Argakoa is last and tells a story of the "first winter."
The first winter turned the whole world and even the moon above an ashen white. When spring finally came, the moon was so happy she gave birth to a river of stars. This river, which many Hallit-speakers call the Moontail, is still visible in the night sky from spring until autumn. Come winter, the moon protects her children by hiding them under a blanket of darkness. The Night of the Green Moon celebrates the beginning of spring, when the tundra thaws to reveal green grass and the moon uncovers her children."
After the feast, you proceed as a group from their encampment to Rockloom. Merthig, the Firekeeper, lights a large bonfire in the middle of the standing stones. She asks your group, as well as Pakano, to place the water baskets you filled at Gornok River in around it. "This fire is good," she proclaims proudly to cheers from the gathered crowd.
"By the grace of Sister Cinder’s gift—fire!—we know right from wrong. We choose right!" More cheers erupt from the revelers. "The water represents life. When combined, fire and water can produce good food, like stew. Though they aren’t always conducive to one another—placing too much importance on a single life or on the lives of a group can stifle the greater good. Water and fire are integral to our ways, and they allow our following to survive the harsh realm."