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Aug 1, 2022 12:14 am
Edith looks unconvinced.

"I think I better stay until the police get here. Although your offer to bring the funnies to Tommy is real nice. Would you go by and take him tea and the funnies for me now?"
Aug 1, 2022 6:10 am
Feeling a bit rushed all of a sudden, William heads back in the room and tries to pretend as if there isn't a corpse on the floor and spies the cabinets on the wall. He silently goes over to them and has a quick look at their contents. "Yes, the police are going to be here soon. I suppose it would be a good idea if we all left," William says flatly.
Anything of note in the wall cupboards?
Aug 3, 2022 12:35 am
"It'd be my pleasure Mrs. Costa. I'll bring the papers over to Tommy right now. It'll be good to give him something to distract him while he waits for you to return. Come to think of it, what should I tell him about your absence? He's a curious lad and I'm sure he'll be wondering why this old bookseller is visiting while his mother has yet to return. I'm assuming you don't want me to mention the demise of Mr. Gardiner?" The bookseller fiddles with his glasses nervously before continuing.

"I must say, I don't enjoy the prospect of misleading young Tommy. I fear I'll make a hash of the excuse and make things worse. This really is the type of thing best handled by someone with more maternal instincts. But, I'll give it a go, Damn the torpedoes, into the breach, etcetera, etcetera."
Aug 3, 2022 1:45 am
Did Humphrey take the books?
Aug 3, 2022 1:47 am
William starts to open the kitchen cupboards, almost frantically. Opening one, something falls out.
Dodge roll please William
Aug 3, 2022 12:16 pm


Dodge - (1d100)

(69) = 69

Aug 3, 2022 1:21 pm
There's a clunk as a jar of pennies falls out of a cupboard and hits William on the head (-1 hp). The jar then hits the counter, smashing and sending pennies flying everywhere.
Aug 3, 2022 1:40 pm
The sound of the jar breaking, as well as the accompanying mess make William feel a little self-conscious. "Sorry," he says while massaging himself where the jar hit him. He makes tries pushing the pennies sside with his foot.
Aug 3, 2022 1:49 pm
A dragging sound on the floor interrupts your investigation. The mutilated body of the room's tenant shifts its limbs and suddenly lurches into a standing position. You look in terror as the flesh around Mr. Gardiner's head begins to peel, the flesh spiraling downward like some horrific party trick with an apple. The blood-slicked skull turns to look around, malevolence in its lidless eyes.
Can everyone please make a Sanity roll (1/1d6)
[ +- ] Room plan
[ +- ] Initiatives
Aug 4, 2022 2:41 pm
"Mr. Morgan!" Edith sputters as the pennies roll across the floor. "Please restrain yourself from going through this poor man's..."

Edith's words trail off into a scream.


Sanity - (1d100)

(54) = 54

Aug 4, 2022 4:23 pm
Eyes going supper wide as the man he was sure was dead turned into this and stood back up.

"Ah hell."
Nervous as I’m standing next to this thing. On my turn can I attempt to punch it?


Sanity - (1d100)

(22) = 22

Aug 5, 2022 4:16 am
"It was an accident,I assure you and...OHMYGOD!" William can't finish his thought as the "victim" has risen under its own power.


Sanity - (1d100)

(42) = 42

Aug 5, 2022 10:19 am
Investigation is a huge part of Call of Cthulhu, searching crime scenes, digging up books and interviewing people but the other side is facing off against the horrors and those that serve them. Not only should you expect to die, but you might also go insane!

There are two types of insanity that can be experienced in facing the Mythos.

Temporary Insanity comes about if you lose 5+ from one roll.

Indefinite Insanity happens if you lose one fifth of your sanity in one game day. Below is what each character has lost so far and the threshold at which Indefinite insanity occurs.

Both result in a Bout of Madness and I'll detail that if/when we reach it.

Edith 1(12)
William 1 (12)
John 1 (10)
Humphrey -5 (10)
Aug 6, 2022 2:23 pm
Humphrey was about to leave when a strange sound caused him to look back into the room. He immediately wished he hadn’t.
He hasn’t taken any books.
Last edited August 6, 2022 3:06 pm


Sanity roll - (1d100)

(83) = 83

Aug 6, 2022 2:52 pm
Humphrey Sanity loss.

Sanity loss of 5 or more in one shot results in a potential temp insanity. Make an INT roll to see if Humphrey cracks. (You need a fail to repress it!)


San loss - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Aug 6, 2022 6:08 pm
What Humphrey sees shouldn’t be possible…No, definitely isn’t possible. The bookseller stares mouth agape as his mind tries to process the images passing through his corneas.
Uh oh, I think that’s crit fail too!
Last edited August 6, 2022 6:09 pm


Insanity roll (INT:70) - (1d100)

(66) = 66

Aug 6, 2022 8:13 pm
Normally I play out Sanity breaks privately bt as you guys are learning the system, I'll do it publicly.

So Humphrey has succeeded his INT check, meaning he fully comprehends what he is seeing, triggering Temporary Insanity. Initially, this results in a Bout of Madness, where the player loses all self-control.

On the upside, the character cannot lose further sanity during the Bout. The Bout lasts for 1d10 rounds and I roll to determine how it manifests...

Effect: Psychosomatic disability: Humphrey suffers psychosomatic blindness for the 5 rounds

Humphrey's vision turns red and he can see nothing. Otherwise can act normally.


Duration - (1d10)

(5) = 5

Bout - (1d10)

(2) = 2

Aug 6, 2022 8:17 pm
Ok Initiatives!

John 80
Edith 50
William 50
Humphrey 40
Gardiner-Thing 35

John, you mentioned punching, that's great. please describe! Roll vs Fighting Brawl
Aug 8, 2022 9:02 pm
Is there anything near Edith that can be thrown?
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