Airshark says:
... I see now that I might had to roll twice for survival and advancement. To speed things up ... we can ignore it if it is unnecessary ...
Yeah, quite necessary.
Double dipping a roll doesn't speed things up anyway, especially not in PbP.
Airshark says:
... Rank increase gives me medic 1 which I already have (boohoo) ...
Some of those look quite strange. It seems incongruous for a Physician to not have some level of Medic by the time they Advance, giving them Medic 1 at Rank 1... weird. But I suppose it makes more sense than for a Rank 1 Physician to not have
any Medic (which is possible under the rules), so they are covering for that? This is always a problem with highly mechanised games, there are weird edge-cases that we have to live with. It really looks to me like those all Advancement Bonuses should be +1s, but very few of them are. :(
At least you still get a Skill roll from each Advance.
Airshark says:
... 12: PROMOTION!!!!! gives me nothing ...
It does give you another Skill Table roll.
Roll for Skill.
Airshark says:
... my medic level to 4 which is now maxed out ...
If you stay in this Career you can focus on rolling on the Personal Advancement, or Advanced Skills Tables to avoid wasting time on more medical training. :)
Airshark says:
... upon leaving this career, I keep the 40k and scientific equipment ...
Where does the Scientific Equipment come from? I thought you were keeping the Cash (you only get one from the premature Mustering Out Benefit roll).
Airshark says:
... Time to browse the careers list again. anything you'ld recommend ...
If you are set on leaving, the first though I had was Noble. Then I looked at the really high (10+) Qualification (they don't let just anyone be a 'noble':) and thought again... then I noticed that you
automatically qualify because of your 10 in SOC (so apparently they
will just let anyone in, it is all about who you know:).
I don't know if any of what it offers interests you.
The Navy definitely wants you. I don't know what your feelings are about military service, though.
Airshark says:
... ... electronics ... or it could be a completely different field of interest that has nothing to do with the medical world ...
Having outside interests is healthy, your doctor will tell you so. :)
Airshark says:
... I'm wondering if my low DEX will interfere with the surgeon career. ...
Then again, maybe you use Electronics (Computers or Remote Ops?) to compensate, letting you do surgery with INT/EDU instead of DEX?
Airshark says:
... Time to browse the careers list again ...
You can also try to change Assignments and become a Scientist or a Field Researcher. Sticking with one Career has it benefits. Another Rank and you get 1 more Benefit roll, a few more years and you get a yearly pension. Staying as a Physician need not be a problem, you have other Tables to roll on.
If you are done with this then you need to roll your Mustering Out Benefits. You get 1 for each Term, plus another 1 for your Rank.
Airshark says:
...But I think I can keep it the way it is now. Though the order is incorrect...
That is fine. It all worked out.