Jul 8, 2022 9:58 am
More than three hundred years have passed since the fall of the Atlan Alliance, and the people of Aetaltis have finally restored order to their fractured world. Fledgling nations have grown into powerful kingdoms, thriving merchant states have re-established old trade routes, and the priests of the Enaros have rebuilt their great temples. Despite this time of hope, however, the shadow of an ancient evil looms.
Deep beneath the surface of Aetaltis lurk the armies of the fallen god Endroren. For centuries, an order of holy knights known as the Warders of Alantra maintained powerful mystic seals that held the forces of darkness at bay, but when the Alliance fell, so did many of the ancient orders including the Warders. Now, after centuries of neglect, the wards are failing and the dark ones have returned.
For the first time since the Age of Darkness, orcs, goblins, trolls, and a host of other fiendish monsters threaten the good people of the world. They strike with unrestrained cruelty; attacking, killing, and destroying all that lies before them. To face this growing threat, the recently reborn holy orders have combined their divine strength with the temporal power of the new kingdoms. Yet the dark ones are many and the defenders are few.
But there is hope!
Lord Drakewyn of Agthor has called upon the brave men and women of his land to take up arms against their common foe. In response, a small army of independent heroes, known as adventurers, has joined the struggle. These stalwart men and women fight the battles ordinary soldiers cannot fight, go where the holy orders dare not go, and serve as beacons of hope in a world growing darker with each passing day. From hardened Dwarven warriors to crafty Cheebatan rogues, from fleet-footed Fey scouts to mysterious Selenthean mages, these adventurers provide what may ultimately prove to be the only hope for the people of this troubled land.
Will you join these brave adventurers in their quest? Will you put spell and blade to the test in defiance of the Dark Hordes?
The World of Aetaltis awaits!

Dungeons & Dragons 5e. PHP, DMG, MM, XGTE
One to two posts per day, at least one post every other day.
Campaign (starting at 1st level)
All people of all walks of life are welcome at my 'table' as long as you follow Wheaton's Law. New players are also welcome.
If you are interested, please comment! Include your preferred character to play - hey, be creative but not weird. If I get enough interest, I will write up a campaign scenario and post a formal recruiting thread.
If you are keen post in and I will invite you to the game. The World of Aetaltis is a little different in some aspects so check it out!
More than three hundred years have passed since the fall of the Atlan Alliance, and the people of Aetaltis have finally restored order to their fractured world. Fledgling nations have grown into powerful kingdoms, thriving merchant states have re-established old trade routes, and the priests of the Enaros have rebuilt their great temples. Despite this time of hope, however, the shadow of an ancient evil looms.
Deep beneath the surface of Aetaltis lurk the armies of the fallen god Endroren. For centuries, an order of holy knights known as the Warders of Alantra maintained powerful mystic seals that held the forces of darkness at bay, but when the Alliance fell, so did many of the ancient orders including the Warders. Now, after centuries of neglect, the wards are failing and the dark ones have returned.
For the first time since the Age of Darkness, orcs, goblins, trolls, and a host of other fiendish monsters threaten the good people of the world. They strike with unrestrained cruelty; attacking, killing, and destroying all that lies before them. To face this growing threat, the recently reborn holy orders have combined their divine strength with the temporal power of the new kingdoms. Yet the dark ones are many and the defenders are few.
But there is hope!
Lord Drakewyn of Agthor has called upon the brave men and women of his land to take up arms against their common foe. In response, a small army of independent heroes, known as adventurers, has joined the struggle. These stalwart men and women fight the battles ordinary soldiers cannot fight, go where the holy orders dare not go, and serve as beacons of hope in a world growing darker with each passing day. From hardened Dwarven warriors to crafty Cheebatan rogues, from fleet-footed Fey scouts to mysterious Selenthean mages, these adventurers provide what may ultimately prove to be the only hope for the people of this troubled land.
Will you join these brave adventurers in their quest? Will you put spell and blade to the test in defiance of the Dark Hordes?
The World of Aetaltis awaits!

Dungeons & Dragons 5e. PHP, DMG, MM, XGTE
One to two posts per day, at least one post every other day.
Campaign (starting at 1st level)
All people of all walks of life are welcome at my 'table' as long as you follow Wheaton's Law. New players are also welcome.
If you are interested, please comment! Include your preferred character to play - hey, be creative but not weird. If I get enough interest, I will write up a campaign scenario and post a formal recruiting thread.
If you are keen post in and I will invite you to the game. The World of Aetaltis is a little different in some aspects so check it out!