Konstantos receives training in Electronic Warfare[ +- ] Electronic Warfare Kit
He learns how to jam Severnan radios, cell phones, drone controllers, and radar using equipment about the size of a backpack. He's also warned about radiation hazards from the backpack emitter - there is a thin sheet of lead between his back and the pack, and the lead sheet curls a bit over the top of the pack to shield the back of his head.
For the jamming equipment to work on a specific transmitter, the operator must be within 10 meters (30ft) of the target and point an antenna directly at the target.
Alternatively, the operator can activate a 'jamming bubble' of 3m (10ft) radius that jams all electronics within it.
Dan receives training in Cryptography[ +- ] Cryptography Kit
He learns how to use basic cyphers and codes. He is given a two way transmitter-receiver that can be used to communicate with the Bunker. He is instructed on basic safety procedures in order to remain undetected while operating the transmitter. He is given a book of codes that are to be destroyed in case of imminent capture.
The transmitter can be used to send messages to the Bunker. If the book of codes is used, the messages are fully encrypted, but the process is much slower. If the codes are not used, it is as fast as talking.
The receiver will occasionally get 'pinged' by the Bunker. A certain code must be entered, and the received message decoded. There will be standard times each night when messages are sent out by the Bunker.
Maeve receives training in Explosives[ +- ] IED Kit
[spoiler="Cryptography Kit"]
She learns how to safely transport explosives, and how to fuse them so they explode when triggered. She is given a duffle bag full of explosive sticks (6 sticks), 2 detonators, and an assembly of tools and wires.
An IED can be safely assembled and transported as long as no extreme heat is applied to it. However, once it is 'set up' it will become much more volatile and may explode if its triggered by someone going over the trip-wire. Usually the trip-wire is attached to an object or location that triggers the IED if disturbed.
There are materials for 2 large (3 sticks) IEDs to be assembled. To make more, explosives and detonators must be retrieved or crafted.
Katerina receives training in Subterfuge[ +- ] Subterfuge Kit
She is given instruction on faking the Severnan accent, make-up and clothes modifications to blend in, and a bag full of wigs, clothes, and Severnan military outfits.
Given enough time to prepare, Katerina can disguise up to 4 people in full Severnan army outfits.
The wigs, clothes and trinkets can be used to disguise as civilians of various socioeconomic classes. Katerina can imitate mannerisms and accents of these groups.