How do you know each other?

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Dec 23, 2022 3:22 pm
Happy New Merry?
Dec 23, 2022 3:23 pm
Thanks! For you too.
Dec 23, 2022 4:49 pm
Bright blessings and merry joys of the season to all. And if you choose not to celebrate at all, then may your weekend be peaceful.
Dec 23, 2022 10:01 pm
vagueGM says:
That probably might not count as a Connection under the rules, but the rules only allow for two of those anyway
Oh, only 2 per character? Sorry, I didn't know that. I thought connecting to everyone would be beneficial. In that case, WhtKnt's suggestion seems perfect. Just a vague "We have met"

A merry whatever-you-do-or-do-not-celebrate to all of you :)
Dec 23, 2022 10:05 pm
Only two give you free Skills, the rest are just for flavour.
Dec 23, 2022 10:10 pm
Ah, ok. So it would be allowed but doesn't give a mechanical benefit. Gotcha :)
Dec 25, 2022 4:57 pm
TheGenerator says:
Ah, ok. So it would be allowed but doesn't give a mechanical benefit. Gotcha :)
The skill doesn't have to be mechanics.
[ +- ] Spoiler
Dec 25, 2022 5:03 pm
Airshark says:
The skill doesn't have to be mechanics.
[ +- ] doesn't it?
Dec 26, 2022 8:08 pm
Raf - Ronny: know each other from their smuggling days
Ronny - Lio: Lio is Ronny's physician. Doing his implant check-ups
Raf - Lio: know each other from med- school

Just need 2 connections for Cat, it's not clear wether the suggested ones are those you will use. 😊
Dec 26, 2022 8:20 pm
Pedrop says:
vagueGM says:
Airshark says:
Raf and Lio might know each other from University.
Makes sense, you were both med-students.
Exactly. Initially Raf's wish was to help people not hurt them as it was common on his home planet... Was Lio a physician because of the need of heart? Or was it more about having a good profession?

But then he was more drawn into enhancing(also helping, no?) human body with non invasive cybernetic... so was attracted again to his mech-symbiosis roots - not realizing that at first. So maybe they were quite a good friends at the university for first few years? Both young, idealistic, wanting to fix the world and help people... but then something happened for Raf...:) And he had to leave the university not long before finishing it. And his dreams had to change. But Lio stayed and become renown physician in the mean time? But I think they have maintain their contact for all this years. What you think Airshark?

Could it be that Raf was helping you "fend off formal the attacks of this dreaded Tutor? Would that count as thing for this connection rule, GM? Maybe by navigating university administration and officials(again...) Raf have developed his Persuade skill some more? Would that be ok? Lio has negotiations so maybe they tried different approaches to the subject? :)
I see now I forgot to reply to this, sorry 'bout that.

Lio was forced by his parents (famous doctors) to start the medical career, as the years went by, he started to like it and became good at it (or the other way around).
I like the idea of Raf being a 'soundboard' (don't know if this a thing in English) for his problems and showing Lio a different way to try and solve them. It doesn't matter if it actually helped. But it does create a bond.
Dec 26, 2022 8:30 pm
Airshark says:
... 'soundboard' (don't know if this a thing in English) ...
The usual term is 'sounding board', but it was obvious enough from your post what you meant. :)
Dec 30, 2022 11:06 am
vagueGM says:
Pedrop says:
... Term 3th for Ronny and 4th for Raf ... same planet? But in different time? ...
We can slightly fudge the exact dates, it could easily have been 'end of the 3rd Term and beginning of the 4th Term' and have been at the same time. Traveller's 'exactly 4 years!' can be a bit brittle so treat them as averages if it helps things fit.
Good point. It could be at the same time.
vagueGM says:
Pedrop says:
... if we have decided to go with mafia themes ...
What exactly do you mean by 'mafia'. Like 'pirates', 'mafia' are 'bad guys', you guys are not bad guys. As you say later you are welcome to have worked for such people --knowingly or unknowingly-- but they are just some of the shady customers you are forced to work with on the fringes of society.
Good point, as 'mafia' can mean different things for each of us. What I think in context of this game when I write 'mafia':

"It's The Godfather the book flavor". But I think a movies are also a good representation of this, but they are more focused on Michael(the son), rather than on the father - Vito. And the Vito is an example for me here. And representation what I was thinking writing 'mafia'. He wasn't a guy that would kill someone unless he really had no other joice. He did some awful things in "normal" people terms, but it all comes from the thing that government and "official/public forces" never were able(or bothered) to provide well being or even safety for his family. No once it appeared to him that government -> politicians are even more corrupted and evil then most of the street "thugs". So one day - and it was reinforced by circumstances - he decided that he have to become powerful -> stron himself to provide safety and well being for his family. And it is his main and only motivation - protecting his family and the world as he see it. Of course many of his activities are simply illegal by official law. But he never wanted to sell drugs or participate in prostitution or such things. So he decided to become his own power in this twisted world, to make is own order. He helps the poor. Have honor values. Protects his people. But sometimes order assassinations and such things. But he didn't have seen other way for him. Yes, he is "above the law". But is the law constructed by and for the "elites" and politicians that is really for the people good? He orders to punish some rapist that were sons of some wealthy families and probably would come out of the situation without any penalty just at the behest of some grieving father of raped daughter. But he shots some thug in the mouth when he starts his "criminal" activities. Not so white or black person. He wasn't bad per se. But was he any good? Or it's just the laws of nature?

If course I wouldn't want any discussion to start now, abut my interpretation of this book or this character. Just wanted to paint what I was thinking when I wrote mafia - "above the law(in their minds), but with some moral code, but are they any worse then those that make this law and bend it for their official will, pretending that they are the good guys in the same time?"
vagueGM says:
This is not a 'mafia themed' game, but they do exist. Does that answer your question?
Why not? You mean that we can't even go in that direction? As far as I think I understood other players they responded very well to the idea, didn't they? But let's see if they think about the mafia similar to me.
Dec 30, 2022 11:18 am
TheGenerator says:
Pedrop says:
Could it be that it was the same employer that ordered us with the smuggle? And we know each other from those circles? :) And the same planet?
This sounds like a good connection to me. Here's my idea on this:
Ronny has never really been in line with the law very much. Not in an out-right criminal way, but definitely shady deals.
In Term 2 and 3, Raf and Ronny were both traders, so it's likely they met up at some point and kept in touch. Maybe at a bar somewhere? What if Ronny was the one who offered Raf the smuggling job because Ronny was quitting that profession. He needed a replacement.
This would automatically create a trusting relationship between the 2.
Pedrop says:
Maybe that shady employer, smuggler-guy was our beloved Godfather... and he had even influences on Marine Merchant ship that Raf was servicing? He was not a bad guy per see. He had to protect his family. And we were a part of it. Maybe distant, but still.

But... he is now dead - unfortunately, as he was a guarantee of relative peace - what is connected with the civil war that is taking place in the system? But... as he is dead... there is a place for new "groups" and we are one of them?
I like the idea of there being a sort of mafia faction. But more in the sense of us having "underground" contacts.
Being directly involved with a former godfather sounds like something that might become a problem pretty fast. Especially if new groups are going to fight for the top position(s). Which seems likely to happen when the boss dies.
Or did I misinterpret your idea? :)
Ok, maybe being "in mafia" so early on is indeed "too much"... I agree.

I'm ok with Ronny, introducing Raf to the "underworld" :) Do we make any connection skills for that? Could Ronny teach Raf how to handle a gun or something other that could be "helpful" in those circles? :)
vagueGM says:
@Pedrop your decisions about how and when you got/get the ship might affect some of this, so that is slightly higher priority.
I hope I have answered those?
Dec 30, 2022 11:24 am
So it looks that Raf have confirmed:
"Raf - Lio: know each other from med- school "

So, GM - can I rise my Persuade from this?

Raf - Ronny: know each other from their smuggling days

Waiting for answers for the skill.

And @WhtKnt what you think about my proposition? :
Dec 30, 2022 11:31 am
Pedrop says:
... Do we make any connection skills for that? Could Ronny teach Raf how to handle a gun or something other that could be "helpful" in those circles? ...
It might be 'what you learned from them', but it does not need to be so direct at having the other character 'teach' the skill, it is more what you learned from that whole experience.

[quote="Pedrop"]... can I rise my Persuade from this? ...[/ooc]

Sure, tell us how that came about.
Dec 30, 2022 8:47 pm
Pedrop says:
My ideas/propositions for Raf and Cat.

Sorry WhtKnt I haven't had time to read your creation thread carefully, so sorry if the answers will be obvious.

Term 4th and 5th - events:
"a conspiracy of nobles attempts to recruit her" could it be that this conspiracy had something to do with Raf's memory erasing at therm 5? Or even with his home planet sealing?
"You are offered the opportunity to smuggle illegal items onto a planet." - maybe the Raf and Cat has met on that planet when he was smuggling something. And the planet was ruled by this conspiracy?
"The government, further weakened by the conspiracy collapse, finally gives way and civil war breaks out in the system. Cat attempts to flee unnoticed." and Cat have some ship shares - could it be that she was calling out this shares that happened to be to the same ship that Raf has got from Marine Merchant service? And Cat wanted use it to flee from the war? And as Raf is now fleeing from a fals accusation for a crime (that hopefully didn't do) that took place in the period when he has "lost" his memories? Maybe it was the same planet as that one Raf was smuggling there something? So the officials already didn't "liked" him...

Just some ideas for development:)
I think we can arrange a connection through the civil war in the conspiracy collapse. She had some ship shares and decided to go in with Raf in order to get out.
Dec 31, 2022 12:26 am
Pedrop says:
I'm ok with Ronny, introducing Raf to the "underworld" :) Do we make any connection skills for that? Could Ronny teach Raf how to handle a gun or something other that could be "helpful" in those circles? :)
I'm not entirely sure how the connection thing works. But gun skill seems like a good idea. Other options could be deception or streetwise.

I'm gonna check the book about it tomorrow.
Dec 31, 2022 2:55 am
Connections are fairly simple, if the book does not clear things up we can chat about them here.
Jan 2, 2023 10:02 am
So, as I understand it, we can each pick 1 skill that we'd like to have (not JoaT and no higher than level 3). It doesn't have to be that you learned this from the other person, but it could be something you learned because of the situation/event.
Did I get that right?

If so, I'd like to upgrade my persuade skill to level 2. Ronny learned a thing or 2 about making people "an offer they can't refuse". ;)
Jan 2, 2023 10:31 am
Yep. As I said, pretty simple --just a whole lot of caveats, which you covered. :)

'Learning Skills' takes weeks by all other rules, so I doubt it is too feasible to say 'they taught it to you', but we are welcome to say doing it with them or watching them do it 'helped it click', which is good enough to allow you to say "I learned it from them".

You each get two Skills from these two Connections. You do not need to get the same Skill the other person got. I am fine with us saying we got the Skills from different Events or Connections if that helps things line up. Just because Ronny learned Persuade from this one does not mean we have to say Raf learned one of his two Skills from the same Event.
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