[Gameplay] 3. The Sanctum

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Jan 2, 2023 9:12 am
Tabat relaxes as the heat of combat dies in an instant. Catching his breath, he rushes to the boy, Azaz and drops to his knees, checking him over. Velriana, she asked for this - she knew what she was doing, but this boy - this boy did not deserve death, if any of them did. He rolls Azaz's body over and thankfully finds the boy still breathing, though it was clear he would require assistance, most likely magical in nature, to lead any sort of normal life going forward. The sword had bitten deep.

As if she were an angel hearing his prayer, Khadi appears and stabilizes his wounds as she had the others. "Thank you," he says, standing. "I don't think they'll awaken naturally anytime very soon. We can work together to bring them up once we've cleared the floor. And yes, we'll separate them from what makes them most dangerous, just in case."

He nods to Idorii. "Did Velriana mention anything more about this special item you were looking for? Or anything else we should expect down here?"

Tabat helps gather their enemies' belongings square away their bodies as comfortably as possible until they can be brought to the entry of the temple.
That's a lot of loot :D I vote all the arcane scrolls and wands go to Jaware, and all the divine scrolls to Khadi (unless someone has a UMD score that can make use of those things). Scrolls and wands are just too situationally handy to sell, unless we have duplicates, imo. We can work out the other stuff later with the other loot.
Last edited January 2, 2023 9:42 am



Jan 2, 2023 6:09 pm
"No. I suspect that they believed there to be a treasure of great importance here, but she hired me only to disarm traps and fight any creatures to be found here. She also wanted me to protect her over the others. She kept that part of our bargain along with much else a secret from me and the other two."
Jan 3, 2023 9:20 am
"Well, we won't require any sort of secretive missions or backstabbing. As far as I'm concerned you've done your part in helping us, though I suspect your motivation was not purely that of doing the right thing. Idorii, how much did they offer you? It couldn't have been a share of the treasure, as you said yourself, they weren't here to loot the temple."



Jan 3, 2023 5:15 pm
"A full share and a 1000gp to protect Velriana in particular. I was under the impression that there would be much looting, but she was focused on finding that one thing in particular first. I was honestly beginning to think I was being cheated when you showed up."

She points to the wall. "I don't think it's here. They have searched it thoroughly. Shall we tie them up and get to the proper looting?"
Jan 3, 2023 6:37 pm
Tabat, his raised eyebrow unseen behind his mask, nods. "Proper looting, yes. Please understand, we are here by right and recognize, and respect the laws, that give us access to this place. As it is the Destined Delvers with right to this place, I hereby admit you as an honorary member of our group so that you may share in our success here, as the law allows, until we return to the city. We will treat you as fairly as possible as to a cut of what we find, as a member of our group. We similarly will not defile the dead or damage things unnecessarily while here. Is this agreeable?"



Jan 4, 2023 12:01 am
She looks to Iseret and Khadi for confirmation, but says, "As you say. I'll respect your ideals, and follow your lead."
Jan 4, 2023 1:18 am
Iseret eyes the newcomer warily, but smiles and nods her agreement.
Jan 7, 2023 4:02 am
Jaware offers his hand, and he and Idorii clap forearms in the warrior fashion. He asks her, "We saw bloody footprints on the stairs. Was that you?" He waves his hand to include the three unconscious Scorched Hand members along with her, Idorii.

"Bloody footprints? No, there was nothing like that when we came down, and we haven't run into anybody. That's very creepy."
[ +- ] Updated map
There are three exits from the room: the one to the west, the gate you choose to ignore, the one to the north that was unlocked and you came through (Idorii unlocked it), and the one to the east.
Jan 12, 2023 1:51 am
"Someone else must be down here," Tabat says, worried. He points east. "Let's take a look through there first, then double back for anything we missed."
Jan 12, 2023 7:04 am
'... Do you think it is safe to leave these 3?' The footstep had been coming back up the stairs, but the idea of leaving 3 helpless people when an unknown was around unsettled the duskwalker.
Jan 12, 2023 3:39 pm
There are two areas you haven't explored, a room to the north, and what lies behind the eastern gate. In addition, you haven't interacted with the pool / fountain through the eastern gate, or searched the place for hidden baubles.

Leaving them should be fine as you haven't seen any wandering monsters, and the bloody footprints clearly had left the cellar.
Jan 12, 2023 10:19 pm
"It'll take a concerted effort on all our parts to get all three of them up to the entry of this place. I think they're alright for now, while we clear the rest of this floor, then we can get them and anything we find down here upstairs."

Tabat heads to the eastern doorway.
Jan 12, 2023 11:04 pm
.. Very well. ' The cleric gives them one last check over before following Tabat, weapon ready
Jan 13, 2023 1:10 am
Your two rogues make quick work of the barred gate. The hallway beyond curves north, and leads to a pair of double doors. These easily open to a small room.

Hieroglyphs cover the walls of this chamber. In the middle of the room, a large and majestic stone sarcophagus rests atop a raised stone platform, and several clay jars sit on the floor nearby. Two lacquered benches stand near the doors to the south.
Jan 13, 2023 8:32 am
Tabat carefully circuits the room, not touching anything at first. His eyes pass over the walls. "Can any of you read this? Any warnings, or indicators who is buried here?"

Once the rogues feel is is safe to do so, Tabat will help open the sarcophagus, using his trusty crowbar as needed.
Jan 14, 2023 3:05 am
"Careful. There is a Glyph of Warding there although I do not have the spell needed to decipher it. And that wouldn't help disarm it, anyway." He indicates a small compartment.

"We did not open these. They wanted to leave Djedihepet's grave goods with him."
Jan 15, 2023 10:28 am
Tabat nods understandingly. "Well, lucky I think for you we do not have such concerns. As long as we are respectful with the body, it is lawful for us to take what is within.

Iseret, is this a type of magical trap you can disarm?"
Jan 15, 2023 6:23 pm
Iseret studies the trap carefully, being wary not to read the glyph. "I can't," she sighs. "There is no way that I can disarm this."
Last edited January 15, 2023 6:24 pm


Disable Device (Iseret) - (1d20+11)

(1) + 11 = 12



Jan 15, 2023 6:50 pm
"If you trust your healer, one of you could set it off and hope for the best." Idorii is not offering to be that sacrificial lamb.


Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Jan 15, 2023 7:06 pm
...The healer suspects her god would not appreciate hurting people just for the sake of wealth.' Khadi glances over to Idorri wwitha a disbelieving look on her face.

'.. yes I can hopefully heal whatever wounds are cause, but I would prefer another solution. There is only so much aid Khepri can give me.'
Khadi can't read the hieroglyphs, though I keep thinking she can read ancient Osirian. Probably l because I almost always play characters who would have reason to know ancient languages..
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