A Rainbow Runs Red

Sep 1, 2022 8:46 pm
A music video in an old house. Light and fog rigs pushing the van based generator to its limit.

No, you're at the wheel, but you're in the backseat; Mickey's in the front lighting up. You can see the river coming up to meet you.


Cade your eyes burst open. You're safe in the passenger seat, Ash is driving. Classes are off for a long weekend.

Ash, this stretch of road is long and straight, and you're cruising on caffeine and snacks.
Sep 2, 2022 6:25 am
Cade jerks involuntarily as she snaps out of her waking nightmare. She glances out the window and then over to Ash, as she lets out a long sigh. "I truly hope making the trip up to that old house this weekend will finally rid me of those awful reoccurring dreams, Ash." She reaches to the console and retrieves a half-empty bottle of water, twists open the plastic cap, and takes a long swallow. "I want to move on passed this and get on with my life. Make our band one everyone is listening to...well, all the right people anyway."
Last edited September 2, 2022 6:30 am
Sep 2, 2022 7:44 am
Out of the periphery of his right eye, Ash catches Cade's flinch. "It happened again, didn't it?" He asks a second before she speaks up. He keep his focus on the road, but listens to every word she imparts to him. "I too hope this will put an end to your dilemma and who knows, maybe we can come away with the inspiration for a couple new songs out of the ordeal."
Sep 2, 2022 8:00 pm
You finally come upon the correct turn off, the trees bending inward on the less used path. The sun at your back becomes more and more frequently covered by clouds. Ahead, you finally reach the old bridge, 4 wooden crosses planted to the right. They sag slightly from the elements, otherwise unchanged by a year.

From here you can see the house on the hill. It is glaringly ordinary from this angle, if run down.

An old tractor slowly crosses the bridge ahead of you, but eventually the path is clear.
Sep 2, 2022 9:11 pm
Ash awaits patiently, as the tractor crawls across the bridge. He fidgets with the silver band on his left thumb out of habit and looks over to the pretty pale-skinned woman with the long white hair. "How you doing over there, Cade?"

"We got this."
He tries to reassure her.
Last edited September 2, 2022 9:12 pm
Sep 2, 2022 9:31 pm
The combination of the four crosses, the bridge, and first sighting of the old house caused a chill to run up Cade's spine. Normally, she was not the type to easily weirded out. She had stared down many a hater in her teen and twenties so far and very little truly scared her. But, these elements had been preying on her thoughts for a year.

"I am getting a bit antsy over the whole scene, actually." Cade replies honestly. "I have a bad feeling about this place..."
Sep 3, 2022 4:51 am
The weather seems determined to prey on your fears, the clouds blowing in faster as you take the single switchback up the steep hill. The house is deeper than it appeared from the bridge, a sagging porch and hedged in back garden the only actual signs of entry.

As Ash parks, the car settles into place the various rumblings of the engine petering to silence. The wind takes its place. In the distance are sounds that may be approaching rain and distant thunder.

Sep 3, 2022 8:26 pm
"Storm is moving in pretty fast." Cade observes. "I don't think we are going to have much time to look around before it hits. We should get into the shelter of the porch." She grabs her things, opens the passenger door, and hops out.
Sep 4, 2022 4:58 am
Ash swings out of the driver's side and pushes the auto-lock on his key fob. He moves to the trunk and pulls out the things he's prepared to carry into the house for their investigation, then locks the trunk as well and closes beside Cade. "Yeah. Good call, Black." He tugs out his phone and snaps a couple pics of the house, before heading toward the only visible door.
Sep 4, 2022 8:11 pm
The porch looks perhaps even worse up close than further away, one whole section requiring ducking. At least it still keeps out the rain. The door itself is locked, though the lock itself is pretty old.
1. Now is the time to establish what you are carrying on you and what's in the car.
2. A quick paraphrase of the last time this door was encountered. "This is a rating 1 challenge, presumably to get you used to the system. This means that you roll 2d6 + rating and you need to get 7+challenge rating, or in this case an 8.

Also since you're not yet in the house, don't worry about rolling the House Die, but normally that'd happen here.
Sep 4, 2022 10:30 pm
Cade gives the old lock a try, as she pulls and twists to see if it will snap and allow them entrance.
Clothing/boots, duffel bag, Maglight, can of mace, Zippo lighter, switchblade, extendable truncheon, pest repellent, mosquito repellent bracelets, small cooler, chilled drinks, snacks, keys (apartment, locker, car), sm. purse w/strap (IDs, credit card, cash, cell phone, toiletries, tooth brush, hair brush, make up kit), jewelry


Basic door operner - (2d6+1)

(23) + 1 = 6

Sep 5, 2022 6:44 pm
Ash stands by under the precarious porch ready to give assistance if needed.
Duffel bag, journal (with black magic spells), ball bat, Maglight, mosquito repellent bracelets, keys (apartment, locker, car), wallet with chain (IDs, credit card, cash), cell phone, grooming kit (contacts, tooth brush, hair brush, razor, makeup), jewelry
Sep 5, 2022 6:46 pm
Mean dice
The knob has some give and whine, but it stops just before it feels like it would pop. The wind picks up around you, louder than you've ever heard. Shutters smack against the upper walls of the old house.
Sep 7, 2022 8:15 am
"Here. Let me give it try, Cade." Ash states as he takes the door knob in hand and attempts to force the lock open himself.


Door - (2d6+1)

(25) + 1 = 8

Sep 7, 2022 8:08 pm
If I had thought of it earlier, I should've given you a boon for building on Cade's attempt.
You turn the lock back to where Cade had it and with a shoulder in just the right place (more than once). The door pops open.

Inside the wind blows around cobwebs in the corners of an old, sheeted living room. A green rug lays in the entry, a sheet of paper atop it, as if waiting. There's also a hallway and a closet at the far side of the room. The former drops quickly into darkness. The latter is partially open.
Cade, has this room been in your nightmares?
Sep 8, 2022 8:13 am
Ash digs his flashlight out of the duffel bag and presses it on. He crouches down and picks up the sheet of paper. "This place is old. Looks like no one has lived in this place in years." He observes.
Sep 8, 2022 9:26 am
Cade also lights up her maglight and extends the collapsible truncheon in her other hand. She hesitates as the room within is revealed. "Its exactly like the room in my nightmares." She tells Ash. "I see it over and over and I can never leave it no matter how hard I try to move on."
Last edited September 8, 2022 9:26 am
Sep 8, 2022 9:05 pm
The page appears to be torn from a book, a journal maybe. The handwriting is mostly clean, but inconsistent.
[ +- ] Page Image
[ +- ] Page Text
You can hear the rain approaching now, a sheet moving across the hills. It urges you to enter. It urges you to run.
Sep 10, 2022 8:23 am
Ash reads the curious page with interest, but is quickly prompted by the upturn of wind and the approach of rain. He steps into the front room far enough to avoid getting drenched. "Odd." He says to Cade. "The page looks to be one from the journal of an extreme recluse who could not be lured from this house for any reason."

He reads the text to Cade.
Sep 10, 2022 8:37 pm
Cade warily straddles the threshold and hooks the end of the truncheon into the green rug. She pulls it halfway between the open doorway, so that the door will not completely close, then steps inside. "Just in case." She tells Ash. "I don't want to get stuck in this room like in my nightmare." Looking down at the paper, as he reads, she comments, "This guy was really messed up. He preferred to stay in here with weird noises and unseen children than go out and spend a day with this girl."
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