[IC] In the starving time

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Oct 25, 2022 12:34 pm
The wizard closes the door more swiftly than it seems, and Ulfheddin's foot thumps stealthily against the wood as he tries a moment too late to block it. There is a faint clank of a bolt.

Then the door disappears.
What do you do?
Oct 25, 2022 5:27 pm
"Gullible Eldar. Not know ruse if it bite. Illusion, lies. No village. Good men no have bacon in starving time."

Ulfheddin just sighs then kicks where the door should have been. Aiming for where memory told him the bolt was.
Last edited Oct 25, 2022 5:30 pm


Feat of Strength - (3d6)

(356) = 14

Oct 25, 2022 11:41 pm
Ulfheddin's foot strikes heavily against the turf of one of many similar hillocks that stand scattered across the plain.

It is nearly the middle of the morning. You have eaten breakfast, at least that seems to have been real. But the wizard's turfhouse no longer appears to you.

Gisela should have packed the camp, by now. Lligarond, who has been hanging back with an anxious expression (though he did eat carefully of the wizard's porridge), shakes his head. "I see the village, right over there," he says with a hint of eagerness. "I think even there's a bit of smoke rising up from that chimney - we might get lunch, and better, if we're nicer there than here -" a remark clearly targeted toward Ulfheddin with a matching frown. He follows with a slow headshake toward Alfred. "You set all this off with your nasty suspicions and swordsplay," the elf scoffs. "I think that wizard could have been a fine friend to have! Now, at best, he's no friend of ours."
Oct 25, 2022 11:58 pm
"Him violate law of hospitality. Him not ally. Him bad person. Not even give name. No friend, no village. Just lies." Ulfheddin wards between Alfred and Ligarond defending the action of his comrade. "We might have died if Alfred not intervened."
Last edited Oct 25, 2022 11:59 pm
Oct 28, 2022 11:55 pm
Eldar just looked at Ulf's scene as if it was expected.
" I agreed with Lligarond. The initial violence was yours. Being outnumbered, and against such violent people, I would have probably done the same as him.
Do you see the mistakes in your actions, or will you continue behaving like that?"
Oct 29, 2022 12:24 am
Tibbius I'm not going to play a game without being a cohesive unit. We are not supposed to be at each others throats.

@cathamber youre wrong. The wizard cast a spell before even saying hello. That would be like me throwing a flashbang at you for being on my doorstep, it wasn't lethal force but it clearly displayed he had nothing good in mind.
Last edited Oct 29, 2022 12:28 am
Oct 29, 2022 12:38 am
"The only mistake is your blinded optimism. You still see that illusion? I dont. There is no village over yonder. There is only shadow magic there. No light. This sorcerer is a deciever and you are a willing fool." Ulfheddin switched to Sindarin which he had a far greater grasp of than Mannish.
Oct 29, 2022 7:22 pm
@Jomsviking, I always try to keep players and characters separated. That way, you can befriend players even if the character is not so friendly... A good player would try to ACT a PC to the personality created for him.
I'm very clear about what happened. Eldar was created as a leader AND a extreme optimist! I will continue acting him that way. The PC is NOT the player.
I do enjoy you do the same! Even if the PCs may have some level of confrontation, that is good role playing.
On a different topic, I agree that the PCs paths are becoming increasingly difficult to keep together. Initial light misunderstanding are turning into open insults, and I also prefer a cohesive unit. I'd guess some of the other players saw these coming and left. How can we solve it, to let it continue?
Oct 29, 2022 7:39 pm
Eldar answers Ulf calmly, in perfect Sindarin
"I never saw that illusion as I never had any expectation on this wizard. I never cared about any village as you did. I never trust someone who hasn't earn my trust." He breathes a moment, keeping calm and trying to convey his calm to the rest.

"You react abruptly to what was always clear to the naked eye. I'm no fool, never was. Of course, even in a hard or starving time as ours, there is a possibility that we could have learned something useful, even when that possibility was dim. But violence always creates more violence. And here, violence blocked this dim possibility to arise.
We shall not waste any more time here, and continue our planned path. Is that OK with you both?"
Last edited Oct 29, 2022 7:39 pm
Oct 31, 2022 8:56 pm
"And you don't trust me?" Ulfheddin crosses his arms and leans on the mound that used to be the wizards house. "Pity that. We should part ways before you make the fatal mistake of attempting to capitalize on that mistrust. Or swallow your pride and start doing what is necessary. But don't question my motives after doing nothing to stop them. The time for dissent was when the violence as you call it occurred. After the fact your words are hollow, transparent, and harmful. If you had simply remained silent as you were content to when you didn't have the moral high ground you wouldn't have alienated yourself from your brothers in arms. Now, you have no leg to stand on. Revealing that you dont trust us, why are you still here?"
Oct 31, 2022 10:53 pm
"I did left the place, not to make an internal issue bigger in front of a stranger. And I did mentioned my motives in that instant, when I saw it, but you were already blinded. Seems you didn't listed to them then, nor you want to recognise it now."
Eldar is still calm, his voice never blaming but sad.
"Now you talk about trust, but it is clear that you don't trust my leadership anymore instead of what you want to imply. Should I fought you instead of leaving the hut, the result would have been worse for both of us, so I don't regret. Each uses his freedom the best each can. So I won't retain you with me nor will I stop you from leaving."
Eldar stands up from the rock he was sitting.
" I'll go to the camp to pick up my things. I will be leaving camp in an hour, meditatite what has happened, then you can join me or follow your own path. Whichever you decide, I do hope the best for you."

With that, Eldar leaves the place, his steps swift as any expert hunter elf but his heart saddened.

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