HSI: The Island

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Nov 22, 2022 1:21 am
Mauve wakes up from a fitful sleep dreaming of creeping vines that are slithering up her body and crawling through her lovely red locks. She almost screams but wakes with her lips partially formed into an O and stops herself just in time to prevent making herself look like a fool.

Sitting up she begins a steadying routine of unbraiding her hair, running her fingers through it in lieu of a comb and rebraiding it.

"I don't suppose any of you have a hairbrush? No?" She chuckles and says, "Yes. I will be ready for the tower trip. But after breakfast."
Nov 22, 2022 1:28 am
Verrain says:
Gwydion began to swear softly and wiped his hands on a rag to try and remove the stinging pepper juice from his hands. He'd known peppers that sting the eyes if touched after slicing but if these were stinging on his skin, then these were clearly not for eating. The pepper juice might have some uses though. Gwydion packs the rest of the peppers away securely in his pack.
The stinging dissipates shortly after rubbing the juices from your fingers.
Halor - you can roll to repair your armor:
After a Rest, any Players with Broken Armour Dice can try to fix them by rolling them:
ƒ If they roll above the armour’s AV - the die is no-longer Broken.
ƒ If they roll on or below their armour’s AV, the die is Broken permanently until it’s repaired. If all the Armour Dice in a pool are permanently Broken the armour is destroyed.
Spellcasters - Which spell do you memorize for today?
Everyone - what do you want to do today?
Nov 22, 2022 1:49 am
I am sticking with Charm and I believe the consensus was to go looking for that tower again.
Nov 22, 2022 1:54 am
As they awake, Halor spends some time tidying up his armor and repairing what he can.
Halor will memorize Cure Light Wounds again.


Armor Repair - (1d20)

(20) = 20

Armor Repair (now with a D6!) - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Nov 22, 2022 5:33 am
Yeah, let's set out for the tower. This time, Halor can be the navigation guy, maybe Mauve can assist? Gonnar and Fafnir can keep watch for danger. Gwydion could forage or whatever else he likes.
"Yeah, the only brush we've got is underbrush, Mauve, and we got miles of that."
Last edited Nov 22, 2022 5:35 am
Nov 22, 2022 5:36 am
Sounds ok to me.
Nov 22, 2022 7:59 am
Gonnar grins as he chews his breakfast, running a ran over his bare scalp and mohawk-like narrow shock of hair. "No brush," he says to Mauve, then he's nodding at the notion they set off again for the tower.
Let's roll with Fafnir's plan.
Nov 22, 2022 9:45 pm
"Closest I have is a fork." Gywdion remarks. "And there will be no peppers at breakfast. Whatever eats those must have a stomach of iron."
Nov 22, 2022 11:39 pm
"Nothing manages these locks," Halor says, pursing his lips over his armor- "damned vine" he mutters, then continuing louder, "My hair knows to behave on its own, for fear I chop it off. It knows to stay in line."

Giving up, he sets to putting the armor back upon his body. "Couldn't fix it - going to have to be more, ugh, careful."
Nov 22, 2022 11:53 pm
"At least we know to expect the unexpected," Mauve says her braids finally about as tidy as they are going to get without a brush or comb. "Who knows what beasts roam this island? Right then. Are we ready for some surprises? If I go to my death here at least I leave this place looking my best and Halor too with his perfect hair." She playfully elbows Halor in the ribs.
Last edited Nov 22, 2022 11:53 pm
Nov 23, 2022 2:40 am
Day 2 - 8:00AM to 12:00 noon
Light, fluffy clouds dot the sky above, but offer little reprieve from the baking sun. The day has only just started and this humid heat is already tough to handle.
The temperature is hot and muggy. It feels like 34C/93F. It should be this temperature for most of the day.
Fafnir hands out a morning meal to everyone. Jack takes a bite of his, makes a face, then forces it down. "Too bad you don't have some salt, eh? It could use a bit of salt." Jack scoops the rest of the meal into his mouth and winks at Fafnir. "Fanks!" he says through a mouthful of food and walks away to grab his pack.
Halor - I noticed that you have a shield. That gives you 1 extra d6 while you are using it. You have AV1 without the shield and AV2 with.
The group don their packs and make for the jungle again. You are all sweating profusely by the time you reach the thick cover. The temperature drops a few degrees when you step in amoung the trees. The change is noticable. You shift your packs and revel in the cooler clime and make for the tower again. Halor was able to plan a path before the attack. He pushes out in front and does his best to keep from veering off course.
Halor: Roll a WIS test at advantage for Navigation.

Is anyone doing anything else or just following Halor's path?
Nov 24, 2022 4:44 pm
Remind us of the other "roles" or what it's possible to do as we hike. Forage, keep watch...?
Nov 24, 2022 6:41 pm
Halor leads ahead.


Wisdom (14) - (1d20)

(13) = 13

Nov 24, 2022 7:38 pm
"Jack, if you need salt there's an ocean full of it."

Beads of perspiration slide down Mauve's cheeks. The trails they leave are the only clean parts of her grimy face as she grabs her things and follows the others, the excessive heat leaving her in a cantankerous mood. The cool oasis among the trees almost makes her jump for joy but she resists the urge.

"I don't hear singing. I suppose that's good."
Nov 24, 2022 9:33 pm
Looked back at the exploration rules... I think there's watch duty as well. But if it's possible to help Halor navigate (and perhaps provide advantage), that's what Gonnar is doing. Would appreciate a refresh of the map at some point as well.
[ +- ] Exploration Rules
Nov 24, 2022 11:12 pm
Gwydion will forage as before.
Nov 25, 2022 2:04 am
Harrigan says:
Looked back at the exploration rules... I think there's watch duty as well. But if it's possible to help Halor navigate (and perhaps provide advantage), that's what Gonnar is doing. Would appreciate a refresh of the map at some point as well.
[ +- ] Exploration Rules
Neither the TBH rules, nor the HSI rules spell out activities to help the party during a hex crawl. Here are my thoughts:
- You have food & water usage dies. I'm guessing that TBH assumes there is a town nearby that you can buy supplies from. You haven't found a civilized town, so you'll have to figure something out. Hunting or foraging will help with replenishing food.
- You could get lost on the travel to the next hex. I thought you might like to have some control over this. I think Harrigan suggested scouting. That is a good way to minimize getting lost.
- Marching order will determine who potentially gets attacked. If there is no marching order, I will roll use a random roll to determine who gets attacked.
I don't really have any rules on hex crawling. I think TBH includes backgrounds to help fill in some of these blanks in the rules. I am open to your suggestions on how your background might help you navigate and survive.
Nov 25, 2022 3:01 am
Lots of good, interesting rules chatter going on. I'm not experienced in this system, so I'll differ to the experts. As for actions, during the travel, if there is no 'Watching Out For Trouble' role, Fafnir would do things to keep up the party's spirits. I'd suggest helping Gydion, but he doesn't seem too well suited to foraging, neither personality wise nor mechanically speaking.
Fafnir gives a good laugh at Mauve's saltly comment directed at Jack. What a great camp, joshing each other and the like. Just like old times.

Fafnir doesn't fare well in the heat. All that beard and hair is great in the winter, but it's costing him. Still, his Northerner pride doesn't allow him to slow down even a little bit, and he's no stranger to suffering. If anyone asks about his rasping breathing or dripping sweat, he'll simply wipe his brow and tell them "Just trying to work up some more salt for Jack's breakfast tomorrow! Bwhaha!"
Nov 25, 2022 3:27 am
Mauve can just step in anywhere she is needed. She doesn't shine anywhere in particular except for her rapier wit and new found "leadership" skills.
Nov 25, 2022 6:58 am
Sorry -- didn't mean to spur a big rules discussion. In fact, in the spirit of the OSR, McB, you're totally cool making rulings in the moment that depend on the overall context of what's going on -- vs. coming up with a bunch of hard and fast rules. I thought you were asking us "what roles are you all playing in the travel mechanics?" but I'm cool with it if there isn't actually much to them.

Regarding backgrounds, help, etc., I personally lean heavily on canceling disadvantage, providing advantage, limiting resources that might get expended, or providing opportunities that might not otherwise exist. Depends on what's happening in the fiction. Remember that Advantage and Disadvantage can apply to a wide variety of rolls -- including usage dice, saves, damage, armor repair, etc.

Gonnar cocks his head when he hears Mauve state that she doesn't here singing... and when he doesn't either, he squints off in the direction he expected it would come from. "Don't hear it either. But don't know if that's good..."
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