TheGenerator says:
... that sounds very harsh (especially for my 3 EDU character ...
Er, yeah. That is one of the prices for low education: fewer prospects; also during Character Creation; and a lower cap on total Skills (I assume we have all checked that we don't exceed the max allowed Skills?).
You don't learn as well, means you don't learn as well. Can't argue with that.
It is a bit incongruous with high INT, but INT is not about 'learning' (I often say that 6 is too many 'stats' and their division gets blurry after 4). We may be able to make Linked Tests for the EDU roll, basing that on the fiction of what the character is doing to learn, but this should not be a get-out-of-jail-free for choosing low EDU, though I do understand that this rule may have been missed at the time of making that decision.
I will take arguments for using a Characteristic other than EDU. Athletics already uses a STR, DEX, or END.
TheGenerator says:
... the game is built around long-distance space travel in which teams have way too much time on their hands ...
Yes, every Jump takes a week, no matter how far it is, then you usually have to spend another week travelling back and forth to between the Jump Point and where you want to be, or refuelling and unloading. Much/most of that can be spent Training, I would be generous when it comes to interpreting what counts to 'break' the Training cycle, so long as you can also spend enough time Training, you can load and unload cargo and do minor repairs and such as well.
A normal 'trading trip' 'there and back' takes a month. So there can be lots of time to Train if we aim for it.
TheGenerator says:
... That sounds very reasonable. No objections here ...
Of course you don't. :)
Those +1s are much more valuable to someone with low EDU. Let's see how it balances out. Reducing the time it takes does not futz with the mechanics --it just help with PbP pacing-- which is why I suggest that as our first change.
TheGenerator says:
... That wouldn't be abuse, right? ...
Case by case. I trust you all to not try to cheat the system. I do wonder if shooting a lock really counts as 'shooting training'? It is also not much in terms of use, one bullet is not much training.
We would probably --especially at first-- assess it when it comes time to complete the Training, and if that lock-shot still stands out in our minds, it would be significant enough to count. This is PbP, so a lot of time could have passed.
It would be something like:
Player: "Four weeks have passed, can I try a half-time training roll?"
Everyone Else: "How much shooting have you done? Oh, yes remember that cool use on the lock?! That was cool!"
The rules also don't say you can only have one Training happening, they explicitly say it can (is always?) broken up over time, and I would completely allow players to track and work on multiple Skills at the same time (I thought about saying something about your sheet with its one slot, but didn't since copy/paste is easy enough when it is needed). Of course, you can only do one 'this week'. I would normally caution players that this could mean
any progression takes a
long time. But we could do something like: "I have used a lot of guns recently. If I Train guns this Jump can I get two weeks for one?"
TheGenerator says:
... issues that haven't presented themselves yet ...
If it is 'fun' then it is good for the game. If the other players go "urgh" when you do it, then it is abuse. It is usually pretty clear with enough examples if someone is abusing the system.
I don't think we need to worry about that with this group.
TheGenerator says:
... that's just roleplaying, where the other situation would be rollplaying. (Has anyone ever used that term before? ...
'Fraid so. To the point of clique.
TheGenerator says:
... I'm mildly proud of myself ...
You will get over that. :)