Airshark says:
... The DM+2 would be nice though ...
Agreed. But it is also a thing you can work up to. Maybe you have heard about a fancy, high-tech medkit somewhere that you go hunting for (gives us a quest) or have to save up for or negotiate the sale of.
If we
adjust the setting's TL down to TL10, maybe you can only get a TL8 kit and have to play out getting a TL10?
Airshark says:
... That could come in handy ...
Saves you needing to work out now what sorts of situation you will need these supplies
for. But if you buy specific drugs we will try to make them become relevant, so it is a two-way-street.
Airshark says:
... So toolkit electronics (computer) would give me a +2 when working with/hacking computers - or + the TL difference. ...
We would need to look at the rules and you would need to tell us what sort of thing you would be using this for (I did not want to ask before, because it can seem like the GM saying 'that is a bad idea' when I was merely puzzled).
Might you not be better off getting a Computer instead? For what you are describing, that might be more suitable, especially with your Computers Skill. If you have a Ship, it will have a Computer, but having a Portable Computer of your own could be useful. (I have not looked at the rules for using computers.)