Sep 2, 2022 9:30 am
The busty half-elf gives Ed a puzzled look; then, for a split second, her eyebrow shots up.
"Hmm... You know, you look like.... hmmmm... Let me just check something..."
You hear parchment rustling underneath the counter.
"Hmm... Oh darn! Right this way. And lux vincit nocta."
She said, flashing them with an apologetic smile and pointed them to the back room.
"Hmm... You know, you look like.... hmmmm... Let me just check something..."
You hear parchment rustling underneath the counter.
"Hmm... Oh darn! Right this way. And lux vincit nocta."
She said, flashing them with an apologetic smile and pointed them to the back room.

adding more to post later