Blow after blow, the druids are handily defeated. With its summoner dead, the hideous creature scuttles off the side of the boat, leaving a trail of sticky slime as it goes. You all hear a kerPLUNK and a small splash of water rise above the side of the boat as it splashes back into the sea, hopefully never to be seen again, by anyone or anything ever again.
Douglaa shrugs and places her warhammer aside,
"Well, that was easy, especially with you folks. You certainly can pull your weight around here." She begins hauling the druids' bodies over the side of the ship, spitting into the sea after each one.
The rest of the day passes without incident, though clouds roll over the sunny sky and the incoming horizon is growing dark, not just from the day winding down, but also from a brewing storm, likely to reach you sometime in the night or the next morning. Douglaa reassures you all that you are making good time, and that the ship will reach the shore of the Barbed Fields in the morning.
Later that night, Douglaa and her crew are playing betting games, passing around the same 50 copper from round to round. It seems likely that the only game that matters is the last one before docking, anything else will just get redistributed before they have a chance to use it. They play like this is the case too, fast and loose with the rules and generally just to have an activity to do, no real stakes.
Whether you are playing in the card games, swimming beside the boat, alone in a room, or cleaning the hull, as soon as the sun disappears beneath the horizon, a sudden crimson red hue fills the sky. Your shadows elongate and deepen. Your attention is, by instinct or magic, pulled up to the sky. From the lower floors, the crew streams onto the deck to catch a glimpse. Hanging in the sky like a watchful eye is Ruidus, flaring a mean, bright red. Faelen feels a sense of fear, panic, and hopelessness emitting from the artifact around his neck as the sight of Ruidus turns on you.
After what could seem like seconds or hours, the flare fades. Catha, the large white moon, reemerges from behind a cloud, casting white light over the waves once again. Ruidus shrinks back to its normal state, a small red dot in the sky, before being covered by a cloud.
Leaving space for some RP on the ship if you guys would like some with each other, the crew, with a patron/god, whichever you'd like to do. Let us know your character's reaction to the Ruidus flare
aquafina sent a note to Boop