - target END 7+ - (2D6+0)

(21) = 3

Jul 6, 2022 4:11 am
I did not pass my survival roll, so I roll on the Mishap table.


Scout Mishap - (D6)

(5) = 5

Jul 6, 2022 4:18 am
Mishap result - "You have no idea what happened to you - they found your ship drifting on the fringes of friendly space."

And because of the mishap, I’m ejected from the Scout service.

That’s the end of my term 2. I believe I get 2 mustering out benefits, one for completing term 1 and one for attaining Rank 1.
Jul 6, 2022 4:23 am
vagueGM says:
Good to hear... um, not that it was rough, just that you are still with us. :)
Thanks. Good to be back rolling some virtual dice. :-)
Jul 6, 2022 4:27 am
Okay, so mustering out from the Scouts.

The Scouts cash benefits are a great range, so I’ll do one cash and one regular benefit roll. My 1st of 3 lifetime cash rolls.


Cash benefit (no modifier) - (D6)

(1) = 1

Regular benefit (no modifier) - (D6)

(5) = 5

Jul 6, 2022 4:36 am
Cash benefit 1 = Cr20,000

Reg benefit 5 = Weapon

(Select any weapon with a limit of Cr3,000 and TL12.)

Sounds like a laser pistol to me. I have Gun Combat skill at 0, it costs Cr3,000 and has a TL of 11.
Jul 6, 2022 4:45 am
So that’s the end of my term 2. It didn’t go so well for my character. The Scout service made me renew my contract, didn’t give me a choice. I would have re-enrolled anyway, but that rubbed me the wrong way.

I can’t remember what happened to me at the end of my term. I was found adrift on the fringes of friendly space. Was I set up by the Scouts? Did they erase my memory? In any case they gave me Cr20,000 and let me keep my laser pistol. Was that to keep me quiet?

I’m now 26. Time to think of a new career to try to get into.
Jul 6, 2022 5:14 am
Hmm, for term 3, I’m considering either Army (Support) or Citizen (Worker) since my character has a background skill as a Mechanic at 0. Easier than most other careers for my character to qualify for and survive, given the low stats. The -1 DM for it being my second career will be enough of a challenge to overcome.

If I don’t make it, I’ll either submit to the draft or choose Drifter. I can see the Scavenger or Wanderer assignments under Drifter fitting this character.
Jul 6, 2022 9:03 am
TrailHead says:
... Cash benefit 1 = Cr20,000 ...
Wow! Scouts do pay well, especially if you are going to roll low. That says something about them, doesn't it?
TrailHead says:
... Sounds like a laser pistol to me ...
Feel free to custom make something that fits the paramaters.
TrailHead says:
... didn’t give me a choice. I would have re-enrolled anyway, but that rubbed me the wrong way ... Was I set up by the Scouts? Did they erase my memory? ...
GM scribbles notes... pay not attention, it does not mean anything. :)
TrailHead says:
Hmm, for term 3 ...
All those options sound interesting.
Jul 6, 2022 9:44 am
@TrailHead: Are you keeping this character? If not, do you want to start the real one instead of going on to Term 3 in a test character? I don't mind doing more on the test one if you want.

If we don't keep this character, then the story about the Scout Services still happened to someone... or so the tale goes.
Jul 7, 2022 2:42 am
I wasn’t planning on keeping this character, especially after I rolled my characteristics. But I’ve gotten a bit attached to the emerging story. So, I think I will keep it, if that’s okay.
Jul 7, 2022 2:42 am
I wasn’t planning on keeping this character, especially after I rolled my characteristics. But I’ve gotten a bit attached to the emerging story. So, I think I will keep it, if that’s okay.
Jul 7, 2022 3:43 am
Okay - term 3. Let’s see if we can qualify for the Army.

END 5+


Army - qualify roll END 5+ - (2D6+0)

(36) = 9

Jul 7, 2022 3:52 am
Okay - I aced my Army qualification exam. Oops I forgot the DM-1 for my previous career in Scouts, but 9-1 is still 8, well above the required 5.

Basic training - for pick one service skill at rank 0.

I pick Recon.

I also choose the Support assignment.
Jul 7, 2022 3:58 am
Survival roll - as Army Support also END 5+


Survival - (2D6+0)

(62) = 8

Jul 7, 2022 3:59 am
Okay I survived, yay!

Event roll


Term 3 event - (2D6)

(23) = 5

Jul 7, 2022 4:13 am
Event 5 = You are given a special assignment or duty in your unit. Gain DM+1 to any one Benefit roll.


So next comes Advancement/Commission.

@vagueGM, what’s your reading of the commission rules? Specifically, when it says on p. 19, "You may only attempt to gain a commission in your first term unless your SOC is 9 or higher," does mean your first turn in your life or your first term in that career?

My character does not have SOC that high, can I try for commission since this is the first term in the Army?

Also, as I successfully qualified and survived, I am now a rank 0 enlisted Private, so I get Gun Combat 1, correct? I already have Gun Combat 0, so is this again a case of gaining a level only in a specialization, or Gun Combat 1 across the board?
Jul 7, 2022 7:14 am
TrailHead says:
... I’ve gotten a bit attached to the emerging story ...
Not a problem.
I did warn you that might happen. :)

You need a name if they are staying. I don't recall if they were given a name.
TrailHead says:
... p. 19, "You may only attempt to gain a commission in your first term unless your SOC is 9 or higher," does mean your first turn in your life or your first term in that career?
It must mean 'in that career'. Page 16 says, "Graduation allows a commission roll to be taken before the first term of a military career", which either explains the rule or makes it make very little sense.

From a fiction stand-point, it would not make such sense to only commission people with no experience.

So you are eligible. Roll for commission.
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