Aug 30, 2022 4:28 pm
Hello all!
Just starting off an introductory post to let people know who I am, besides an overly verbose brit with a penchant for roleplay.
I'm a long time forever GM of various friendship groups over the last 15 years (a statement that has caused me to spontaneously wither into dust...) my experience is mostly in D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder (1e) though I've run a couple of shorter one-off games of Shadowrun (5e), Mutants and Masterminds, Vampire The Masquerade (20th Anniversary, though I really like what I've seen of the new edition...), Starfinder and Monster of the Week.
To be completely transparant, I'm looking for an opporunity to be a player again in some medium - but I simply don't have the free time to take part in *another* in-person game with all the games I'm running on a weekly basis. Which is when I remembered my time taking part in play-by-post games years ago, and thought this would be a good opportunity - as dedicating myself to some posts a day is much easier for me to manage around my work and social schedule.
This isn't to say I might not one day try and run something play-by-post, but it isn't what I'm hoping to get out of this site at this time.
I'm much more interested in the roleplaying and character development aspect of RP myself and I should clarify that I'm very much game for looking at systems I'm not wholey familar with, as learning new systems in my spare time is my idea of fun (I am a man who enjoys his spreadsheets, an absolute hoot at parties let me tell you...).
I look forward to meeting some of you and hopefully will see you in some games in the future!
Just starting off an introductory post to let people know who I am, besides an overly verbose brit with a penchant for roleplay.
I'm a long time forever GM of various friendship groups over the last 15 years (a statement that has caused me to spontaneously wither into dust...) my experience is mostly in D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder (1e) though I've run a couple of shorter one-off games of Shadowrun (5e), Mutants and Masterminds, Vampire The Masquerade (20th Anniversary, though I really like what I've seen of the new edition...), Starfinder and Monster of the Week.
To be completely transparant, I'm looking for an opporunity to be a player again in some medium - but I simply don't have the free time to take part in *another* in-person game with all the games I'm running on a weekly basis. Which is when I remembered my time taking part in play-by-post games years ago, and thought this would be a good opportunity - as dedicating myself to some posts a day is much easier for me to manage around my work and social schedule.
This isn't to say I might not one day try and run something play-by-post, but it isn't what I'm hoping to get out of this site at this time.
I'm much more interested in the roleplaying and character development aspect of RP myself and I should clarify that I'm very much game for looking at systems I'm not wholey familar with, as learning new systems in my spare time is my idea of fun (I am a man who enjoys his spreadsheets, an absolute hoot at parties let me tell you...).
I look forward to meeting some of you and hopefully will see you in some games in the future!