Your genetic makeup

Jul 9, 2022 10:51 am
Next, choose a lineage for your character. Aetaltis includes eleven different player character lineages you can choose from. These include Aetaltis versions of classic fantasy lineages (human, dwarf, halfling, and elf ), a few fantasy lineages that are uncommon in most gameworlds (fairy, orog, and sprite), plus some new lineages unique to Aetaltis (cheebat, drothmal, newardin, and scythaa).

THE GOOD PEOPLE OF AETALTIS COME IN SHAPES both familiar and strange. If you’re an experienced fantasy roleplayer, you’ll find all your traditional favorites here along with a number of new lineages unique to Aetaltis. Aetaltis lineages are divided into two categories: enari and Alliance.

The enari are the original inhabitants of Aetaltis. They were created by the gods and given the world of Aetaltis as their home. They’ve survived countless tragedies and catastrophes, and are all the stronger for it.

Drothmals are animalistic warriors from the icy north- lands. Most hail from the Icewalker culture, a people who live and die by a code that glorifies pain and suffering— both their own and that of their enemies.

Dwarves are stout and strong. Once the masters of the Deeplands, they lost their homeland when the gods used it to imprison Endroren and his Dark Hordes. Most dwarves are Maladorans, a hardy and hardened people who want nothing to do with gods. Many seek to reclaim their ances- tral Deepland homes.

Elves are the leaders of the fey. They are lithe, fine featured, and deeply connected to magic. Most elves are Elloriyans, a people determined to restore the ancient glory of the long lost fey courts. Their focus on this goal is absolute, often to the exclusion of the outside world.

Fairies are tiny fey whose minds race as quickly as the beating of their insect-like wings. A few have the sort of mind necessary to follow the Elloriyan culture, although most hail from the freewheeling, experiential culture of the Feylariyans.

Halflings are cousins to the dwarves, if one is to believe the histories. They are small but surprisingly sturdy. Most halflings come from the Dalelands. Dalelanders are connoisseurs of life’s simple pleasures, and they defend their traditions and way of life with surprising ferocity.

Scythaas are a saurian people with long, prehensile tails. They stand out among the enari due to their inhuman appearance. Most scythaas come from their ancestral homeland, the Scythaan Wastes. There, the Wastelanders live a nomadic life where honor and beauty are held in equal regard and vigorously defended.

Sprites are childlike fey whose way of thinking always seems one step left of the rest of the world. They have an uncanny connection to animals and nature, and can disap- pear if frightened. Most are Feylariyans and many choose to live wild like the beasts they love so much.

The Alliance appeared on Aetaltis just over four hundred years ago, arriving from other worlds via powerful arcane devices called world gates. Their arrival proved instrumental in helping Aetaltis to recover after the Age of Darkness, and they remained the dominant power in the Amethyst Sea basin for another hundred years after that. When all the world gates were destroyed unexpectedly in a cataclysmic arcane event, the human, newardin, orog, and cheebat colonists found themselves trapped on Aetaltis.

Humans, or the "atlan" as they call themselves, were once the leaders of the Alliance worlds. Today the descendants of those trapped on Aetaltis live scattered across the Amethyst Sea basin. They hail from a rich tapestry of cultures, from the idealistic Agthorians to the individualistic Selentheans to the arguably criminal Valorians.

Newardin are tall and thin, with delicate frames and gray skin. Although roughly humanoid, they are unquestionably inhuman in their appearance and demeanor. Almost all are members of the Newardine culture, choosing to abide by its beliefs and values even when living among others, especially the tradition of suppressing all emotional responses.

Orogs look like massive, monstrous humans. Their physical strength is unparalleled and the tendency for orogs to drift toward darkness leaves most fearful of them. They’ll adopt whatever culture they are taught, but no matter what beliefs they hold, they seem to have an innate habit of solving all problems with force.

Cheebats are small, fuzzy, and quick. They are deeply social creatures, and are happiest when in the company of others. Most are born into the Warrener culture, a boisterous people who value wealth, luxury, and mercantile glory along with anything that helps them to display that glory to the world.

Members of various lineages on Aetaltis get along well, with no major grievances based on species. The good folk of Aetaltis are so varied and intermixed and enemies so plentiful that animus based on biology is seldom a factor.

That said, when the Alliance arrived, some enari were suspicious of their motives and resentful of their assumption of power. Some measure of this distrust remains, but the Alliance’s full commitment against the dark armies allayed the concerns of most enari.
Jul 9, 2022 8:21 pm

Humans stand around 5’ 9" tall and weigh roughly 150 pounds. Their skin ranges from almost white to brown to black. Hair color may be blonde, red, brown, black or any shade between. Eye color varies just as much, ranging from blue-gray and green through dark brown. Humans reach maturity at the age of 15 and live around 80 years.

The first humans on Aetaltis, known as atlans, were leaders of a confederation of races from different worlds called the Atlan Alliance. They came as explorers, colonists, and researchers. When they arrived, they found the native people locked in combat with the remnants of Endroren’s hordes. The Alliance, and the humans in particular, saw it as their duty to aid the people of Aetaltis. Drawing on the vast resources of their homeworlds, including well-trained and outfitted armies, powerful magical artifacts, and a steady stream of food and supplies sent through the Alliance world gates, they helped restore order to the Amethyst Sea basin.

For years after, the Alliance reigned as the dominant power in the region. Some Aetaltans welcomed the Alliance as friends and allies, but others were less enthusiastic about the Alliance and doubted its intentions. Scattered conflicts erupted, but most of those who held reservations about the Alliance saw them as the lesser of two evils when compared to Endroren’s hordes.

Their preeminence lasted until the year 105 AC, when a magical cataclysm shattered the gates that led back to the Alliance’s homeworlds and destroyed every major Alliance city on Aetaltis. The tragedy left the Alliance colonies in ruins and the survivors trapped. In the more than three centuries since the Cataclysm, all efforts to repair the world gates have failed, and humans have accepted Aetaltis as their new home.

You can find humans anywhere, but the majority live along the northern coast of the Amethyst Sea as Agthorians, Selentheans, and Freefolk. There are also notable human populations in the south, including among Calliosans and Valorians, but their numbers are fewer. Even when humans are in the majority, their lands are often home to a variety of people from many lineages and cultures. Most atlans view this rich diversity as one of the greatest strengths of their kind.

Ability Score Modifiers Add 6 points to your ability scores, maximum of +2 to one ability
Ability Score Requirements None
Speed 30 feet
Size Medium
Age 0-14/15-60/61-80
Language Mastery Humans are adept at learning new languages. You begin the game with the ability to speak (and if appropriate, read and write) one additional language.
Extra Feat Human characters show remarkable variabil- ity in their natural abilities. You can select an extra feat during character creation.
Skill Adaptability Human minds are quick to latch onto ideas and patterns, often at the expense of things they’ve learned in the past. You are proficient in a skill of your choice and can switch that proficiency to a different skill each time you gain a level.
Jul 9, 2022 8:34 pm

Cheebats are 3 1/2 feet tall and weigh about 50 pounds. They have exaggerated facial features. Their pointed ears are large, almost floppy, and covered with fine down on the out- sides. Body hair is heavy, more like fur than hair. The hair on their heads tends to poof out if not restrained. Their hair and eye colors tend toward shades of brown, and their skin ranges from pale tan to black. Cheebats reach maturity at 13 and live to be around 80 years old.

According to the Cheebatan Merchant Rolls, the cheebatan homeworld was first visited by humans around fifty years before the Alliance arrived on Aetaltis. With a cultural love of adventure and a strong societal desire to find new wealth, cheebats sneaked along with the Alliance as they traveled. When the first Alliance settlers arrived on Aetaltis, a small contingent of cheebats stowed away with them, hidden among the supplies. Their natural charisma earned them easy acceptance from the natives of Aetaltis, and they quickly established themselves as liaisons between the locals and the Alliance explorers.

Cheebats are found everywhere in the Amethyst Sea basin. Most are raised as Warreners, growing up in one of the whimsical cheebatan neighborhoods called warrens found in large towns and cities everywhere in the region. Every Warrener is educated in the ways of the Cheebatan Codex, an esoteric book of rules and common laws governing trade and mercantilism, and for many its rules become a way of life.

Cheebats also make up a large percentage of the population of Callios. A number of the great merchant houses are owned by Calliosan cheebats, and the love of finery and flamboyance brought to Aetaltis by the first cheebats has profoundly influenced Calliosan culture. Calliosan cheebats think of themselves as being "like Warreners but with class," while Warrener cheebats see Calliosans as "Warreners with an attitude."

Ability Score Modifiers -2 Str, +1 Dex, +2 Cha
Ability Score Requirements Str -/15, Dex 10/-, Cha 10/- Speed 25 feet
Size Small
Age 0-12/13-70/71-80
Enhanced Hearing Cheebats have fantastic hearing. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks involving hearing.
Language Mastery The cheebatan mind processes language in a way superior to people from most other lineages. You are exceptional at learning new languages, and you begin the game with the ability to speak (and if appropriate, read and write) one additional language.
Gut Instinct Cheebats have an uncanny ability to know when someone represents a threat. Even the slightest facial tic or smallest hesitation gives away ill intent to an observant cheebat. Cheebats have advantage when making Wisdom (Sense Motive) checks to determine if another sentient being wishes them harm physically, financially, socially, or emotionally.
Lovable Whether it’s the way their ears fold over when they’re disappointed, the unmistakable twinkle in their eye when they’re happy, or some undiscovered magical effect, people just like cheebats. You have advantage when making Charisma (Persuasion) checks to improve the reactions of sentient, non-cheebat targets. The target or targets must be able to see you. You do not need to speak their language.
Jul 9, 2022 8:38 pm

Drothmals stand 7 feet tall and weigh just under 300 pounds. Their faces have a faintly feline appearance, giving them an animalistic air. Skin color ranges from deep tan to white to gray-blue. Drothmals have thick hair on their heads and intricate patterns of spots mark their skin from their foreheads down to the smalls of their backs. Drothmals reach maturity at 10 and live to be about 50 years old.

The drothmals take their name from Droth, the Enaros of Trial, Suffering, and Warfare. Ancient drothmalen legends suggest the drothmals once lived in towns and cities, but today most live in nomadic war bands scattered throughout the glacial landscape north of the Donarzheis Mountains.

Most drothmals are born on the Icebound Plains. Known as Icewalkers, they scrape a meager existence from the un- forgiving tundra, occasionally raiding south into the comparatively lush villages of the Donarzheis highlands. Some Icewalkers travel even farther, into the Free Kingdoms and beyond. Most seek to join Icewalker mercenary companies, known for their fearlessness on the battlefield. All Icewalkers strictly adhere to the Drothmalen Code, a strict set of five rules that embrace the ideal of suffering as the blessing of Droth, which must be embraced and never avoided.

Ability Score Modifiers +2 Str, +2 Con
Ability Score Requirements Str 10/-, Con 10/-
Speed 30 feet
Size Medium
Age 0-9/10-40/41-50
Endurance Drothmals more easily resist the negative effects of fatigue, exhaustion, and other physical hard- ships. When making saving throws to avoid fatigue and exhaustion, as well as any other ill effects from running, forced marches, starvation, and thirst, you have advantage on the roll.
Fearless Drothmals feel fear but not with the same intensity as other adventurers. You are immune to non-mag- ical fear effects and have advantage on saving throws against magical fear effects.
Ferocity Drothmals may stay conscious and continue to fight even if their hit points drop below one, as long as they are not instantly killed. Continue to make death saves as normal. Once combat is over your fury subsides and you fall unconscious even if your hit points are now above zero or you succeeded on three death saving throws. You still die upon three failed death saving throws or if your negative hit points exceed your maximum hit points.
Ice Walking Drothmals can traverse slippery surfaces with ease. You are adept at moving across icy surfaces, and you have advantage on any checks to keep your footing while walking or climbing on icy or slippery surfaces.
Natural Explorer (Arctic) Drothmals are deeply familiar with arctic environments and are adept at traveling and surviving in such regions. When you make an Intelligence or Wisdom check related to your favored terrain, your proficiency bonus is doubled if you are using a skill that you’re proficient in.
Jul 9, 2022 8:42 pm

The average dwarf is 4 1/2 feet tall and weighs around 125 pounds. They have thick, often bushy hair that ranges in color from red to brown to black, and have skin tones ranging from white to tan to black. Males quickly grow thick, bushy facial hair if they don’t shave. Dwarves reach maturity at around 20 years and live late into their second century.

Dwarves settled the Deeplands during the Age of Dawn. Using the natural network of passages and caverns that honeycomb the world of Aetaltis, they built vast under- ground empires that spanned the globe. Their time of greatest glory was the Dwarven Age: a period after the Age of Magic and before the Age of Darkness.

At the beginning of the Age of Darkness, the Dark Hordes rose from the depths and destroyed everything in their paths, starting with the deep dwarven kingdoms. At the end of the Great War, the Enaros, the gods of Aetaltis, used the war-ravaged Deeplands as prison for Endroren and the Dark Hordes, creating a rift between most dwarves and the gods that persists to this day.

Most dwarves are either Maladorans or Deeplanders. Malador is a rugged coastal land situated between the northern spur of the Dragon Tail Mountains and the Phensrelan Ocean. The Maladoran settled it after the Great War, choosing the region because legend tells us it is where the first dwarves settled when they arrived from the west.
Maladorans are deeply independent and determined to return to their former greatness without the help of
the gods.
Deeplanders are zealously devoted to retaking the
Deeplands. They strive to emulate the culture of their Deepland ancestors and work to reoccupy the
Deepland halls, despite the risks of endrori attack.

Ability Score Modifiers +2 Str, +2 Con
Ability Score Requirements Str 8/-, Dex -/16, Con 10/- Speed 25 feet
Size Medium
Age 0-19/20-225/226-275
Darkvision Dwarves can see in total darkness using a special type of vision. As a free action, you can shift your sight from normal sight to darkvision. When using darkvi- sion, you can see in dim light and darkness within 60 feet as if it were bright light. When using darkvision you can’t discern color, only shades of gray.
Deepsense When a dwarf is underground, they always know how far it is to the surface from where they are standing. Also when underground, they have an innate sense of which direction is north.
Encumbered Movement A dwarf’s speed only drops by 5 feet when they are encumbered and 10 feet when they are heavily encumbered.
Resilience Dwarves are remarkably resistant to poison and disease. They have advantage when making saving throws against poison and disease.
Stonesense Dwarves have an instinctive understanding of stone. You can tell if stone is worked by simply touching it, even if it looks unworked. In addition, you have advantage on checks to gauge the stability of stone structures and to find hidden doors, latches, or other devices made from stone.
Jul 9, 2022 9:16 pm

Elves stand 5 1/2 feet tall and weigh 120 pounds. They have fine, symmetrical features that give even the most plain-looking elf an otherworldly beauty. Their hair is as fine as spun silk and ranges in color from blonde to white to an unusual silvery color called moon-touched. Body hair, including facial hair, is nearly non-existent. Their skin ranges in color from pure white to ebony and is without blemish. Eye color ranges from blue to gray. Elves reach maturity at the age of 20 and live up to 300 years.

Elves are the most common type of fey. They profess their form is the purest of fey forms, and all others (sprites and fairies for example) are variants arising from the influence of ambient magic. Elves have always ruled the fey courts, and throughout the Age of Dawn and the Age of Magic these courts ruled Aetaltis.

After the fall of Ellor Nyall and the Ritual of Limitation, the elven nations collapsed and the power of the fey courts waned. The fey retreated to the deep wilds and took up a new life of quiet humility in harmony with nature. In the centuries since the Cataclysm, however, more and more elves have ventured out, and their numbers outside the wilds are growing.

For centuries, all elves were members of the Elloriyan culture. Few elves, if any, grew up outside of the hidden fey courts, and to even venture beyond the courts’ borders was frowned upon. Today that is changing. Although most elves are still raised as Elloriyans a new generation of elves are growing up in the outside world. Their parents and grandparents still teach them the old ways and may choose Elloriyan names for them, but these young elves often identify as Agthorian, Calliosan, or Selenthean depending on where they live.

Ability Score Modifiers +2 Dex, +1 Cha
Ability Score Requirements Dex 12/-, Cha 12/-
Speed 30 feet
Size Medium
Age 0-19/20-300
Ageless Once they reach maturity, elves do not display physical signs of aging. You also do not suffer from the negative or positive effects of aging on your ability scores after reaching maturity.
Cantrip The elven bond to magic manifests in innate magical abilities. You can naturally cast a cantrip of your choice from the wizard or sorcerer spell lists. No spellcasting roll is required to cast the cantrip.
Elven Glamour Elves can cast prestidigitation at will. No spellcasting roll is required.
Elven Spell Resistance Elves easily resist spells that control their minds. You have advantage on saving throws
to resist being charmed, and you are immune to magical sleep effects.
Meditative Sleep Elves have the natural ability to enter a deep, meditative state that can replace normal sleep. Using this technique, they can get the equivalent of a full night’s rest in just four hours.
Starlight Vision As long as there are stars visible, elves can see as well at night as during the full light of day.
Jul 9, 2022 9:28 pm

Fairies look strikingly similar to elves except they are only 1 1/2 feet tall and weigh just over 5 pounds. In addition, fairies have fragile, iridescent wings protruding from near their shoulder blades. Their skin, hair, and eyes can be any color, in any combination, although hues of hair and skin are often harmonious. Fairies reach maturity at the age of 15 and are known to live as long as 100 years.

Fairies are one of the three common types of fey, along with sprites and elves. The earliest artistic representation of a fairy was found in an exquisitely preserved wood carv- ing from a period at the beginning of the Age of Magic. During the Age of Magic they played important roles in the rule of fey society, a curious fact considering their dis- interest in the doings of modern fey courts. After the fall of Ellor Nyall and the casting of the Ritual of Limitation the fairies followed the rest of their kind into their self-im- posed exile to the wilds.

Fairies living in the Amethyst Sea basin typically hail from fey settlements hidden in the wilds. Almost all are members of the Feylariyan culture. Fairies enjoy the company of people from other cultures and will sometimes travel out into the world simply to meet more people. Some of these fairies may even take up permanent residence in non-fey settlements, although they will usually retain their traditional culture, even if they occasionally adopt traits and behaviors common in others.

Ability Score Modififiers -2 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Con, +2 Cha Ability Score Requirements Str -/10, Con -/12, Dex 12/-, Cha 12/-
Speed 15 feet walking/30 feet flying (perfect)
Size Tiny
Age 0-14/15-100
Ageless Once fairies reach maturity, they do not display physical signs of aging. You also do not suffer from the negative or positive effects of aging on your ability scores.
Distractable Fairies struggle to use skills that require deep concentration. When you make a saving throw to maintain concentration, you have disadvantage. Your tendency to become distracted has a secondary effect, which is that whenever combat begins, you are positioned beside a randomly determined ally.
Essence Sense Fairies can read the essence auras of creatures and objects.
Fairy Magic Fairies can naturally cast minor illusion and prestidigitation at will. Charisma is the spellcasting ability and no spellcasting roll is required.
Hopeful Fairies easily recover from the effects of fear. If you fail a saving thrown to resist fear, you may make a new saving throw at the start of each turn to shrug off the effect, whether or not the effect normally allows additional saving throws. If the effect allows additional saving throws, you have advantage.
Tiny Fairy-sized equipment is expensive and difficult to find, but a fairy’s size means they eat less food and drink less water. You are a tiny creature. Weapons and armor cost four times normal if made by a creature larger than tiny. Magic equipment does not automatically size to fit unless it was made for a tiny creature. You only need 1/4 of the food and water medium characters require. Potions and magical consumables still affect you normally.
Jul 9, 2022 10:50 pm

Halflings stand no more than 4 feet tall and weigh 65 pounds. Most have curly hair that ranges in color from red to dark brown. Their eyes vary in color between green and brown, and skin tones range from white to tan to dark brown. Only a few males can grow facial hair. Halflings reach maturity at the age of 16 and live for around 120 years.

The first halflings came from across the Phensrelan Ocean with the dwarves, landing in the region known today as Malador. After a disagreement between the two people, the dwarves set out to claim the Deeplands while the halflings remained on the surface. Eventually, the halflings crossed the Dragon Tail Mountains and settled permanently along the shores of the Amethyst Sea in the lands we now call the Halfling Dalelands. Their lives there have remained mostly unchanged over the centuries, a puzzling fact when one considers the devastation wrought by Endroren and his hordes during the Age of Darkness. Rumors abound about how the halflflings survived those dark times, although most of the legends involve a bargain struck with the Great Dragon Gellellynway.

Most halflflings reside in the Halflfling Dalelands, the land east of the northern Dragon Tail Mountains. It’s an idyllic region of rolling hills, inviting forests, and rich farmland. Dalelanders typically live and die in the town where they were born and never travel more than a few dozen miles from their home. ThThey are unflflappable and polite, but are known to vigorously defend the people, places, and things they care about. ThThey also take preparedness to the extreme and are known for their stockpiling, reinforcing, and readiness to weather any storm.

Ability Score Modifiers +2 Dex, +1 Cha Ability Score Requirements Cha 8/-
Speed 25 feet
Size Small
Age 0-15/16-100/101-120
Hungry Halflings are especially susceptible to the effects of exhaustion due to hunger. Whenever the rules say you must take a level of exhaustion due to hunger, increase your exhaustion by an additional level.
Low Light Vision Halflings can see normally in conditions of low light. In dim conditions, you can see out to 60 feet as if it were bright light. In dark conditions, you can see out to 60 feet as if it were dim light as long as there is some source of illumination (starlight, for example). In complete darkness, you cannot see at all.
Lucky Halflings can reroll any failed saving throw, but they must accept the new result.
Slip Free Halflings are hard to hold onto and can slip free from grapples. You have advantage on any checks using Dexterity (Acrobatics) to escape a grapple or to free yourself from bonds.
Sneaky A lone halfling can move with such silence they are nearly undetectable, and they can find a place to hide almost anywhere. When traveling alone, you can move without making a sound. Any checks to detect you by sound when you are moving stealthily have disadvantage. In addition, you may always choose to take a hide action as a bonus action.
Jul 9, 2022 10:56 pm

Newardin are tall and thin, averaging 6 feet in height and weighing 150 pounds. Compared to humans, their limbs are overly long in proportion to their torso. They have three fingers and an opposable thumb on each hand, and four toes on each foot. Their faces look vaguely human, but their fea- tures are subdued almost to the point of non-existence. The exceptions are their eyes, which are overly large and solid black. Newardin of the noble caste sometimes have gold or silver flecks in their eyes. Newardin have hairless, smooth, pale skin, ranging in color from stark white to blue-gray.

The first newardin settlers were the Gate Weavers. They activated and operated the magical gates that allowed the Atlan Alliance to travel from their homeworlds to Aetaltis. As the Alliance rose in power, the numbers of newardin in the region increased as well. Along with the Gate Weavers came newardin colonists who assisted in the construction of Alliance colonies on Aetaltis. Shortly after the Cataclysm, the majority of the surviving newardin retreated from the lands surrounding the Amethyst Sea and journeyed to adistant land on the far side of the Blade Sea. There, they established the reclusive Newardine Empires.

Newardin are found in every land surrounding the Amethyst Sea, although they maintain a rigid social distance from other cultures. They build walled communities either near or within other settlements and strictly limit who is allowed inside. They prefer to reside in human communities, but will live anywhere that is beneficial to them and where local leaders will respect their autonomy. Within these Newardine Cels, they are taught and adhere to the traditions of Newardine culture.

From clothing to patterns of speech to traditions, the Newardine culture is unlike any other on the Amethyst Sea basin. Its people practice a philosophy of emotional suppression and value logic above all else, to an extent that interactions with Newardines may feel cold and unfeeling to people from other cultures. At the same time they encourage invention and ingenuity, and in terms of purely intellectual pursuits they have no peers. This earns them the respect and appreciation of the people with whom they settle, if not their friendship.

Ability Score Modifiers +3 Int
Ability Score Requirements Int 12/-
Speed 30 feet
Size Medium
Age 0-14/15-175/176-200
Analytical Newardin have deeply analytical minds. They easily spot connections others miss and quickly spot logical patterns in the world around them. You have advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) checks. Complex Mind Newardin minds are highly complex and difficult to decipher. You have advantage on saving throws against mind-affecting spells and effects.
Language Mastery Newardin are exceptional at learning new languages. You begin the game with the ability to speak (and if appropriate, read and write) one additional language.
Resilience A newardin’s strange physiology makes them resistant to poison and diseases. You have advantage when making saving throws to resist the effects of poi- son or disease.
Visualization By meditating on a task, a newardin can improve their chances of succeeding. If you are able to meditate undisturbed on a specific task for one minute, you may roll 1d4 and add the result to an ability check related to that task made immediately after the meditation period.
Jul 9, 2022 11:00 pm

Orogs look like huge, misshapen humans, stand over 9 feet tall, and weigh 450 pounds. ThThey have wide, down-turned mouths, small sunken eyes, and heavy brows. Their dark colored hair is like hemp rope, growing in heavy patches all over their bodies. They have dark eyes, and their skin ranges from white to brown to black. Most orogs have oversized hands and feet, elongated arms, and malformed faces. Orogs reach maturity at the age of 10 and most die before the age of 40, even those few that avoid a violent death.

The Alliance retained no known records about the orog homeworld, and the first orogs to arrive on Aetaltis were hazy on what their world was called or even what it was like. They came as blank slates, serving as literal killing machines in the Alliance military apparatus.

Unfortunately for the orogs and the Alliance, they quickly discovered that orogs are especially susceptible to Endroren’s influence, and even a small amount of corruption is enough to cause an orog to join the ranks of the Fallen. The Alliance stopped sending orogs, but a handful who miraculously resisted the pull of darkness remained. The orogs living among the people of the Amethyst Sea basin today are descendants of these strong-willed warriors.

Orogs and ogres (fallen orogs) are physically indistinguishable, and there are far more ogres than orogs in the world. This makes it difficult for orogs to gain acceptance in their communities. No matter what culture an orog is raised in, no matter what land they hail from, most orogs remain outsiders their entire lives, always feared and always viewed with suspicion if not outright hostility.

This drives some orogs to abandon the so-called "civilized" lands altogether and adopt the Primitive culture. These orogs form tribes called orogtors and settle deep in the wilds, far from the prejudices and cruelty of the outside world.

Ability Score Modifiers +3 Str, +2 Con, -2 Int, -2 Cha Ability Score Requirements Str 13/-, Con 13/-, Int -/10
Speed 30 feet
Size Large
Age 0-9/10-34/35-40
Brave It is very difficult to frighten an orog. You have advantage on saving throws to resist fear effects.
Dark Seed Orogs are more susceptible to corruption by darkness than other races. You have disadvantage on any saving throws to resist corruption and the negative effects of corruption.
Large Orogs are large creatures. Weapons and armor cost two times normal. Magic equipment does not automatically size to fit unless it was created for a large creature. You require twice as much food and water as a medium character. Potions and magical consumables affect you normally.
Natural Armor An orog’s tough hide makes them difficult to harm. You get +1 AC due to your naturally tough hide. This stacks with other armor.
Pliable Orogs are easily manipulated and vulnerable to mind-controlling magic. You have disadvantage on saving throws to resist mind-controlling magic and spells.
Stability Orogs are extremely difficult to push, shove, or trip. You have advantage on ability checks to resist shoves and trips, and on ability checks and saving throws to remain standing on unstable surfaces.
Jul 9, 2022 11:04 pm

The scythaas’ reptilian faces, strange physiques, and long tails set them apart from the other Aetaltan people. They stand 5 feet tall and weigh around 110 pounds. Their eyes are solid black. Scythaan skin ranges in color from beige to mottled brown, and has rough, pebble-like patterns. Scythaas have clawed fingers and toes, and powerful legs with which they can leap great distances. Their prehensile tails are strong, and allow enough fine control that some learn to use them like an extra arm and hand.

Before the Age of Darkness, the land known as the Scythaan Wastes was a lush country of rolling hills, rich farmland, and beautiful forests. The scythaas treated their environment as a precious thing, often turning to Grethken for guidance to help them preserve the natural world.
Sadly, during the Age of Darkness, Endroren’s armies burned every forest, blocked every spring, and razed every city. In the end, only a barren, rocky desert of shifting sands and broken ruins remained. Today most scythaas live as nomads, roaming the inhospitable landscape.

Most scythaas are Wastelanders from the Scythaan Wastes. A rare few settle outside of the Wastes, and an even smaller number are born in foreign lands. Scythaas living on the Amethyst Sea basin seldom form their own communities, and many continue their nomadic lifestyle. Those that take up a long-term residence in the region prefer homes in warm southern lands such as Callios and Port Vale.

Ability Score Modifiers +2 Dex, +1 Wis Ability Score Requirements Dex 10/- Speed 30 feet
Size Medium
Age 0-7/8-60/61-70
Leaping Scythaas can leap 30 feet across or 15 feet up with or without a running start.
Low Light Vision Scythaas can see even if there is very little light. In dim conditions, you can see out to 60 feet as if it were bright light. In dark conditions, you can see out to 60 feet as if it were dim light as long as there is 29 some source of light (starlight, for example). In complete darkness, you cannot see at all.
Prehensile Tail Scythaas have long, flexible tails they can use to carry and manipulate objects. You cannot naturally wield weapons with your tail, but you can retrieve small, stowed objects carried on your person as a bonus action or carry a lightweight item such as a torch. If you take the Tail Fighter feat, you may also wield a weapon with your tail.
Tail Strike Scythaas can strike at foes using their tails. Your tail is considered a natural weapon with finesse that deals 1d4 damage and has a reach of 5 feet.
Unique Body Shape The unique shape of a scythaa’s body (including the tail) makes it difficult for them to find properly sized clothing and armor outside of their homeland. Any wearable equipment costs twice as much as normal due to the alterations required, unless it is made by a craftsperson of the same body type. Equipment that is not properly altered is considered ill-fitting. Magical equipment still sizes itself to fit you normally.
Jul 9, 2022 11:08 pm

Sprites are just under 4 feet tall and weigh 45 pounds. Their skin, hair, and eye color reflect the environment in which they were born. Most sprites have small horns or antlers. These bud when the sprite reaches maturity and grow to their full size within three years. Sprites reach maturity at the age of 10 and live up to 200 years.

Sprites are one of the three common types of fey, along with fairies and elves. Ancient depictions of sprites show them with pronounced animalistic features. It is unknown if these are realistic depictions or if they represent the sprites’ innate connection to animals.

Sprites live in the wilds or on the outskirts of Elloriyan set- tlements. They seldom stay in one place for long, however, traveling between elven villages as the feeling strikes them. Most are raised within the Feylariyan culture.

Ability Score Modifiers +2 Dex, +1 Wis
Ability Score Requirements Str -/14, Dex 14/-
Speed 25 feet
Size Small
Age 0-9/10-200
Ageless Once they reach maturity, sprites do not display physical signs of aging. You also do not suffer from the negative or positive effects of aging on your ability scores after reaching maturity.
Animal Friendship Sprites have the innate power to befriend most beasts simply by talking to them. You can use your ability on undomesticated beasts that are herbivores or insectivores. The target must be within 30 feet, have Intelligence 3 or lower, and it must be able to see and hear you. The target creature must succeed on a DC (8 + proficiency bonus + CHA modifier) Wisdom saving throw. If it fails, it has the charmed condition when interacting with you for the next 24 hours. If you or one of your companions harms the target, the effect ends. You cannot affect more than one creature at a time with this ability.
Domatophobia Sprites grow despondent if they spend too much time in unnatural enclosed spaces. After every hour spent in an enclosed, unnatural space (inside a house, castle, ship’s cabin, or worked tunnel), you must make a DC (10) Wisdom saving throw. If you fail, you suffer one level of exhaustion. All levels of exhaustion taken in this fashion are removed by taking a short rest in a natural space. Note that enclosed natural spaces (caverns, hollow trees, animal burrows) do not evoke this response and serve as viable options for the short rest.
Low Light Vision Sprites can see easily in conditions of low light. In dim conditions, you can see out to 60 feet
as if it were bright light. In dark conditions, you can see out to 60 feet as if it were dim light, as long as there is some source of light (starlight, for example). In complete darkness, you cannot see at all.
Speak with Beasts Sprites can communicate with wild creatures. Through sounds and gestures, you can communicate simple ideas with undomesticated herbivores or insectivores.
Spritely Invisibility Once per short rest you may turn invisible at will by holding your breath. Anything you are wearing or carrying is invisible as long as it is on your person. The effect ends if you stop holding your breath, attack, cast a spell, take damage, must make a saving throw, or take any action that requires an ability check.

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