Character Creation

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Jul 3, 2022 3:26 pm
Cadence Black
Last edited July 4, 2022 10:16 pm
Jul 3, 2022 3:58 pm
Ideas for band names

Knot Today
Graven Image
Whispers in the Dark
Plus One
Jul 3, 2022 7:16 pm
Stephanie Hall (work in progress)
[ +- ] Picture
Typical spoiled rich girl. Only child. Dad is some hotshot in business with a fancy suit, expensive car and big credit card.

She has a bit of a brain and could go to university quite easily. But instead she would rather just be singing and making music. She dreams of a big career in the musical industry.

She lives in a small, but fancy, appartment which dad bought for her, with her cat Lion.
Her neighbours downstairs often complain about the music.
Last edited July 3, 2022 7:16 pm
Jul 4, 2022 6:16 pm
Oh I've got a great bane name!!! EVP "electronic voice phenomenon" ... to tie in the Ghostly stuff
Last edited July 4, 2022 6:18 pm
Jul 4, 2022 11:40 pm
Really dig many of the band names... MissAnthropy, Knot Today, or EVP, any of these would do for me XD Also love the cast so far :3
[ +- ] Picture
Carl is usually a chill, laid-back guy who just wants to play the guitar but otherwise doesn't display a great deal of ambition. If anyone cares for his opinion he would say that it strikes him as surprising how people can dedicate large portions of their lives in pursuit of some goal, slowly dying towards it but without any enjoyment of the ride (don't fret over it, nobody usually asks his opinion). He has a tendency to have his head on the clouds and talk nonsense.

He was the rhythmic guitar before the "incident". It's not a secret that the two guitarists never really got along (maybe an ego/talent thing?). It's also not a secret that, since his partner's demise, he's currently undergoing a 12-step NA program, which is going great so far (according to him at least).
Jul 5, 2022 7:57 pm
So... is they all we need? Are we all just 1's as far as character sheets go?
Jul 5, 2022 9:37 pm
My first post has notes about what I'm looking at for character sheets. Additionally, a connection, and opinion, etc on your other band mates is important and will serve you well.

I have one more thing that you should send me privately, which for some reason is not included in the Player's Guide. A truth, or a lie.

Specifically, something that your character truly believes about the world at large, or the group. As with the connections, something specific and personal is best. The DM's guide suggests the following questions if you need suggestions:
- What's the key to success
- How important are my friends
- What's my ultimate goal
- What's my most important principle or value

Now, we're playing from the real world, rather than a world of big stakes and big heroes, so your characters may not wear this on their sleeve as strongly as say, a fantasy Paladin, but it should be something that they'd express or portray.

Now, you may notice that I said, truth or lie, and then something that your character believes to be true. The key here is that you the player don't have to believe it, but your character does.

1. I'd like a sheet with the things listed under the cut in my first post! Just a custom sheet is all. If you want something fancy, there's a fillable pdf in that same post.

2. What does your character believe to their core. Tell me privately (there's a way to do private notes in threads or a PM works).

3. Think about your band mates and what your character thinks of them. Discuss with your fellow players what your relationship is like and what things you've done in the past.

All of these can be rough, but these are the boxes I'd like checked before we start. Hoping for a weekend start at the latest if that's doable?
Jul 6, 2022 2:50 pm

I'm PMing everyone for individual stuff, but Should we maybe collectively here decide on our Missing Memeber?

Did they use to be the Lead Guitar? Were they also our defacto leader?

I was thinking they would have been 'the heart' of the band maybe? Or maybe that's just what Zuri felt about it?

Also... I might want Zuri to have had a thing for them, but someone else is welcome to have been their actual partner
Either way I am planning to write Zuri as extremely affected by their loss...

Speaking of which, maybe we can decide the circumstances of their disappearance (or death)?
Jul 6, 2022 3:10 pm
Also here is Zuri Agrinya, so far:

1st generation african-american, whose family immigrated from Tanzania just before her birth.
She is the drummer for our band, and currently carries a nickname from high school 'Z. the Bitch', but those who really know her know she is soft on the inside - defending herself with her spikey exterior.

She wants the songs and the band as a whole to play hard rock fusions with lots of bass thumps. Her musical influences are Heavy-metal, Goth-Punk and Old-school hiphop. She knows how-to thrash and stomp that double-bass pedal. She considers all of you friends, and has been fiercely loyal and motivated to 'making it' as a band. But has not been the same since [Name of former member] disappeared/died, seeming to fall into depression much more often.

Zuri was already a "spooky chic" but has been spending A LOT more time, since then, studying occult practices and religious rituals about Death and the Afterlife, treating them as if they might help them all find a way to speak to [former band member] again.
[ +- ] picture
Jul 6, 2022 3:46 pm
Sorry guys, still working on details but was thinking my chara ter would possible be the young sister of our missing guitarist, who dragged her along to the practices etc to try and give her direction and not get into trouble, and she ended up having a knack with the tech, and social media. Sticking around to try and make them proud and not start to fall off the rails again.

Unless anyone else wants a slightly troublesome younger sibling.

Having the kissing leber be the heart/defacto leader works. May make sense the band is struggling to to stock together after their loss.
Jul 6, 2022 4:39 pm
Ding dong! Mickey Mouse is gone!

I say the narcissistic self-indulging wastoid went on a drug-induced trip and never came out the other side. Literally.
Jul 6, 2022 6:02 pm
hmmm... I was thinking this was someone we would miss. Could that somehow be just Cadence's opinion maybe?
Jul 6, 2022 6:17 pm
That is Cadence's opinion. Yes.

They stole her ideas and music and made the whole band about them.

I am thinking this 'Mickey' and Cadence were once childhood friends or maybe they just lived next door to each other. They founded the band together and as soon as the band began to takeoff, 'Mickey' took all the credit.
Jul 6, 2022 6:25 pm
Cadence Black (aka Cade or Black)

Cade was a child prodigy in music. She never bought into the whole Jesus thing and has, from an early age, been into the more left-hand paths of belief. Its not a fad for her. She is openly gay and what of it?
Jul 6, 2022 6:28 pm
Might be an idea to sketch out a vague concept for this person, as seems we currently have different things in mind. I'm also leaning on the heart of the group idea, or at least that is how Character (Who I've got Rachel as a name sketched in) sees him, as likely only member of family who gave her time and tried to help her focus her neurodivergent tendencies (Likely adhd at the very least), rather than just treat as a nuisance, bring her to practice and likely encouraging her to follow her interest in getting involved with the tech side (..there may have been some broken gear in the interim :P)

So would need to work on meshing that with someone who would steal credit/ideas, and whatever other things others had in mind. So far it seems they are male, and the lead guitar, who mysteriously disappeared.

A quick query to help with character growth, -> Why is Cadence sticking around in a band with a guy she doesn't like who steals credit/ideas? Possibly attachment to another member?
Jul 6, 2022 6:30 pm
She's been waiting on the right opportunity to either start another band or get into one.
Jul 6, 2022 7:28 pm

Carl is a much better guitarist than old whats-their-name ever was. Cade was the one who pushed to get him accepted into the band.
Jul 6, 2022 7:38 pm
Question: Are you playing Cadence and Carl, both?

@LightOfMidnight - i think all of these ideas can still be used together. This rivalry (or hatred) was probably slowly building in the background for awhile. [Mickey] could have had some depression or chemical imbalance that pushed him to self-medicate, and have many sides with many different people, and none of us would actually truly know him... at least not when he was high.

Heroin or Opioid?
Jul 6, 2022 7:49 pm
Carl is Rodian I believe.

Sounds good. Yeah sorry if previous message wasn't clear, was trying to say we should come up with something like that and start 'molding ' the guy guy instead of accidentally build 2/3 different versions of him and finding out later when its harder to join them all in.

Self-medication etc works. Already thinking in mind that childhood likely wasn't best, maybe he shielded Rachel from some aspects, being the older one, and this led to depression/taking out on others etc while she only saw the smiling/good brother side.
Jul 6, 2022 7:50 pm

I think Stephanie used to date [Mickey] in high school. But she broke up with him to pursue other interests.
Still, he was her first romance, and so she'll always care for him in some way. Although they did break up (in a decent way) quite a few years before he vanished.
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