Pedrop says:
@tibbius sounds good to me. It is what I felt was lacking in this game - I'm the person that needs some structure:)
I think we also need some (mechanical?) means to decide where to go, when to end discussions and what to do when there is no consensus. Or something like that. Unless this game should be mainly about "camp conversations"?
How do you see our adventures in this world, guys?
What were your assumptions for this game @tibbius as they are not clear to me? Hex crawl? Resource management? Grup dynamics in dire situations? Camp drama? :) What kind of stories you expected to mainly see with us? I know that we can create whatever stories we want, but I think it is good to know other players and GM expectations.
In response to the questions around what we want out of the game, I shall be fully honest - I'm mostly enjoying getting to be a player and not a GM out of this full stop(!) as of such I am less than fussy, haha!
But I'll happily lay out what would be ideal for me, then if we want to adopt it as a structure we can or we can leave it - I'm easy! :)
I feel that in general I like the clear structure tibbius has laid out for us that makes up a game day. An OOC means to quickly and easily discuss hex movement is something I am definitely behind though, as was suggested by Pedrop.
If our focus is on hex exploration, group dynamics and survival in tough times - roleplaying out the results of our actions and heated conversations around important decisions will be a lot of fun... Not having a structure to that though could lead to us getting bored of making the same posts repeatedly.
My ideal structure would be as follows:
1. Day Start/Resource update: tibbius starts the day as he has been with a descriptive post. In terms of OOC information, this post could let us know our current hex position and supply die results.
2. Movement: Everyone makes a "start of the day and planning" post. Plenty of room for RP, obviously, but the goal is to let everyone know if our character wants to stay put, move to a hex or abstain from planning and follow the majority. (It'd be great if people could list the hex in an OOC at the end of their post so there's no confusion as to where we're talking about on the map!)
We know this phase is done once everyone has had a chance to post, and we have a majority decision. This way we can leave things open for camp drama if we want to go that way, but otherwise I think it would be good if we could all agree that tibbius moves straight on to the next phase once everyone has made at least one post and there is a majority 'winner' decision.
3. Encounter: tibbius rolls for encounter and makes an IC thread post related to our movement (or lack thereof!) and encounter (or lack thereof!).
We know this phase is done if nothing happens OR when the encounter is dealt with.
4. Foraging: We all make a post either describing our taking part in the foraging or not (as the case may be).
We know this phase is done once everyone has posted at least once and is back at camp/shelter.
5. Courage: We gather in the dim dark...(!) Everyone gets a chance to make at least one post where we can discuss the events of the day, our character's state and take courage with tales, poems, songs or food.
We know this phase is done once everyone has posted at least once, and we each have a post where we indicate our character is going to retire for the night or similar.
And then everything loops back to the beginning.
How does that sound for people?