The Meeting at Deepnight

Aug 22, 2022 9:25 am
Phlan; the Jewel of Moonsea
A large frontier town on the Moonsea region of north Faerûn with a long and storied history.
Built in 367 DR, Phlan represents the perseverance of humans and their tenacity to bring civilization to the savage wilderness. Since its founding, it has been razed repeatedly by inhuman creatures from the north but continually rose, like the phoenix, from the ashes of its own destruction.

Phlan has grown rich from trade with the untamed wilds to the north of the Moonsea. Those seeking their fortunes flock to Phlan before adventuring out into the enchanted Quivering Forest, the mysterious Sorcerer's Isle and the orc, goblin and dragon-infested Dragonspine Mountains. But even the city itself has its fair share of dangers and secrets... Madame Freona’s Tea Kettle (and Freona herself) is a mystery to many. In the tumultuous Phlan, this is a place where people can go to have a drink or meal and escape the tensions of the schemers and the power-hungry. With the Tea Kettle’s reputation as a haven, adventures who can be discreet and behave themselves can often find employment there and avoid the hassle associated with other places in Phlan.

So far, that has been true. Madame Freona, a stout and officious halfling who runs the establishment with her five daughters, has proven an excellent hostess. Although you have had to share a common bunkroom with several other adventurers, the evening meal was excellent and the atmosphere pleasant.

You are now in the common room with the rest of Tea Kettle's regulars and semi-regulars. A trio of loud-mouthed dwarves is monopolizing the dart board, occupying the throwing line. The rest are either sitting at a table drinking or standing, mingling with the rest.
This is your cue to introduce your characters. Do they know each other? Have you teamed up for some job before? You can discuss it among you either here in ooc or in the ooc thread. Go nuts - but not too nuts. Let's have some fun!
Aug 22, 2022 10:00 am
Jim gently plucks at his lute strings as he makes his way around the tavern. His eyes are half-closed as he loses himself in searching for harmony between his improvised tune at the tavern's random chatter. This inspiration isn't going to find itself!

He notices Fray's holy symbol of Lliira, and twirls a finger in his direction - a liturgical gesture of The Joybringer.

"Joy and revels, brother!"

Jim plucks at the tune for All you need is love, one of Lliira's hymns, as he confides in Fray.

"Did a gig at The Maiden's Dance in Eltural a couple of years back. That place is, like, totally dedicated to the Mistress of Revels. Really, chill vibe, but like totally jammin' too, you know?"

He places a foot on the stool, as he closes his eyes and sings a ...

"♫ No one you can save that can't be saved
Nothin' you can do, but you can learn how to be you in time
It's easy ♫"

The bard smiles with joy as he finds the music flowing, he calls to the tavern.

"Everybody now!

♫ All you need is love! ♫"
Performance roll. Adv for tool proficiency.


Performance (advantage) - (2d20H1+5)

(513) + 5 = 18

Aug 22, 2022 2:38 pm
A big smile appeared in his bearded face when Fray Ed heard the salutation! His Lliira symbol sewn to the left shoulder of his purple tunic.

"Joy and revels, brother!"
he replied easily, as many times before in his travels.

Just a sip of his ale, and then he jumped out of his stall, and started dancing to the music. His heavy built and the mug in his hand would called for a clumsy way of dancing, but somehow it all come through joyfull and even somewhat charming. His gestures inviting everyone around to join the dance, or the singing.. or both!

When the bard invited everyone to sing to the refrain, he happily did so, raising his mug to the bard's direction "♫ All you need is love! ♫"

When the bard finishes the song, Fray Ed will invite him to join him in the table.

"Well met good bard! I'm Fray Ed, and I did enjoyed your interpretation. It is good to see that such talent still visit towns like this one. Do sit and share some tales of your travels."



Aug 22, 2022 3:33 pm
Jimi sits down. He wears a rapier and leather(ish) armour, but it's really just a part of a new look he's trying. The rapier's made of tin, and he calls his outfit "his leathers" because it sounds better than "his dyed cardboards".

"Dude! Jimi from Waterdeep, good to meet you, bro."

Jimi continues absent-mindedly plucking at his lute.

"Started my travels at Silavene's, you know it? Casino just down from the New Olamn music college? Anyway. I was gigging there, just, like sea shanties and stuff, when I heard this elf... well... elvish... belted out this number 'A little less abjuration'. Totally changed my life, dude."

Jimi twangs out a bit of funk.

"Music got in my soul, brother. Just knew I had to, like, travel and stuff. The music wasn't going to find me; I had to go out and find it. Y'know?

Played rock with gnomes, and there was a cat in High Horn who could really wail. Real cool cat - tabaxi from Icewind Dale. Played with orcs - good beat. And dwarven funk? You dig?

So that's me, brother. Just followin' the music and stayin' out of trouble. ...and I, like, ended up here on Moonsea. "

Jimi taps out a rhythm on the table.

"What about you? You local? Know if anyone is hiring? I'm like totally up for manual labour, like apple picking, or washing dishes, or waiting tables, or, like, whatever. Like, anything to pay my way until the music calls me onwards."

Aug 23, 2022 12:52 am
"I know brother"
Fray Ed listened carefully to Jimi's tale, sharing all the joy and love for music, and openly laughing when he heard about playing rock with gnomes and the good beat of the orcs.

"I'm Brother Ed, or Fray Ed as some of the old clerics used called me. I was born in a small hamlet in the northern part of the Sword Coast. My call from Lliira came quite young, after one harvest party. I was waisted! But wouldn't go to sleep yet, being the last one on foot, I was the only one to see this beautiful will-o'-wisp leaving the tavern with a sparkling trail and sharing sing and lights! It really was an experience running after her outside! It was a perfect moment, the blue sky that comes just before dawn. I was in extasys as she danced around me, then I closed my eyes, and I saw her, radiant, beautiful, and she laughed and kiss me in the cheek. I was in love in that instant! but it took me a lot of time to build enough coin to travel to the temple Cry of Joy, in Hill's Edge, to start my training."

"So you were in Waterdeep? I remember one time I visited Waterdeep. I was to meet an old brother, I remeber he was a High Prior or a Seneschal of our temple there. So I met him in the Dragon's Den, you know that tavern? I was enjoying some good cyder when a band of haflings started a drinking tune. Of course I drunk my fill and order another one! I even told everyone around to get their mugs filled... but the bartender mistook my good will and intentions... he thought I was going to invite an open bar! But I had no coin! Hahahaha!"
He stoped the tale to laugh his heart out, took another good drink from his mugs, then...
"It seems this brother I was waiting used to do that, you know? Inviting everyone. But he hadn't arrived yet! Hahaha I had to work the dishes for a month, and also do some blessings and healing to pay for the drinks!! I loved to do that though. The townfolk would joke with me, you know? 'An Ale for the Poor Happy Brother' they would say before inviting me a drink. The bartender hated when I drunk when working his bar, hahaha, but he could never stop the good people from around inviting me those thou, Hahahaha"

Only after telling his tale, he remembered being asked if he was from this town...

"So, no, I'm not from here, I just arrived around midday and came straight here. I'm supposed to meet a guy with a blue harp, but haven't seen him yet. If I can't find him, I'd be walking to our temple, the Hall of Laughter, in Melvaunt. And I was able to enjoyed your song! So, you say you arrived here trying to stay out of trouble? Hahaha." The lowering his voice a bit, "seems to me coming here may be runing away from trouble *winks*, or maybe looking for it?" Hahaha!
Ed would frequently have a glimpse on the people around him, if he sees somebody that needs help he would try to help... as in, standing in the middle of two drunken people about to start a fight so he could joke a bit and relax the guys before the fight starts, or hold the head of a waisted drunkard about to throw up, or carry sleeping people to their rooms in the upper floor of the place (he knows from experience that it is way to unconfortable to sleep in a stall).
Last edited August 23, 2022 1:25 am
Aug 23, 2022 4:12 am
"I think you've had plenty of time throwing darts you half pint drunks!" Mor is... getting into trouble. In her defense, she came to drink and play games and cards weren't exactly her thing. But that said, the dwarves at the dart board really were not being...accommodating.

"Scoot or make room..." She rumbles, her eyes hinting at just the barest flash of red.



Aug 23, 2022 5:08 am
Jamie strums the Phandalin Pastoral as Fray tells his tale, blending it into Dock of the Deepwater as the cleric's story moves to Waterdeep. Jamie smiles and laughs to hear the tale. Joybringers, the priests of merriment and bonhomie, were always good company, and Jamie felt fortunate to have met this fellow on his travels.
Cathamber says:
"...guy with a blue harp..."
"Good name for a band" annotates Jamie out of habit.

...but then the trouble started brewing and it was too early in the revels for violence.

Jamie holds up a finger to pause the conversation and nips over the bar to collect a pack of cards and approach the belligerent woman.

"Hey Sister! We were just starting a game of three-dragon ante. Maybe you'd care to join us whilst you're waiting for the oche?

Like, a friendly game, just coppers and drinks. Deal you in, Sis?"

He waves the deck and nods over to the table.

"I'm Jamie, and that cool dude is Fray. One-eyed greens wild? Winner buys a round?"

Jamie didn't know where the woman was from, but the orcs of the Storm Horns always played one-eyed greens wild with the winner buying the drinks. The orcs said it was to honour Gruumsh, but it also removed the skill and pressure from the game and Jamie liked that.

Aug 23, 2022 5:42 pm
Loving the RP going on. Love it.
Hearing Mor's remark, the dwarves turn abruptly and begin shove each other, trying to hold the others back and lunge at the towering orc-looking female at the same time.

As the loud mass of beards and half-empty tankards seem to be getting out of hand, a human - Jimmy, cuts in and casually asks Mor to join him at his table for a game of cards.

"Ha! Like yerr spirits lass! Have fun!"

In the meantime, Fray keeps an ear and an eye out while watching James intervene in delight.
Cathamber, gimme a Perception check; DC 13. If you put DC 13 in your roll reason, you'll also see some GP code magic. Below the text box, you should be able to see a box with your character's name; clicking that brings up your sheet. Clicking on the modifier adds the roll and reason automatically.
Aug 23, 2022 6:42 pm
The large woman bumps an entire dwarf out of the way with her thigh. "I... suppose I could. Though no guarantees on quality." She moves a little stiffly, before finally settling into a chair lazily.
Aug 23, 2022 8:08 pm
Ok, first Perception roll... let's see how this goes


Perception - (1d20+3)

(11) + 3 = 14

Aug 23, 2022 8:20 pm
Looking at Jimi "Oh, you got cards! What a joy! This evening is getting better every moment passed."
Then, looking at the orc lady.

"Well met sister!! I'm brother Ed, or fray Ed... or just Ed. Glad you could join us!"

He, out of pure custom, and without much attention, draw on of the chairs between Jimi and him out of the table, for their new friend to join.

"So, winner buys a round, yes?... Or even better, winner buys the second round! Haha" And before anyone in the table could reply, Ed was already motioning the bartender to bring 3 full mugs "First one is on me. To friendship and good games!"
Aug 24, 2022 3:43 am
The orc's scarred face breaks a smile, "Now that is my favorite way to make friends." Her large fist curls around the mug, downing half in a go.
I picture Mor as quite big, even for an Orc.
Aug 24, 2022 12:24 pm
Ed laughs openly when he sees the orc downing half a mug "Way to go sis! Cheers to you too" and he drinks half of his own recently-filled mug. Ed then tried, without much success, to hide a burb. But laughed at his futile effort to hide it.

"I pray you now, brother Jimi, will you draw some cards or will you draw your lute and sing some new song? The night is still young and we shall make the best of it."
Last edited August 24, 2022 12:24 pm



Aug 24, 2022 12:42 pm
Jimbo shuffles the deck and throws a copper into the pot before dealing the cards. He takes a swig of his ale and starts strumming their availability for work.

"♫ ...Who needs a hero?
Who's holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night?
We be all hale,
Wingèd of heel
And even prepar’d for a fight...♫"
[ +- ] 🎧 Holding out for a hero
As he sings, his music summons coloured lights to dance over their table. Jimbo lifts Mor's mighty right arm to show what they have to offer. He smirks and gives Ed a "hey, it can't hurt to ask" half shrug as his tune oversells their capabilities.
[ +- ] Dancing Lights
Aug 24, 2022 12:59 pm
Ed mimics Jimi and tosses a copper into the pot as he looks expectently for his cards. But cards fall face down in front of him as he pays more attention to the music...
I DID check the whole music video ;)
And as soon as Jimi got to the refrain Ed started to accompany him struming his big fingers in the table to the beat. And when the lights started to dance, he would even shout a "yeah!" after every 'I need a hero' line...
And then, of course, big clapps when Jimi lifted Mor's arm!!
At the end, he stood up raising a mug to heavens, and shouted "Bravo Jimmi! Bravo Mor!" as if the whole tavern was also shouting the same, and dried the rest of the mug.
Please, after this song scene... a perception check on what are other patrons doing. Specially that dwarven group. Ed usually avoids conflict by being very aware of his surroundings and being able to anticipate it.
Aug 24, 2022 1:02 pm
I'm sure @Antiproduct noticed that perception check beat the DC. He'll get back to you, but our DM is on Euro time, so we have to wait for him to finish work.
Aug 24, 2022 4:03 pm
Yeap, EU time zone. Sorry to keep you waiting.
I'd joke about this being a tutorial and the first thing you need to learn is that both players and GMs ghost, but ghosting sucks. No joke.
Keeping an ear and an eye out pays off for brother Ed, as he overhears two builders - judging from their looks, talking about "that brooding, stiff fella", that one of them saw at the market as he was running late for work.
-"Meh, a brooch shaped like a harp.."
-"Nah ugh, t'was round with a harp on it"
-"Even so, that isn't even close to being the weirdest we've seen around here man!"
came the answer from the other one, followed by mutual laughter.
I was definitely not expecting that song Adam, nice finding. @Cathamber, I'd normally ask for a history roll, but since it would be at advantage with your background and all, I'll give it to you; the Harpers' insignia comes to Ed's mind as he overhears that conversation.
Aug 25, 2022 12:21 am
In Ed's introduction to Jimi He did mention he was supposed to look for a Harper's contact, but it was an excuse to be traveling in this city. I'm glad it works for the adventure! And thanks for givinh me the history roll :)
Ed notices the two builders talking about this guy they met in the market, on their way for work. This could be the Harper's contact he was supposed to meet.

"Sis Mor, I mentioned earlier to brother Jimi here, that I'm supposed to meet a contact. " He nods to Jimi, to reassure he remembers " I just received notice that he may be around the market... we could have this one game, but I'd like to check the market... just in case he is still around. Would you both join me?"

"If you do, I may even sing a song myself! What say you guys? Shall we consider this joyful and unpredictable rendezvous the start of a great adventuring brotherhood?"
Aug 25, 2022 3:37 am
Mor glances at her cards, finishing her drink. "We have all night to play, and besides, I don't know if I like this round."
I went looking for easy ways to play 3da online/through dice and found this, but that has enough back and forth that it may be too long for pbp. I just assumed Mor got bad cards. Or is bluffing.



Aug 25, 2022 5:37 am
Jam attempts to down his drink like Mor. Fails. Takes a deep breath. Finishes it in two - which isn't bad for Jam.

He returns the mugs and cards to the bar, leaving a copper piece on top of the deck. It was an Elturian tradition and supposed to make the next game harmonious; either that, or the bar staff snaffled the coppers for tips.

Jam nods at Ed and Mor.

"Totally ready, dudes."

load next

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