Character creation and setting discussion

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Jul 23, 2022 4:53 pm
In Fate you have Aspects, which describe your character narratively and have a mechanical effect in the game. Aspects are the basis for your character. I’m at work right now. I’ll post more about making a character tonight.
Jul 23, 2022 7:38 pm
Updated based on your modifications. How does this look as a template? I am not sure about the Vitals section though.
[ +- ] Fate Condensed
Last edited July 23, 2022 8:08 pm
Jul 23, 2022 11:09 pm
I like the Fate Core character sheet here on GP.
Jul 23, 2022 11:21 pm
Didn't see that, yes I like it better too.
Jul 24, 2022 10:32 am
All right, character creation.

First you create aspects. Aspects are short phrases that describe who your character is and what's important to them. They can relate to your characters physical or mental qualities, history, beliefs, training, relationships, or even particularly important equipment.
The first thing to know about them is aspects are true. In other words, how you define your character is real and true in the story you’re telling. If you write down that your character is a Precog Sniper, then they are a precog sniper. You’ve told everyone that your character sees the future and is a crack shot with a rifle.
You’ll also use aspects in play to change the story. They give you permission to improve your dice rolls and establish facts about the world. Lastly, aspects can earn you fate points if they create complications for your character—so to make the most versatile aspects, you should aim for ones that are double-edged, working both for you and against you.
To begin, you’ll give your character five aspects: a high concept, a trouble, a relationship, and two free aspects. Start with the high concept and go from there.
Your high concept is a broad description of the character, covering the vital bits. It’s how you would open your pitch for the character when telling a friend about them.
Next is your character’s trouble—something that makes your character’s life more complicated. It could be a personal weakness, family entanglements, or other obligations. Pick something you’ll enjoy roleplaying!
Your relationship describes a connection with another PC. They may already know one another, or have just met. Good relationship aspects should introduce or hint at conflict, or at least an imbalance that gives the relationship a little momentum. This doesn’t mean they are openly antagonistic, but they shouldn’t be all roses either. If you wish, you can wait to write down relationship aspects until everyone has more or less completed their characters.
You can make your character’s last two aspects anything you want—there are no restrictions beyond the obligation to fit the setting. Choose anything which you think will make your character more interesting, more fun to play, or better connected to the world they occupy.
Jul 24, 2022 10:35 am
Next comes Skills.
While aspects define who your character is, skills show what they can do. Each skill describes a broad activity your character might have learned through study and practice or simply have an innate talent for. A character with Burglary is capable, to some degree, at all manner of crime relating to the fine art of burgling—casing a joint, bypassing security, pick-pocketing, and lock-picking.
Each skill has a rating. The higher the rating, the better the character is at the skill. As a whole, your character’s skills will show you what actions they are built for, which ones they’ll get by on, and which aren’t their forte. Use the guidelines provided on the game info page to select your skill ratiings.
Jul 24, 2022 10:40 am
Then comes Refresh. Your refresh is the minimum number of fate points your character begins with at the start of each session. Your character begins with a refresh of 6. Each session, you start with fate points at least equal to your refresh. Be sure to keep track of the fate points you have left at the end of each session of play—if you have more fate points than your refresh, you’ll start the next session with the fate points you ended this session with. Because this is pbp and not gaming irl, I'll set refresh points throughout the game, usually after three or four encounters.
Jul 24, 2022 10:46 am
After that is Stunts. While every character has access to all the skills—even if they are Mediocre (+0) at most of them—your character has some unique stunts. Stunts are the cool techniques, tricks, or bits of equipment that make your character unique and interesting. Where skills are about a character’s broad competencies, stunts are about specific areas of excellence; most of them give you a bonus in particular circumstances or let you do something that other characters simply can’t.
Your character begins with five free stunt slots. You don’t have to define them all right away, and may fill them in as you play. You may purchase more stunts by spending 1 refresh each, to a minimum of 1 refresh.
Jul 24, 2022 10:56 am
Stress and consequences are how your character withstands the mental and physical toll of their adventures. Characters have at least four one-point boxes for physical stress and at least four one-point boxes for mental stress. They also get one slot each for mild, moderate, and severe consequences. Your rating in Physique affects how many total physical stress boxes you have. Will does the same for your mental stress.
Jul 24, 2022 10:57 am
Finally give your character a name and description, and discuss their history with the other players. If you haven’t written down a relationship aspect yet, do so now.
Jul 24, 2022 10:58 am
A little later I'll create a character and make it public so you have an example of what a Fate character looks like.
Jul 24, 2022 12:09 pm
Started a character that you should be able to view by clicking on Tordek Gotreksson on the Game Info page. So far I only have his Aspects and Skills done, but that will give you a good idea of what those look like. Also please note I didn't give him a relationship aspect because we don't have characters done yet. Perhaps one or more of you will come to know this Deathwatch Battle Brother as we create characters.
Jul 24, 2022 12:29 pm
Does Tordek have a massive red mohawk and a nose ring with a chain to an ear ring?
Jul 24, 2022 12:30 pm
Perhaps. It’s nice you got the reference.
Jul 24, 2022 6:29 pm
So is Tordek going to be with us on missions? As I mentioned, a spess mehreen kind of stands out so I'm wondering how much of this game is a shoot 'm up, and how much is about grimdark covert investigation and all that.
Jul 24, 2022 9:13 pm
No, Tordek is an example of character creation. I suppose if you called for major backup it might be him leading a Deathwatch Kill Team.

This game will be as much shoot ‘em up and/or investigation you guys want. I’m going to present situations and problems, you all deal with them how you choose. :-)
Jul 24, 2022 9:55 pm
Ok so, do I make up this character? Their weapons, abilities, armor, skills, etc? No templates? Sorry I'm a bit lost...
Jul 24, 2022 10:05 pm
@Darpavien yes, you make up the character. There is a skill list, and stunts to choose from if you don’t want to create your own. But you can play anything that works in the setting. I know this puts you on the back foot because you’re not familiar with Warhammer 40K. What kind of character do you want to play? Think of something that works in a dark Sci-Fi setting and we’ll help you figure it out. Please note that I want you to play a human.
Jul 24, 2022 10:11 pm
Ok so human. And sky is the limit with the characters you mentioned? Correct?
Jul 24, 2022 10:20 pm
I don't know if I'd say that, but I want you to feel like you can come up with something that we can then fit into the setting. And remember that you work for (or with) one of the most powerful authorities in the Empire. Why do you work for him? What did you do before coming into the Inquisitor's service? What circumstances lead to him choosing you as an Acolyte?
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