"I did left the place, not to make an internal issue bigger in front of a stranger. And I did mentioned my motives in that instant, when I saw it, but you were already blinded. Seems you didn't listed to them then, nor you want to recognise it now."
Eldar is still calm, his voice never blaming but sad.
"Now you talk about trust, but it is clear that you don't trust my leadership anymore instead of what you want to imply. Should I fought you instead of leaving the hut, the result would have been worse for both of us, so I don't regret. Each uses his freedom the best each can. So I won't retain you with me nor will I stop you from leaving."
Eldar stands up from the rock he was sitting.
" I'll go to the camp to pick up my things. I will be leaving camp in an hour, meditatite what has happened, then you can join me or follow your own path. Whichever you decide, I do hope the best for you."
With that, Eldar leaves the place, his steps swift as any expert hunter elf but his heart saddened.