Jul 9, 2022 10:51 am
Next, choose a lineage for your character. Aetaltis includes eleven different player character lineages you can choose from. These include Aetaltis versions of classic fantasy lineages (human, dwarf, halfling, and elf ), a few fantasy lineages that are uncommon in most gameworlds (fairy, orog, and sprite), plus some new lineages unique to Aetaltis (cheebat, drothmal, newardin, and scythaa).
THE GOOD PEOPLE OF AETALTIS COME IN SHAPES both familiar and strange. If you’re an experienced fantasy roleplayer, you’ll find all your traditional favorites here along with a number of new lineages unique to Aetaltis. Aetaltis lineages are divided into two categories: enari and Alliance.
The enari are the original inhabitants of Aetaltis. They were created by the gods and given the world of Aetaltis as their home. They’ve survived countless tragedies and catastrophes, and are all the stronger for it.
Drothmals are animalistic warriors from the icy north- lands. Most hail from the Icewalker culture, a people who live and die by a code that glorifies pain and suffering— both their own and that of their enemies.
Dwarves are stout and strong. Once the masters of the Deeplands, they lost their homeland when the gods used it to imprison Endroren and his Dark Hordes. Most dwarves are Maladorans, a hardy and hardened people who want nothing to do with gods. Many seek to reclaim their ances- tral Deepland homes.
Elves are the leaders of the fey. They are lithe, fine featured, and deeply connected to magic. Most elves are Elloriyans, a people determined to restore the ancient glory of the long lost fey courts. Their focus on this goal is absolute, often to the exclusion of the outside world.
Fairies are tiny fey whose minds race as quickly as the beating of their insect-like wings. A few have the sort of mind necessary to follow the Elloriyan culture, although most hail from the freewheeling, experiential culture of the Feylariyans.
Halflings are cousins to the dwarves, if one is to believe the histories. They are small but surprisingly sturdy. Most halflings come from the Dalelands. Dalelanders are connoisseurs of life’s simple pleasures, and they defend their traditions and way of life with surprising ferocity.
Scythaas are a saurian people with long, prehensile tails. They stand out among the enari due to their inhuman appearance. Most scythaas come from their ancestral homeland, the Scythaan Wastes. There, the Wastelanders live a nomadic life where honor and beauty are held in equal regard and vigorously defended.
Sprites are childlike fey whose way of thinking always seems one step left of the rest of the world. They have an uncanny connection to animals and nature, and can disap- pear if frightened. Most are Feylariyans and many choose to live wild like the beasts they love so much.
The Alliance appeared on Aetaltis just over four hundred years ago, arriving from other worlds via powerful arcane devices called world gates. Their arrival proved instrumental in helping Aetaltis to recover after the Age of Darkness, and they remained the dominant power in the Amethyst Sea basin for another hundred years after that. When all the world gates were destroyed unexpectedly in a cataclysmic arcane event, the human, newardin, orog, and cheebat colonists found themselves trapped on Aetaltis.
Humans, or the "atlan" as they call themselves, were once the leaders of the Alliance worlds. Today the descendants of those trapped on Aetaltis live scattered across the Amethyst Sea basin. They hail from a rich tapestry of cultures, from the idealistic Agthorians to the individualistic Selentheans to the arguably criminal Valorians.
Newardin are tall and thin, with delicate frames and gray skin. Although roughly humanoid, they are unquestionably inhuman in their appearance and demeanor. Almost all are members of the Newardine culture, choosing to abide by its beliefs and values even when living among others, especially the tradition of suppressing all emotional responses.
Orogs look like massive, monstrous humans. Their physical strength is unparalleled and the tendency for orogs to drift toward darkness leaves most fearful of them. They’ll adopt whatever culture they are taught, but no matter what beliefs they hold, they seem to have an innate habit of solving all problems with force.
Cheebats are small, fuzzy, and quick. They are deeply social creatures, and are happiest when in the company of others. Most are born into the Warrener culture, a boisterous people who value wealth, luxury, and mercantile glory along with anything that helps them to display that glory to the world.
Members of various lineages on Aetaltis get along well, with no major grievances based on species. The good folk of Aetaltis are so varied and intermixed and enemies so plentiful that animus based on biology is seldom a factor.
That said, when the Alliance arrived, some enari were suspicious of their motives and resentful of their assumption of power. Some measure of this distrust remains, but the Alliance’s full commitment against the dark armies allayed the concerns of most enari.
THE GOOD PEOPLE OF AETALTIS COME IN SHAPES both familiar and strange. If you’re an experienced fantasy roleplayer, you’ll find all your traditional favorites here along with a number of new lineages unique to Aetaltis. Aetaltis lineages are divided into two categories: enari and Alliance.
The enari are the original inhabitants of Aetaltis. They were created by the gods and given the world of Aetaltis as their home. They’ve survived countless tragedies and catastrophes, and are all the stronger for it.
Drothmals are animalistic warriors from the icy north- lands. Most hail from the Icewalker culture, a people who live and die by a code that glorifies pain and suffering— both their own and that of their enemies.
Dwarves are stout and strong. Once the masters of the Deeplands, they lost their homeland when the gods used it to imprison Endroren and his Dark Hordes. Most dwarves are Maladorans, a hardy and hardened people who want nothing to do with gods. Many seek to reclaim their ances- tral Deepland homes.
Elves are the leaders of the fey. They are lithe, fine featured, and deeply connected to magic. Most elves are Elloriyans, a people determined to restore the ancient glory of the long lost fey courts. Their focus on this goal is absolute, often to the exclusion of the outside world.
Fairies are tiny fey whose minds race as quickly as the beating of their insect-like wings. A few have the sort of mind necessary to follow the Elloriyan culture, although most hail from the freewheeling, experiential culture of the Feylariyans.
Halflings are cousins to the dwarves, if one is to believe the histories. They are small but surprisingly sturdy. Most halflings come from the Dalelands. Dalelanders are connoisseurs of life’s simple pleasures, and they defend their traditions and way of life with surprising ferocity.
Scythaas are a saurian people with long, prehensile tails. They stand out among the enari due to their inhuman appearance. Most scythaas come from their ancestral homeland, the Scythaan Wastes. There, the Wastelanders live a nomadic life where honor and beauty are held in equal regard and vigorously defended.
Sprites are childlike fey whose way of thinking always seems one step left of the rest of the world. They have an uncanny connection to animals and nature, and can disap- pear if frightened. Most are Feylariyans and many choose to live wild like the beasts they love so much.
The Alliance appeared on Aetaltis just over four hundred years ago, arriving from other worlds via powerful arcane devices called world gates. Their arrival proved instrumental in helping Aetaltis to recover after the Age of Darkness, and they remained the dominant power in the Amethyst Sea basin for another hundred years after that. When all the world gates were destroyed unexpectedly in a cataclysmic arcane event, the human, newardin, orog, and cheebat colonists found themselves trapped on Aetaltis.
Humans, or the "atlan" as they call themselves, were once the leaders of the Alliance worlds. Today the descendants of those trapped on Aetaltis live scattered across the Amethyst Sea basin. They hail from a rich tapestry of cultures, from the idealistic Agthorians to the individualistic Selentheans to the arguably criminal Valorians.
Newardin are tall and thin, with delicate frames and gray skin. Although roughly humanoid, they are unquestionably inhuman in their appearance and demeanor. Almost all are members of the Newardine culture, choosing to abide by its beliefs and values even when living among others, especially the tradition of suppressing all emotional responses.
Orogs look like massive, monstrous humans. Their physical strength is unparalleled and the tendency for orogs to drift toward darkness leaves most fearful of them. They’ll adopt whatever culture they are taught, but no matter what beliefs they hold, they seem to have an innate habit of solving all problems with force.
Cheebats are small, fuzzy, and quick. They are deeply social creatures, and are happiest when in the company of others. Most are born into the Warrener culture, a boisterous people who value wealth, luxury, and mercantile glory along with anything that helps them to display that glory to the world.
Members of various lineages on Aetaltis get along well, with no major grievances based on species. The good folk of Aetaltis are so varied and intermixed and enemies so plentiful that animus based on biology is seldom a factor.
That said, when the Alliance arrived, some enari were suspicious of their motives and resentful of their assumption of power. Some measure of this distrust remains, but the Alliance’s full commitment against the dark armies allayed the concerns of most enari.