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Jul 22, 2022 9:07 pm
The statue looks oddly shiny, almost as if it is wet.
You can try for a Mythos roll if you want to, Humphrey. Slim chance
Jul 22, 2022 9:10 pm
John and William stand at the end of the bed, carefully unlocking and open the box.

Inside is a sewing kit, various grooming items, shoe shining kit and a bundle of cash, looks well over one hundred dollars!
Jul 24, 2022 1:55 pm
Something about that statue seems off. The way it glistens like it’s perpetually moist is disconcerting. Maybe, he can research it later but right now he really needs to find that last book.

Humphrey takes the handkerchief from his breast pocket and uses it to try and open the drawer at the bottom of the bookshelf.


Mythos (skill: 02) - (1d100)

(62) = 62

Jul 25, 2022 12:12 am
The bottom drawer just holds writing material, paper, pens, ink.
Can I have an INT check and a Spot Hidden roll, Humphrey.
Jul 25, 2022 1:49 pm
The bottom drawer slides open easily. Its contents include a bottle of ink, a few fountain pens, and sheaf of writing paper but there are no books. Humphrey begins to worry that maybe his book isn't here. Could Mr. Gardiner have sold it? Surely, not. Humphrey never thought twice about letting the eclectic gentleman borrow his books. He'd always returned them in good shape and eager to discuss what he had read. Humphrey always had looked forward to those conversations. It was so nice to find someone who was also interested in esoteric subjects. And now, he'd never be able to talk to Mr. Gardiner again.

Perhaps, his shock was wear off or maybe it was the realization that he considered Mr. Gardiner a friend, but for whatever reason, Humphrey was filled with a deep sense of sadness.


Spot hidden (45%) - (1d100)

(32) = 32

INT (70%) - (1d100)

(26) = 26

Jul 25, 2022 11:20 pm
Humphrey studies the bookshelf, perplexed and it occurs to him there's a sizeable gap between the top of the drawer and the bottom shelf. Feeling around the woodword he find a button hidden in the scroll work.
Edith finishes her call and makes her way back upstairs.

With the Police on the way, Kate decides to make herself scarce.

What are John and William doing?
Jul 27, 2022 4:49 am
The stack of money is a bit of a shock, and to an aspiring young businessman like William, he lingers on it a little bit. "I suspect we could make a fair bit of money by investing this," he says, his mind reflexively returning to his work. "What do you think John? I mean, we shouldn't rob the poor man, but what's all this cash?"
Jul 27, 2022 6:37 pm
I haven’t the foggiest what Mr. Gardner would be doing with that much money but we should return it to its place.

John will return to Mr. Gardiner’s side while awaiting the police.
Jul 28, 2022 7:18 pm
Edith enters the room after coming back upstairs. She calls into the room, "Hello! Is anyone still in here? I called the police and they are on their way."
Jul 29, 2022 12:20 am
As Edith returns she finds Kate no longer present, but the men are still here. John crouched over the body once more, William looking into an open box on the bed and Humphrey examining the bookshelf.

We can return to Initiative order here. What does John do next.
[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] Initiative
Jul 29, 2022 2:24 pm
As long as there is no visible threat John is just waiting for the police to arrive on scene to act as a witness and explain that based on his experience these wounds look self inflicted. Pacing near the body of Mr. Gardiner.
There is no direct threat that I can see correct?
Jul 29, 2022 2:39 pm
Correct , no threat. Just using initiative order to give your actions some balance and structure.
Jul 29, 2022 3:47 pm
Edith is waiting on the police, watching the three men to make sure no one takes anything from the room.
Jul 30, 2022 12:14 am
Humphrey eyes the scroll work closely and notes the location of the hidden button for later. Hopefully, after the coppers finish their investigation he'll have a moment or two to check the bookcase again. Truth be told he'd like to ask the police how he can retrieve the books he lent Mr. Gardiner. Perhaps, he should go back to his apartment to retrieve the receipts to prove ownership.

He returns his handkerchief to his breast pocket and walks back into the front room.

"Edith I think I might dust out and return to my room. I don't think there is much good to be had in all of us crowding around in here waiting for the coppers to arrive. I'm sure they will want to investigate the scene without being bothered by a bunch of tenants looking on." He takes a quick glance back at Mr. Gardiner's corpse.

"I think I need some tea to settle my nerves. If anyone would like to join me, I'd appreciate the company. Would you like me to bring a cuppa up for you, Edith?"
Out of initiative order but I don't know when I'll have time to post before tomorrow.
Last edited July 30, 2022 12:15 am
Jul 30, 2022 9:39 am
As Humphrey is about to step away from the bookshelf he notices to his left a nightstand with a desk lamp and a couple of books. On top is a slim journal and under it is an old-looking but familiar book.
Jul 30, 2022 4:25 pm
Edith looks more composed than she did earlier, but still very shaken. "No, Mr. Morris, thank you. I need to get back to Tommy. And the cats. Oh, poor Tommy!" she sniffles.
Jul 31, 2022 5:35 pm
"It’s unfortunate that Tommy happened to come by when he did. You don’t think he saw anything do you? I can’t imagine…" . Humphrey shakes his head with concern.
"I have an idea. I think you should go back to Tommy. I’ll brew up a pot of tea and bring it over to your apartment along with a stack of funny pages I’ve been saving for the boy. By the time he catches up on "Buck Rogers" and "Popeye" the police will have come and gone and he’ll have forgotten all about the catsup on your dress. John and William can keep watch over the room until the police arrive. We can trust them to keep anyone else out, isn’t that right?"
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