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Aug 22, 2022 2:33 pm
I only do the ones that I have points in.
Aug 22, 2022 2:37 pm
Same on that, not much point in doing the ones you don't have points in
Aug 22, 2022 2:37 pm
Khulod says:
I only do the ones that I have points in.
Same here but they can still be fairly numerous ;)
Aug 22, 2022 5:57 pm
SR is such a crunchy gane, it's a super involved process to do anything character-wise. I'm still sorting some things out but should be finished fiddling with things soon.
Aug 22, 2022 6:00 pm
witchdoctor says:
SR is such a crunchy gane, it's a super involved process to do anything character-wise. I'm still sorting some things out but should be finished fiddling with things soon.
really can't tell you how simple the Chummer5 program made creation. I 1000% recommended it.
Aug 22, 2022 6:03 pm
In my infinite wisdom, I figured I could tackle character creation the old fashioned way. I can see now that may have been one of those "bit off more than I can chew" moments of hubris...

Does it work on smartphones? I hardly ever post on GP from a regular laptop.
Aug 22, 2022 6:16 pm
witchdoctor says:
In my infinite wisdom, I figured I could tackle character creation the old fashioned way. I can see now that may have been one of those "bit off more than I can chew" moments of hubris...

Does it work on smartphones? I hardly ever post on GP from a regular laptop.
Same here, I'm all cell phone for GP but sadly no, chummer5 only works on a real computer. Worth the effort though.

I learned things like that you cannot spend more than 35 karma points on positive qualities even if you take negative qualities that add more karma to your total. Those extra karma points from your negative qualities can only be spent on skills attributes and nuyen.
Last edited Aug 22, 2022 6:17 pm
Aug 22, 2022 6:50 pm
Well my problem is I have a pregenerated character, but I can’t even transfer it to the GP sheet. Fx I can’t see where all my drones fit into the sheet. It’s a steep learning curve
Aug 22, 2022 7:23 pm
Ripcord says:
Alright, Onmyoji has been submitted. I went with a bit of a generalist Mage since it's good to have some flexibility as a caster. No summoning, but I'm good at spell casting and astral combat along with con and etiquette. Also decent in banishing and counter spelling and I have some generalist skills like pistols as a backup, sneaking and perception as must-haves, etc.
Can't see your sheet, did you open it to sharing?

@Dominion some of your stats seem odd; agility, strength and edge?
Last edited Aug 22, 2022 7:25 pm
Aug 22, 2022 8:27 pm
Khulod says:

@Dominion some of your stats seem odd; agility, strength and edge?
Yeah I put a note at the bottom of my sheet explaining that. Since the attribute boxes on the GP Shadowrun sheet don't let you use any slashes or periods and I have a cyber arm I put the three numbers for strength and agility representing left arm, average, and right cyber arm stats respectively. For essence, same problem with the no period so read 251 as 2.51
Last edited Aug 22, 2022 8:35 pm
Aug 22, 2022 8:44 pm
It was being super finicky with me on mobile, should be good to go now.
Aug 22, 2022 9:44 pm
Introducing..... Imperatrix!

Once there was a joy-girl called Lizzy Banks. She worked for her mob pimps and was actually a high-class escort. But one night one of her customers wasn't pleased for some reason, and complained to her bosses while trowing out some big deal that was in the making. Her boss was furious, and took a big steel pipe and beat her, and beat her, and beat her some more until he was all covered in her blood. His suit never recovered. Poor guy.

As for Lizzy? From what she heard later, another joy-girl had taken her to Doc, that old grouchy troll street doc. When she woke up on a cold slab with him suturing up the worst of her wounds. He told her the bad news. Her body was fragged up to hell. She'd be looking at a year of recovery before even trying to walk again. Naturally, she didn't have the dough to cover such treatment, let alone rent while invalid. And something was messed up in her head too. Years of working the night, and this is the thank you she got? She just wanted it all to be over. So she said. "Doc, I'm fragged to hell anyway. Jus... Jus give me that cat set of chrome. Ya know, the one the customer freaked out on last second. It's been collecting dust and ain't gonna do ya no good."
Now Doc is a hard-ass troll, and he took a drag of one of those stinking stubs of fat cigars he always seemed to have in his mouth, even when working on patients.
"Shit Liz, that's a Grade-A set. Alphaware girl. And amped up to the max too. Worth a fortune. And worse, that much gear... it's gonna burn you out girl."
Doc had a tender spot for the joy-girls. He had to fix them up often enough when customers got handsy. He was a big bullying bastard to most of his customers, but he had a soft heart for the girls. He knew what this was going to do to Lizzy. But she didn't care. Burning her soul seemed like the right thing to do. That way she wasn't suffering no more. But there was a burning part of her, some primal rage, that wanted to live on, and deal out some payback.
"Jus... do it Doc. I'll work it off for ya. It's that... or ya can throw me in the meat grinder now. Can't work. No money. No rent. Nothing. Won't last a year. Fuck, not even a month. Give me the chrome, and I'm gonna make it right with ya."
Doc sighed, and looked at the gear. His mouth turned sour, but Lizzy could see he was going to do it.
"Frag it. No way I'm selling it. Alright girl, but don' say I didn't warn ya."
Lizzy tried to smile, but it hurt.
"Yer... Yer one of the good ones Doc. I'll make it right. Promise."
Doc said nothing, but got out his tools. Last thing Lizzy heard was "Breathe deep" before he put a mask on her. Then the lights went out, and with it, the pain.

She had no idea how long she was out. Sometimes she'd wake up, seeing machines beeping, bags of medical stuff hanging over her. Sometimes in a recovery ward, sometimes back on the slab. Sometimes missing a limb. It was weird. Only when she had to test out if the neuro-links were working did Doc wake her up fully, and only briefly. Until one day, it was all done. She took her first steps on her new legs, shaped like a cat's, all chrome covered in fur. She fell over and grabbed a bedframe for support, only to crush it in her grip. Doc said he would add it to the tab and for her to be careful, she wasn't no 'frail girl no more'.

And then, the streets again. Getting used to her chrome, then using it to work off the debt. Working out the big hole in her head. Something was gone, but with it all the hurt was gone too. She laughed at that, but didn't know why.

A few years went by. Lizzy was gone. Now she was Imperatrix, the cat-empress of the night. She had paid off Doc. Much of her creds had come from stealing cyberware. She was quite good at it, leaving behind a pile of bewildered people who just got a part of their body yanked out. Suckers. Of course she couldn't get full money for those used bits, but she found a pawn broker willing to give a good price for what she brought in. A few months later he gave her a contact, a fixer who would pay her big time for some shadow work. That sounded like good fun, and so Big Momma came into her life. She never figured out who was behind that AR persona, but the leads were solid, and running the shadows paid big-time. And besides, what else is a girl to do except have some fun, eh?
Aug 22, 2022 10:30 pm
Oh god, we’re all gonna die
Aug 22, 2022 10:48 pm
Wow very cool concept! What book did you find all the cyberpsychosis qualities? I like those. Im sure you didn't mean to list both reaction enhancers AND wired reflexes though, their descriptions say they're incompatible :(

*Dang, I just noticed that I bought too high a rating on my Cerebral Booster... I bought rating 3 but it has an availability of 18 and we are limited to 15. Wah-wah.
Last edited Aug 23, 2022 12:23 am
Aug 22, 2022 11:47 pm
So people with fractional essence be legit scary asf.
Aug 23, 2022 10:08 am
dominion451 says:
Wow very cool concept! What book did you find all the cyberpsychosis qualities? I like those.
Chrome Flesh baby. It has allllll the shiny toys. *mrrrrrrr*
dominion451 says:
Im sure you didn't mean to list both reaction enhancers AND wired reflexes though, their descriptions say they're incompatible :(
Bawwww, someone didn't read the wireless section! Here you go sweetums! <3

Wireless: Reaction enhancers are compatible with a wireless wired reflexes system, and the total bonus Reaction from the two augmentations can be above +4 if both systems have wireless activated.
Jomsviking says:
So people with fractional essence be legit scary asf.
Ripcord says:
Oh god, we’re all gonna die
Last edited Aug 23, 2022 10:19 am
Aug 23, 2022 3:05 pm
Oh wow man, it was literally the next sentence! LMFAO how the heck did I miss that and why have I been cheating myself all this time? Your eyes are better than mine obviously.
Aug 24, 2022 2:51 pm
Any thoughts on my spell list? I wasn't really sure how I wanted to go so I figured I would cover a decent amount of ground to make sure we had the important stuff covered. I'm willing to swap some stuff around.


Astral Armor
Astral Window

Improved Invisibility

Control Emotions
Thought Recognition
Aug 24, 2022 3:05 pm
Looks like a good spread to me! I only have the Core book and Kill Code so I couldn't read up on some of them but seems like you have your bases covered.
Aug 24, 2022 3:17 pm
Lash and slash are your typical combat spells but for every 2 physical damage you do, you also do 1 stun but at a higher drain.

Astral Armor is the Armor spell, but it works in the Astral Plane instead of Physical Space

Astral Window lets you look through mana barriers in the Astral

Control Emotions lets you make someone feel a specific emotion, if they want to act against it they get a -2

Rewind erases the last (net hits) number of minutes from the target's memory

Thought Recognition scans the target's thoughts for a specific keyword or phrase

The rest are in the CRB and are pretty straight forward
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